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1、【人教版】必修二:Unit3-Computers-using-language课件Important Vocabularycalculate, calculator, PC, notebook, common, analytical, simple, simple-minded, technology, technological, revolution, universal, mathematical, artificial intelligence, anyway, totally, network, truly, race, birth, IT, advantage, disadvant

2、age, type, disagree, choice, material, personally, create, coach, move, arise, brain, mop, wanderin common, in ones opinion, go by, sothat, deal with, human race, in a way, make up, after all, with the help of, watch overListen to a conversation about different kinds of information technology or IT.

3、 Pay attention to the advantages and disadvantages of each one. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages.Try to use the following expressions in your discussion.The advantage/disadvantage is I dont like this one because What is your reason? In my opinion I believe that Ive decided I think this one i

4、s better because Lets make our decision. LM: What are you doing Dave?D: Im reading about information technology.LM: You mean things like computers? In my opinion theyre so boring to read about. Theyre only good to use.D: But theyre just one kind of IT.LM: Really? So what else is part of IT?Listening

5、 textLi Ming=LM Dave=DD: Weve had IT for a long time. Books, radios and TVs are also kinds of IT.LM: Oh. I never thought of that before. Books are a wonderful way for us to get information.D: Yeah, I believe that too. They are cheap and easy to take with you but sometimes the information is out of d

6、ate.LM: I agree. The world is changing so fast. But in my opinion listening to sports on the radio is better than anything else. Sometimes I also listen to English programmes on the radio. But they speak so fast and sometimes its difficult to understand everything.D: Yes. I also listen to English on

7、 the radio but its easier to follow on TV because you can also see what is going on. Sometimes it is more interesting to watch sports on TV than just listen to them on the radio.LM: I disagree because you get such a lot of information on the technical aspects of a game on the radio. You dont get tha

8、t on TV. But I still think that the computer is the best kind of IT. You can watch a film on it, write to friends, get information, and find out what is going on in the world.D: I know, but it is also the most expensive and it is too big to carry with you everywhere. Also the Internet has nobody to

9、check whether than information you find there is correct. So you have to be careful.LM: Well, I suppose all kinds of IT have both disadvantages and advantages.Type of ITAdvantagesDisadvantagesTVWebRadioBookYou can both listen and watch.You can find information.You can listen to English.You can get i

10、nformation.You cannot write to friends.It is very expensive.You cannot watch a film.Sometimes it isout of date.Reading & SpeakingReading 1. What does Andy look like? 2. Andy looks like a human. Think about the following questions.2. What can it do?It is designed to play football games and can move a

11、nd think like a human.3. What part does Andy play in the football team? Hes a striker.1. advantages n. 优点优点; 优势优势; 有利条件有利条件There are several advantages in city life. take advantage of 利用利用be to your advantage 对对有利有利 disadvantage n. 缺点缺点, 劣势劣势; 不利条件不利条件 Language points2. type 1) n. 类型类型 This is a new

12、 type of machine, with lots of meters on it.2) v. 打字打字Will you please type this letter for me?type:表示各项事物在本类中都是典型的。表示各项事物在本类中都是典型的。kind:特指在分类中能放在一起特指在分类中能放在一起 的性质相同相似的一类事物。的性质相同相似的一类事物。3. disagree (vi) 常与常与with连用连用(食物食物, 天气等天气等) 不适合不适合 Mutton disagrees with me.不同意不同意; 意见不同意见不同I disagree with you abo

13、ut this.不一致不一致; 不符不符His report disagrees with the fact.4. personally adv. 就自己而言就自己而言; 就我个人来说就我个人来说 She didnt like the plan, but personally I see nothing wrong with it.person (n)-personal (adj.)-personally (adv.)5. in a/one way 在某种程度上在某种程度上, 从某种意义上说从某种意义上说In a way, his English has improved.in the way

14、 on the/ones way (to) 在去在去的路上的路上by the way 顺便提一下顺便提一下 in no way 决不决不all the way 自始自终自始自终;完全地完全地in this way 用这种方法用这种方法与与in a way同义的词组有同义的词组有in one way 和和in some ways。 容易与之混淆的词组是容易与之混淆的词组是in the way意为意为“造造成阻碍成阻碍”,请比较:,请比较: In a way, I like this new textbook very much Im afraid your bike is in the wayS

