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1、如何进行有效的GUI设计2014.11.7 By Ivan U serExperienceD esign它是用户体验的设计门类(用户研究、交互、视觉)的集合用户体验要素模型GUI(图形用户界面)设计在模型中的所处位置和用户研究的关系视觉设计的基本流程概念提取常用的思维方法:概念设计元素提取详细设计控件的系列化设计,典型界面的整体设计图标、语言、色彩、动画的统一、操作行为的统一落地常用工具介绍评价原则1.基本用户体验概念介绍2.企业中一般的用户体验流程是怎样的?3.常用的寻找概念的方法4. 实例说明(偏GUI方面)5.一些评价原则&标准的探讨(偏GUI方面)1.基本用户体验概念介绍2.企业中一般

2、的用户体验流程是怎样的?3.常用的寻找概念的方法4. 实例说明(偏GUI方面)5.一些评价原则&标准的探讨(偏GUI方面)用户体验5层次要素模型外在(表象、视觉刺激)文本图标界面内在(灵魂、根源)交互业务理解用户理解战略理解用户体验5层次要素模型表现层一系列的网页(界面),由图片组成框架层按钮、表格、照片和文本区域的位置结构层确定各种特性和功能的最合适的组合方式范围层功能和特性是否被纳入,即设计范围战略层经营者和用户分别想从网站得到什么。任务界面对话层导航层信息架构的目标:帮助人们快速高效的找到所需信息,并提供良好的用户体验。用户任务:输入数字输入文本输入公式格式细胞排序信息过滤信息聚合信息图

3、数据保存数据导入数据出口数据打印业务目标:取代竞争产品激励销售其他集成产品建立文件格式为默认信息共享格式用户类型:会计商务策划师主妇使用场景:办公桌面笔记本在飞机pda在汽车例如:我们要设计一款“校园购物”我们将如何进行?APP的线间时工具:导航地图概念地图页面线框图用户界面原型UI设计指导设计活动GUI视觉风格指导可用性测试任务:用户任务和活动场景功能规格目标:业务目标用户模型与用户目标低保真高保真1.基本用户体验概念介绍2.企业中一般的用户体验流程是怎样的?3.常用的寻找概念的方法4. 实例说明(偏GUI方面)5.一些评价原则&标准的探讨(偏GUI方面)竞争分析商业目标用户目标用户测试迭代

4、反复设计趋势概念设计Mockup原型设计用户测试详细设计开发市场趋势用户研究1.基本用户体验概念介绍2.企业中一般的用户体验流程是怎样的?3.常用的寻找概念的方法4. 实例说明(偏GUI方面)5.一些评价原则&标准的探讨(偏GUI方面)A.头脑风暴一种创造能力的集体训练法准备进行中总结方案筛选1.准备,必须进行脑力激荡材料的准备,会场布置,避免打搅的事前安排等2.安排,除分组,限时外,还需有个主持人进行会议牵引和规则监督3.4.总结,对概念进行归类整理,并最终又专人进行概念陈述方案筛选,需要回答是否已经解决当前问题,并且是否新颖头脑风暴的原则为使与会者畅所欲言,互相启发和激励,达到较高效率,必



7、小组整体利益,不强调个人的成绩。应以小组的整体利益为重,注意和理解别人的贡献,人人创造民主环境,不以多数人的意见阻碍个人新的观点的产生,激发个人追求更多更好的主意。8.综合改善原则。探索取长补短和改进办法。除提出自己的意见外,鼓励参加者对他人已经提出的设想进行补充、改进和综合,强调相互启发、相互补充和相互完善,这是智力激励法能否成功的标准。9限时限人原则。专家小组规模以 210人为宜,会议时间一般以 2060分钟效果最佳。如何去找到爱订云的目标客群?头脑风暴进行中由主持人公布会议主题并介绍与主题相关的参考情况 分组等设想的设想的分类与整理分类与整理实用型 幻想型头脑风暴去进行论证、进行二次开发

