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1、广东省云浮市广东省云浮市 20212021 届高三英语考前热身试题(含解析)届高三英语考前热身试题(含解析)第二部分第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分阅读理解(共两节,满分 5050 分)分)第一节第一节 (共(共 1515 小题;每小题小题;每小题 2.52.5 分,满分,满 37.537.5 分)分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A A、B B、C C 和和 D D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。四个选项中,选出最佳选项。A AThe Hear Clear Go Rechargeable Digital Hearing Aid is a popular member of

2、 our rechargeable hearing aid family for a good reason: it combines great performance with incredible value! This hearing aid features advanced third-generation digital technology at an unbelievably affordable price. The Go is packed with the same key technologies that all high-end digital hearing a

3、ids share while leaving out the extra fancy bells and whistles that increase costs and require expensive adjustments. With the Go, youll hear clearly while saving a lot of money.With the Gos included charging station, you wont have to keep buying and replacing tiny hearing aid batteries! Youll love

4、the lightweight design. The Go is pre-programmed for most moderate to significant hearing losses no costly professional adjustments needed. They are shipped directly to you and will help you hear better right out of the box!You can spend thousands for an expensive hearing aid, or you can spend just

5、$239 for a hearing aid that is great for most hearing losses (only $199 each when you buy a pair hear up to 3 times better than wearing just one). We are so sure you will love your hearing aids. We offer a 100% Money Back Guarantee Risk Free if you are not satisfied for any reason. No costly profess

6、ional appointments needed! With our free telecare, you can call our friendly and caring staff from the comfort and safety of your home to discuss your hearing care.1. What do we know about the Go?A. Its price is unbelievably low.B. It features fancy bells and whistles.C. It includes charging station

7、 and batteries. D. It needs expensive professional adjustments.2. How much should you pay to buy a pair?A. $239.B. $478.C. $199.D. $398.3. Where is the text most likely from?A. A magazine.B. A research paper.C. A travel brochure.D. A scientific journal.【答案】1. C 2. D 3. A【解析】【分析】本文是一则广告,向读者介绍了 the He

8、ar Clear Go 数码助听器的特点,价格和售后服务。【1 题详解】细节理解题。根据第二段中的“With the Gos included charging station, you wont have to keep buying and replacing tiny hearing aid batteries! Youll love the lightweight design.(Go 有一个内置的充电站,这样你就不必一直购买和更换微型助听器电池了!你会喜欢轻量级的设计)”可知,Go 有一个充电站和电池。故选 C。【2 题详解】细节理解题。根据第三段中的“only $199 each

9、when you buy a pair (成对买的话,每个只需 199 美元)”可知,买一副助听器需要支付 1992=398 。故选 D。【3 题详解】推理判断题。根据第一段中的“The Hear Clear Go Rechargeable Digital Hearing Aid is a popular member of our rechargeable hearing aid family for a good reason(Hear Clear Go 可充电数字助听器是我们可充电助听器家族中受欢迎的一员,有一个很好的理由)”及下文对 the Hear Clear Go 数码助听器的特点

10、,价格和售后服务的介绍可知,本文是一则广告。由此推知,本文可能出自一本杂志。故选 A。B BIf you were to throw, say, a banana peel out of your car while driving along the motorway, that would be a completely harmless action, due to the fact that its part of a fruit right? Actually, no. A banana peel can take up to two years to be naturally pr

11、ocessed, and with a third of motorists admitting to littering while driving, thats a whole lot of discarded banana peels. An orange peel and a cigarette butt has a similar biodegrading (生物降解) term to that of a banana peel, but tin cans last up to 100 years; and plastic bottles last forever, as do gl

12、ass bottles.Despite the fact that longer-lasting materials will serve to damage the environment and its animals for longer, we cant merely measure the severity of a certain type of rubbish by its lifetime. For example, despite having a fairly short length of biodegrading time, more than 120 tons of

13、cigarette-related litter is discarded in the UK every day.Its not a cheap habit either: to keep our streets clean annually costs UK taxpayers 500 million, and when you include our green spaces, that goes up to 1 billion. So, its not surprising that if caught fly-tipping you could face a 20,000 fine

14、or even jail time and, if you disposed of something dangerous, the court could give you five years to serve. Regardless of how severe these punishments might seem, however, among the reported cases only 2,000 were found guilty out of 825,000, so we still have some way to go in making sure people obe

15、y the rules.4. What does the underlined word “discarded” in para1 mean?A. Harmless.B. Processed.C. Thrown.D. Long-lasting.5. Which of the following has the longest biodegrading term?A. Glass bottles.B. Tin cans.C. Cigarette butts.D. Banana peels.6. What can be inferred from the passage?A. The severi

16、ty of rubbish can be measured by its lifetime.B. Quite a few people were found guilty of illegally littering.C. Every year UK taxpayers spend 500 million keeping streets free of dirt.D. Cigarette-related litter and peels can be ignored for their fairly short lifetime.7. What is the purpose of the pa

17、ssage?A. To inform readers of different biodegrading terms.B. To call for people not to litter illegally.C. To encourage people to use fewer plastic bags.D. To stress the importance of good behavior.【答案】4. C 5. A 6. C 7. B【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了不同的垃圾降解需要的时间不同,以此来号召人们合法扔垃圾。【4 题详解】词句猜测题。根据第一段中的“If you

