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1、Lesson 32 Shopping made easyLanguagepoints1、shopping made easymade 为过去分词为过去分词, 有有 “被被” 的意思(标题的意思(标题不用句子不用句子, 所以标题省略所以标题省略be)make shopping easy = Shopping is made easy.(句子句子)make v. 制造;使制造;使怎么样怎么样 make a car/watchmake the room clean 【New words and expressionsNew words and expressions】once once adv. a

2、dv. 曾经,以前曾经,以前曾经,以前曾经,以前temptation n. temptation n. 诱惑诱惑诱惑诱惑article article n. n. 物品,东西物品,东西物品,东西物品,东西wrap wrap v. v. 包裹包裹包裹包裹simply simply adv. adv. 仅仅仅仅仅仅仅仅arrest arrest v. v. 逮捕逮捕逮捕逮捕once adj. 曾经曾经, 以前以前 once = long long ago once = long long ago 很久以前很久以前很久以前很久以前 once once 一次一次一次一次I visited my mot

3、her I visited my mother once a once a weekweek. (. (每周每周每周每周一次一次一次一次) ) once once 连接从句,表示连接从句,表示连接从句,表示连接从句,表示“ “一旦一旦一旦一旦” ” Once you leave my company, you must return the Once you leave my company, you must return the house. house. 你一旦离开我的公司,就必须退还我的房子。你一旦离开我的公司,就必须退还我的房子。你一旦离开我的公司,就必须退还我的房子。你一旦离开我的

4、公司,就必须退还我的房子。temptation n 诱惑诱惑temptation to do sth. temptation to do sth. 的诱惑的诱惑的诱惑的诱惑have the have the temptation to steal temptation to steal 有有有有偷窃的诱惑偷窃的诱惑偷窃的诱惑偷窃的诱惑resist the temptation to do sth. resist the temptation to do sth. 抵抗抵抗抵抗抵抗的诱惑的诱惑的诱惑的诱惑 (resist vt. (resist vt. 抵抗抵抗抵抗抵抗, , 反抗反抗反抗反抗,

5、 , 抗抗抗抗, , 忍得住忍得住忍得住忍得住) )I cant resist the temptation to laugh.I cant resist the temptation to laugh.我忍不住想笑。我忍不住想笑。我忍不住想笑。我忍不住想笑。t tempt v.empt v. tempt sb into doing sth tempt sb into doing sth 引诱某人做某事引诱某人做某事引诱某人做某事引诱某人做某事article n. 物品物品, 东西东西 n. 文章文章 This is a good article. n. 物品物品, 东西(强调的是商店里的一个

6、一东西(强调的是商店里的一个一个的东西个的东西, 是可数名词是可数名词, 单独的东西)单独的东西)thing n. 指任何的东西(和指任何的东西(和article不可相互不可相互取代)取代)goods n. 货物货物, 商店里的货物的总称商店里的货物的总称wrap v. 包裹包裹wrap sth. up 把把打包打包Please wrap them (up) for me. 请替我请替我把他们包好把他们包好pack v. 打包(指为了携带打包(指为了携带, 运输的方便而运输的方便而打包)打包)I will take/get/have it. Please wrap them for me. /

7、 Please pack them for me.simply adv. 仅仅仅仅simply = only = justarrest v. 逮捕逮捕 vt. 逮捕,扣留逮捕,扣留When she was arrested, she refused to say anything.The criminal was arrested. (criminal n. 罪犯罪犯, 犯罪者;犯罪者;adj. 犯罪的犯罪的, 犯法犯法的的, 罪恶的)罪恶的) n. 逮捕,扣留逮捕,扣留sb. be under arrest 某人被逮捕某人被逮捕 Tony is under arrest now.contro

8、l/under control 控制控制/被控制被控制arrest vt. 吸引(注意等)吸引(注意等)arrest ones attention 吸引某人的注意吸引某人的注意The beauty of the woods arrested the tourists. 树林的美丽景色吸引了游客。树林的美丽景色吸引了游客。He was arrested by her words. 她的话吸引了他她的话吸引了他。Sherlock Holmes holmz detective ditektiv侦探侦探侦探想知道谁杀死了比尔。Mr.Lihiredadetectivetolookintotheaccid

