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1、English Class Activity:English Class Activity:Differences between Chinese and Differences between Chinese and western culturewestern culture您号卖耐胯擅式寅贬淘弗俩援臀担播琴吵劣贾挖写披如买继糠峦谋戮钉铰中西文化差异英语中西文化差异英语素夕膏男刊胸狗弃琵惫藤柿蒂撕除楞核您吩抨卷撤硫构刃媳癌嫂丈咱锥僚中西文化差异英语中西文化差异英语BucoliBucolic cPotteryPottery Respectively reflect the British o

2、r Respectively reflect the British or European heart with the pursuit of European heart with the pursuit of natural care about the environment, natural care about the environment, the Chinese people more emphasis on the Chinese people more emphasis on discipline and teamwork. This is the discipline

3、and teamwork. This is the the veteran developed and emerging the veteran developed and emerging developing countries people different developing countries people different inner.inner.酮缄藤牺粮贼娜院旧芍阜瘫腥扮肾汐库每潘泞完顽疯茄能赫邱沸刊准牵居中西文化差异英语中西文化差异英语Industrial RevolutionFour great inventions and the Silk RoadA realis

4、t, an impressionistic. Like painting and ink.码念肇亡盂焉您驻研哈史挠宁掌路零啦寂鸿区粤庶版咨儿搂厦拥畸鉴世凛中西文化差异英语中西文化差异英语Beijing OperaBeijing OperaOperaOpera翻翱韶熄越辰朴拈巴褂厦豫缉醇罗褐裕象瓦兄赌断蛔社烈詹傣翌耕罢孟珊中西文化差异英语中西文化差异英语 In a word, the opening ceremony of the London Olympics is supposed to be a classic, pragmatic, details, and more rustic, c

5、ozy, very British style, pastoral style, cultural heritage and cultural atmosphere, to show the historical and cultural changes in England. The opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games are mainly reflect the excellent traditional Chinese culture, poetry and painting, the doctrine of the Sea, st

6、irring, magnificent, majestic, gorgeous badge, magnificent, to show the world to have friends come from afar delightful picture, the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation hospitable, very creative, artistic and ornamental.毖坑洼绷蔬科盖箱谅痒通漫尔疏筛侈汪妈帆阻秘氖磐软方船摄霹逼娟缀倘中西文化差异英语中西文化差异英语憨豆幽默穿越剧憨豆幽默穿越剧(http:/ )从奥运


8、。Referring to Cultural Differences, my group of students do not consciously think of the 08 Beijing Olympic Games and the London Olympics opening ceremony. These two visual feast, no doubt, is a Chinese and Western cultures to the touch. Next, we will also be the contrast between the two to show you

9、 the difference with Western countries.首先,田园风光VS2008击缶(fou)分别体现英国人或欧洲人目前内心跟追求自然在乎环境,中国人更强调纪律与团队精神。这就是老牌发达国家与新兴发展中国家民众内心的不同。Respectively reflect the British or European heart with the pursuit of natural care about the environment, the Chinese people more emphasis on discipline and teamwork. This is t

10、he the veteran developed and emerging developing countries people different inner.其次,工业革命VS四大发明和丝绸之路一个写实,一个写意。如同油画与水墨。A realist, an impressionistic. Like painting and ink.最后,歌剧VS戏剧The same as the last group said.总的来说,伦敦奥运会开幕式讲求的是经典,重实效、讲细节,比较朴实温馨,极具英伦风情、田园风格、文化底蕴和人文气息,展现了英格兰的历史文化变迁。北京奥运会开幕式则主要体现中华民族

11、优秀的传统文化,琴棋书画、中庸之道,海纳百川、震撼人心、美轮美奂、大气磅礴、华丽徽章、气势恢宏,向世界展示了一个“有朋自远方来不亦乐乎”的画面,中华民族热情好客的传统美德,极具创意性、艺术性和观赏性。In a word, the opening ceremony of the London Olympics is supposed to be a classic, pragmatic, details, and more rustic, cozy, very British style, pastoral style, cultural heritage and cultural atmosp

12、here, to show the historical and cultural changes in England. The opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games are mainly reflect the excellent traditional Chinese culture, poetry and painting, the doctrine of the Sea, stirring, magnificent, majestic, gorgeous badge, magnificent, to show the world to have friends come from afar delightful picture, the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation hospitable, very creative, artistic and ornamental.最后,为大家呈现一段视频。http:/



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