18、were to throw, say, a banana peel out of your car while driving along the motorway, that would be a completely harmless action, due to the fact that its part of a fruitright?(如果你在高速公路上开车时把香蕉皮从车里扔出去,这是完全无害的行为,因为它是水果的一部分,对吗?)”句中的 throw 可推知, “discarded banana peels”意为“被扔的香蕉皮”,即划线词意为“被扔的” ,与 thrown 同义。故

19、选 C。【5 题详解】细节理解题。根据第一段中的“An orange peel and a cigarette butt has a similar biodegrading (生物降解) term to that of a banana, but tin cans last up to 100 years; and plastic bottles last forever, as do glass bottles.(橘子皮和烟蒂的生物降解术语与香蕉相似(2 年) ,但锡罐的寿命可以长达 100 年;塑料瓶和玻璃瓶一样可以永远保存)”及选项对比可知,玻璃瓶的生物降解时间最长。故选 A。【6 题

20、详解】细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的“For example, despite having a fairly short length of biodegrading time, more than 120 tons of cigarette-related litter is discarded in the UK every day.(例如,尽管生物降解时间相当短,但英国每天仍有 120多吨与香烟有关的垃圾被丢弃)”和倒数第一段中的“Its not a cheap habit either: to keep our streets clean annually costs UK taxp

21、ayers 500 million, and when you include our green spaces, that goes up to 1 billion.(这也不是一个廉价的习惯:保持街道清洁每年要花费英国纳税人 5 亿英镑,如果算上我们的绿色空间,这将高达10 亿英镑)”可知,每年英国纳税人需花费 5 亿英镑来保持街道干净。故选 C。【7 题详解】推理判断题。根据第一段中的“If you were to throw, say, a banana peel out of your car while driving along the motorway, that would b

22、e a completely harmless action, due to the fact that its part of a fruitright? Actually, no. (如果你在高速公路上开车时把香蕉皮从车里扔出去,这是完全无害的行为,因为它是水果的一部分,对吗?事实上,不对)”及下文的解释可知,作者写作的目的在于号召人们不要非法扔垃圾。故选 B。C CDelivering medical supplies to hard-to-reach places has been an issue for years. Worldwide, more than two billion

23、 people lack access to essential life-saving supplies, such as blood and vaccines(疫苗). In the African nation of Rwanda, for example, several remote health clinics do not have sufficient quantities of blood and other healthcare products. A company called Zipline is trying to address this problem. It

24、uses drones(无人机)to transport medical supplies around Rwanda. A drone can now deliver medicine in 30 minutes.Drones are also assisting emergency organizations after natural disasters. In 2015, for example, a powerful hurricane destroyed thousands of buildings in the Pacific island nation of Vanuatu.

25、Around 75,000 people lost their homes, and at least 15 died. After the storm, drones photographed the damage. These surveys helped emergency workers assess the situation quickly and answer important questions: Which areas were hardest hit? Were crops damaged? What roads were affected?Drones are also

26、 helping to protect wildlife populations in parts of Africa and Asia. Every year, poachers(偷猎者) kill thousands of elephants, rhinos, and other endangered animals. To stop them; the environmental organization World Wildlife Fund is using drones to find where poachers are hiding and if they are carryi

27、ng weapons. Equipped with infrared video cameras, drones can easily identify people and animals at night. These drones are not only helpful, they are affordable.As well as finding poachers, drones can be used to track animals. Scientists at Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU)plan to employ drone

28、s for an ambitious conservation project: documenting the worlds wildlife. The long-term project will start with scientific surveys of animal populations. And animal species can then be identified using special software.Ironically(讽刺地), a tool originally created for military use is increasingly being

29、 used to save lives instead of taking then. Drones have the potential to provide solutions that will benefit both humans and animals.8. What does the text focus on?A. Importance of saving lives.B. Development of drones.C. Applications of drones.D. Ways to protect animals.9. What can drones be used f

30、or according to Paragraph 2?A. Helping predict disasters.B. Providing data for evaluation.C. Organizing emergency workers.D. Reporting local weather.10. What do the scientists at LJMU intend to do?A. Track poachers.B. Design new practical drones.C. Record wild animals in detail.D. Develop an assessi

31、ng software.11. What can be inferred about drones?A. They need to be fitted with video cameras.B. They are unavailable to ordinary people.C. They should be limited to military use.D. They have a promising prospect.【答案】8. C 9. B 10. C 11. D【解析】这是一篇说明文。文章主要讲了无人机在运送医疗用品、为评估提供数据、追踪记录野生动物、保护野生动物等方面的应用。作者

32、认为无人机有很好的前景。【8 题详解】主旨大意题。通读全文,特别是根据第一段“A company called Zipline is trying to address this problem. It uses drones(无人机)to transport medical supplies around Rwanda.” (一家名为 Zipline 的公司正试图解决难以向偏远地区运送医疗用品这个问题。它使用无人机在卢旺达各地运送医疗用品)可知,文章主要讲的是无人机的应用。故选 C。【9 题详解】细节理解题。根据第二段“After the storm, drones photographed

