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1、TNIT 4Educational exchanges高频词*动词:1.闲谈;聊天 chat 2.允许;准许 allow3.理解;认识到 realize 4.(出乎意料的)发现discover5.选择;挑选select *名词:1.想法;主意thought 2.交流;互访exchange3.主人host 4.目的;目标aim5.风俗custom 6.到达;抵达arrival7.(尤指学校)教育education 8.有点儿;一点儿bit 9.陌生人stranger10.(非正式的)交谈;谈话conversation11.咖啡馆;小餐馆cafe 12.超级市场;超市supermarket13.令

2、人震惊的事shock 14.假期vacation*形容词:1.教育上的educational 2.最后的final3. 岁aged 4.害羞shy5.自在的comfortable 6.习惯于used7.平的;平坦的flat 8.极小的tiny*副词:1.很;非常deeply 2.仅仅;只不过simply*连词:1.虽然;尽管although 高频词组1.与(某人)保持联系keep in touch with (someone)2.一点点 a bit3.名胜古迹places of interest4.乐于做be ready to do5.一直all the time6.与 不同be differ

3、ent toReading A经典句子重现1.As exchange students , we were required to tell people about our own culture, 作为交换生,我们必须告诉人们我们自己的文化,Be required to do something 意思是“被要求做某事”,Require someone to do something意思是“要求某人做某事”2.I was deeply affected by what I saw.我被我所见到的情形深深地触动了。Be deeply affected by意思是“被深深地触动”Deeply相当

4、于greatly3.We also had classes on Japanese culture and went on sightseeing tours.我们还上日本文化课以及去观光旅游。Go on sightseeing tour 意思是“去观光旅游”4.I made friends with students from South Korea,Brazil and Australia, as well as many from Japan.我不仅交了很多日本朋友,还和来自韩国、巴西以及澳大利亚的学生交朋友。 Make friends with 意思是“和交朋友” As well as

5、 意思是“也,又”。5.I returned to China three moths ago and since then, I have kept in touch with my new friends by writing e-mails and chatting on the computer at home.我3个月前回到中国此后就通过在家写电子邮件和网上聊天的方式与新朋友保持联系。Keep in touch with意思是“与保持联系”,相当于Be in touch withGet in touch with 意思是“与取得联系”Lose touch with 意思是“与失去联系

6、”Reading B经典句子重现1.Do you want to go abroad to see different countries?你想去国外看看不同的国家吗?Go abroad 意思是“出国,到国外”2.It is a programmer to allow students to visit different countries.它(教育交流)是一项让学生参观不同国家的计划。Allow someone to do something 意思是“允许某人做某事”,被动结构是be allow to do something“被允许做某事“11学会学会though和和although 的

7、用法。的用法。能区分这两个词。能区分这两个词。 尽管姚明很大个子,他能够快速奔跑。尽管姚明很大个子,他能够快速奔跑。尽管训练很艰苦,姚明从不放弃。尽管训练很艰苦,姚明从不放弃。尽管姚明成功了,他仍继续努力。尽管姚明成功了,他仍继续努力。Although/ though Yao Ming is very big, he can run fast.Although/ though training is hard, Yao Ming never gives up.Although/ though Yao Ming is successful, he still works hard.1 都表示都表

8、示“尽管,虽然尽管,虽然”,但,但although 比比 though 更为正式,更为正式,常用书面语中。常用书面语中。Though /Although it was raining,it was not very cold.2 主句与从句的位置可以调变。主句与从句的位置可以调变。 It was not very cold, though/ although it was raining.3 不能与不能与but 连用,但可与连用,但可与 yet, still连用。如:连用。如: Although he is very old, but he is quite strong. Although

9、he is very old, (yet) he is quite strong. 4 though 可用作副词,一般放在句末,意为可用作副词,一般放在句末,意为“可是、不过可是、不过”: although没这种用法。没这种用法。 They went to the Information Centre for help. It was closed, though. 1. Although Simon has made great progress in his studies,2. Tony found it difficult to talk to foreigners in Englis

10、h,3. Although it is good to drink milk at breakfast,4. She decided to go abroad to further her studies,5. I could hardly hear what he was saying,6. Though it was Sunday, a although she was not well prepared.b he still works really hard.c my mother got up early as usual.d although he was reading loud

