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1、 Module 3 Body Language and Non-Verbal Communication琼山中学琼山中学 林玉丽林玉丽What do they mean?What do they mean?What do they mean?What do they mean?What do they mean?It shows different meanings in different countries:America: France :Japan :Tunisia :(突尼西亚突尼西亚)Brazil: zero or nothingOKIll kill you.moneya rude

2、 gestureWhat do they mean?Saying what the gestures mean.Body languageCommon meaning shake hands wave the hand raise the hand nod the head shake the head kiss bite the nail(咬指甲)咬指甲)knock on the tablegreeting/make a deal/ trust/friendly hello / goodbyeI have a question./I want to say sth. yes/ agreeme

3、nt no/disagreement love /friendly thinking/ worrying/nervous angry/ warning/ impatientWhat are the people doing?They are clapping/ applauding.Why?Guessing Read the passage Clapping and answer these questions.1. Why do people clap? To show that they like something.2. What did clapping mean in classic

4、al Athens? It meant judgement and taking part.(审判与参与审判与参与)3. What was the use of prolonged clapping?(延长的延长的) It helped a play to win.4. Why dont we clap at the end of a TV programme or a book? Because they are not live performances.(现场表演现场表演)5. In what situations do people clap? At the end of a live

5、 performance, such as a play, or a concert; plays in competition;at a wedding in Britain; at a funeral in Italy. Discussion : When do people clap in China?Do we clap on these occasions? In the opening ceremony (开幕式开幕式) In the closing ceremony (闭幕式闭幕式)Do we clap on these occasions?Giving a warm welco

6、me to the teachers(热烈欢迎老师们的到来热烈欢迎老师们的到来)Our class won the fourth place at the school sports meeting.(校运会获第四名)校运会获第四名)Do we clap on these occasions? At a wedding(婚礼婚礼) At a funeral(葬礼葬礼)Standing in silent tribute(默哀默哀)Do we clap on these occasions? For the last runner in competition (为比赛中倒数第一的选手为比赛中倒

7、数第一的选手)Encouraging someone(鼓励他人鼓励他人)Showing congratulations to someone(祝贺他人祝贺他人)Do we clap on these occasions? Comforting someone who is sad (安慰伤心的人安慰伤心的人)Do we clap on these occasions?Do we clap on these occasions?Greeting the sacred torch of the Olympic Games (迎接奥运圣火)(迎接奥运圣火)Task Preparing some so

8、cial advice for visitors to China.(为来中国的游客准备一些社交建议为来中国的游客准备一些社交建议)1. Work in groups and choose three topics from the following or think of others.(从以下话题从以下话题中选择三个中选择三个,或者另外想其他的或者另外想其他的.) meeting people going to somebodys house giving gifts eating a meal conversation topics(谈话的话题谈话的话题)2.Write a short

9、 paragraph(写一小段短文写一小段短文) with if you or when you and using should(nt) and must(nt).Examples :When you meet people for the first time you should shake hands.If you meet people for the first time you mustnt touch theirshoulders. Homework Find out more gestures which show different meanings in different countries.



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