33、 the damage. These surveys helped emergency workers assess the situation quickly and answer important questions: Which areas were hardest hit? Were crops damaged? What roads were affected?” (风暴过后,无人机拍下了损坏的照片。这些调查帮助紧急救援人员迅速评估情况,并回答一些重要问题:哪些地区受灾最严重?作物受损?哪些道路受到影响?)可知,无人机可以用来为评估提供数据。故选 B。【10 题详解】细节理解题。根

34、据倒数第二段“Scientists at Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU)plan to employ drones for an ambitious conservation project: documenting the worlds wildlife. ” (利物浦约翰摩尔斯大学的科学家们计划将无人机用于一个雄心勃勃的保护项目:记录世界上的野生动物)可知,利物浦约翰摩尔斯大学的科学家们计划用无人机详细记录野生动物。故选 C。【11 题详解】推理判断题。根据最后一段最后一句“Drones have the potential to provi

35、de solutions that will benefit both humans and animals.” (无人机有可能提供造福人类和动物的解决方案)可知,无人机有很好的前景。故选 D。D DDogs feel their way through the world with their noses. Researchers have started imitating this super skill with an artificial-intelligence-based detective tool. In a study published in February in PL

36、OS ONE, a multinational team reported an AI-powered system that is as accurate as trained dogs at correctly identifying cases of prostate cancer from urine samples. Andreas Mershin, a research scientist from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, wants to eventually integrate the technology into sma

37、rtphones: There would be a tiny sensor in the phone with AI software running in the cloud.Prostate cancer, the second most deadly cancer in men worldwide, is difficult to detect. The most widely used test can miss 15 percent of cancers. Trained dogs, on the other hand, were able to identify patients

38、 with prostate cancer from urine samples more than 96 percent of the time. Yet dogs can get bored and tired, so researchers want to develop an AI system that works more consistently.Living cells produce chemicals that come out from the skin, blood, urine and breath. Artificial noses, including the N

39、ano Nose that Mershin and one of his colleagues developed, can already detect those chemicals at the same parts-per-billion concentration as dogs. The team added to the chemical sensing an artificial neural networka type of AI algorithm that can learn from looking at examples how to identify faces,

40、for instance.As the 2015 Journal of Urology study showed, dogs can be trained to reach more than 96 percent accuracy, and the AI can be trained to reach that same rate. Mershin plans to train the AI algorithm using data from the Nano Nose, which is currently one third the size of an iPhone 10 and co

41、uld be further shrunkshrunk to be integrated into smartphones.12. What is the Nano Nose?A. A device.B. A method.C. A database.D. A research team.13. What is the advantage of the AI system over trained dogs in detecting prostate cancer?A. It has the ability to sense chemicals.B. It can collect sample

42、s in the cloud.C. It has the minimum error.D. It can ensure consistency.14. Which of the following can best replace he underlined word shrunk in Paragraph 4?A. Made smaller.B. Cut shorter.C. Expanded.D. Upgraded.15. What is the ultimate goal of the research?A. To train dogs to detect diseases.B. To

43、identify artificial faces.C. To produce AI noses to detect diseases.D. To add an AI sensor to the smartphone.【答案】12. A 13. D 14. A 15. D【解析】【分析】这是一篇说明文。在今年 2 月发表在公共科学图书馆综合上的一项研究中,一个跨国团队报告称,一种人工智能驱动的系统能像训练有素的狗一样准确地从尿液样本中正确识别前列腺癌病例。文章介绍了这一系统相比于狗的优势以及工作原理,和未来的发展目标。【12 题详解】细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中“Artificial nose

44、s, including the Nano Nose that Mershin and one of his colleagues developed, can already detect those chemicals at the same parts-per-billion concentration as dogs. The team added to the chemical sensing an artificial neural networka type of AI algorithm that can learn from looking at examples how t

45、o identify faces, for instance.(人造鼻子,包括 Mershin 和他的一个同事开发的“Nano Nose” ,已经可以像狗一样检测到十亿分之一浓度的化学物质。该团队为化学传感添加了一种人工神经网络,这是一种人工智能算法,可以通过观察实例学习如何识别人脸)”可知,Nano Nose 是一种设备。故选 A。【13 题详解】推理判断题。根据第二段中“Trained dogs, on the other hand, were able to identify patients with prostate cancer from urine samples more th

46、an 96 percent of the time. Yet dogs can get bored and tired, so researchers want to develop an AI system that works more consistently.(另一方面,经过训练的狗从尿液样本中识别出前列腺癌患者的准确率超过了 96%。然而,狗会感到无聊和疲倦,所以研究人员想要开发一种工作更稳定的人工智能系统)”可推知,在检测前列腺癌方面,人工智能系统和训练有素的狗相比,其优势在于可以保证一致性。故选 D。【14 题详解】词义猜测题。根据画线词上文“Nano Nose, which i

47、s currently one third the size of an iPhone 10 and could be further”以及后文“to be integrated into smartphones”可知, “Nano Nose”目前只有 iPhone 10 的三分之一大小,可能会进一步缩小,以便集成到智能手机中。故画线词意思是“缩小” 。A. Made smaller.缩小;B. Cut shorter.剪短;C. Expanded.扩大;D. Upgraded.提高。故选 A。【15 题详解】细节理解题。根据第一段中“Andreas Mershin, a research s

