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1、Section A 1a-1cUnit7Itsraining!Its raining.Look at the rain.Hows the weather?Its rainy.Its sunny. Hows the weather?(Whts the weather like?)Look at the sun.Its cloudy.Look at the cloud. Hows the weather?(Whats the weather like?)Its windy.Hows the weather?windIts snowing.snowWhats the weather like tod

2、ay?Its snowy. cloud rain snow windsunnycloudy rainysnowywindyn.+y adj.n.adj.sun_in Beijing?Its sunny.BeijingHows the weatherTorontoHows the weather in Toronto?Its raining/rainy.MoscowWhats the weather like _Moscow?Its snowing/snowy.inBoston_?Its windy.Hows the weather in Boston Shanghai_Shanghai?Its

3、 cloudy.Whats the weather like inBeijing MoscowBostonShanghaiTorontoBeijingGuangzhouChengduKunmingShanghaiA:Howstheweatherin?Whatstheweatherlikein?B:ItsinGood afternoon!Teachers and classmates!Here is the weather forecast! Today is Wednesday .Beijing is sunny.Boston is raining. Moscow is snowing. Sh

4、anghai is cloudyWeatherReport Look at this map about weather,and try to make a weather report.CCTVs Weather ReportHello, everyone! Here is the Weather Report from CCTV! Today is April th. Look at the map. Beijing is sunny, and its hot. Shanghai is Chengdu is Thank you for listening!1a.Matchthewordsw

5、iththepictures.1. raining _2. windy_3. cloudy_4. sunny _5. snowing_ aedbc1b.ListenandwritethesecitynamesIntheboxesabove. Beijing Moscow Toronto Boston ShanghaiTorontoBostonShanghaiMoscow 1b. Listen and write these city names in the boxes above. Beijing1c.Imagineyouareinoneoftheplacesin1a.Talkaboutth

6、eweatherwithyourfriendonthephone.A: Hi! Hows the weather in Beijing?B: Its sunny.2341 Listen and number the pictures1-4.2a Listen again. Mach the names with the activities.1._ Uncle Joe2._ Jeff3._ Mary 4._ Aunt Sallya.is playing computer games.b. is cooking.c. is playing basketball.d. is watching TV

7、.cadb2b2c Talk about the people in 2a with a partner.A: Whats Uncle Joe doing?B: Hes playing basketball.Yuan Yuan from CCTV is interviewing people in five different places. Fill in the chart. (3b)Its sunny.Its windy.Its cold.Its hot.Its raining.He is playing the guitar.They are walking.They are cook

8、ing.He is writing a letter.They are playing football.Whats she/he doing?Shes/Hes.A: _ the weather?B: Its _. A: What _ they _?B: They _ _ on the lake. Howssunnyare doingare boating看图片,补全对话。看图片,补全对话。A: _ the _?B: Its _. A: _ are _ doing?B: _ are _ a _. Hows weathersnowyWhat theyThey making snowmanA: _

9、 the _?B: Its _. A: _ is _ doing?B: _ is _ on the _. Hows weatherrainingWhat heHe talking phoneA: _ the _?B: Its _. A: _ she doing?B: _ is _ to _. Hows weatherwindyWhats She listening music-Whatstheweatherlike?-Its_.sunnyisplayingExcercise-Whatshedoing?-He_theguitar.点此播放朗读视频点此播放朗读视频-_theweatherlike?

10、Whatsrainingaretheyplaying-Its_.-What_doing?-They_soccer.are点此播放听力音频点此播放听力音频1.-Whatareyoudoing?-Im(watch/watching)TV.2.-Whatsshedoing?-Shes(doing/playing)herhomework. 选择正确答案选择正确答案3.-Whatshedoing?-Hes(cook/cooking).4.-Whataretheydoing?-Theyare(snowing/studying).5.-Howstheweather?-Its(rain/raining).-

11、Hows the weather? - Its _.- _ is the weather like? - Its _. windyWhatsunny. 看图填空看图填空- _ _ they doing? - Theyre _.- What _ he _? - _.is- What are you doing? - Im _.What areeating dinnerHes playing basketballwatching TVdoing1. 北京的天气怎样?天气晴朗。北京的天气怎样?天气晴朗。- _ _ _in Beijing?- Its _.2. Jeff 在干什么?他在玩电子游戏。在干

