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1、Unit 2 ExercisesEnglish-Chinese: 1 Volkswagen ( VW) AG Chairman Ferdinand Piech poured cold water on the current craze for mergers and acquisitions in the auto sector - a trend the German car maker itself encouraged with no fewer than three acquisitions in the past year alone. 大众汽车( VW)股份公司的总裁费迪南皮耶希

2、向汽车行业目前的疯狂并购行为(仅该德国汽车制造商本身去年就至少进行了3次并购)泼冷水。 2 Speaking at the companys annual news conference, Mr. Piech said he now believes that it is cheaper for companies to develop their own product lines rather than acquire fading brands. He said VW plans to go it alone in the truck sector. Mr. Piech had prev

3、iously been in the hunt for a truck maker to complete VWs product range, and was in talks earlier this year with AB Volve about buying the Swedish company, but Volkswagen broke off those talks when it became clear that Volve was only selling its car division, which it eventually sold to Ford Motor C

4、o. for $ 6. 5 billion. 皮耶希先生在公司的年度记者招待会上说,他现在相信,许多公司开发自己的产品线要比收购衰落的品牌更合算。他宣布大众公司计划独自进军卡车领域。此前,皮耶希先生曾试图寻找一家卡车制造商以完善大众公司的产品线,而且今年早些时候与AB沃尔沃公司就购买这家瑞典公司进行了谈判。当大众公司意识到沃尔沃公司只是想出售其轿车部门后,就中止了这些谈判。最终,沃尔沃公司以65亿美元的价格将其轿车部门出售给了福特汽车有限公司。 3 “We have been checking interesting acquisition targets over the past few

5、years and have come to the conclusion that there wasnt anything worthwhile, ” Mr. Piech said. “All of the acquisitions Ive seen in my time in the industry have been much expensive than setting up a company from scratch.” “过去几年,我们一直在审查让人感兴趣的收购目标,得出的结论却是,没有值得收购的公司,”皮耶希说,“我所见到的工业收购比白手起家建立一个公司成本更高。” Chi

6、nese-English: 扩大内需是中国经济社会发展的基本立足点和长期战略方针。中国正处在工业化、城镇化进程加快,人民收入水平提高和消费结构升级的发展阶段,在转变外贸增长方式、扩大进口、加强知识产权保护,为全球贸易和世界经济继续做出贡献的同时,巨大的国内需求和广阔的国内市场是中国经济发展的持续动力,这就决定了中国的发展应当而且有可能实现以国内需求为主。 Chinese-English:中国保持固定资产投资以合理的规模和速度增长,发挥投资对经济增长的推动作用。中国通过实行正确的收入分配政策和消费政策,更多的依靠国内消费需求拉动经济增长。近年来,国内投资和消费需求均呈较快增长态势。 1该段中文有

7、一些专业术语,那么它们的翻译要十分到位,这些术语有: 扩大内需:expand domestic demand 知识产权:intellectual property 工业化:industrialization 城镇化:urbanization 消费结构:consumption structure 增长方式:growth mode2“工业化、城镇化进程加快,人民收入水平提高和消费结构升级的发展阶段”这部分的译文the pace of industrialization and urbanization is being quickened, the peoples income level is

8、increasing and their consumption structure is being upgraded有几个地方需要改进:三个并列结构最好使用相同的语态,而不是主动语态和被动语态混合使用。“人民收入水平提高”不应译成the peoples income level is increasing,应该译成the peoples income is increasing;这里,“水平”是个范畴词,这是汉语名词的一个特点,比如“发展情况”、“教学工作”、“浪费行为”等中的“情况”、“工作”和“行为”均属于这类范畴词。这些范畴词在翻译中应该省译,上面三个短语可分别译为develop-m

9、ent、teaching、wasting。根据分析,可以将整句译为:China has entered a period when the pace of industrialization and urbanization is being quickened, the peoples income increased and their consumption structure upgraded. 4“中国正处在工业化、城镇化进程加快,人民收入水平提高和消费结构升级的发展阶段,在转变外贸增长方式、扩大进口、加强知识产权保护,为全球贸易和世界经济继续做出贡献的同时,巨大的国内需求和广阔的国

10、内市场是中国经济发展的持续动力,这就决定了中国的发展应当而且有可能实现以国内需求为主。”这是一个复杂的长句,不可能译成一句英文,所以根据前后的逻辑关系和意群,将之划分为三层,即三个句子,然后译成三个英文句子:China has entered a period when the pace of industrialization and urbanization is being quickened, the peoples income increased and their consumption structure upgraded. While changing its mode of

11、 foreign trade growth, increasing imports and strengthening intellectual property protection, and continuing to make contributions to global trade and the world economy, China keeps up its driving force to maintain sustained economic development through its huge domestic demand and domestic market.

