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1、16种英语时态讲解-2013最新整理一、时态概述时: 表示动作发生的时间现在、过去、将来和过去将来.态: 表示动作进行到何种程度一般动作、进行动作、完成动作和完成进行动作.2021/5/222二、一般现在时态一般现在时的基本用法用法1: 表示经常发生的习惯性的动作或者存在的状态. He often goes to the gym. I like the rice for dinner. He doesnt work hand.形式形式: : do 或或does( (第三人第三人称单数称单数) )此用法常与一些表示动作频率的时间副词连用(副词放在be动词之后, 实义动词之前).1) 表示肯定的频

2、率副词: always, frequently, usually, sometimes, often, occasionally, generally 等.2) 表示否定的频率副词: never, seldom, rarely 等. He always goes to school by bike.2021/5/223用法2: 表示不受时间限制的事实陈述或客观性的真理. The earth moves around the sun. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Knowledge is power.二、一般现在时态一般现在时的

3、基本用法用法3: 有时用一般现在时表示正在发生的动作. Here comes your friend. There goes our bus; well have to wait for the next one.用在以there或here开头的句中,表示目前短暂的动作.2021/5/224用法4:有时用一般现在时表示将来发生的动作.二、一般现在时态一般现在时的基本用法 Please let me know when he comes back. What are you going to do when you leave school. Ill give the book to him a

4、s soon as I see him. Ill be glad if she comes over to visit me.主要用在条件状语从句(if, unless)和时间状语从句(when, as soon as, befor, after, etc.)中, 表示将来动作.2021/5/225三、一般过去时态一般过去时的基本用法用法1: 表示过去时间所发生的动作或存在的状态.形式形式: : did He was late for school thismorning. I bought this computer threeyearsago. I was tired lastnight,

5、 so I went to bed early.用法2: 表示过去一段时间一直持续或反复发生的动作. He used to do morning exercises. I lived in the country for ten years. He took a walk after supper when he was alive.2021/5/226四、一般将来时态一般将来时的基本用法用法1: 表示预测将要发生某事,用will或be going to do.形式形式: : will do 或或be going to do1)be going to 特别意指根据目前的明显迹象来推断某件事要发

6、生; will 则只是表名说话人认为或相信某件事要发生.2)be going to 通常用来表示说话人预期所说的事件马上或在相当近的将来就要发生; will 所表示的动作发生的时间可近可远. Look at this black clouds! Its going to rain. I feel terrible, I think Im going to be sick. The bridge will collapse. The bridge is going to collapse.2021/5/227四、一般将来时态一般将来时的基本用法用法2: 表示行动计划时用be going to d

7、o; 表示意愿时用will.1)be going to 表示说话人对未来行动的计划或打算, 通常是事先考虑并含有已经为这一行动作了某些准备的意思.2)will 表示意愿,则表示在说话的时刻立即做出的决定, 表明将去做某事, 并没有经过事先考虑, 更没有为这一活动做出事先准备. I have bought a computer and Im going to learn the computer science. Someone is knocking at the door. Ill go and open it. - I am thirsty. - I will make you a hot

8、 cup of tea.2021/5/228五、现在进行时态现在进行时的基本用法用法1: 表示说话此刻动作正在进行.形式形式: : am/is/are + doing He is not available now. he is talking on the phone. Please dont make so much noise. I am studying.用法2: 表示现阶段正在持续的动作,说话时刻动作不一定正在发生. These days I am translating a book. I am feeding the neighbors cat this week while s

9、hes in hospital. Mr. Green is writing another novel.2021/5/229五、现在进行时态现在进行时的基本用法用法3: 表示最近的将来一定的安排. 通常含有“计划”, “安排做”之意. I am taking a makeup test tomorrow. what are you doing on Saturday night? Im doing some shopping with Jane.用法4: 常与always, forever, continually, constantly 等连用,表示抱怨,厌烦, 不合情理或使人不愉快的事.

10、Hes always messing up the kitchen. Hes continually asking me for money.2021/5/2210六、过去进行时态过去进行时的基本用法用法1: 用来描述一个过去特定的时刻正在发生的事情.形式形式: : was/were + doing I was discussing my thesis with my director at this time last night.用法2: 常与一般过去时配合使用.此时,过去进行时通常表示一个历时较长的体系”背景”的动作或状态; 而一般过去时则表示此”背景”下发生的短暂的动作或状态.过去进行

11、时动作先发生,一般过去时动作后发生. I was watching TV when the phone rang. I cut my finger when I was cooking the dinner last night.2021/5/2211七、将来进行时态将来进行时的基本用法用法1: 表示将来某一特定的时刻正在进行的动作.形式形式: : will be doing Ill be lying on a beach in Sanya this time tomorrow. Wait until sever oclock so that they wont still be eating

12、. Dont call me at nine tomorrow because I will be studying at the library.2021/5/2212知知识扩展:不用展:不用进行行时的的动词1)1) 事事实实状状态态的的动动词词:have, belong, possess, cost, owe, exist, include, contain, matter, weigh, measure, continue I have two brothers. This house belongs to my sister.2)2)心心理理状状态态的的动动词词:know, reali