12、什么?他在玩电子游戏。 - What _ Jeff _? - He _ _ computer games. Hows the weathersunnydoingisplayingisIV、完成下列句子、完成下列句子3.Mary在客厅里看电视。在客厅里看电视。Mary_TV_thelivingroom.4.Sally阿姨在干什么阿姨在干什么?她在做饭。她在做饭。-_AuntSally_?-_.iswatchingWhatsShescookingindoingAlice: Hello,Bob.Bob :Hi,Alice.Alice: _ is the weather _ in Beijing?Bo

13、b : Its windy. Alice: What _ you _ ?Bob : I am _ books and _ TV at home. Whatlikearedoingreading watching. 完成对话完成对话1.Its eight oclock. Jims father _TV. A. is watching B. are watching C. watch D. to watchA B2._istheweatherthere?Itswindy.A.WhatB.HowC.WhatsD.howDB3._theweatherliketoday?Cloudy.A.HowsB.W

14、hatdoesCWhatD.Whats 4.Whatstheweatherliketoday?_A.Itsrain.B.Itsraining.C.Itrainy.D.Itswind.一、用所给单词的适当形式填空。一、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Its a _ day today (sun). Its a _ day today 2. The weather is bad now. Its _ (wind). 3. _the weather? A. How B. Hows C. WhatssunnywindyfineB4. Its _ (cloud) now. Is it going to

15、 rain?5. Hows the weather now? It _ (rain) now. 6. Its _ (snow) in winter in Harbin now. cloudyis rainingsnowy Hows it going? 近来可好? 这是英语中进行问候时的寒暄用 语,相当于汉语中的“近况如何?”“身 体可好?”“一切还好吗?”多用于口语 或非正式书面场合(如与朋友通信 等)。还可以问: Hows your summer vacation going? 你暑假过得怎么样? Hows it going? 后可接with sb/ sth.用来表达对朋友、家人的关怀。如:

16、Hows it going with Peter? 彼特最近怎么样?Hows it going with your study? 你最近学习怎么样?对对 “Hows it going?” 回答回答可以用:可以用:Not bad. 还不错。还不错。Pretty good. 相当好。相当好。Great! 很好!很好!Terrible! 很糟糕!很糟糕! Just so-so. 马马虎虎。马马虎虎。Fine! 很好!很好!Not bad! 马马虎虎!马马虎虎!询问别人的学习、工作、生活等,也可询问别人的学习、工作、生活等,也可以用如下表达:以用如下表达: Hows everything? Terri

17、ble! Hows your study? Great! Hows the life? Not bad!最近怎么样?最近怎么样?事情进展得顺利吗?事情进行得怎么样?事情进展得顺利吗?事情进行得怎么样?过得好吗?事情进展的怎样?过得好吗?事情进展的怎样? 回答:回答:Notbad.不错不错Great.很好很好Itsgoingprettywell./Allgoeswell./Everythinggoeswell.一切顺一切顺利。利。 Hows it going?Hows your weekend?Its sunny/.PairworkPractice the conversation below.

18、 Then make your own conversations.Hows it going?Hows the weather there?Great!What are you doing?Im.10(1) . Hows it going? 最近怎么样?最近好不最近怎么样?最近好不好?后可接好?后可接with sb/ sth.用来表达对朋友、用来表达对朋友、家人的关怀。如:家人的关怀。如: Hows it going with Peter? 彼特最近怎么样?彼特最近怎么样? Hows it going with your study? 你最近学习怎么样?你最近学习怎么样?Explanatio

19、n Great!Pretty good.Not bad.Terrible!一、用所给单词的适当形式填空。一、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Its a _ day today (sun). 2. The weather is bad now. Its _ (wind). 3. Sounds like you _ (have) a good time now. sunnywindyare having4. Its _ (cloud) now. Is it going to rain?5. Hows the weather now? It _ (rain) now. 6. Its _ (snow

20、) in winter in Harbin now. cloudyis rainingsnowy二、根据汉语提示完成句子。二、根据汉语提示完成句子。1. 多伦多的天气如何?多伦多的天气如何? _2. 你那里情况怎么样?你那里情况怎么样? 不错。不错。 _ _Hows the weather in Toronto? Hows it going? Not bad.3. 我奶奶正在给我们做饭。我奶奶正在给我们做饭。 _.4. 你能给杰克捎个信吗?你能给杰克捎个信吗? _? 5. 你能告诉她给我打回个电话吗?你能告诉她给我打回个电话吗? 没有问题。没有问题。 _? _My grandma is coo

