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1、备考2025山西省吕梁市孝义市小学教师公开招聘模拟考试试卷B卷含答案一单选题(共100题)1、亚洲第一个获得诺贝尔文学奖的作家是()。A.泰戈尔B.川端康成C.夏目漱石D.索因卡【答案】 A2、下列有关文学常识的表述错误的一项是()。A.老舍是现代杰出的小说家、戏剧家,小说有骆驼祥子四世同堂,剧本有龙须沟茶馆等。B.郭沫若是我国现代著名作家,代表作有诗集女神,历史剧屈原孔雀胆等。C.阿Q正传祝福包身工暴风骤雨等小说都反映了半殖民地旧中国劳动人民遭受重重压迫剥削的生活。D.五十年代出现了以孙犁为代表的河北作家群,其作品以淡雅流朗的诗情画意与清新的泥土气息完美统一为其艺术风格,对当代文坛产生极大影

2、响,被誉为荷花淀派。【答案】 C3、1868年,俄国教育家乌申斯基出版了( )一书,认为在生理学、心理学和逻辑学这三个教育学基础中,心理学应放在首位。A.大教学论B.人是教育的对象C.教育心理学D.教育心理学大纲【答案】 B4、我国第一个正式颁布的现代学制是( )A.壬寅学制B.癸卯学制C.壬子癸丑学制D.新学制【答案】 A5、对下列句中“之”字用法归类正确的一项是()。A.B.C.D.【答案】 A6、This machine_. It hasnt worked for years.A.didnt workB.wasnt workingC.doesnt workD.isnt working【答

3、案】 C7、学习者对已有知识进行重组和改造,用于解释新信息,形成具有个人意义的知识结构。这种观点属于()A.人本主义学习理论B.行为主义学习理论C.建构主义学习理论D.操作主义学习理论【答案】 C8、小明期末综合评价等级是中等,老师颁发给他“进步奖”,因为他的整体表现相比之前明显有进步。这一评价属于()。A.相对评价B.常模参照评价C.绝对评价D.个体内差异评价【答案】 D9、“不同性质、不同层次和不同专业学校的教育所要完成的具体任务”就是( )。A.教育目的B.教育目标C.教育方针D.教学目标【答案】 B10、心理辅导的基本目标是( )。A.开发潜能B.寻求发展C.个案辅导D.学会调适【答案

4、】 D11、It was the afternoon of December 24, but I had to work. The only thing that brightened my day was the beautifully decorated Christmas tree and a gifta dozen long-stemmed red _21_. As I was cleaning my office,a lady urgently needed to talk to me. I noticed a young,_22_ woman with a baby in her

5、arms nervously,she explained that her husband, a prisoner,was my next patient. She told me she wasnt _23_to visit her husband in prison and that he had never seen his son. She wished to let the boys father sit in the waiting room with her as long as possible _24_ I called him for his appointment. Si

6、nce my timetable wasnt full,I agreed. _25_ , it was Christmas Eve. A short time later, her husband arrived. The womans tired face _26_ like our little Christmas tree when her husband took a seat beside her. I kept peeling(偷看) out to watch them laugh, cry, and share their child.A.remindedB.askedC.dem

7、andedD.allowed【答案】 D12、墨子的素丝说认为,“染于苍则苍,染于黄则黄。所入者变,其色亦变”,这种说法认为影响人身心发展的主要因素是() A.遗传素质B.成熟程度C.外部环境D.个体主观能动性【答案】 C13、Digital content is so easily accessible nowadays that young people may just _ books to be free and are not ready to pay for it.A.suggestB.assumeC.approveD.demand【答案】 B14、有一种学说认为,学习是个体利用智

8、慧对情境与自身关系的顿悟。该学说的创立者是()。A.布鲁纳B.奥苏伯尔C.苛勒D.加涅【答案】 C15、本学期,育才学校给全校师生开展消防知识和卫生防病知识讲座,这类教育活动属于( )。A.生存教育B.安全教育C.生活教育D.生态教育【答案】 B16、()心理学的发展出现了新的思想和理论,心理学逐渐由独立走向整合趋势。A.科学心理学的诞生B.心理学派别林立时期C.心理学融合的发展D.当代心理学的发展【答案】 D17、It was the afternoon of December 24, but I had to work. The only thing that brightened my

9、day was the beautifully decorated Christmas tree and a gifta dozen long-stemmed red _21_. As I was cleaning my office,a lady urgently needed to talk to me. I noticed a young,_22_ woman with a baby in her arms nervously,she explained that her husband, a prisoner,was my next patient. She told me she w

10、asnt _23_to visit her husband in prison and that he had never seen his son. She wished to let the boys father sit in the waiting room with her as long as possible _24_ I called him for his appointment. Since my timetable wasnt full,I agreed. _25_ , it was Christmas Eve. A short time later, her husba

11、nd arrived. The womans tired face _26_ like our little Christmas tree when her husband took a seat beside her. I kept peeling(偷看) out to watch them laugh, cry, and share their child.A.changeB.responseC.spiritD.look【答案】 D18、“造型表现”是美术学习的基础,其活动方式更强调( )A.形成设计意识B.感受、欣赏和表达C.综合实践能力与发展D.自由表现、大胆创造【答案】 D19、下面

12、的笔顺分析,正确的一项是()。A.乃(第二笔为撇)B.母(第一笔为横折钩)C.肺(第八笔为点)D.比(第四笔为竖弯钩)【答案】 D20、观看乒乓球抽球录像后,能以一定的精确度来演示这一动作的动作技能目标是()。A.模仿B.准确C.连贯D.习惯化【答案】 A21、北京奥运会场馆“鸟巢”的设计者主要运用的是_。A.常规思维B.创新思维C.动作思维D.逻辑思维【答案】 B22、根据下面资料,回答A.It is used by people to encourage those who are confronted with dangerB.It is used to show that one is

13、 enthusiastic and hospitableC.It is used to create a more friendly atmosphere and to avoid embarrassmentD.It is used by people to protect others in the threatening situation【答案】 C23、It s so nice to hear from him again, _. we last met more than 30 years agoA.what moreB.that s to sayC.in other wordsD.believe it or not【答案】 D24、根据田径竞赛规则要求,只有六条跑道的田径场,其跑道宽是()A.7.32米B.9.76米C.6,米D.6.6米【答案】 A25、下列有关外国文学名著的表述不正确的一项是( )A.钢铁是怎样炼成的的作者。他身上凝聚了那个时代



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