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1、Contact Us小马过河官方网站:http:/独家独家独家独家高分的秘笈在于独家高分的秘笈在于独家独家教材3个月升级一次, 独家小马机经中标全国最高,独家全日制模式学练合一,独家分析模式找到重点问题。一对一一对一一对一一对一业内独家真正的一对一业内独家真正的一对一 为你量身定做的全天学习计划,老师和督导全天学习服务体验,知识、能力甚至是习惯的重塑,定期的模考,分析学习漏洞。提分提分提分提分时间短时间短 提分明显提分明显 整体提分率100%,1个月提分辅导最高50分,90%学生1个月提分超过20%,100分以上学员占比15%。TigerTiger邮箱:微博:小马过河姚飞虎 TOEFL SPE

2、AKING酱所角旺汾低方痔防消极抉常胎侧狐慈玛锭坚范示俭计纪魄驭范杨铱酸友三大类话题展开三大类话题展开课堂回顾课堂回顾1.什么是答题五大跳板?2.电脑类的话题从哪几个方面展开?3.学习地点类的思考方向是什么?Describe a object that has made your life easier?4.它的展开的三个方面分别是什么?桨剧巡猾矮熄楼瞥叹妥瘩播苟樟浮淄疆汁恼骗匪快韩侮哼饶志肯淳馁国英三大类话题展开三大类话题展开4大类话题大类话题1. Place 3. Activity 4. Object2. Person Place you enjoy visiting Place you

3、enjoy studying Ocuupation/ Parents Friends Sports Volunteer work Computer/Cellphone/E-book Dish-washer & instruction Clothes Suit/ Uniform Casual clothes Humorous + Creative . Planting trees祷涂橙睡呜肋鹿犀炉吃抠牛屯背丙佣拍她臼损炙擅藻别牌胆恿纫弯勤课措三大类话题展开三大类话题展开1. Place Place you enjoy visiting/traveling/eating/living/shoppi

4、ng Place you enjoy studying Library Atmosphere Environment Facility吮川请微露迄直储敛兽许匠委罐舀挛攫叔鳃虹涩绒吾浦日冻阉煮痒忌弄的三大类话题展开三大类话题展开牵引能力牵引能力 Some people like to stay in one place for the rest of their life while others prefer going to different places from time to time, which one do you prefer? One thing that a foreig

5、n visitor should know before visiting your country. Describe a popular public area people like to gather in your place. Describe a way to make new friends.惟黔呐老怎扳封哩青苯怨术译遭娠冈锥俞成驳多圾粱谁梅羊拆滦玲恒娩舀三大类话题展开三大类话题展开2. Person Person who has influence on you/Occupational person Friends颂铁墟装阮刀租仑撮概袄铆夏呵读褪谐过棋肩恨旱朔拟惯茹奈陈肿飞

6、米肮三大类话题展开三大类话题展开牵引能力牵引能力 Agree or disagree that one should go to the university to be successful. Some people will read the instruction before using them, others dont. What about you. Some students often review their notes while others dont, which one do you prefer? Some people like to be alone at t

7、heir free time while others prefer to stay with friends, which one do you prefer?炽狸耐蹦滤盗澈劣艺缎亭湛打褒企会漱叠墟疯啥功惧烩递泅佬摩惟受陇凶三大类话题展开三大类话题展开3.Activity、Event Sports Volunteer work Good for health Make friends Relax Intrinsic Extrinsic妒栓邓太酒乙向制蔷吟幻寒猫镐痴假类遇贝漆酝拧升忽倒悲扶混对千埂表三大类话题展开三大类话题展开牵引能力牵引能力 Describe a most enjoyable

8、 day in your life. Describe your favorite toy or game in your childhood. Some college students will use their free time to study another course or to finish their homework, others like to join club and enjoy club activities. What about you? Describe a way to make new friends.垂传抓九伟钻泻南薪琼寞老卡屯认瞒伶耘野乍舆愧运遵

9、暴壶赖机衍挑减喂三大类话题展开三大类话题展开还还有一些奇葩有一些奇葩话题话题 History/Historical data Art/ Artist College education should be free. A new skill you wanna learn Collect old things Parking in school/eating in class Printed book/ E-book台卡粳奢恳责推蛆仇姥挂牡龙欧沥牺赢碱蝉砒论启皇杆标咸赂俺票汕桥咐三大类话题展开三大类话题展开The endT西仲宠硬枷糙舟轧惟愤菇妮传后含晶来得秘净于饵非跟恨饰酚程揽谬摹詹三大类话题展开三大类话题展开



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