8、,进一步扩大设想的实现范围实用型头脑风暴进行开发,通过进一步开发,就有可能将创意的萌芽转设想的分类与化为成熟的实用型设想。整理幻想型质疑式头脑风暴提出质疑对每一个设想提出质疑“XX设想是不可行的,因为,如要使其可行,必须。”编制评论意见表对每一个设想提出质疑 ,明确否定原因、改善建议禁止对已有的设想提出肯定意见,而鼓励提出批评和新的可行设想意见评估筛选出实际可行的方案重点是研究有碍方案实施的所有限制因素,并发现新的解决途径。B.黑客马拉松Hackathon思维碰撞与接力思维接(借)力54321分组每队6个人轮流输出点子,且保证不重复。校园购物O2OAPP应具备哪些功能?张XX快速预定李XX王X

9、X钱XX孙XX快速送达和附近商铺行成联盟情人节表白服务支持赊账如何识别并撬开大客户的门,高效卖出爱订云的产品?1)方法上?2)资源上?3)工具上?4)其它?C.思维导图适合一个人进行问题总结或者发散东尼博赞,1942年生于英国伦敦,英国大脑基金会总裁,世界著名心理学家、教育学家。他曾因帮助查尔斯王子提高记忆力而被誉为英国的“记忆力之父”。他发明的“思维导图”这一简单易学的思维工具正被全世界 2.5亿人使用。推荐工具: Xmind, MindManager整理思维碎片梳理关系脉络帮助思考或者记忆可作为学习工具,对学习过的知识进行整理结合线性和发散思维发现可能的解决方案可作为思维工具,寻找合适的解


11、.是指对一个问题未经逐步分析,仅依据内因的感知迅速地对问题答案作出判断,猜想、设想;2.在对疑难百思不得其解之中,突然对问题有“灵感”和“顿悟”;3.甚至对未来事物的结果有“预感”“预言”等虽然不知道那是什么东西,但所有的直觉都有一种不知道从何而来的凭空出现的特质,突然而降,出乎意料,心生一念,非常深邃之类的。他们的注意力往往是悬空的,没有固定的依附对象,经常处于发呆状态,脑子空的。等待素材的碎片自动出现,然后抓住碎片开始咀嚼学会随时记录自己的瞬间灵感1.基本用户体验概念介绍2.企业中一般的用户体验流程是怎样的?3.常用的寻找概念的方法4. 实例说明(偏GUI方面)5.一些评价原则&标准的探讨

12、(偏GUI方面)概念形容词可见图形任何与视觉相关的设计首先要把抽象概念?翻译成形容词汇再由形容词汇转换成可见的图形项目目标Set up a Project Goal as an element for the purpose and the range of the project.?Analyze target users requirement分析目标用户的需求? Make a new design direction out of 3 sets design.在三套方案中选出一个方向?Cooperation with Discovery与Discovery合作?To create a s

13、et of mobile phone Theme GUI, which match the Smart Phone and enhance the brand image.要创建一套与 智能手机相匹配的主题界面,以提升品牌形象? Design Direction Instrument/ Sporty Outdoor? 设计方向 工具/运动户外?Understand trend and lifestyle了解趋势和生活方式?Analyze target market information to find new market opportunity分析目标市场信息,寻找新的市场机会合乎情理的G

14、UI设计以匹配户外活动人群We strategically approach and create new Outdoor GUI concept With Outdoor key factor .研究方向It illustrates main issue of New Design direction.市场市场Market?Vitalized economy and outdoor activity?Outdoor-oriented cosumer class?Popularized outdoor style?Lifestyle and outdoor device?Smart phone

15、 market?Investment for the quality of life and activities ?Tool for emotional development and self-management?Desire for expressing individuality ?Increased participation of female and young people?Will to return to nature?User segment in the active area of outdoor?Users stories according to the int

16、ensity of their daily routine and activities趋势趋势Trend目标用户目标用户Target User市场We analyze phenomenon presented in the outdoor market.Female consumers have been increasing. The main class of consumer is twenties to forties. Tendency in consumption of the outdoor activities according to the gender ratio504

17、03020ManMan 60%WomanWoman 40%10AgeThe class of twenties to forties are most active consumers among all the outdoor activities. Male and female outdoor activities are almost the same as it goes down to the low aged class.用户行为We derive character by analyzing Activities and behavioral patterns of Outdo

