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1、备考2025河南省新乡市原阳县小学教师公开招聘题库综合试卷B卷附答案一单选题(共100题)1、An unhappy childhood may have some negative effects on a persons characters, however, they arc not always _.A.practicalB.avoidableC.permanentD.beneficial【答案】 C2、I left university with a good degree in English Literature, but no sense of what I wanted to

2、 do. Over the next six years, I was treading water, just trying to earn an income. I tried journalism, but I didnt think I was any good, then finance, which I hated. Finally, I got a job as a rights assistant at a famous publisher. I loved working with books, although the job that I did was dull.A.I

3、t pays to stick to ones goalB.Hard work can lead to successC.She feels like being unexpectedly lucky【答案】 A3、搭建一台灭火机器人,()。A.通过传感器“发现”火焰B.需要为此机器人编写程序C.机器人前进不受控制器指挥D.风扇开启受程序控制【答案】 C4、经验描述阶段是从( )到20世纪初。A.19世纪末B.18世纪末C.19世纪初D.19世纪中叶【答案】 D5、It shouldnt take long to clear up after the party if we all volun

4、teer to help.A.Many hands make light workB.Something is better than nothingC.The more the betterD.The sooner begun, the sooner done【答案】 A6、下列关于不同时期教育发展特征的表述,正确的是()。A.原始社会的教育具有阶级性B.奴康社会的教育具有普及性C.封建社会的教育具有全民性D.现代社会的教育具有生产性【答案】 D7、Do you know that womens brains are smaller than mens? Normally the women

5、s brain weighs 10% less than mens. Since research has shown that the bigger the brain, the cleverer the animal, men must be more intelligent than women. Right? Wrong. Men and women always score similarly on intelligence tests, despite the difference in brain size. Why? After years of study, research

6、ers have concluded that its whats inside that matters, not just the size of the brain. The brain is made up of “grey matter” and “white matter”. While men have more of the white matter, the amount of “thinking” brain is almost the same in both men and women.A.Our children needed more spatial skillsB

7、.Women may have more feelings than menC.Young boys may be stronger than young girlsD.More women take up jobs requiring speech skills【答案】 D8、The Coolest Club AroundA.doctorB.friendC.partnerD.neighbor【答案】 A9、下面选项中不属于“晚清四大谴责小说”的是( )。A.吴趼人二十年目睹之怪现状B.关汉卿窦娥冤C.李宝嘉官场现形记D.刘鹗老残游记【答案】 B10、 The Emancipation Pro

8、clamation to end the slavery plantation system in the South of the U.S. was issued by_A.Abraham LincolnB.Thomas PaineC.George WashingtonD.Thomas Jefferson【答案】 A11、个体在解决问题过程中表现为搜集或综合信息与知识,运用逻辑规律,缩小解答范围,直至找到唯一正确解答的认知方式称为()。A.场独立型B.场依存型C.辐合型D.发散型【答案】 C12、一般来说,( )支配下的行为更具有持久性。A.交往动机B.外在动机C.内部动机D.无意识动机【答

9、案】 C13、Sometimes I really doubt whether there is love between my parents. They are very busy working to 16 the family. They don t act in the 17 ways that I read in books or I see on TV. 18 flowers to each other on Valentine s Day is even more 19 . One day, my mother was sewing a quilt(床罩). I 20 sat

10、down beside her and looked at her. Mom, is there love between you and Dad? I asked her in a 21voice. A.no problemB.out of questionC.out of the questionD.in question【答案】 C14、He works ten hours a day, makes more than US $ 98000 a year, doesnt 16 to take holidays, dresses 17 he pleases. Hes 18 been hap

11、pier and is looking for another job. This 33-year-old white, university-educated person is the typical Internet worker, according to a study by the Industry Standard, a San Francisco-based news magazine. A.whereB.whatC.howD.why【答案】 D15、“知是行始行是知之成”这句话表明在德育过程中()A.知与行是紧密联系的B.知比行重要C.行比知重要D.知与行是可以分割开的【答案

12、】 A16、下列关于中国四大园林与其所在地对应不正确的是()A.颐和园北京B.避暑山庄承德C.拙政园苏州D.留园杭州【答案】 D17、学过电子琴的人,再学弹钢琴就会比较容易。这种迁移类型是 _ 。A.水平迁移B.垂直迁移C.逆向迁移D.负迁移【答案】 A18、心理学是研究人的()的科学A.心理活动的规律B.行为和心理活动的规律C.生理与心理活动的规律D.行为活动的规律【答案】 B19、由于先前活动而形成的心理的一种特殊准备状态称为()。A.变势B.定势C.迁移D.原型启发【答案】 B20、在小学数学材料中,面积公式的推导过程包含的主要数学思想是()。A.函数与方程思想,集合与对应思想B.分类与

13、整合思想,集合与对应思想C.数学模型思想,公理化思想D.有限与无限思想,化归与转化思想【答案】 D21、依法执教的重点是( )A.教育法学的教育和研究B.教育法律的遵守C.各个教育部门按照法定的权利和义务要求来治理教育,依法指挥、组织、管理、实施、监督、参与 教育活动D.教育立法【答案】 C22、 坐在未开动的火车上,由于旁边火车的开动,会感到自己存在的火车正在移动,这种现象是()A.动景运单B.诱导运动C.自主运动D.运动后效【答案】 B23、据说美国杜鲁门总统的成功,与当学生的时候赢得英文教师布朗小姐的爱吻有关。这说明教师的 期望对学生学习具有( )A.榜样作用B.提示作用C.成功作用D.动机作用【答案】 D24、问题解决时没有固定的答案,是通过发展新方法形成新思路和步骤的是( )A.常规性问题解决B.手段目的分析法C.启发法D.创造性问题解决【答案】 D25、最早提出学习过程是“学一思一行”统一的过程的教育家是_。A.孔子B.孟子C.荀子D.墨子【答案】 A26、一般来说,童年期思维特征以形象思维为主,少年期思维过渡到以抽象思维为主体现人的发展的()A.整体性B.顺序性C.互补性



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