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1、深圳大学电子科学与技术学院三三 输出功率与能量输出功率与能量In section 4.1 we derived an expression for the threshold population inversion at which the laser gain becomes equal to the losses. We would expect that as the pumping intensity is increased beyond the point at which N2-N1=Nt the laser will break into oscillation and em

2、it power. In this section we obtain the expression relating the laser power output to the pumping intensity. We also treat the problem of optimum coupling-that is, of the mirror transmission that results in the maximum power output.深圳大学电子科学与技术学院激光器稳态工作的建立激光器稳态工作的建立连续或长脉冲激光器的输出功率连续或长脉冲激光器的输出功率(output

3、 power)短脉冲激光器的输出能量(output energy)深圳大学电子科学与技术学院In chapter 3 we found that an atomic medium with an inverted population (N2N1) is capable of amplifying an electromagnetic wave if the latters frequency falls within the transition lineshape. Consider next the case in which the laser medium is placed ins

4、ide an optical resonator. 深圳大学电子科学与技术学院As the electromagnetic wave bounces back and forth between the two reflectors it passed trough the laser medium and is amplified. If the amplification exceeds the losses caused by imperfect reflection in the mirrors and scattering in the laser medium, the energ

5、y stored in the resonator will increase with time. This causes the amplification constant to decrease as a result of gain saturation.深圳大学电子科学与技术学院The oscillation level will keep increasing until the saturated gain per pass just equals the losses. At this point the net gain per pass is unity and no f

6、urther increase in the radiation intensity is possible-that is, steady state oscillation obtains.深圳大学电子科学与技术学院(一)激光器稳态工作的建立(一)激光器稳态工作的建立如果腔内某一振荡模式的频率为q,开始时,由于, 腔内光强腔内光强I q逐渐增加逐渐增加,同时由于饱同时由于饱和效应和效应,g( q,I q) 将随将随I q的增加而减少的增加而减少,但只要g(q,Iq) 仍比gt大,这一过程就将继续下去,即即I q 继续增加,继续增加, g( q,I q) 不断减小不断减小,直到 ,增益和损耗

7、达到平衡增益和损耗达到平衡, I q不不再再增加。这时,激光器建立了稳定工作状态。增加。这时,激光器建立了稳定工作状态。当g0()gt时,dNl/dt0,腔内光强不断增加。无限增加?深圳大学电子科学与技术学院当外界激发作用增强时,小信号增益系数g0()增大,此时Iq必须增大到一个更大的值才能使g(q,Iq) 降低到gt并建立起稳定工作状态,因此激光器的输出功率增加。稳态工作时的大信号增益系数总是等于稳态工作时的大信号增益系数总是等于gt 。结论:在一定的激发速率下,即当在一定的激发速率下,即当g0( )一定一定时,激光器的输出功率保持恒定;当外界激时,激光器的输出功率保持恒定;当外界激发增强时

8、,输出功率随之上升,但在一个新发增强时,输出功率随之上升,但在一个新的水平上保持恒定。的水平上保持恒定。深圳大学电子科学与技术学院(二)连续或长脉冲激光器的输出功率(二)连续或长脉冲激光器的输出功率1、均匀加宽单模激光器?腔内平均光强Iq 在驻波型激光器中,腔内存在着沿腔轴方向传播的光在驻波型激光器中,腔内存在着沿腔轴方向传播的光I+和反方向传播的光和反方向传播的光I-,二者同时参与饱和作用二者同时参与饱和作用如果T1,稳态工作时增益系数也很小,近似认为I+=I-,腔内平均光强Iq=2 I+。稳态情况下,求得腔内平均光强为深圳大学电子科学与技术学院?输出功率设激光束的有效截面面积为A,则激光器

9、的输出功率为1)在T1时, ,a为往返指数净损耗因子,通常a1。上式改写为深圳大学电子科学与技术学院2)光泵激光器 Pp及及Ppt分别为工作物质吸收的泵浦功率及阈分别为工作物质吸收的泵浦功率及阈值吸收泵浦功率值吸收泵浦功率,S为工作物质横截面面积s称为斜率效率结论:一旦激光器确定了,斜率效率就确定了;结论:一旦激光器确定了,斜率效率就确定了;输出功率随泵浦功率线性增加。输出功率随泵浦功率线性增加。上式对于放电激励的气体激光器例外耦合系数:0=T0/2深圳大学电子科学与技术学院The total loss encountered by the oscillating laser mode can

10、 conveniently be attributed to two different sources: (a) the inevitable residual loss due to absorption and scattering in the laser material and in the mirrors, as well as diffraction losses in the finite diameter reflectors; (b) the (useful) loss due to coupling of output power through the partial

11、ly transmissive reflector. It is obvious that loss (a) should be made as small as possible since it raise the oscillation threshold without contributing to the output power.深圳大学电子科学与技术学院The problem of the coupling loss (b), however, is more subtle. At zero coupling (that is, both mirrors have zero t

