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1、第三模块中考话题及读写训练14Culture and Customs(文化习俗)有礼貌的polite没礼貌的impolite粗鲁的rude西方的western中国的Chinese主人host习惯habit餐桌礼仪tablemanner不同于differentfrom全世界的人people all over the world不同的国家有不同的风俗文化。Different countries have different customs and culture. Step 1. Lets write from memory. (默写默写) customs风俗culture文化manner举止ho

2、spitality好客uncomfortable不舒适的tap敲respect尊敬guest/customer客人culturaldifferences文化的不同teapot茶壶apologize道歉Step 1. Lets write from memory. (默写默写) 阅读理解和完形填空中常见词汇:阅读理解和完形填空中常见词汇:WhenmyfamilymovedtoAmericain2010fromasmallvillageinGuangdong,China,webroughtnotonlyourluggage,butalsoourvillagerules,customsandcult



5、eardmyreason,theyunderstoodthattheproblemwascausedbyStep 2. Lets do reading comprehension. (阅读理解阅读理解) culturaldifferences,sotheylaughedandwerenolongerangry.InmyvillageinChina,peopleareproudofbeingold.Notsomanypeoplelivetobeseventyoreighty,andpeoplewhoreachsuchanagehavethemostknowledgeandexperience.Y



8、ontshowmyfeelingsthroughwords.ByJack()1Jackbroughtthecoupletheirfoodveryfastbecause_.A.themanageraskedhimtodosoB.herespectedtheelderlyC.thecouplewantedhimtodosoD.hewantedmorepay()2WhenJackcalledthecouple“elderly”,theybecame_.A.nervous B.satisfiedC.unhappyD.excited()3InJackshometown,_.A.manypeoplerea

9、chtheageofseventyoreightyB.peopleareproudofbeingoldC.peopledislikebeingcalled“old”D.theelderlyarethefirsttogetfoodinrestaurants()4Afterthisexperience,Jack_.A.losthisjobintherestaurant B.madefriendswiththecoupleC.nolongerrespectedtheelderlyD.changedhiswaywitholderpeople()5WhichofthefollowingisTRUE?A.

10、ThemoreJackexplained,theangrierthecouplegot.B.Jackwantedtoshowhisfeelingsthroughwordsafterhisexperience.C.Themanagerwentbacktothetableandapologizedtothecouple.D.Fromthisexperience,JacklearnedmoreaboutAmericanculture.Step 3. Lets fill in the blanks. (短文填空短文填空) The main difference between Chinese and

11、western eating habits is that unlike the West, where everyone has their own plate of food, in china the dishes are placed 1 the table and everybody shares. 2 you are treated by a Chinese host, he will get ready for a lot of food. Chinese are very proud of their food culture and will do their 3 to sh

12、ow their hospitality(好客)(好客). And sometimes the Chinese host uses their chopsticks to 4 food in your bowl or plate. This is a sign of politeness. The right thing to do wouldonifbestput be to eat the whatever- it- is and say how yummy it is. If you feel uncomfortable with this, you can just say a pol

13、ite thank you and leave the 5 there. Make sure the spout(茶壶嘴)(茶壶嘴)of the teapot is not facing anyone. It is 6 . The spout should always be directed to where 7 is sitting, usually just towards from the table. Dont tap on your bowl 8 your chopsticks. Beggars tap on their bowls, 9 this is not polite. A

14、lso, when the food is coming too 10 in a restaurant, people will tap their bowls. If you are in someones home, the cook may not like it if you do this. sofoodimpolitenobodywithslowlyStep 4. Lets read and write. (读写综合读写综合) A A信息归纳:请阅读下面短文,完成表格。信息归纳:请阅读下面短文,完成表格。 Christmas or the Spring Festival?Ibeli





19、ismostlycelebratedinChina.3. TheThemostinfluentialfestivalinChina.4.Thethingsthatweshouldnevergiveup.5.InformationCardDecember 25thStudentsIn citiesThe Spring FestivalChinese traditional festivalsB书面表达:不同的国家有不同的风俗文化,在庆祝节日方式上都是不同的。在今天的班会课上,你班的同学们就“我们该如何看待外国节日对中国的影响”这个话题展开了激烈的辩论。请结合短文内容,用英语写一篇题为“HowSh

20、ouldWeTreatForeignFestivals?”的作文,80词左右。内容包括:1现在有哪些外来节日?(至少列举3个)2它们对我们有哪些影响?我们是否该庆祝它们?为什么?3我们该如何看待外来节日? Nowadays,moreandmoreforeignfestivalsarecomingintoChina,suchas Christmas Day, Valentines Day and April Fools Day. Some of them are arousing increasing attention yearly in China. So some people are w

21、orried whether these foreign festivals will replace the Chinese traditional festivals. In my opinion, we should celebrate some meaningful foreign festivals because these festivals help us Chinese to know more about the culture of different countries. I think we should love our own traditional festiv

22、als and never give them up. At the same time, why not try to introduce them to foreign countries?How should We Treat Foreign Festivals写作方法指导一、审题,找要点。1列举三个外来节日。 2外来节日对我们有哪些影响? 3我们是否该庆祝它们?为什么? 4我们该如何看待外来节日?最少要写到这五点!二、怎样写?第一点:Nowadays, more and more foreign festivals are coming into China, such as _.第二点:And the festivals are influential for us(过渡句子), for example_.第三、四点:We should(not)_,because_. 第五点:We should _.(如何看待易拓展,还可以阐明理由。)



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