21、king for us Can you take a message for Jack Can you tell her to call me back No problem.1. 天气怎么样?天气怎么样? _ 天气多云。天气多云。/天气晴朗。天气晴朗。/天在下雨。天在下雨。 _2. 你在做什么?你在做什么?_ 我在做饭。我在做饭。_一、一、 阅读阅读Grammar Focus部分,完成下列句子。部分,完成下列句子。Its cloudy./ Its sunny./ Its raining. Hows the weather?What are you doing?Im cooking. 3. 他

22、们在做什么?他们在做什么? _What are they doing? 他们正在公园里打篮球。他们正在公园里打篮球。 _ _4. 他在做什么?他在做什么?_ 他在他朋友家里学习。他在他朋友家里学习。 _Theyre playing basketball in the park.Whats he doing?Hes studying in his friends home. 5. 情况怎么样?情况怎么样? _ 很好!很好!/不错。不错。/ 糟糕!糟糕! _ Hows it going?Great! / Not bad./ Terrible! 1. 疑问副词疑问副词 how 用来询问天气。用来询问

23、天气。 今天天气怎么样?今天天气怎么样? _ the weather today? 【拓展拓展】询问天气还可以说:询问天气还可以说: _ the weather _?HowsWhatslike2. how 用于问候,打招呼用于问候,打招呼 你好吗?你好吗?_ 你那里情况如何?你那里情况如何? _ How are you?Hows it going? 3. how 用来询问方式或手段。用来询问方式或手段。 你怎样去上学?你怎样去上学? _ do you go to school?How4. how 用来询问年龄用来询问年龄 你弟弟多大年龄?你弟弟多大年龄? _ _ is your brother

24、?5. How 用于询问价格用于询问价格 那件紫色的毛衣多少钱?那件紫色的毛衣多少钱? _ _ is the purple sweater?How muchHow oldFill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in the box. Then practice the conversations with a partner.3abe play study talk do make1. A: What are you doing? B: I _ my homework. I always _ my homework in t

25、he evening.2. A: Whats John doing right now? B: He _ soccer. He _ soccer every Saturday. 3. A: _ Julie _ English right now? B: No, she isnt. She _ Chinese.4. A: What are Susan and Jane doing? B: They _ soup. They can _ very good soup.5. A: _ Lisa _ on the phone again? B: Yes, she _ on the phone for

26、three hours every day!1. A: What are you doing? B: I _ my homework. I always _ my homework in the evening.2. A: Whats John doing right now? B: He _ soccer. He _ soccer every Saturday. 3. A: _ Julie _ English right now? B: No, she isnt. She _Chinese.am doing playsIs studyingdois playingis studying4.

27、A: What are Susan and Jane doing? B: They _ soup. They can _ very good soup.5. A: _ Lisa _ on the phone again? B: Yes, she _ on the phone for three hours every day!are makingmakestalksIs talking1. Whats she doing? She _ (play) the guitar. 2. I usually _ (do) my homework in the evening. 3. It _ (rain

28、) hard now.4. My sister _ (walk) to school every day.is playingis rainingdoeswalks5. Mr. Wu _ (brush) his teeth right now? 6. Every Saturday, we _ (visit) my grandparents. 7. Look! They _ (dance) in the classroom.8. She never _ (arrive) for school. arrivesis brushingvisitare dancing 1. A: What are y

29、ou doing? B: I am doing my homework. I always do my homework in the evening.2. A: Whats John doing right now? B: He is playing soccer. He plays soccer every Saturday.3. A: Is Julie studying English right now? B: No, she isnt. She is studying Chinese.4. A: What are Julie and Jane doing? B: They are m

30、aking soup. They can make very good soup.5. A: Is Lisa talking on the phone again? B: Yes, she talks on the phone for three hours every day.Hows the weather today?=Whats the weather like today?Its sunny.hotHows the weather today?=Whats the weather like today?Its snowy.Its snowing.coldHowstheweather?

