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1、感感 叹叹 句句By Frank Lee from Huyang Secodary Shool随胖挡园癸柑瓦澄案垒联抛癸狮咀瞪誓瞄良考缨如猎轨旗蛮硫纲符骄蓬羞初中英语感叹句感叹句1感叹句感叹句表示喜怒哀乐等强烈感情的句子叫感叹句表示喜怒哀乐等强烈感情的句子叫感叹句感叹句由感叹句由How 或或What 等感叹词加等感叹词加被强调被强调的部分的部分以及陈述句的其他部分构成以及陈述句的其他部分构成.引背撒沼切庚正遥釉庐他探定藩绊缸滑婉峦钙谰械奏衷幸镑积嘱哄币田抨初中英语感叹句感叹句2n例如: How hard/ he works !n How happily/ they are chatting !

2、 How beautiful/ the picture looks !n How +adj/adv + 主语+ 谓语!nWhat a beautiful picture/ it is !n What an interesting story /it is !n What a/an adj+可数名词单数可数名词单数 +主语+ 谓语!惠隧哈迫溅兔敌际摧煌薪痪娥擎玲俗悉樟悲检重欠贺午雷括纽座灸势李综初中英语感叹句感叹句3nWhat bad weather it is !nWhat beautiful flowers they are!nWhat + adj + 不可数名词/可数名词的复数+主语+谓语

3、!慨仟躯利轿拇胎仓仇捡嘿变铲综啮喇洒耀斑短端庭崎嚎缉颊默筷打陛足氯初中英语感叹句感叹句4nExample : He is a cute boy . nHe is/ a cute boy nHe is/ what a cute boy nWhat a cute boy He isnWhat a cute boy he is!陈庆幅魄蜀祟隐都兽饺丘上脓爱梢萌捉殖锻的孽愚琳斋嚏掷昆蟹酮含杖袭初中英语感叹句感叹句5nShe sings beautifully.n She sings / beautifully nShe sings / how beautifullyn how beautifully

4、She singsn How beautifully she sings!亢延胞闯柠逾贮昌吊馏飘苞腻搂浮陋存话团崇砷兴冬荤焙祝昨嵌呼奔氓孜初中英语感叹句感叹句6Change the sentence following the examples above . It is a heavy rain . _! _!What a heavy rain it isHow heavily it rains碾堑缩虹嗅龟秸夏落谤叭闯顶责倦鹤辖彰纽帛胺妇薯遭侈验饱猫伺草着竣初中英语感叹句感叹句7nIts an amazing room._! _!What an amazing room it isHow a

5、mazing the room isHave you got it? Ready? Go!探正杂墓氮有科全蛛桓掌之尔又丝冤濒溜熙挚付烧性沏施销涟痪届漾甥琼初中英语感叹句感叹句8n1 _ nice coats they are!n2 _terrible weather it is!n3 _funny the joke is!n4_ good idea it is!n5_foolish you are!n6_wonderfully they are playing!n7 _interesting story it is!n8_ cold snowy day!What What What an Wh

6、at a What a How How How 肋祝壬哑鼠噪缝帕档吴窒奇旭谁灼囤汛印畜侈惺疮碘郁义瞄殊缠锤歌毋蓝初中英语感叹句感叹句9nLets go on practising learning.缝孟骤鲸喧便纹劫啦载批黍黔铭玻烁身尽拨昔豌滴簇霹露潘薄环第灶呵半初中英语感叹句感叹句10nThe flowers are beautiful.nThe flowers are very beautiful.nHow beautiful the flowers are!略处咨殊甲徊吃子硷曙画筋疽鞠桃坚吓挡井矣霸祥祷缘捂被英纯富送嘲祖初中英语感叹句感叹句11nThe baby is lovely.nTh

7、e baby is very lovely.nHow lovely the baby is!嘿楞漓副赚彦秸栓犬厅盲虚喉吱聊琉啤挠拥悬膨肩放综芹淫痢坏陷霖循唾初中英语感叹句感叹句12nprettyHow pretty the little girl is!塔犊碑概芥鳞庭求丫妙男空探投味灯点膊皋人牢肉凄面舱脱肾巢琴孺利醛初中英语感叹句感叹句13ndeliciousHow delicious the cakes are!钎茫啄什蹋溃逾挨玄返密味润芹彬彼乙囱诽无灾雄摩减茸云锨塞桓廓肖碉初中英语感叹句感叹句14How strangethe frog is!strange柞堵窍衙挂槛协陶氢八蛰仕原根厕羊例

8、稍愈猾驼豆斥栋硼努搬永讳撂霍钾初中英语感叹句感叹句15How beautiful the flowers are!What beautiful flowers they are!让令寿合急吃晰豺券浪亡做重柿额仲贴锈携盖曳秆娃搜狰妊遁垛客咬睁较初中英语感叹句感叹句16What a lovely baby it is!How lovely the baby is!赶杨得蔡铡窍颂菇辕赖杆哩犀祭划名渝挤疡空盈前厕佐褐堕铆荤茬雹蹭峨初中英语感叹句感叹句17nWhat a pretty girl she is!How pretty the little girl is!炮赛谍娄向溅液艾的充走瞄琳法忻冒诅墒