15、o you made it after all! After all, what does it matter? 6. after all 毕竟毕竟; 到底到底; 终究终究 1) 有有“别忘了别忘了”的意思的意思2) 放在句末放在句末, “虽然有前面说过的话虽然有前面说过的话”或或“与预料中的情况相反与预料中的情况相反”的意思的意思above all 首先首先; 最重要的是最重要的是at all 根本根本 (用于加强语气用于加强语气) 用于否定用于否定 句句, 疑问句和表示条件的从句疑问句和表示条件的从句first of all 首先首先in all 总共总共; 总计总计She should

16、have offered to pay shes a millionaire, after all7. with the help of 在在的帮助下的帮助下 With the help of the teacher, I have made rapid progress in my English study. 8. watch over 看守看守; 监视监视; 照看照看 They were watched over by three policemen.watch out (for) 当心当心; 注意注意under the close watch 在严密的监视下在严密的监视下watch f

17、or sb./sth. 观察等待观察等待keep a watch on 监视监视Speaking In small groups, discuss how to design your own android. The following questions can help you.1. What would you like it to look like?2. What are some of the things you would like it to do?3. Do you want it to be like a man or a woman, or neither?4. Ho

18、w much would it cost?I think thatIn my opinionI believe thatWhat s your reason?I had decided thatA: What kind of robot have you decided to make?B: Ive decided that we should have a homework android. It could do all our work after class and leave us more time to do footballSample dialogue:B: In my op

19、inion, it should have four arms to carry the books, a large head to remember all the lessons and a printer to write out the answers What do you think?A: OK. But what do you think it should look like?A: Well, that sounds sensible. Perhaps it could also put all the exercises into specially marked boxe

20、s for each subject so we could find them quickly. What about putting that in its stomach area?B: Do you want it to be a man or a woman? You can chooseA: Ive decided it should be a girlB: Whats your reason?A: Girls are so hard-workingB: Sounds good to me! Lets draw it now!Speaking & WritingSharing Wh

21、at is a computer? A programmable machine. The two principal characteristics of a computer are: It responds to a specific set of instructions in a well-defined manner. It can execute a prerecorded list of instructions (a program). Modern computers are electronic and digital. The actual machinery - wi

22、res, transistors, and circuits - is called hardware; the instructions and data are called software. All general-purpose computers require the following hardware components: memory : Enables a computer to store, at least temporarily, data and programs. mass storage device : Allows a computer to perma

23、nently retain large amounts of data. Common mass storage devices include disk drives and tape drives. input device : Usually a keyboard and mouse, the input device is the conduit through which data and instructions enter a computer. output device : A display screen, printer, or other device that let

24、s you see what the computer has accomplished.central processing unit (CPU): The heart of the computer, this is the component that actually executes instructions.In addition to these components, many others make it possible for the basic components to work together efficiently. For example, every com

25、puter requires a bus that transmits data from one part of the computer to another. Computers can be generally classified by size and power as follows, though there is considerable overlap: personal computer : A small, single-user computer based on a microprocessor. In addition to the microprocessor,

26、 a personal computer has a keyboard for entering data, a monitor for displaying information, and a storage device for saving data. workstation : A powerful, single-user computer. A workstation is like a personal computer, but it has a more powerful microprocessor and a higher-quality monitor. minico

27、mputer : A multi-user computer capable of supporting from 10 to hundreds of users simultaneously.mainframe : A powerful multi-user computer capable of supporting many hundreds or thousands of users simultaneously. supercomputer : An extremely fast computer that can perform hundreds of millions of in

28、structions per second.什么是计算机?什么是计算机?一个可编制程序的机器。计算机的二种主要特一个可编制程序的机器。计算机的二种主要特性是性是: : 它响应一个具体的指令为一个明确定义它响应一个具体的指令为一个明确定义的方式的方式. .现代计算机是电子和数字化的。现代计算机是电子和数字化的。 现有机器现有机器 - - 电线,晶体管和电路电线,晶体管和电路 - - 被称为硬件;被称为硬件; 指令和指令和数据被称为软件。数据被称为软件。所有通用计算机要求以下硬件元件所有通用计算机要求以下硬件元件: :物理内存:使计算机物理内存:使计算机, , 至少临时地至少临时地, , 存放数据