12、This has determined that China should and most likely will mainly rely on domestic demand for its development. 4“近年来,国内投资和消费需求均呈较快增长态势。”In recent years, domestic investment and consumption needs are increasing at a rather rapid rate.首先应该在domestic investment and consumption needs前面根据语境添加its,即Chinas,因

13、为在英语中,ones是一个很重要的连接手段;其次,英文中的rate表示速度时,前面一般用great修饰,而不用rapid或fast修饰,因此,将译文改译如下:In recent years, its domestic investment and consumption needs are increasing at a rather great rate. Sentence translation: 1) The trade surplus was down 19 percent from January as a government spending spree aimed at cra

14、nking up the economy fuelled demand for imports. 2) Of course, though consumers may tell pollsters they will pay a premium, getting them to do so at the shop may be trickier. 3) The Dows bold advance this week, which included a 320-point surge Wednesday , wiped out more than 40 percent of the averag

15、es losses over the last two months.4) First-quarter figures, which showed an alarming jump in labour costs and annual growth in domestic demand of 8% , suggest that inflation is likely to pick up. 5) If you are opening your own business, you will lose the security of a pay-check and the company bene

16、fits you take for granted6) Amazon. com, based in Seattle , opened its virtual doors in July 1995 with the mission of using the Internet to offer products that would educate, inform, and inspire people at a customer-friendly, easy-to-navigate Web site that would offer the broadest possible selection

17、.7) A working environment that gets the best from people is more than just a place to work. 8)Furthermore , it is obvious that the strength of a countrys economy is directly bound up with the efficiency of its agriculture and industry, and that this in turn rests upon the efforts of scientists and t

18、echnologists of all kinds.9)Economics involves the study of topics like wealth and poverty, money and banks, incomes, taxes, prosperity and depression, big business and labour unions, and hundreds of other matters that intimately affect the way we live.10)A loaf of bread is the end result of a long

19、series of operations that begins with planting and harvesting grain and proceeds through milling, baking, and shipping to the point at which the housewife can pick the loaf off the grocers shelf.11)诚然,信息产业的关键是保持技术的前沿地位,但如果技术革新速度太快,商家就难以收回成本。 12)在整个出口额中,发达国家占40%,发展中国家占60%。 13)运输和通讯技术的进步降低了货物运输、劳务运输和生

20、产要素运输以及知识和技术传播的成本。 14)互联网的零售能力在于其能够在商人和客户之间创造一种更深层次的关系,这种关系赋予客户很大的权力,并且完全改变了现代营销模式。 15)信息时代,创新成了公司在充满竞争的社会中生存和进步的永恒真理。 16)改革开放以来,上海走出了一条具有中国特色、体现时代特征、符合上海特点的发展新路。 17)虽然诸如现金和支票处理这样的传统业务依然正常进行,但是今天的出纳员面对的是一个自动化环境,在这个自动化环境中,进入远程数据库使得所能获得的信息成指数倍增长。18)我们更希望应用多年累积之国内外房地产操作经验,推动本地市场的发展及人才培训;带领各方迈向国际化,以达到更有

21、效的投资管理。Vocabulary Supplementconsumer price index (CPI) 消费物价指distribution of tax burden税负分配distribution rate分摊率financial bubble金融泡沫marginal benefit边际效应market volatility市场反复无常性Nasdaq composite index 纳斯达克综合指数producer price index(PPI) 批发物价指数 Vocabulary Supplementrisk management 风险管理stock quotes 股票报价the

22、Dow industrials( the Dow Jones industrial average)道琼斯工业平均指数 房地产代理商estate agent风险资本venture capital股票期权stock options经纪公司brokerage firm老牌公司 old-line company Vocabulary Supplement牛市bull market 泡沫经济bubble economy软着陆soft landing 投资银行业 investment banking退税tax refund无形投资 intangible investment熊市bear market政府债券government bonds知识经济 knowledge economy指数期货 index futures指数期权index options



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