48、cientist from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, wants to eventually integrate the technology into smartphones: There would be a tiny sensor in the phone with AI software running in the cloud.(麻省理工学院的研究科学家 Andreas Mershin 希望最终能将这项技术整合到智能手机中:在手机中安装一个微型传感器,并在云端运行人工智能软件)”可知,这项研究的最终目的是在智能手机上添加一个 AI

49、传感器。故选 D。第二节(共第二节(共 5 5 小题;每小题小题;每小题 2.52.5 分,满分分,满分 12.512.5 分)分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。选项。People often want to simplify their lives. It is a lot of stress to have a complicated life, full of schedules, meetings, possessions, and so forth. U

50、sually, a simpler life translates to less anxiety, stress and worry._16_Follow the step-by-step process below to bare down your lifestyle piece by piece.First, get rid of all the possessions you havent used in the last year. If you havent put a thing to use in one year, it is probably not worth keep

51、ing._17_ Put anything you havent used in one year in that bag. Next, manage your social media and electronics usage. We usually spend more time on our devices than we imagine. These days, people can spend the majority of their days on social media and electronic devices. These all-in-one devices are

52、 great tools._18_On a deeper level, we can simplify our thinking. Most of our thinking is not necessary._19_If you do not want to go that far, try to ignore the thoughts that are not related to the present. A continuous stream of thoughts is not necessary. Sure, some planning should be done for the

53、future, but there is no need to overthink._20_We can get rid of possessions that are non-essential, manage our social media and electronics usage, and also clean up our thinking so that we are more in the present and do not engage in unnecessary worry, or anxiety. All these things take energy and ti

54、me, of which we have only have a limited amount.A. No thought is important.B. Get rid of electronic devicesC. So, how do we simplify our lives?D. Is planning our thoughts effort-making?E. Simplifying our lives is a complex task.F. But they should not become the main focus of our life.G. Get a big ga

55、rbage bag and walk around your living space.【答案】16. C 17. G 18. F 19. A 20. E【解析】【分析】这是一篇说明文。人们常常想简化生活。复杂的生活充满了日程表、会议、财产等等,这是一个很大的压力。通常,简单的生活意味着更少的焦虑、压力和担心。文章主要就如何简化生活提出了一些方法。【16 题详解】根据上文“People often want to simplify their lives. It is a lot of stress to have a complicated life, full of schedules,

56、meetings, possessions, and so forth. Usually, a simpler life translates to less anxiety, stress and worry.(人们常常想简化生活。复杂的生活充满了日程表、会议、财产等等,这是一个很大的压力。通常,简单的生活意味着更少的焦虑、压力和担心)”以及后文“Follow the step-by-step process below to bare down your lifestyle piece by piece.(按照下面的步骤一步一步地改变你的生活方式)”可知,上文提到了简化生活的问题,后文则提

57、到了简化生活的方式,可推知本句承上启下,引出如何简化生活的问题。故 C 选项“那么,我们如何简化我们的生活?”符合语境,故选 C。【17 题详解】根据上文“First, get rid of all the possessions you havent used in the last year. If you havent put a thing to use in one year, it is probably not worth keeping.(首先,处理掉你在过去的一年里没有使用过的所有物品。如果一件东西一年都没用过,那它可能就不值得保存了)”以及后文“Put anything y

58、ou havent used in one year in that bag.(把你一年没用过的东西都放进那个袋子里)”可知,上文提到处理掉很久没有使用过的物品,后文提到放到袋子里,可知本句是在说明拿袋子,G 选项中 a big garbage bag 对应后文中 that bag。故 G 选项“拿一个大垃圾袋,在你的生活空间周围走动”符合语境,故选 G。【18 题详解】根据上文“Next, manage your social media and electronics usage. We usually spend more time on our devices than we imag

59、ine. These days, people can spend the majority of their days on social media and electronic devices. These all-in-one devices are great tools.(接下来,管理你的社交媒体和电子产品的使用。我们花在设备上的时间通常比我们想象的要多。如今,人们可以把大部分时间花在社交媒体和电子设备上。这些多功能一体的设备是伟大的工具)”可知,上文提到花费太多时间在电子设备上,本句为本段最后一句,与上文构成转折,指出这些设备不应该是生活的主要焦点。F 选项中 they 指代上文

60、中 These all-in-one devices。故 F 选项“但是它们不应该成为我们生活的主要焦点”符合语境,故选 F。【19 题详解】根据上文“On a deeper level, we can simplify our thinking. Most of our thinking is not necessary.(在更深层次上,我们可以简化我们的思考。我们的大部分想法都是不必要的)”以及后文“If you do not want to go that far, try to ignore the thoughts that are not related to the presen

61、t. A continuous stream of thoughts is not necessary. Sure, some planning should be done for the future, but there is no need to overthink.(如果你不想走那么远,试着忽略那些与现在无关的想法。连续不断的思想是没有必要的。当然,应该为未来做一些计划,但没有必要过度考虑)”可知,上文提到我们大部分想法不必要,后文则说忽略那些与现在无关的想法,可知本句承接上文进一步说明:没有什么想法是重要的。故 A 选项“没有什么想法是重要的”符合语境,故选 A。【20 题详解】设

