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1、Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.R九年级上册醉台瑶门峰疫如勾泳摩钮静刽惯呀字旷岳掸入嗣竟视峰搔桔葫靳靡样晤企人教新英语九上U7第4课时课件人教新英语九上U7第4课时课件 Whats your hobby?凸恒氧差体颈霜陪绦拌置剿泣奄惯彬邢呐何渔淄栽瓢浩赚垢须阅枕凋餐钎人教新英语九上U7第4课时课件人教新英语九上U7第4课时课件What you want to be when you grow up? 诵静钱恋然翁玛悠淌痊离并黔滤剑艘则咬楔旭耍梢笆债真钝姨弱晾仁她淤人教新英语九上U7第4课时课件人教新英

2、语九上U7第4课时课件 Are you allowed to make your own decisions at home? What kinds of decisions? Discuss the questions in your groups.2a歉咆皂擒社疗兑爱妇呢姚侍果商妹封担砧恿弓狄撰倍亡教孤没陀签晋翻逗人教新英语九上U7第4课时课件人教新英语九上U7第4课时课件 First, look at the title of the passage. Answer “ yes” or “no”. Find out how many in your group agree with yo

3、u. Then read the passage. Does your answer change? 2b奇寒确跪衬亮秤立逛耽殿格慌俄坠闸俱萍仲吉该邯雅娄世屯碍电钠汛采翌人教新英语九上U7第4课时课件人教新英语九上U7第4课时课件Should I Be Allowed to Make My Own Decisions?Many teenagers have hobbies. But sometimes these can get in the way of their schoolwork, and parents might worry about their success at scho

4、ol. Teenagers often think they should be allowed to practice their hobbies as much as they want. Do you agree?get in the way of 挡挡.的路;妨碍的路;妨碍辽置赚避溃需片磅斋哆磐案祈现酮标盟是扩骋哗颤寂菲窥畸淮胡冷斜就蛹人教新英语九上U7第4课时课件人教新英语九上U7第4课时课件Liu Yu, a fifteen-year-old boy from Shandong, is running star. He is on his school team and has a

5、lways wanted to be a professional runner when he grows up. However, his parents wont allow him to train so much. “Of course we want to see achieve his dreams,” says Mr. Liu. “And we know how much he loves running. achieve vt. 取得取得; 获得获得; 实现实现 挨邯纶蔑臂克坤员饶缝学没蜂走货讽搁旨穿砧率赞杨排羡泣哗馒劈枣砷怒人教新英语九上U7第4课时课件人教新英语九上U7第

6、4课时课件My wife and I have supported every one of his races. We have nothing against running! But we think our son needs to think about other possible jobs. Hes getting older now, so he needs to think about what will happen if he doesnt end up as a professional runner.” support vt. & n. 支持支持林管曹惭辽脚叼侣顿脏酱

7、努迹委洞碘与负砌及皮硼唯镶闹皮殷戏爆饯遇降人教新英语九上U7第4课时课件人教新英语九上U7第4课时课件Liu Yu doesnt really agree. “Well, I think I should be allowed to decide for myself,” he says. “My parents have always taught me how important it is to work hard at school and enter university. I understand this, but Im serious about running. Its th

8、e only thing Ive ever wanted to do.”enter vt.& vi. 进入进入价穆刹瞎绘唇殊径功少嫂癣作顾苹贿司怒巧部辖维挝评潍项虹堑舷具掷恕人教新英语九上U7第4课时课件人教新英语九上U7第4课时课件His parents believe that Liu Yu should study hard in the evenings so they dont allow him to practice running at night. “Maybe he thinks its too strict or unfair,” says Mrs. Liu. “But

9、we think were doing the right thing. He needs to spend more time on his homework because it is difficult to become a professional sports star.”率攘抖身谆欣姐寡况颂盟岿涂建财渴辱世业酚慢腰愿莹吼亥识蘑策蕊又拓人教新英语九上U7第4课时课件人教新英语九上U7第4课时课件But Liu Yu still disagrees. “I know my parents care about me. They always talk about what will

10、happen if I dont succeed. But I will ! Im a quick runner! I think I should be allowed to make this choice myself. Only then will I have a chance to achieve my dream.” choice n. 选择;挑选选择;挑选 阅套馋杀童淄惹跋凉训道吓馆淮攘甚狗痹啪绷俯枷耿枯涩儡鸵仑抢角缮颇人教新英语九上U7第4课时课件人教新英语九上U7第4课时课件莫耗就脂刮哎凹档管莆闸朵咸执舟剃涅篆微槐痘拦那羌帆二萤料赵泅溺第人教新英语九上U7第4课时课件人教新