18、or Trend.The following is the elements that we composed by analyzing behavioral patterns In order to figure out how they behave with users purposes and needs.兴趣满意efficient touse过瘾easy toRememberhow to useefficient touse奖励情感照顾娱乐easy to learnhave goodutilitysafe to use创意支持有帮助美观激励改善用户体验的因素趋势This is the

19、 issue we need to pay close attention to at outdoor trend.1.Increase in interest in leisure according to the increase in the level of incomepoint: Economic Growth, The Quality of Life, Wealth, Various Things to Enjoy, Leisure CultureWith the introduction of a market economy, the level of life has in

20、creased and the interest in leisure has been increasing. Moreover, demand in leisure has been steadily increasing after Beijing Olympic Games in 2008. Away from simple materialistic consumption pattern, as the demand shifted to more diverse and unique experiences, outdoor expenditure has increased.

21、2.Dream an eco-friendly life that is slow and free.point: Eco, Free of Mind, Free of Time, Eco-Friendly, SlownessPeople who are exhausted by material civilization and excessive speed competition try to find simple and eco-friendly life. While being wary about being accustomed to rapid culture, they

22、would like to enjoy the process of Slow food, Slow City, Slow Life by taking time. 用户设定We are going to examine what they want in the particular level of activity through user scenario. Activity 1. Routine_ Self-ExpressionA type that enjoy outdoor activities as a mean to express ones lifestyle and In

23、dividuality.keyword: Part of fashion, Represent the economic level, Express individuality, Represent Liberal Lifestyle, Part of Cultural Activities, Sophisticated Taste and Preference, Close to the outdoor activity out of the city Appeal My PreferenceI bought SUV for leisure so that I can load equip

24、ments to enjoy sports. I have intention to show off the fact that this is not a popular sport that anyone can do, but professional activity that only someone who are addicted can enjoy. This is a way to represent the level of life that is distinguished from others. Buy a Sensible LifestyleI can expr

25、ess myself with characteristic leisure. Because there are lots of ways to spend time, I think that it is progressive to go outside and perform proactive activities. I would like to be shown to be an active person with sophisticated taste. 用户设定We are going to examine what they want in the particular

26、level of activity through user scenario. Activity 2.During Light Activity_ Self-satisfaction-orientedA type of a person who goes outside the city and spend some quite time interacting with nature outside.keyword: Fun Leisure, Small pleasure, Relaxation, natural activity, a desire for the body moveme

27、nt, social interaction, casual activity, interaction with nature, activity that helps thinking and speculation, leisure around routine, Expand the radius of activities from inside to outsideWe go outside to seek unique experience especially these days when we feel bored with repetitive daily routine

28、. We seek distinguished experience that will never be attained inside while enjoying hobbies such as le-ports, dance, and health.Lets enjoy our life because we worked hard!We would like to make our free time meaningful for the balance of our work, health, and relaxation. In the midst of the busy lif

29、e, people go to suburbs and take pleasure of outdoor sports. Sometimes they travel nearby.Find genuine pleasure of life from outdoor lifeBody movement allows people to find life values with different form.People can spend time with their family and people next to each other while developing intimacy

30、 and enjoying social activities.It becomes chance to look back myselfThey enjoy speculation while taking a light walk at somewhere else than routine place (such as park nearby, not an office). At this time, its not for fun or entertainment, but for more liberal and mental relaxation. Pursue Natural

31、ExperiencePeople wan to find psychological happiness free from extreme speediness and pressure in our modern ages. People consider nature-experiences important to look for the green forests of a famous mountain and lightly climb up the mountain for peace of mind.用户设定We are going to examine what they

32、 want in the particular level of activity through user scenario. Activity 3.During violent activity_ Achievement orientedWith active body movement, A type of active person who finds balance in his healthy life.keyword: Interaction with nature and people, leader of a life, ensuring passion, new adven

33、ture, deviation from daily routine, expertise, healthy image, functional assistance (safety, checking activities), proactive attitude towards healthy life, Using items that make people feel comfortableduring violent activities, lively mood, pleasure from taking risksImprove the life quality by stayi

34、ng healthyThe life with Well-being and wellness comes from my health.We walk or ride a bike to go to work on purpose as an investment for health.Combination of Physical and Mental HealthA person began exercising for his health. He had their frequent late works and irregular eating habits and rhythms