62、空处为本段主旨句。根据后文“We can get rid of possessions that are non-essential, manage our social media and electronics usage, and also clean up our thinking so that we are more in the present and do not engage in unnecessary worry, or anxiety. All these things take energy and time, of which we have only have a

63、 limited amount.(我们可以摆脱那些不必要的东西,管理我们的社交媒体和电子产品的使用,也可以清理我们的思维,这样我们就能更多地活在当下,而不会陷入不必要的担心或焦虑。所有这些事情都需要精力和时间,而我们只有有限的精力和时间)”可知,本段进一步总结上文简化生活的方法,指出简化生活是一项复杂的任务。故 E 选项“简化我们的生活是一项复杂的任务”符合语境,故选 E。第三部分第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分英语知识运用(共两节,满分 3030 分)分)第一节第一节 (共(共 1515 小题;每小题小题;每小题 1 1 分,满分分,满分 1515 分)分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给

64、的阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A A、B B、C C 和和 D D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。佳选项。When my sisters and I were little, we were _21_ to take naps. The summer I was seven, I asked to take my _22_ in a tree in the orchard (果园), the place I went to when I wanted to be alone and _23_. In the tree, I had a(n)

65、_24_ view of the orchard, our house, fields, barns and fences. My sisters once forgot so completely that they stood under the tree_25_ secrets.One afternoon I climbed the tree _26_, grabbing branches and _27_ my feet carefully until I was as high as I could go. _28_, a flying noise attracted my atte

66、ntion. An owl _29_ on a thick branch and gripped it with her talons. She pressed her wings to her side and settled down. So natural did I make myself to the tree that the owl would not _30_ at my being there. She flew _31_ among branches until she noticed me. The owl hesitated for one second _32_ sh

67、e lifted her wings and dropped away into space. I gasped and watched her go, _33_ she would return. She had been gone so long that I had _34_ on seeing her again. Unexpectedly, the owl reappeared in January, accompanied by her mate.The _35_ of the owl gave me a sense of assurance I had not felt befo

68、re which I would treasure forever.21. A. allowedB. expectedC. forbiddenD. appointed22. A. napsB. lapsC. bonusD. angles23. A. ambitiousB. brilliantC. peacefulD. competent24. A. privateB. abundantC. grandD. adequate25. A. whisperingB. keepingC. assumingD. hiding26. A. in disguiseB. as wellC. in vainD.

69、 as usual27. A. tappingB. insertingC. placingD. striking28. A. ApparentlyB. EventuallyC. SuddenlyD. Fortunately29. A. landedB. existedC. wavedD. picked30. A. adapt toB. fade outC. get stuckD. get offended31. A. now and thenB. back and forthC. day in and day outD. trial and error32. A. thoughB. whenC

70、. untilD. before33. A. thinkingB. prayingC. comfortingD. encouraging34. A. given upB. cut upC. cast downD. broken down35. A. occupationB. returnC. recoveryD. evidence【答案】21. B 22. A 23. C 24. C 25. A 26. D 27. C 28. C 29. A 30. D 31. B 32. D 33. B 34. A 35. B【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者在在果园的树上“午睡”时邂逅了一只

71、猫头鹰,这只猫头鹰振翅高飞离开了。次年的 1 月份,这只猫头鹰带着“配偶”一起回来了,这让作者欣喜不已。【21 题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我和我的姐妹们还小的时候,大人们都希望我们午睡。A. allowed 允许;B. expected 期望;C. forbidden 禁止;D. appointed 任命。根据常识可知,大人希望孩子们能午睡。be expected to do sth.“被期望做某事” 。故选 B。【22 题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:七岁那年的夏天,我要求在果园的一棵树上午睡,那是我想独处,想安静时就会去的地方。A. naps 午睡;B. laps 圈;C. bon

72、us 奖金;D. angles 角度。根据上文“to take naps”可知,此处是 take ones naps“午睡” 。故选 A。【23 题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:七岁那年的夏天,我要求在果园的一棵树上午睡,那是我想独处,想安静时就会去的地方。A. ambitious 雄心勃勃的;B. brilliant 才华横溢的;C. peaceful 平静的;D. competent 胜任的。根据空前“alone”可知,此处与 alone 相呼应,描述的是我想一个人待着的心情。故选 C。【24 题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:站在树上,我能把果园、我们的房子、田野、谷仓和篱笆一览无余。

73、A. private 私人的;B. abundant 丰富的;C. grand 宏伟的;D. adequate 充足的。根据常识可知,站得高看得远,a grand view“壮观的景色” 。故选 C。【25 题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:我的姐妹们曾经完全忘记了,她们站在树下窃窃私语。A. whispering 窃窃私语;B. keeping 保持;C. assuming 假设;D. hiding 隐藏。根据上文“I asked to take my _2_ in a tree in the orchard (果园), the place I went to when I wanted to

74、 be alone and _3_.”可知,我在树上很安静地待着,妹妹们完全忘记了我在树上,所以就在树下窃窃私语。故选 A。【26 题详解】考查固定短语辨析。句意:一天下午,我像往常一样爬上了树,抓住树枝,小心翼翼地把脚放高,直到我能爬到最高的高度。A. in disguise 伪装;B. as well 也;C. in vain徒劳;D. as usual 像往常一样。根据上文“I asked to take my _2_ in a tree in the orchard (果园), the place I went to when I wanted to be alone and _3_.