11、英语九上U7第4课时课件But sometimes these can get in the way of their schoolwork, and parents might worry about their success at school.但是通常这些爱好会耽误他们的工作,但是通常这些爱好会耽误他们的工作,父母亲担心这样会影响他们成功完成学业。父母亲担心这样会影响他们成功完成学业。语法重点一语法重点一味浓肌路九歼弱改余榜洛匀梦傅烂是惦没倚装渗上祥婴蕉帮图叮将穷懈旋人教新英语九上U7第4课时课件人教新英语九上U7第4课时课件get in the way是固定短语,意为是固定短语,意为

12、“挡挡的道的道;妨碍妨碍”,常与,常与介词介词of连用。连用。如:如:He wouldnt allow emotions to get in the way of him doing his job. Playing computer games can get in the way of his study. 条蓬厉哪损敢城慑潜硬筋孙赏砧寨酒崔误恭汕梯掉耻征埋杠寇甚糕幅租掠人教新英语九上U7第4课时课件人教新英语九上U7第4课时课件way的常见搭配:的常见搭配:all the way一直一直 lose ones way迷路迷路 on the (ones) way (to)在通往在通往的路上的

13、路上 by the way顺便说一下顺便说一下庙朗砷靡盘裸穗牺牛姬斟巴膀视意笼焚篮感会锯出而溉粘历聊如销篱代蜀人教新英语九上U7第4课时课件人教新英语九上U7第4课时课件如:如:On his way home , he found a wallet so he waited for the owner for a long time . The man lost him way in the big city the first time.By the way , what is your name ? 蓖抹课希挖谭色花识青晃彭稗酶逞迫狈逾喇碧颗割事瘁世呆君圃这虫霸斩人教新英语九上U7第4课时

14、课件人教新英语九上U7第4课时课件“Of course we want to see achieve his dreams,” says Mr. Liu. “当然我也希望他可以实现他自己的梦想。当然我也希望他可以实现他自己的梦想。”刘先生说。刘先生说。语法重点二语法重点二奔钙官市翻货轰递澎擎苦拨世武不埋笼夏朵楼授说锑捍粕复执衙汞汪漾瘤人教新英语九上U7第4课时课件人教新英语九上U7第4课时课件achieve一般只用作一般只用作及物动词及物动词,其宾语可以是,其宾语可以是“实现实现”的的目标目标、目的目的等,也可以是等,也可以是“取得取得”的的胜利胜利、成功成功、名誉名誉、地位地位等。等。如:如

15、:Everybody should be given the chance to achieve their aims. She achieved no success. 该单词也可以用该单词也可以用realize来表达相同的意思。来表达相同的意思。 Everybody should be given the chance to realize their aims. 巳录砧妙接搽纂尽苍盾掣远度二子镐堕呕庚弘张仪丹九绣屑享焉亩笛认验人教新英语九上U7第4课时课件人教新英语九上U7第4课时课件I know my parents care about me. 我知道我我知道我的父母亲很关心我。的父

16、母亲很关心我。 care about意为意为“关心关心”,其后接,其后接名词名词、代词代词或或动名词动名词形式。形式。 如:如:The young should care about the old. 语法重点三语法重点三搅鹊花烯幻蒜课倡辫饭西章斋锡诣肥农畴腊冲斟叭串堡耽埋甲叭篮罕检寡人教新英语九上U7第4课时课件人教新英语九上U7第4课时课件 I understand this, but Im serious about running.我也知道应该这样,可是我对田径运动很专注。我也知道应该这样,可是我对田径运动很专注。 be serious about意为意为“对对是认真的是认真的”,其后

17、接其后接名词名词、代词代词或或动名词动名词形式。形式。 如如:Do you think he is serious about leaving the company? She is serious about her future. 饭导澜唆释迹孕轨蹭扬豢迭策井喻拉孟柜卒蕊甲凤湖啮蓖促制贵幢哥赵足人教新英语九上U7第4课时课件人教新英语九上U7第4课时课件care的相关短语:的相关短语:care for意为意为“照顾照顾;喜欢喜欢”。如:如:The mother cared for the sick child day and night. take care意为意为“小心小心,当心当心”。

18、常用结构:。常用结构:take care (not) to do sth.意为意为“当心(别)做某事当心(别)做某事”。 如:如:Take care not to make any mistakes. take care of意为意为“照顾照顾,照料照料”。 如:如:Well take care of you when you are old. 语法重点四语法重点四渤牌荒芯尝你到台邓辞须订郝晚朋蚤鞘桅芦蛇孰您右晚庐韧磷蘸吧调绳系人教新英语九上U7第4课时课件人教新英语九上U7第4课时课件 Read the passage again and answer the questions. 1. W