9、ent.公司雇佣了一名侦探来调查这次事故。ThedetectivewantedtoknowwhokilledBill.Time: Monday Morningsuspected person No1: 一号可疑人物a well-dressed womanSuspected person No. 2 :可疑人物可疑人物2号号apoorly-dressedmanHe walked out of the shop without buying anything.Guess:Whoisthethief?Howdoesshe/hestealthegoods?Translate each sentence

10、 into Chinese. (1) People are not so honest as they once were. .asas 和和一样一样(as+ adj./adv. 原形原形+as +比较对象)比较对象)这个这个箱子箱子和那个一样和那个一样轻。轻。This case is as light as that one. asas的否定形式的否定形式 not soas/not asasIt is not as heavy as that one. 这个东西不如那个东西重这个东西不如那个东西重I am taller than you/You are not as tall as I/me

11、.once表示表示“以前,曾经以前,曾经”时只能与动词的过去式连用:时只能与动词的过去式连用:他曾经在一个大公司工作。他曾经在一个大公司工作。 He once worked at a large company.Translate each sentence into Chinese.Translate each sentence into Chinese.(2) The temptation to steal is greater than (2) The temptation to steal is greater than ever before-especially in large

12、shops.ever before-especially in large shops.吸烟的诱惑对他很强烈。吸烟的诱惑对他很强烈。The temptation to smoke is strong for him. 要表现现在与过去的比较要表现现在与过去的比较, 有两种方式有两种方式 : they are 与与 they were 或或 it is /it wasYou are more beautiful than you were. 你比过去漂亮多了你比过去漂亮多了Is this your car? It was my car. 以前是以前是我的车子。我的车子。You were wors

13、e. And now you are much better.你过去更差劲你过去更差劲, 表示现在比表示现在比以前更好了以前更好了 用短语用短语than ever beforeLife is better than ever before.日子比以前过得好了。日子比以前过得好了。put each sentence into Chinese. (3)A detective recently watched a well-dressed woman who always went into a large store on Monday mornings. watchv.观察,监视;当心(口语中)

14、watchtheenemy监视敌人watchsth.当心Watchyourhead!你给我小心点!(威胁)“well+动词的过去分词”组成复合形容词,做定语well-designed设计得不错well-educated有教养的put each sentence into Chinese. (4)One Monday, there were fewer people in the shop than usual when the woman came in, so it was easier for the detective to watch her. little和和few的用法的用法lit

15、tle和和a little修饰修饰不可数名不可数名词词,little表示否定,表示否定,“几乎没有几乎没有”;a little表示肯定表示肯定=a bit of ,有,有some的含义。的含义。He has little hope of winning this race.他几乎没有赢这场比赛的希望。他几乎没有赢这场比赛的希望。 =He hasnt much hope of winning this race. Have we got any bread? Yes, theres a little/some in the fridge.few和和a few修饰修饰复数可数名词复数可数名词。fe

16、w表示否定,表示否定,“几乎没有几乎没有”;a few表示肯定,有表示肯定,有some的含义。的含义。They had few guests last weekend.=They didnt have many guests last weekend.little的比较级为的比较级为less,few的比较级为的比较级为fewer。During the holiday, there is less noise in the building. There are fewer travelers than there usually are.1.Bequick!Thereisvery_timele

17、ft.A.muchB.alittleC.fewD.little2.Shehas_goodfriendsinourschool,sosheisveryhappy.A.fewB.afewC.littleD.alittle3.Couldyougiveme_ink,please?A.abitB.alittleC.manyD.few4.Thereis_sheepoverthere.A.afewB.fewC.alittleD.littleDBBBput each sentence into Chinese. (5)The woman first bought a few small articles. p

18、ut each sentence into Chinese. (6) After a little time, she chose one of the most expensive dresses in the shop and handed it to an assistant who wrapped it up for her as quickly as possible.after a little time 过了一会儿过了一会儿handto 递给递给(比较有权威的人比较有权威的人) handed it to an assistant pass sth. to sb. 一个一个的传递一