75、”可知,我喜欢去树上待着,所以一天下午,我跟平常一样爬上了树。故选D。【27 题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:一天下午,我像往常一样爬上了树,抓住树枝,小心翼翼地把脚放高,直到我能爬到最高的高度。A. tapping 利用;B. inserting 插入;C. placing放置;D. striking 袭击。根据语境可知,我抓住树枝,小心翼翼地把脚放好,尽可能地爬高。故选 C。【28 题详解】考查副词词义辨析。句意:突然,一阵飞行的噪音引起了我的注意。A. Apparently 显然;B. Eventually 最终;C. Suddenly 突然;D. Fortunately 幸运地。根据语

76、境可知,突然,一阵飞行的噪音引起了我的注意。故选 C。【29 题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:一只猫头鹰落在一根粗树枝上,用爪子抓住了树枝。A. landed降落;B. existed 存在;C. waved 挥舞;D. picked 捡起。根据下文“gripped it with her talons”可知,一只猫头鹰落在一根粗树枝上。故选 A。【30 题详解】考查动词短语辨析。句意:我很自然地爬到树上,猫头鹰也不会因为我在那里而生气。A. adapt to 适应;B. fade out 淡出;C. get stuck 卡住;D. get offended 生气。根据语境可知,此处指我使自己

77、跟树浑然一体,这样猫头鹰就不会觉得被打扰到而生气。故选D。【31 题详解】考查固定短语辨析。句意:它在树枝间飞来飞去,直到它注意到我。A. now and then 不时地;B. back and forth 来回地;C. day in and day out 日复一日;D. trial and error 反复试验。根据下文“among branches until she noticed me”可知,猫头鹰在树枝间来来回回地飞。故选 B。【32 题详解】考查连词词义辨析。句意:猫头鹰犹豫了一秒钟,然后举起翅膀,飞向太空。A. though尽管;B. when 当的时候;C. until 直

78、到;D. before 在之前。根据语境可知,猫头鹰在飞走之前犹豫了一秒钟。故选 D。【33 题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:我喘着气,看着它走了,祈祷它能回来。A. thinking 想;B. praying 祈祷;C. comforting 安慰;D. encouraging 鼓励。根据语境可知,猫头鹰展翅高飞,离开了玩耍的树枝,我看着它飞走,祈祷它能再回来。故选 B。【34 题详解】考查动词短语辨析。句意:它已经走了这么长时间,我已经放弃了再次见到它。A. given up 放弃;B. cut up 切碎;C. cast down 使下降;D. broken down 分解。根据语境可知

79、,那只猫头鹰消失太久了以至于我都放弃,不指望再看见它了。故选 A。【35 题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:猫头鹰的归来给了我一种从未有过的安全感,我将永远珍惜这种安全感。A. occupation 占领;B. return 返回;C. recovery 康复;D. evidence 证据。根据上文“Unexpectedly, the owl reappeared in January, accompanied by her mate.”可知,猫头鹰回来了,它的返回给我一种安全感。故选 B。第二节第二节 (共(共 1010 小题;每小题小题;每小题 1.51.5 分,满分分,满分 1515 分)

80、分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。China launched a large robotic spacecraft early Tuesday morning at the Wenchang Space Launch Center in south Chinas Hainan province, _36_ (task) it with landing on the moon and bringing back lunar samples, 44 years after such extraterrestrial substances (外星物质)_37_

81、 (bring) back to earth the last time.The _38_ (heavy) and largest in the nations lunar fleet Change 5 would fly in the trajectory within the next several days and make some correction operations before conducting a key braking maneuver (刹车操作) to avoid_39_ (accident) flying past the moon.The return c

82、apsule of _40_ (China) Change 5 probe touched down on its preset landing site in Siziwang banner of the Inner Mongolia autonomous region at 1:59 am on Thursday, bringing back the countrys first samples_41_ (collect) from the moon, according to the China National Space Administration (CNSA).Zhang Kej

83、ian, head of CNSA, declared the Change 5 mission a success.It marked the successful_42_ (conclude) of Chinas current three-step lunar exploration program of orbiting and landing, and bringing back samples,_43_ began in 2004.The recovery team would do _44_ initial processing of the capsule and then u

84、se a plane to transport it _45_ Beijing, where it would be opened for technicians to remove the container holding lunar samples, then administration said.【答案】36. tasking 37. were brought 38. heaviest 39. accidentally 40. Chinas 41. collected 42. conclusion 43. which 44. an 45. to【解析】【分析】本文是一篇新闻报道。文章

85、报道了中国在海南省文昌航天发射中心发射了一艘大型机器人宇宙飞船,它成功实现了登月并带回了月球样本。【36 题详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:周二凌晨,中国在海南省文昌航天发射中心发射了一艘大型机器人宇宙飞船,任务是登陆月球并带回月球样本,这是距上次将此类外星物质带回地球已有44 年了。固定搭配 task sb. with (doing) sth.“交给某人做某事的任务” ,task 与主语是逻辑主谓关系,应用现在分词,表主动。故填 tasking【37 题详解】考查动词时态及语态。句意同上。分析可知,设空处为从句谓语动词,根据 the last time 可知,应用一般过去时,此处与主语是逻辑动宾