13、ze, think see, believe, suppose, imagine, agree, recognize, remember, want, need, forget, prefer, mean, understand, love, hate I need your help. He loves her very much.3)3)瞬瞬间间动动词词:accept, receive, complete, finish, give, allow, decide, refuse I accept your advice.4)4)系系动动词词:seem, remain, lie, see,

14、hear, smell, feel, taste, get, become, turn You seem a little tired.2021/5/2213现在完成时的基本用法用法1: 延续到现在的动作或状态.形式形式: : have/has done八、现在完成时态开始于过去的动作一直持续的现在,而且还可能继续持续下去。谓语动词一般为延续性动词。 I have lived here for 3 years. The teacher has taught in this school since I came here. Since time began, man has lived in

15、fear of fire.2021/5/2214知知识扩展:与展:与现在完成在完成时搭配的搭配的时间状状语1)1)Since+时间点时间点 I have worked in this company since 1980.2)2)for+时间段时间段 Great changes have taken place in Changsha for the past few years.3)3)“到到目目前前为为止止”:until now, up until now, up to now, up till now, so far We have up until now failed to take

16、 any action to decide on a common language that would further communication between nations.4)4)“在在最最近近几几世世纪纪/年年/月月以以来来”:in/over the past few years, for the last few centuries, throughout history, through centuries Throughout history man has had to accept the fact that all living things must die, fo

17、r the very nature of life includes death.2021/5/2215现在完成时的基本用法用法2: 过去发生但与现在仍有联系的动作或状态.八、现在完成时态表示在不确定的过去发生的动作对现在仍有影响,谓语动词一般为短暂性动词。 He has broken his leg. He broke his leg.试比较2021/5/2216知知识扩展:第二种展:第二种现在完成在完成时态使用技巧使用技巧1) 1) 这种完成时态的肯定句不与“一段时间”的时间状语连用 He has left his hometown for 3 years. (典型错误) He left

18、his hometown 3 years ago. He has been away from his hometown for 3 years.Note: 短暂性动词的完成时句子若用否定句,表示尚未发生的事情,则可作为一种状态,表示延续。 I havent bought a pair of shoes for a year.2) 2) 与不确定时间的时间状语连用: already, yet, often, just, never. He has already arrived. Has it stopped raining yet ?3) 3) 具有“新闻”性质,强调的是事件的内容,而不是事

19、件发生的过去的具体时间 The President has been assassinated. He cant go on holiday because he has broken his leg.2021/5/2217现在完成时的基本用法用法3: 到目前的一个时间段内重复发生的动作.八、现在完成时态表示到目前为止的一个时间段内重复发生的动作。 We have taken three tests so far this week. I have made many new friends since I came to Changsha.2021/5/2218知知识扩展:其他使用展:其他使

20、用现在完成在完成时的的结构构1)1) This/That/It is+序数词序数词+名词名词+that+现在完成时现在完成时 It is the third time that Ive come to Beijing. It is the fifth time that someone has knocked at my door.2) 2) This/That/It is+最高级或最高级或only修饰名词修饰名词+现在完成时现在完成时 This is the most interesting movie that Ive ever seen. It is the worst book tha

21、t Ive ever read.总之:现在完成时总是与现在有着密切的联系;或是表示到现在为止这一段时间的“一直在延续”或“重复发生”的动作或状态;或是表示影响现状的事件。2021/5/2219知知识扩展:展:现在完成在完成时和一般和一般过去去时比比较1) 1) 现在完成时第二种用法表示的也是过去的动作或情况,强调过去的动作对现在的影响时才用现在完成时。 I havent seen him this morning.(说话时间this morning) I didnt see him this morning.(说话时间“今天晚上或下午”)2)2) 在用于延续性动词时两个时态的区别 He has

22、 been in the army for 6 years. (他入伍以来已经6年了。) He was in the army for 6 years. (他当过6年的兵,现在不是了。) I have smoked for 2 years. (我有两年的烟龄了。) I smoked for 2 years. (我抽了两年的烟,现在不抽了。)2021/5/2220过去完成时的基本用法用法1: 开始于过去之前(即过去的过去)的动作或状态在过去这一时刻仍在进行.九、过去完成时态表示一个动作或状态在过去某一时间之前已经开始,这一动作或状态一直持续到这一过去时刻,并且到这一过去时刻还没有结束病仍有可能继

23、续持续下去。 I had learned 1000 words by the end of last year. I had waited for her for two hours is such a severe winter when she eventually turned up, which drove me mad.形式形式: : had done2021/5/2221过去完成时的基本用法用法2: 表示开始于过去之前的动作或状态到过去这一时刻之前已经停止.九、过去完成时态表示一个动作或状态在过去某一时间之前已经开始,这一动作或状态在这一过去时刻之前即已结束,并且没有持续到这一过去