19、个一个的传递(更常用更常用)hand in 上交上交(还发回还发回) Hand in your homework.turn in 上交(交了不还)上交(交了不还)The child picked up a purse and turned it in to the policeman. 那个孩子捡了个钱包,交给了警察。那个孩子捡了个钱包,交给了警察。wrap sth. up for sb. 为某人打包为某人打包as as possible 尽可能尽可能I have sent you as many books as possible.我尽可能多的给你寄了一些书。我尽可能多的给你寄了一些书。 H

20、e went home as soon as possible.put each sentence into Chinese(7)Then the woman simply took the parcel and walked out of the shop without paying. without doing sthwithout doing sth他什么都没说就离开了。他什么都没说就离开了。他什么都没说就离开了。他什么都没说就离开了。He left the room without saying anything. He left the room without saying an

21、ything. 不吃早餐就去上学了不吃早餐就去上学了不吃早餐就去上学了不吃早餐就去上学了He went to school without having breakfast. He went to school without having breakfast. 不刷牙就睡觉了不刷牙就睡觉了不刷牙就睡觉了不刷牙就睡觉了He went to bed without brushing his teeth. He went to bed without brushing his teeth. put each sentence into Chinese(8)When she was arrested

22、, the detective found out that the shop assistant was her daughter. look for 寻找寻找(动作)(动作)I am looking for my pen.我正在找我的笔。我正在找我的笔。find out 发现发现(后跟的(后跟的宾语一般是抽象的)宾语一般是抽象的)find out the truth/secret 发现真相发现真相/秘密秘密find sth. 找到找到(结果)(结果)(sth. 是看得见是看得见, 模得着的模得着的, 具体具体的的)Ifoundthepen.(pen是具体的)put each sentenc

23、e into Chinese(9)The girl gave her mother a free dress once a week !free adj. 免费的免费的Childrenunderfiveyearsoldtravelfree.5岁以下儿童免费旅行。fee adj. 交费交费 feeparking收费的停车场“once a +表示时间的名词表示时间的名词”可可以表示频率以表示频率:Hecomestotheofficeonceaday.【Key structures】比较状语从句比较状语从句比较状语从句含有或暗含有比较状语从句含有或暗含有“与与相比相比”的的意思。除了意思。除了tha

24、n或或morethan这种结构这种结构外,它还包括外,它还包括as+形容词形容词/副词副词+as,not so/asas,lessthan等结构。等结构。当句子当句子里两个动词相同、时态也一样时,则第二个动里两个动词相同、时态也一样时,则第二个动词可以省略词可以省略 People arent so kind as they used to be.人们不像过去人们不像过去那么友善了。那么友善了。 He is as quick in answering as his sister (is). He answers as quickly as his sister (does). He is not

25、 so/as quick as his sister (is).【Special Difficulties】A and One不定冠词不定冠词a通常用于表示不确定的人或事物以及通常用于表示不确定的人或事物以及第一次提到的人或事物,第一次提到的人或事物,a强调的是后面的名词;强调的是后面的名词; one强调的是强调的是 “一个一个” 的意思:的意思:It was one apple I ate, not two. There is a book and a pen on the desk.不表示强调时,不表示强调时,a和和one有时可以互换:有时可以互换:She will come home i

26、na/one weeks time.叙述故事时常将叙述故事时常将one+表示时间的名词用于句首,表示时间的名词用于句首,而不用而不用a: One Monday, he went to the office as usual.1.Look,Simon,()MP4thatIboughtlastyearisntworkingA,aB,anC,theD,不填2.TheUSishardlyin_positiontocriticizeothercountriesforwastingenergysupplies.A./B.aC.theD.that3.BesidesMary,_Smithshavetwootherdaughters,_ofwhomareallinterestedinmakingclothes.A./.twoB./.thetwoC.the.threeD.the.thethreeCCCBye bye!Seeyounexttime!



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