29、存放数据和节目。和节目。一个可编制程序的机器。计算机的二种大容一个可编制程序的机器。计算机的二种大容量存储器设备量存储器设备: : 允许计算机永久地保存很多允许计算机永久地保存很多数据。大容量存储器设备普遍包括驱动器和数据。大容量存储器设备普遍包括驱动器和磁盘驱动器。磁盘驱动器。输入设备输入设备: : 通常是键盘鼠标通常是键盘鼠标, , 输入设备是数输入设备是数据和指令进入计算机的途径。据和指令进入计算机的途径。输出设备输出设备: : 显示器、打印机显示器、打印机, , 或其他可以让或其他可以让您看到计算机完成了什么的设备。中央处理您看到计算机完成了什么的设备。中央处理单元单元(CPU): (

30、CPU): 计算机的心脏部分,是实际上计算机的心脏部分,是实际上执行指令的部件。执行指令的部件。除了这些部件除了这些部件, ,使得许多其他的基本部件一起使得许多其他的基本部件一起实现高效率地工作成为可能。实现高效率地工作成为可能。 例如例如, ,要求一个要求一个巴士传送一个计算机上的一部分数据到另外的巴士传送一个计算机上的一部分数据到另外的巴士上去巴士上去. . 电脑根据体积和重量大致分类如下电脑根据体积和重量大致分类如下, ,虽然有有可能的交叉:虽然有有可能的交叉:个人计算机(个人计算机(PCPC机)机): : 一个小的、单用户的电一个小的、单用户的电脑微处理器脑微处理器. .除微处理器之外

31、除微处理器之外, , 一台个人计算一台个人计算机有一个键盘用来输入数据机有一个键盘用来输入数据, , 一个显示器用来一个显示器用来显示信息显示信息, , 还有存贮设备用来保存数据。还有存贮设备用来保存数据。 工作站工作站: :一个强大的、单用户计算机一个强大的、单用户计算机. .就是一就是一台个人计算机台个人计算机, ,但它有个更强大的微处理器和但它有个更强大的微处理器和更优质的显示器。更优质的显示器。 小型机小型机: :多用户电脑,可支持多用户电脑,可支持1010到上百用户到上百用户同步同步. . 主机主机: :一个强大的多用户电脑,可支持多用一个强大的多用户电脑,可支持多用户或成百上千的用

32、户同步户或成百上千的用户同步. . 大型机大型机: :一个非常快的计算机,能每秒响应一个非常快的计算机,能每秒响应亿万个指令亿万个指令. .Discuss together and then decide which kind of computer you would like to buy for your school. Discussion A: Look at this computer. It has been given a smaller monitor.B: Thats good because we can then have more computers in the s

33、chool. Does it have the Internet as well?Sample dialogue:A: You can have it fitted but it is not included in the price. Now look at this one. Both a small monitor and a flat screen have been included. It can be joined to the Internet straight away and it has been given a large hard disc capacity. Th

34、ats good of course.B: Do you think we should buy laptop computers for our school? They are more useful because they can be moved from room to room. The school would not need to provide a special room for computers. They are also smaller and can be stored away more easily. But they have proved to be

35、much more expensive than a personal computer.A: Yes, that is why the principal told me we could not buy them. He would not be able to afford enough for the school so we had better look at the personal computers. This one is very fast and uses discs which can store more information. Also it is neithe

36、r too large nor too expensive. Lets see what its made of. Why its perfect! Its made from recycled materials so our headmaster will be very pleased. He will have killed two birds with one stone! The school will have new computers and have saved the earths materials as well.B: Lets choose this one, OK

37、?A: I think it is a good decision.Write a report to your school to give your view out.Writing We looked at many different computers. The one we have chosen is the PEP personal computer. One of the main reasons is that it is suitable for schools. We found that it has been built with a smaller monitor

38、 and a flat screen. We think these things will save space so that the school can find room for more computers. Example This computer also has been fitted with an improved disc. The students will be able to put more information on one disc. This computer is also good because it has been made from recycled materials. Both my partner and I suggest the school should buy this computer.谢谢大家!结结 语语



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