11、ly.e although he knew his English was very good.f I prefer orange juice.very tired/ win the gameAlthough he was very tired, he won the game.He won the game, though he was very tired.A Although skating is difficult, she enjoys it.B She enjoys skating, though it is difficult. difficult/enjoy skatingA

12、Although he is very old, he does tai chi every day.B He does tai chi every day, though he is very old. very old/ do tai chiA Although he was afraid, he learnt to dive.B He learnt to dive, though he was afraid. afraid/ learn to diveA Although climbing is dangerous, they love it.B They love climbing,

13、though its dangerous. dangerous/ love climbing对别人遇到的困难提出建议。对别人遇到的困难提出建议。能够用口语表达自己的观点或建议。能够用口语表达自己的观点或建议。用英文写一封建议信。用英文写一封建议信。 。Yao Ming was chosen to play basketball in NBA in 2002. What difficulties do you think he might have when he first came to America? Li Jie is going to the UK as part of an edu

14、cation exchange. What difficulties do you think she may have?languagefoodweatherhost familybeing homesicklonelinesstransportationgetting lost12115c the weatherb your own rooma foode being friendlyd using the phoneMatch each paragraph with the expressions in the box. She should1 She should take some

15、warm clothes with her.2 She should always knock at the door and wait before she goes in.3 She should be polite if she really doesnt like the food.4 She should try to talk to people.5 She should always ask the family before she uses the phone.你的英国朋友你的英国朋友Sophie 下个月下个月将来广州。请根据中文提示将来广州。请根据中文提示给她写一封信,字数

16、给她写一封信,字数70字左右。字左右。1 广州的春天有点冷,有时候会下雨,最好带厚点广州的春天有点冷,有时候会下雨,最好带厚点 的衣服和雨伞。的衣服和雨伞。2 广州以美食出名。同时在广州可以品尝到各国广州以美食出名。同时在广州可以品尝到各国 的美食。的美食。3 广州人很友好,遇到困难时要向别人请求帮助。广州人很友好,遇到困难时要向别人请求帮助。4 你家里有空房间,她愿意的话可以住你家里你家里有空房间,她愿意的话可以住你家里。表示与将来事实相反的情况:条件句的谓语动词可以是:表示与将来事实相反的情况:条件句的谓语动词可以是:(1)一般过去时(2)should+动词原形(3)过去将来时(4)wer

17、e to动词原形; 主句的谓语动词是:would/should/could/might动词原形。 例如:If your father would come here tomorrow, I could talk to him.如果你爸爸明天能来的话,我就和他谈一谈。 If there were a heavy snow tomorrow, we could not go skating.如果明天下大雪的话,我们就不能去滑冰。 We wonder _your mother will come here on time tomorrow.A. how B. if C. when D. though

18、 在动词wonder的后面用if引导宾语从句表示“想知道是否能按时来”的意思。 If your father _ the facts, he would have been angry with me.A. knows B. knewC. had known D. has known本句子是考查与过去事实相反的虚拟语气的用法。后面的本句子是考查与过去事实相反的虚拟语气的用法。后面的句子用句子用would have +过去分过去分 词,前面的条件句用词,前面的条件句用had过去分词。过去分词。 If he had worked hard at his lesson, he _ the exam

19、successfully.A. would pass B. had passed C. should pass D. would have passed本句子是考查与过去事实相反的虚拟语气。条件句用本句子是考查与过去事实相反的虚拟语气。条件句用had过去分过去分词;主句用词;主句用would/shouldhave +过去分词过去分词Einstein cared little for money, _he could have bee very rich. (though /although)【尽管爱因斯坦本可以成为非常富有的人,但他对金钱却不敢兴趣。】He will never do such

20、 a thing _ he (should) be forced to.( though / although)【即使强迫他,他也绝不会干这样的事】_ alone ,he is happy.(Though/Although)【虽然他独自一人,却很幸福。】_he was tired, he went on working.( Although/Though)【他尽管累了,但还是继续工作】 你的钢琴弹奏练习得不够。You dont practice enough at the piano.游泳的话,河水够深吗?Is the river deep enough for swimming?谢谢你,我吃饱了。I have had enough , thank you.我有足够的钱买台彩电。I have enough money to buy a color TV set.Homework导航导航P63-64 No.38英语周报英语周报Language& writing



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