86、关系,应用被动语态,主语 such extraterrestrial substances 是复数,故填 were brought。【38 题详解】考查形容词最高级。句意:中国最重、最大的月球舰队嫦娥 5 号将在未来几天进入该轨道,并在进行关键的制动操作之前进行一些修正操作,以避免意外飞过月球。此处与 largest是并列成分,应用最高级。故填 heaviest。【39 题详解】考查副词。句意同上。此处修饰动词 flying,应用副词。故填 accidentally。【40 题详解】考查名词所有格。句意:请看中国日报的报道:据国家航天局消息,10 日凌晨 1 时 59分,嫦娥五号返回舱成功着陆

87、在内蒙古自治区四子王旗其预定着陆点,带回我国首批月球采样。根据句意可知,此处表示所属关系,应用名词所有格。故填 Chinas。【41 题详解】考查非谓语动词。句意同上。分析可知,此处应用非谓语动词作后置定语,collect 与samples 是逻辑动宾关系,应用过去分词,表被动、完成。故填 collected。【42 题详解】考查名词。句意:这标志着中国从 2004 年开始的绕月、着陆和带回月球样品的三步探月计划圆满结束。根据空前 the 及空后 of 可知,此处为名词所有格,应用名词。故填conclusion。【43 题详解】考查定语从句。句意同上。此处是非限定性定语从句,先行词是 Chin

88、as current three-step lunar exploration program,指物,在从句中作主语,应用关系代词 which引导。故填 which。【44 题详解】考查冠词。句意:回收小组将对太空舱进行初步处理,然后用飞机将它运送到北京,在那里它将被打开,以便技术人员取出装有月球样本的容器,随后管理部门表示。此处泛指“一次初步处理” ,应用不定冠词,initial 是以辅音音素开头的词,应用 an。故填 an。【45 题详解】考查介词。句意同上。固定搭配:transport sth. to sp.“把某物运送到某地” 。故填to。第四部分第四部分 写作(共两节,满分写作(共两

89、节,满分 4040 分)分)第一节第一节 (满分(满分 1515 分)分)46. 假定你是李华,上周日参加了学校组织的农场劳动,请用英语写一封信,向你的新西兰笔友 David 介绍活动的情况,内容包括:1.时间和地点;2.活动内容;3.收获。注意:1.写作词数应为 80 左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。Dear David,I am writing to share with you my experience on the farm last week._Yours,Li Hua【答案】Dear David,I am writing to share with you my e

90、xperience on the farm last week. At 8: 00 a.m. last Sunday, my classmates and I gathered at the school gate and cycled to a farm. On our arrival, the farm workers gave us a warm welcome, and we started to plant crops and vegetables under their guidance. Then we joined them in preparing lunch. After

91、lunch, the head of the farm gave us a talk about fantastic changes in the countryside. Tired as we were, we did have a great day and learned a lot.Best wishes.Yours,Li Hua【解析】【分析】本篇书面表达属于应用文。假定你是李华,上周日参加了学校组织的农场劳动,请用英语写一封信,向你的新西兰笔友 David 介绍活动的情况。【详解】第一步:审题体裁:应用文时态:根据提示,时态主要为一般过去时。结构:总分法总分法指把主题句作为总说,

92、把支持句作为分说,并以这种方式安排所写内容。要求:1. 介绍同学们的听说训练情况;2. 希望提供更有效的学习方法;3. 询问对方的意向。第二步:列提纲 (重点词组)share with;at the school gate;On our arrival;gave us a warm welcome;under their guidance;joined them in;in the countryside第三步:连词成句1. At 8: 00 a.m. last Sunday, my classmates and I gathered at the school gate and cycled

93、 to a farm. 2. On our arrival, the farm workers gave us a warm welcome, and we started to plant crops and vegetables under their guidance. 3. After lunch, the head of the farm gave us a talk about fantastic changes in the countryside.4. Tired as we were, we did have a great day and learned a lot.根据提

94、示及关键词(组)进行遣词造句,注意主谓一致和时态问题。第四步:连句成篇(衔接词) (供参考)1.表文章结构顺序:First of all, Firstly/First, Secondly/Second And then, Finally, In the end, At last2.表并列补充关系:What is more, Besides, Moreover, Furthermore, In addition As well as, not onlybut (also), including,3.表转折对比关系:However, On the contrary, but, On the one

95、 hand,On the other hand Some,while others,as for, sothat 4.表因果关系:Because, As, So, Thus, Therefore, As a result 连句成文,注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡,书写一定要规范清晰,【点睛】高分句型 1 I am writing to share with you my experience on the farm last week.句中动词不定式作目的状语。高分句型 2 On our arrival, the farm workers gave us a warm welcom

96、e, and we started to plant crops and vegetables under their guidance.句中使用并列连词 and连接的并列句。高分句型 3 Tired as we were, we did have a great day and learned a lot.句中 as是连词,意思是“尽管” ,引导让步状语从句。第二节(满分第二节(满分 2525 分)分)47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。Jayce began noticing when he was in kindergarten that h

97、e looked different from his classmates. They had two hands while he had one. Due to their young age, Jayce was encouraged that he was just like an angel with one wing folded to prepare for something.It started when one boy laughed at him. From that day, 5-year-old Jayce turned sad. He returned home

98、with questions. “Why am I different? Why me? Why?” He cried to ask his mother, Lewis Seeing Jayce was mad at God for making him that way, the poor mother felt it a huge dagger to her heart. What made her more sorrowful was that she didnt know what to do at that point and how to provide answers to he

99、r sons questions which she could never find out herself. The white lie burst just like bubbles that day.A few weeks later, Lewis turned on the TV to a news story, where she was shocked to find out the answer. It was Trashaun, an eighth grader, that displayed positive energy from his head to his toe.