24、时刻。此时过去完成时的动作为短暂动作。 He had made everything ready before I came. Her baby had fallen asleep when she went into the room.2021/5/2222过去完成时的基本用法用法3: 在过去之前开始的动作,在过去之前一段时间内重复发生.九、过去完成时态 I had written her 100 letters when she finally promised to marry me. I had proposed to her five times, but she still ref

25、used to marry me.2021/5/2223过去完成时的基本用法用法4: intend, mean, hope, want, plan, suppose, expect, think, propose, wish等动词的过去完成时表示过去未能实现的计划、设想、意图或希望等.九、过去完成时态 I had intended to see you, but I was busy. They had hoped to see you off at the airport, but they got there too late.用法4: 用在“It was the+序数词或最高级+that

26、+”句型中. It was the third time that I had met him.2021/5/2224知知识扩展:展:过去完成去完成时和一般和一般过去去时比比较1) 1) 两个或两个以上相继发生的动作,用 and 或 but 按动作发生的先后顺序连接,此时用一般过去时;过去完成时则强调主语在过去某一时刻后顾跟早的动作。 He opened the door and entered, but found nobody. I realized that we had met before.2)2) 在表示两个相继发生的动作时,过去完成时表示一个动作完成之后,另一个动作才开始发生,从

27、而使得两个动作相互独立;一般过去时则可能表示一个动作导致另一个动作,或两个动作之间有一中因果关系。 When I had opened all the windows I sat down and had a cup of tea. When I had opened the window the cat jumped out.2021/5/2225将来完成时的基本用法用法1:延续到将来的动作或状态.十、将来完成时态形式形式: : will have done I will have learned 10000 words by the end of the next year. The ol

28、d man will have worked in this factory for 50 years when he retires next month.2021/5/2226将来完成时的基本用法用法2:如同现在完成时第二种用法的将来完成时.十、将来完成时态 By the year 2050, scientists probably will have discovered a cure for cancer. We will have finished our exam by the end of next week.2021/5/2227将来完成时的基本用法用法3:在将来之前开始的动作

29、,在将来之前的一段时间内重复发生.十、将来完成时态 By five oclock this afternoon the spaceship will have traveled eleven times around the earth.2021/5/22281.Theoldman_twodaysafterhehadbeensenttohospital.A.diedB.woulddieC.haddiedD.hasdied2.OldMcDonaldgaveupsmokingforawhile,butsoon_tohisoldways.A.returnedB.returnsC.wasreturni


31、comesB.left;hadcomeC.hadleft;cameD.hadleft;wouldcome英语时态练习AABCC2021/5/22296. Look! How wonderful my car is! Oh, Jack. What are you thinkingabout?Dontyoulikeit?ImsorryI_anyremarkaboutitintime.Icertainlythinkitssmart.A.wasntmakingB.dontmakeC.wontmakeD.didntmake7.TofindthestreetwhereIlivedinmychildhood

32、isnoeasytaskbecausethecity_sorapidlyalltheseyears.A.ischangingB.haschangedC.willhavechangedD.willchange8.He_quitewell,buthehasnthadtimetoswimsincethissummer.A.willswimB.haveswum C.swamD.swims9.Jimmysaidthathewouldcometopickmeup,buthe_bynow.A.hasntturnedupB.doesntturnupC.wontturnupD.hadntturnedup英语时态

33、练习DADA2021/5/223010.Imterriblysorryforbeinglate,butI_thewrongbus.A.catchB.hadcaught C.caughtD.catching11.Thetruth,sir,isthattheoldman_acrosstheroadwhenmycarhithim.A.wastowalkB.hadbeenwalkingC.walkedD.waswalking12.IreallydontthinkRosewillbeupset,butIwillgoandseeherincaseshe_.A.isB.doesC.willbeD.hasbe

34、en13.Thecomputersmadebyourcompanysellbest,butseveralyearsagonoonecouldhaveimaginedtheroleinthemarketsthatthey_.A.wereplayingB.weretoplayC.hadplayedD.played英语时态练习ACDB2021/5/223114.Kateisinhospital.Oh,really?I_._visither.A.didntknow;IllgoandB.dontknow;IllgoandC.dontknow;Imgoingto D.didntknow;Imgoingto



37、kforsomethinghe_intheoffice.A.hadworked,hadleftB.wereworking;hadleftC.working;hadleftD.hadworked;left21.Thenotice_“Nosmoking”.A.istoldB.readsC.tellsD.isread英语时态练习BABB2021/5/2233B2021/5/2234D2021/5/2235D 2021/5/2236C 2021/5/2237C 2021/5/2238B 2021/5/2239D 2021/5/2240B 2021/5/2241D 2021/5/2242C2021/5/2243D 2021/5/2244C 2021/5/2245C 2021/5/2246D 2021/5/2247A 2021/5/2248B2021/5/2249B2021/5/2250A2021/5/2251B2021/5/2252D2021/5/2253A2021/5/2254B2021/5/2255D2021/5/2256A2021/5/2257B2021/5/2258D2021/5/2259A2021/5/2260D2021/5/2261谢谢



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