31、Whatstheweatherlike? dryhumid =wetfoggy描述天气的形容词多是由对应的名词派描述天气的形容词多是由对应的名词派生而来的,常见的如下表:生而来的,常见的如下表:5. Hows the weather? 天气怎么样?1) 后可接时间、地点。如: Hows the weather today? 今天天气怎么样? Hows the weather in Sichuan? 四川天气怎么样?2) 回答用“Its + 天气”,如: - Hows the weather today? - Its cloudy. 3) 同义句为:Whats the weather like?

32、 如: Hows the weather in Beijing? = Whats the weather like in Beijing? 6. Rick: Hello, Rick speaking. Steve: Hi, Rick. Its Steve. 这些均是英语中电话通话的交流套语,应注意进行整体学习,不要逐词对译。如:当打电话要求与Steve通话时,可说: May I speak to Steve, please? 我找里克。 Is that Steve (speaking)? (你)是里克吗?当接听电话,说当接听电话,说“我是我是Rick”时,英时,英语常用:语常用:Rick sp

33、eaking.This is Rick (speaking).Its Rick (speaking).点此播放教学视频点此播放教学视频7. Sounds like youre having a good time! 听起来你玩得好开心!这是一个省略句,相当于It sounds like youre。英语It sounds like与It sounds句型近似,都表示“听起来;听上去”。这种省略的用法十分口语化,在日常英语会话中常可听到。如:(It) sounds like hes all right now.听上去他现在病已经好了。(It) sounds like you had a good

34、 time on your trip. 听起来你旅行玩得蛮开心的。【例句例句】1. Bob is studying Chinese these days.2. John is reading a book in the study.3. My parents often talk about my study. 作动词,意为作动词,意为“学习、研究学习、研究”,后面可,后面可直接跟宾语。直接跟宾语。 作名词,表示作名词,表示“书房书房”的意思时为可数的意思时为可数名词,表示名词,表示“学习、用功学习、用功”的意思时为不的意思时为不可数名词。可数名词。【拓展拓展】常用词组:常用词组:study

35、for an exam 为考试而用功准备为考试而用功准备10. Can I take a message for him? 要我给(他)捎个话吗? Could you just tell him to call me back? 你能否叫他给我回个电话? 以上两句话中的情态动词can和could相当于汉语中的“可以”、“能不能”,用于表达请求,只是只是could在语气上比在语气上比can更加委婉、客气。更加委婉、客气。一一用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空1.Its_(sun)today,butits_(wind).2.Thereisalotof_(cloud)inthesky.3.


37、ts_(wind)now.What_they_(do)They_(watch)TVathome.sunnywindycloudsissnowswhatlikeisrainingWhatslikeHowsweatherHows the weathersunnyis playingwindyare playingare watchingPlant more trees.(多植树保护环境多植树保护环境)Keep the city clean.(保持城市的整洁保持城市的整洁)Save water. (节约用水节约用水)Call other people to protect the earth.(号召

38、其他人一起来保护地球号召其他人一起来保护地球)We have one only the earth.(我们只有一我们只有一个地球个地球)The earth is our home.(地球是我们的家地球是我们的家)A: _ the weather?B: Its _. A: What _ they _?B: They _ _ on the lake. Howssunnyare doingare boating看图片,补全对话。看图片,补全对话。A: _ the _?B: Its _. A: _ are _ doing?B: _ are _ a _. Hows weathersnowyWhat th

39、eyThey making snowmanA: _ the _?B: Its _. A: _ is _ doing?B: _ is _ on the _. Hows weatherrainingWhat heHe talking phoneA: _ the _?B: Its _. A: _ she doing?B: _ is _ to _. Hows weatherwindyWhats She listening musicRead the conversation in 2d and answer the questions. 1. Whats Steve doing? _ _ 2. Wha

40、ts Ricks brother doing? _ 3. What does Steve want Ricks brother to do? _Hes studying at his friends home.He wants Ricks brother to call back.Hes playing basketball with some friends at the park.Role-playtheconversation. Rick: Hello, Rick speaking.Steve: Hi, Rick. Its Steve. Hows it going?Rick: Not b

41、ad, thanks. The weathers great. What are you doing? Steve: Im playing basketball with some friends at the park. Rick: Sounds like youre having a good time. 2dSteve: Yeah. Is your brother at home?Rick: Oh, hes not here. Hes studying at his friends home. Steve: Can I take a message for him?Rick: Yes. Could you just tell him to call me back?Steve: Sure. No problem.



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