35、. As he moves his body, it leads hi to have a regular eating habit and he gradually developed sound body and mind.The transformation in concept on ActivityPerform a leisure activity with specific purpose rather than just being comfortable and relaxed. It is because people want to enjoy the accomplis

36、hment that they feel from overcoming their physical limitation as well as satisfaction from their work. Blow the stress from their active movement. Hed like to express his passion outside. He is looking for little more violent leisure because he enjoys competition with himself and others. We develop

37、 key expression words to main visual direction.Wit & CreatvieUsefulMinimalismExtremeSpritPre-naturetechnologyWileColorfulBasicSimpleWellnessModernElectronicCozyHigh-endValuable1.Exciting & Colorful2.High-end & Simple3.Modern & Eco4.Basic & minimalism5.Wild & Extreme概念案例描述Extract components of Concep

38、t Design一致性everyday& Livelinessprofessional& impressive meaningful& eco基调&风格视觉关键词WittyColorfulFashionable YoungSophisticated ExclusiveFuture-OrientedIn the edgeMasculineDetailed ChicSoftVacationNature-FriendlyRoutineWarmNaturalWell-BeingConceptLivelyLively活泼活泼SpecializedSpecialized专业专业NaturalismNatu

39、ralism自然主义自然主义设计元素A. Lively(活泼的)The look with lively color and witty elements expresses young and dynamic by using various shapes and pattern.Pattern, Vivid Color, Scribbleeveryday& LivelinessShapeColorWittyColorfulFashionable YoungEffectLivelyMaterial设计元素B. Specialized(专业的)We express luxurious feel

40、ing by adding specific elements on a sophisticated and future oriented shapeEmphasize more chic and masculine feeling by using strong point color on a colorless background.Edge, Wild, profession, firmprofessional& impressive ShapeColorFuture Oriented, In the edge, Masculine, Detailed, ChicEffectspec

41、ializedMaterial设计元素C. Naturalism(自然主义)The design emotionally approached to the exhausted modern people by adding comfortable and warm ambiance from nature and modern frame of contemporary. Soft, Friendly, Well-beingmeaningful& ecoShapeColorsoft, relax,eco friendly, daily life, warm, natural, wellnes

42、sEffectnaturalismMaterial1.基本用户体验概念介绍2.企业中一般的用户体验流程是怎样的?3. 实例说明(偏GUI方面)4.一些评价原则&标准的探讨(偏GUI方面)当茫茫的一片作品墙出现在我们眼前,我们是否能挑出最好的作品?一件好的GUI作品应具有怎样的优秀特征?在公众投票+专家评审中过滤出来的作品中,能否找到一些评价标准和规律(评价好作品的规律)。来看看专业人士是怎样评价这些获奖作品的?http:/ Moodboard 、用户研究方法、趋势分析、质量分析工具可以提供概念源头方法论支持。“细节”决定成败!当用户体验设计思想深入人心,从业人员技能水平整体提高。业界已从过往拼

43、功能实现,逐渐转变为拼细节,以及应对细节的执行力。没有细节的设计不算好设计; 细节照顾包含 GUI+UI+ 开发的合力!注意基因的继承性有细节的漂亮作品是前提漂亮的作品全部符合基本的美学规律好看GUI设计师的图形表现能力商业漏斗聚焦商业成功的GUI设计商业目标? 用户目标? 实现途径?易用有用易学问题的分析&解决能力与商业目标契合能完整的反应UI逻辑意图,兼顾可实现性与业务契合UI逻辑思想友好的响应和照顾贴心照顾内容组织有条理条理性没有人喜欢复杂的东西简单家族化的系统语言一致性图形语言使用准确识别性好看的图形(美感)好看的同时还需要友好的传递信息界面信息(功用)E.高于用户期望,实现商业价值D.有独立概念语言,满足用户期望挑战目标C.好看好用的GUI业界平均值B.信息传递准确的GUI不可接受值A.以满足功能为目的的GUIABCDE?你不是视觉设计师而是整体解决方案的提出者是有价值生活方式(哲学)的倡导者是有真实情怀的自然人Thanks



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