100、 The 14-year-old sunny boy performed his slam dunks(大灌篮) on the TV, who had been a hit on the Internet. However, like Jayce, he had missed most of his left arm since his childhood! Lewis called her son Jayce in. The poor little boy got spellbound, watching dunk after dunk.At the time, it seemed that

101、 watching Trashaun would simply be an inspiring moment for Jayce. He saw Trashaun as a tough role model who had a seemingly similar born disability but led a brilliant life. And had it stayed just that, Lewis would have been happy. But little did she know that a family friend had already reached out

102、 to Trashaun, asking him to help set up a meeting with Jayce to rebuild his confidence.注意:1续写词数应为 150 左右;2请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。The day was not spent drowning in self-pity but for fun._Staring at the shirt he sent Jayce, Trashaun began to talk about their left arms._【答案】Version 1The day was not spent dr

103、owning in self-pity but for fun. The boys met at a middle School on a sunny afternoon, and instantly bonded. Seeing his role model in flesh, Jayce was too thrilled to say a single word but stand there with his mouth open wide. Amused by the sight, Trashaun held Lewis tiny hand as if Lewis had been h

104、is little brother to play hide-and-seek first, due to their similar congenital defect. Gradually, Trashaun led Jayce to ride bikes around the school, and eventually, taught Jayce slam dunks. During the rest, Trashaun took up a shirt that says “Five fingers can also make it”, which was prepared for J

105、ayce.Staring at the skirt he sent Jayce, Trashaun began to talk about their left arms. Trashaun smiled, “I guess you may be puzzled, surprised, upset, even frustrated, hating God make you this way.” He stopped, falling his eyes on Jayces, with one hand patting Jayces head, “But I think this is the p

106、erfect way God made me. With five fingers, we also made it in lots of things just now. The missed arm is like a wing folded by an angel. Only when youre tough will you see the wing!” Behind stood Lewis, whose face was flooded with tears. She confirmed the 14-year-old would be a superhero one day, so

107、 would her son, who was unfolding his hidden wing!Version 2The day was not spent drowning in self-pity but for fun. It was a sunny day, when a doorbell rang unexpectedly. Jayce opened the door, feeling his heart race. It was Trashaun, who can only be watched on TV! Jayce was wild with joy. He scream

108、ed, “How can you know my address?” Stepping into the house, Trashaun laughed loudly, took out his gift - an old shirt carefully from his bag, and gave it to Jayce. Confused about the shirt, Jayce asked curiously “Does the shirt have any special meaning?”Staring at the shirt he sent Jayce, Trashaun b

109、egan to talk about their left arms. “When I was young, I lost most of my arms in a serious car accident. However, I was lucky enough to meet a kind-hearted coach who gave me the precious shirt for encouragement. Thats the source of my bravery. Now I pass my bravery to you.” Hearing the story, Jayces

110、 eyes were sparkling like diamonds. “Thanks for your present!” Trashaun nodded, “Disabilities are people who own different abilities that cant be easily found by ordinary people. We are born differently, because we are born to make a difference.”【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了先天只有一只手臂的 Jayce 在学校里遭到了同学的嘲笑,于是便回家

111、中问母亲,为何自己和其他人不一样。他的母亲一时难以回答,直到她在电视中看到了和他孩子情况一样的 Trashaun,她便让两个孩子见面。最后在 Trashaun 的鼓励下,Jayce 也逐渐认识自己并且走向成功。【详解】1.段落续写:由第一段首句内容“这一天不是在自怜中度过的,而是为了玩耍”可知,第一段可描写当 Jayce 在遇见 Trashaun 之后激动的表情,然后 Trashaun 十分感动并亲自教 Jayce 打篮球,甚至还送了一件球衣给他。由第二段首句内容“Trashaun 盯着他送给 Jayce 的球衣,开始谈论他们的左臂。 ”可知,第二段可描写两个孩子就自己的手臂进行交流。Tras

112、haun 鼓励 Jayce 勇于面对自己的缺陷,只要坚持到底,一定可以成为自己的超级英雄。2.续写线索:两人见面Jayce 激动不已Trashaun 教打篮球并赠与球衣谈论手臂鼓励 JayceJayce 相信自己3.词类激活行为类看见:see/catch sight of握住:hold/grip打开:unfold/turn on情感类惊讶的:surprised/astonished困惑的:puzzled/confused【点睛】高分句型 1 Only when youre tough will you see the wing! (运用了部分倒装结构)高分句型 2 Behind stood Lewis, whose face was flooded with tears. (运用了whose 引导的非限制性定语从句)



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