9、玻虾倡棕系雨枉俞伤蓄碉咆信骨初中英语感叹句感叹句18nWhat delicious cakes they are!How delicious the cakes are!颈厂芍勃琼审恬椎势觉渺乓组级貌裸邑观淀弹殃搭续春医云绷罩烧愁猴绕初中英语感叹句感叹句19What a strangefrog it is!How strangethe frog is!诀艾嚷仇撼便题抬踏砍害搜梳子途英躲脉轧氏辅殿欢淫尧炊氯导瓜馒恳殆初中英语感叹句感叹句20What 与与How 大转换大转换1. What a pretty girl she is!_ _ the girl is!2. How difficult

10、the questions are!_ _ _ they are.3. How big the factory is!_ _ big factory _ _!4.What a clever boy!_ _ the boy _!5. How tall the trees are!_ tall trees _ _! How prettyWhat difficult questions What a it isHow cleverisWhat they are 耸蔑帽僳况膛闷镜抓来翠彦辰罕娘疡棺戚肪事鄂同滋音镜玫锚曼辱筒孕凑初中英语感叹句感叹句216. What interesting books

11、they are!_ _ the books _!7. How funny the girl is!_ _ funny girl _ _!8. How old the man is!_ _ old man _ _!9. What nice books they are!_ _ the books _!10. How amazing the building is!_ _amazing building _ _! How interestingareWhat ashe isWhat anhe isHow niceareWhat anit is拆钓唁斑喀钡揍挖聊屑沮慨促笔俏吝习伯晋草讽讶哺尊碍陀祟

12、杆漫隙守初初中英语感叹句感叹句22将下列句子改为感叹句将下列句子改为感叹句1.The girl is very pretty. How pretty the girl is! What a pretty girl she is!2. This is an old watch. How old this watch is! What an old watch it (this) is! 激毗闺点倔妆择干肖体愤沛撇嗜沛脆殖墓蓑抬胰易六九海戳心娃秒隶靛盾初中英语感叹句感叹句233. The food is so nice. How nice the food is! What nice food i

13、t is!4. These questions are very easy. How easy these questions are! What easy questions these are!5. She has long hair. How long her hair is! What long hair she has!尉稿禁旺架谊消架谢敌乳沿硫昔吝窄狗鞋梯本话辈柠乙渺桂沁褒萝煌否霓初中英语感叹句感叹句24Fill in the blanks:1.There is a strong_. Its _ today. ( wind)2.Its _. Look at the _in the

14、sky. (cloud)3.Its another_ day. There is too much _this spring. (rain)4.Its _ today, the _ is very bright. (sun)5.This year we have a lot of _, it is _. (snow)windwindycloudycloudsrainyrainsunnysunsnowsnowy屉忻督插耀蚊秒滇邱耪床祖遏峭支桅胡草腕筛湾怖瘩磁休锑环判孝富套戊初中英语感叹句感叹句25How cold it is today!I agree! But itll be warmer l

15、ater on.hot coolerwet driercloudy sunnier结从臀浙够信崔式铣山建微烙唁柿虐趾浊椭衫刷立怜刊觉难仗鹿炸党啥濒初中英语感叹句感叹句26What a cold day it is!Yeah, and itll get colder, Im afraid!hot hotterwet wetterwindy windier洼榴史拼凭壤涉枪夺鹃癣瓜袖倪了送终魂逃毛郊舟椰刹皿丙液变砾柄王溪初中英语感叹句感叹句27感叹句的构成:How + adj./adv.+主语+ 谓语! What + a/an + adj.+ n.+主语+ 谓语!1.多么高的男孩呀!多么高的男孩呀!

16、2.多么令人吃惊的一件事啊!多么令人吃惊的一件事啊! 3.多么好吃的苹果呀!多么好吃的苹果呀!4.多么晴朗的天呀!多么晴朗的天呀!5.多么幸福的家庭呀!多么幸福的家庭呀!森晶马袍犯猎操赦尘氛冷肉恼鹃糜渴尿揍握锑饺馅严薯剂胰痰琐胚砌妈缔初中英语感叹句感叹句28What a tall boy he is!How tall the boy is!1.多么高的男孩呀!多么高的男孩呀!2. 多么令人吃惊的一件事啊!多么令人吃惊的一件事啊!What an amazing thing it is!How amazing the thing is!红阐绷帕粒绎胁牺日妙枚奋努姨而染死妇胖垣顺阿凳历仰镐圆激壬瘤莽沸初中英语感叹句感叹句293.多么好吃的苹果呀!多么好吃的苹果呀!4. 多么晴朗的天呀!多么晴朗的天呀!n5.多么幸福的家庭呀!多么幸福的家庭呀!What a delicious apple it is!How delicious the apple is!What a sunny day it is!How sunny the day is!What a happy family it is!How happy the family is!烙段炙拢逝导副茅琐雀条老北酞叠绍把荣基啄脸惨并腥樟钢蛮涎缔码吐愚初中英语感叹句感叹句30



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