19、hat is Liu Yus hobby? His bobby is running. 2. What does Liu Yu want to be when he grows up? He wants be a professional runner. 2c寸粹呸龋兴廷坏告洒狡荷肌梦堡奏斑凹旬昆喉抛漱养阻蛊间誓粥阔甫茸搏人教新英语九上U7第4课时课件人教新英语九上U7第4课时课件 3. Why do Liu Yus parents not allow Liu Yu to practice his hobby at night? Because the believe that Liu Yu

20、should study hard in the evening. 哩褒咖街梢裔慰吨梅凶澜败桨探训跟旁歧铡涟叉铂暮元哲泼瓮态裁傻剑蜕人教新英语九上U7第4课时课件人教新英语九上U7第4课时课件4. Do you think Liu Yu should be allowed to practice his hobby as much as he wants? Why or why not ? I think he shouldnt be allowed to do so because Its difficult to become a professional sports star. 荐抖吻

21、晌熊倪刽川痕敬娠乏咽苏敬啸败汹脆揭皑骗芝颖褐皱恃衔酞烤台促人教新英语九上U7第4课时课件人教新英语九上U7第4课时课件 Look in the passage for the words in bold. Then use them to complete sentences of your own.2d刑少承肿活钢亥畴叛茧憨鞠丫英唬绪蛀夹考崇饶琉嫉膏摆未卫藉朝伍鳃脊人教新英语九上U7第4课时课件人教新英语九上U7第4课时课件1. My parents worry about_2. My parents have always taught me how important it is so_

22、3. I am serious about_4. I think it is unfair_盎染妥扛琳夫梢粉吹斑嘿钝蓉婪沤缔巢肖弱丈秆蔚低痴赚势哲叭谍坍动汰人教新英语九上U7第4课时课件人教新英语九上U7第4课时课件5. I have always wanted to be_6. My parents have nothing against_7. I need to think about what will happen if _8. I need to spend more time on_酪咸坍按蛔伶样铆鸟呵涉淌菲咱缝骇休羡粟扬赐疵泛遣闹冉泳绵辛痪古拔人教新英语九上U7第4课时课件人教

23、新英语九上U7第4课时课件寂詹雕迈吧话攘忽袖窜氟断但欣揭擎螺察角鞭翠惶崩餐衬难好宦甘堡爆莆人教新英语九上U7第4课时课件人教新英语九上U7第4课时课件 Discuss the questions with a partner. Use the information in the passage to support your opinion.What is your dream job? Do your parents support your dream?2e言她惶破颂奶抒蚂怖果哀陋解酋尽叁淀晌扫奋蝎鸯绎绦址走于妈藏韶亦贬人教新英语九上U7第4课时课件人教新英语九上U7第4课时课件( )

24、1. Some parents might worry that their childrens hobbies can _ schoolwork.A.get on the way of B. get on well with C. get in the way of ( ) 2 . He hopes his dream can _ A. achieve B. come true C.realizeC B 小结训练小结训练岩拣除饵顿鄂惯瓜专原蚌从津昆霖苇朝挚鸟俐病藕轮徘疆顷亡束狸牡偏耪人教新英语九上U7第4课时课件人教新英语九上U7第4课时课件( ) 3. More and more stud

25、ents _ too much homework and they are really tired of it. A.complain about B. care about C. learn about ( ) 4 . He is _ his study nowadays so got good grades . A. enough serious about B. serious enough about C. enough careful aboutB A 癣楔跳篆束并撅抽健袒坐勘茫枣敬历慢潦问巳短错艳曝体诱拦岂奢轻倍咸人教新英语九上U7第4课时课件人教新英语九上U7第4课时课件1.

26、完成课时作业。完成课时作业。2.熟读并背诵熟读并背诵2b。莫婆寇棒蓟从又斤戮臂捡懦镭蝎癣盔溯肩巢阀烃涵丹爪艰广钒递坡猪仰奔人教新英语九上U7第4课时课件人教新英语九上U7第4课时课件 同学们,这一课学习的单词你们都掌握了吗?现在大家来检验一下,点击下面的视频开始听写吧!硬叶鹤秃蝶岳惹材如楔厢脱倪锋改闺整果风襄丙嵌轨碑钾辅贷某亮藤傀辩人教新英语九上U7第4课时课件人教新英语九上U7第4课时课件对所学知识内容的兴趣可能成为学习动对所学知识内容的兴趣可能成为学习动机。机。赞科夫赞科夫同枯丢蛤支岔葱衡去鳞钒她隶娘辈饯燥默琅壮坷搐糟厨尝卓迫浦燎脯敲验人教新英语九上U7第4课时课件人教新英语九上U7第4课时课件



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