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1、备考2025山东省临沂市小学教师公开招聘过关检测试卷A卷附答案一单选题(共100题)1、儿童多动综合症高峰发病年龄是_。A.46岁B.68岁C.810岁D.1012岁【答案】 C2、下列词语中加点字的注意,正确的一项是()(3分)A.溯(shu)游 空旷(kung) 伫(ch) 立 拾(sh)级而上B.挟(xi)持 诓(kung)骗 畸(j)形 棱(lng)角分明C.字帖(ti) 揩(ki)油 缄(jin)默 言简意赅(gi)D.可(k)汗 船舷(xun) 愤懑(mn) 吹毛求疵(z)【答案】 C3、“忠君、尊孔、尚公、尚武、尚实”是( )时期的教育目的。A.奴隶社会B.封建社会C.清朝末年新

2、学制改革之后D.中华民国【答案】 B4、学生临考的怯场属于( )A.心境B.理智感C.应激D.激情【答案】 C5、千万别折腾汉字 A.憾:从“心”,“感”音。意为内心感到郁闷、遗憾、抱憾,是一种心理状态。B.武:汉代许慎认为“武”是会意字,“止戈为武”,表达了古人向往和平美好的情感。C.旦:表示太阳将要落到地平线下,有“日暮”之意。D.疾:病字部,中间有支箭,人被箭矢所伤即为“疾”。【答案】 C6、下列哪一项不是语文教学评价所应具有的功能?()A.检查和诊断B.自我评价和相互评价C.甄别和选拔D.反馈和激励【答案】 B7、根据下面资料,回答A.put up with unfair termsB

3、.change your business lineC.enlarge your business scopeD.let them operate your business【答案】 A8、不久前,工信部向多家公司发放了5G牌照,并在多个城市(包括合肥)进行5G试点,这5G指的是()A.第5代移动通信技术B.手机存储容量至少为5GC.手机处理器主频为5GH2以上D.手机上网带宽带最少为5G【答案】 A9、It s so nice to hear from him again, _. we last met more than 30 years agoA.what moreB.that s to

4、 sayC.in other wordsD.believe it or not【答案】 D10、态度过于偏激会让一个人失去很多朋友,这体现了态度的( )A.适应功能B.自我防御功能C.价值表现功能D.认识或理解功能【答案】 A11、The men and women of Anglo-Saxon England normally bore one name only. Distinguishing epithets were rarely added. These might be patronymic, descriptive or occupational. They were, howe

5、ver, hardly surnames. Heritable names gradually became general in the three centuries following the Norman Conquest in 1066. It was not until the 13th and 14th centuries that surnames became fixed, although for many years after that, the degree of stability in family names varied considerably in dif

6、ferent parts of the country. A.patronymic namesB.occupational namesC.artificial namesD.local names【答案】 C12、人在解决问题时能够当机立断,不徘徊犹豫,这是思维的( )A.批判性B.广阔性C.深刻性D.敏捷性【答案】 D13、下列词语中加点字的注音,完全正确的一组是A.敬(jn)业文明(mng)诚(chng)信友善(shn)B.赞(zn)扬歌颂(sng)酬(chu)谢表彰(zng)C.粉(fn)红翠绿(n)黑(hi)紫湛蓝(ln)D.角(ju)色美差(chi)血(xu)脉相似(s)【答案】 D

7、14、The residents, _had been damaged by the flood, were given help by the Red Cross.A.all their homesB.all whose homesC.all of whose homesD.all of their homes【答案】 C15、因材施教的教学原则反映了人的身心发展的( )。A.顺序性B.个别差异性C.不平衡性D.阶段性【答案】 B16、外部影响转化为内部发展要素的根据是( )A.实践B.主观能动性C.教育D.训练【答案】 B17、后一种学习对前一种学习的影响是()A.垂直迁移B.水平迁移C.

8、顺向迁移D.逆向迁移【答案】 D18、下列属于黄自创作的歌曲是()A.月之故乡B.年轻的心C.只怕不抵抗D.西风的话【答案】 D19、 教师子啊教学过程中,对正在进行的教学活动进行自我认识和反思的能力是()A.教学设计B.教学组织C.教学决策D.教学监控【答案】 D20、古希腊学者阿基米德在浴缸洗澡时突然发现浮力定律,解决了“王冠之谜”。这种思维是()。A.直觉思维B.常规思维C.分析思维D.抽象思维【答案】 A21、灵感现象是( )的结果。A.直觉思维B.综合思维C.聚合思维D.分析思维【答案】 A22、Cruz Genet, 11, and Anthony Skopick, 10, cou

9、ldnt agree. Were the birds on the ice ducks or geese? There was only one way to find out. So on a chilly January evening, the two friends went to the frozen pond near their house in Frankfort, Illinois, to get a better look. First they tossed a rock onto the ice to test it . Cruz told NBC 5 Chicago

10、,“ Then we stepped on it” Convinced the ice would hold their weight, Anthony took a few steps, then.FooMP. He crashed through the seemingly frozen surface.” There was no sound, no sound, no crack,” he told NBC 5 Chicago.” I just fell through instantly.”A.was broken by Anthonys old sisterB.had a bett

11、er look in frozen seasonC.was not as strong as it lookedD.was strong enough to hold【答案】 C23、“心理起源说”的代表人物是( )A.沛西?能B.孟禄C.利托尔诺D.马克思【答案】 B24、卡特尔认为人格中存在( )种根源特质。A.16B.15C.19D.17【答案】 A25、In ancient Egypt (古埃及), people believed that the cat was a god. When a 51 died its owners showed their sadness by the

12、strange habit of shaving their eyebrows off! In the 19th century, the famous English writer Charles Dickens had a cat who was very 52 of him. The cat didnt like to 53 Dickens working too hard. At night, when the cat wanted to say 54 writing! to his master, he often 55 Dickens candle with his paw (脚爪

13、)! A.neverB.sometimesC.seldomD.always【答案】 D26、教育心理学作为一门独立的心理学分支学科,诞生于( )A.1877 年B.1879 年C.1903 年D.1913 年【答案】 C27、She has many good friends, _ are really kind to her and her parents.A.most of themB.and most of whomC.but most of whomD.most of whom【答案】 D28、学校教育互动系统中的三个核心因素为()。A.教师、学生、学校B.教、学、环境C.教师、学生、课程D.教师、学生、领导【答案】 B29、我国古代社会提出了“在明明德,在亲民,在止于至善”的教育目的,这体现了( )对教育目的 确立的影响。A.经济B.政治C.



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