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1、In my room Period 2 Clean up my roomI can see a _.Its in / on / under the _.I can see a _.What a mess! (多乱呀!)(多乱呀!)Oh, Ben.Look at your desk.What a mess!Im sorry, Mum.Mum: Oh, Ben. Look at your desk. What a mess!Ben: Im sorry, Mum.Mum: Put the ruler in the pencil case, please.Ben: OK, Mum.Mum: Put t

2、he books in the bag, please.Ben: All right.Mum: Put the bag on the chair, please.Ben: Yes, Mum.Mum: Put the _in/on/under the _, please .OK, Mum.All right.Yes, Mum.Ben:Put, put, put the bag on the chair.Put, put, put the ruler in the pencil case.Put, put, put the _ under the _.Put , put , put _in/ on

3、/under _.Put, put, put the bag on the chair.Put, put, put the ruler in the pencil case.Put, put, put the ball under the desk.Put , put , put the books in the bag.Put , put , put the bear in the box.Keep it clean every day! (保持整洁)保持整洁)My desk is clean now.Mum: Oh, Ben. Look at your desk. What a mess!

4、Ben: Im sorry, Mum.Mum: Put the ruler in the pencil case, please.Ben: OK, Mum.Mum: Put the books in the bag, please.Ben: All right.Mum: Put the bag on the chair, please.Ben: Yes, Mum.Ben: My desk is clean now. I keep it clean every day.study (书房)(书房)Oh, Ben. Your desk is clean.Look at your study.Wha

5、t a mess!study 书房书房 Look at your study. What a mess!Put the toys _(in, on, under) the box.Put the pencil case _(in, on, under) the bag.Put the chair _ (in, on, under) the desk.Put the box _(in, on, under) the desk. Use the boxKeep it clean every day!My study is clean now.I love my study.Mum: Oh, Ben

6、. Look at _. What a mess!Ben: Im _, Mum.Mum: Put the books/toys/rubber/_, please. Ben: _, Mum. (OK. /All right./ Yes.) Bens roomClean up your room.整体文本出示Mum: Oh, Ben. Look at your room. What a mess!Ben: Im sorry, Mum.Mum: Put the books in the bag, please. OK. Put the pencil in the pencil case. Yes,

7、Mum. Put the toys in the box. All right.Ben: Oh! My room is clean now. I love my room.I love my roomLike Kitty and Ben.I use the boxEvery day!I love my roomLike Kitty and Ben.I keep it cleanEvery day! 1.Read and copy the sentences. 2.Listen and read the text P32. 3.Make a dialogue: Clean up your roo

8、m.( Use: Put .) (整理房间整理房间)1. Listen , read and recite the text P30-33 .2. Copy the sentences. 3. Clean your room up by yourself.AssignmentPut the box on the chair, please.请把盒子放在椅子上。OK , Mum. 好的,妈妈。Put the pencils in the pencil case, please.请把铅笔放在铅笔盒里。All right. 好的。Oh, Ben. Look at your room.哦,本。看看你的

9、房间。Im sorry, Mum. 对不起,妈妈。 Nov.23M3 U21.2.3.Bens _roombedM: Oh, Ben! _ _ your room. What a mess! Put the _ in the _,please. Put the _ on the _, please. Put the _ under the _, please.Im _, Mum.Ok, Mum./All right./Yes, Mum.What a mess! (多乱呀!)(多乱呀!)The pencil is in the desk.The ruler is on the desk.The

10、bag is under the desk.The books are under the chair.What a mess!Put the pencil in the pencil case, please.OK, Mum.Put the ruler in the pencil case, please.Yes, Mum.Put the pencil case in the bag, please.All right.Put the books in the bag, please.OK, Mum.Put the bag on the chair, please.Yes, Mum.Look

11、 at the study. What a mess!Im sorry, Mum.Put the books _(in, on, under) the bag.OK, Mum.Put the bag _(in, on, under) the chair.Yes, Mum.Put the bear _ (in, on, under) the box.All right.Put the box _(in, on, under) the desk.OK, Mum.Put the photo _(in, on, under) the shelf.Yes, Mum.Oh, Ben! Look at yo

12、ur _.What a mess!Im sorry , Mum.Put the _ in/on /under_. OK. / Yes. / All right.M: Put the pencil in the pencil case, please.M: Put the ruler in the pencil case, please.M: Put the books in the bag, please.M: Put the bag on the chair, please.B: All right.B: OK, Mum.B: Yes, Mum.B: OK, Mum.Bens roomMum: Oh, Ben. Look at _. What a mess!Ben: Im _, Mum.Mum: Put the books/toys/rubber/_, please. Ben: _, Mum. (OK. /All right./ Yes.)Ben



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