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1、托业考试技巧简介 朱磊Part Io照片题n录音还未播放前,先把图片快速浏览一遍,把握情境;n所有的图片包括“前景”和“背景”,要注意观察;n70%的照片题以人物为前景,人物动作为重点。看到此类图片要问自己:What are the people doing?Where are they?Who are they?What distinguishes them?What do the peoples expressions tell you?Part Io照片题n若看到前景是物体,就要问:What is it?What is it made of?Where is it?n如果遇到风景图片,针

2、对一张背景,可以问:Where is it?What is happening?What is in the background?n要选择最佳答案n注意词义混淆的单词Walk & Work, Sheep & Ship, Flute & Fruit, Test & TastePart IIo应答题n注意问题的第一个单词:Who, What, Where, Which, Why, How / Do you? Is that? Have you?n三个问题听完了再决定答案n每题间隔只有五秒,不行就猜n注意选择最佳答案n选好了,就赶紧浏览下一题的选项,预判问题Part IIIo对话题n第一步一定要在

3、对话内容开始之前扫描题目,对问题做出预判。n不用完全听懂对话,抓住回答问题的关键词就足够了。n用铅笔直接在卷子上勾画答案,节约时间。n注意语音,语调,以及停顿。Good morning,/everyone./ Before we get down/ to the first item/ on our agenda, / I would like to / say a few words/ of congratulations.The young and beautiful manager had a very terrible accident two days before her wedd

4、ing.Part IVo独白题n不要因为一篇文章没听懂就放弃了,一篇文章最多丢失2到3个问题,不会影响大局。集中精力听下一篇。n在读题目介绍的时候就看第一篇文章的题目,抓住关键词,不用把文章完全听懂:以Who开始的问句,预期内容会提到 人名,职位名称,或者与某人的关系。以What开始的问句,预期物件,主题,活动名称等。以When开始的问句,预期时间,周几,月份,年份。以Where开始,预期地点。以Why开始,预期原因或解释。n边听边在卷面上用铅笔勾画答案,节约时间,容易和问题形成联系。Part Vo填空题n40题最好在15分钟以内做完。n不要试图全部读懂每一道题干,要注意空格前后的词;主谓一致

5、的题目出现频率很高,主语的单复数,时态等要注意。n平时要多积累一些介词的词组,如:Account for, agree with, accustomed to, capable of, disappointed with, pleased withPart VIo选错题n20题最好在8到10分钟以内做完。n拆分句子很重要,一下子无法判断的错误,拆分主谓结构,一般会比较容易判断。n遇到生词,不用紧张,猜一猜意思。把注意力放在划线词的前后去找判断答案的线索。n通过判断单词的前缀、词根、词尾 和上下文来判断词性和词义。Part VIIo阅读理解n保留30 到 40分钟来完成该部分的40题n阅读全文是

6、没有意义的,第一步就是看清问题,逐一在文章中搜索答案。抓住关键词文章的几处重点需要注意:标题及字体加大或者加黑处。第一个段落的首句。细节信息,例如: Conference Room 507, in Taipei, on the second florr.Part VIIo文章的主要类型:nFormsnCharts, indexes, and tablesnGraphsnSchedules and calendarsnAdvertisementsnReportsnAnnouncements and noticesnLabelsnLetters and faxesnMemosnNewspaper

7、and magazine articlesnBulletinsnOtherPart VIIo文章的主要类型:nMain Idea 主旨型What is the purpose of this passage?Why was this letter written?nPositive Factual 正向问细节型Who wrote the memo?What is one problem with the management?When can visitors see the exhibit?Where will the meeting be held?nNegative Factual 反向

8、问细节性EXCEPT for Sundays, the stores are open?Which of the following is NOT true?Part VIInInference 推论型It can be inferred from the article that?Where is this advertisement likely to be found?nComputation 计算型How much does the total package cost?How much more does it cost for five than for two?nVocabulary 同义单词型Profitable = lucrative(有利可图的)oThank you



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