12、ransmission) the threshold will be at its minimum value and the power emitted by the atoms will be maximum. But since none of this power is available as output, this is not a useful state of affairs. If on the other hand, we keep increasing the coupling loss, the increasing threshold pumping will at

13、 some point exceed the actual pumping level. When this happens, oscillation will cease and the power output will again be zero. Between these two extremes there exists an optimum value of coupling (that is, mirror transmission) at which the power output is a maximum.深圳大学电子科学与技术学院3)最佳透射率及功率输出功率和反射镜的透

14、射率输出功率和反射镜的透射率T有关。当有关。当T增大增大时,一方面提高了透射光的比例,有利于提高时,一方面提高了透射光的比例,有利于提高输出功率,同时又使阈值增加,从而导致腔内输出功率,同时又使阈值增加,从而导致腔内光强的下降。光强的下降。在透射率T1时,令dP/dT=0,求出最佳透过最佳透过率率Tm最佳输出功率深圳大学电子科学与技术学院Maximizing P with respect to T by setting yields as the condition for the mirror transmission that yields the maximum power output

15、.深圳大学电子科学与技术学院(1)q0 (多普勒非均匀加宽)I+和和I-两束光在增益曲线上分别烧两个孔,对每一个孔两束光在增益曲线上分别烧两个孔,对每一个孔起饱和作用的分别是起饱和作用的分别是I+或或I-,而不是二者的和。,而不是二者的和。振荡模的增益系数为2、非均匀加宽单模激光器的输出功率激光器稳态工作时深圳大学电子科学与技术学院(2)q=0I+和和I-两束光同时在增益曲线上中心频率处烧两束光同时在增益曲线上中心频率处烧一个孔,烧孔深度取决于腔内平均光强一个孔,烧孔深度取决于腔内平均光强I 0。稳定工作时振荡模的增益系数为求得腔内平均光强为输出功率深圳大学电子科学与技术学院兰姆凹陷:在单模输

16、出功率在单模输出功率P和单模频率和单模频率 q的关系曲线中,的关系曲线中,在在 q= 0处,曲线有一凹陷,称作兰姆凹陷。处,曲线有一凹陷,称作兰姆凹陷。深圳大学电子科学与技术学院由于两个烧孔在 时开始重叠,所以兰姆凹陷的宽度大致等于烧孔的宽度兰姆凹陷的宽度大致等于烧孔的宽度,即兰姆凹陷形成的机制:当当 q= 0时,两个烧孔完全重合,此时只有时,两个烧孔完全重合,此时只有 z=0附近的原子对激光有贡献。虽然它对应着最大附近的原子对激光有贡献。虽然它对应着最大的小信号增益,但由于对激光作贡献的反转集的小信号增益,但由于对激光作贡献的反转集居数减少了,即烧孔面积减少了,所以输出功居数减少了,即烧孔面

17、积减少了,所以输出功率下降到某一极小值,率下降到某一极小值,P q关系曲线在关系曲线在 0处出处出现兰姆凹陷现兰姆凹陷深圳大学电子科学与技术学院凹陷的深度和激发参量gml/成正比,当gml/小时兰姆凹陷变浅,当gml/很小时,兰姆凹陷消失。激光管的气压增高激光管的气压增高时,碰撞线宽增加,时,碰撞线宽增加,兰姆凹陷变宽、变兰姆凹陷变宽、变浅。当气压高到一浅。当气压高到一定程度,谱线加宽定程度,谱线加宽以均匀加宽为主时,以均匀加宽为主时,兰姆凹陷消失兰姆凹陷消失深圳大学电子科学与技术学院If the oscillation frequency is equal to0, only a singl

18、e “hole” exists in the velocity distribution function of the inverted atoms. This “hole” is centered on Z=0. We may, thus, expect the power output of a laser oscillating at =0 to be less than that of a laser in which is tuned slightly to one side or the other of0 (this tune can be achieved by moving

19、 one of the laser mirrors). This power dip first predicted by Lamb is indeed observed in gas lasers. The phenomenon is referred to as the “Lamb dip” and is used in frequency stabilization schemes of gas lasers.深圳大学电子科学与技术学院3、多模激光器的输出功率在非均匀加宽激光器非均匀加宽激光器中,每个模式各自消耗表观中心频率与其频率相应的激活粒子。如果模间隔足够大,各个模式相互独立,分别

20、计算每个纵模的输出功率,总的输出功率是总的输出功率是各模输出功率之和各模输出功率之和。在均匀加宽激光器均匀加宽激光器中,由于各模式相互影响,必须由多模速率方程求出输出功率。在矩形线型函数及各模损耗相同的假设下,得出其输出功率可由式 表示。深圳大学电子科学与技术学院(三)短脉冲激光器的输出能量(三)短脉冲激光器的输出能量Ep及Ept分别为工作物质吸收的泵浦能量及阈值泵浦能量,s称为斜率效率腔内光能部分变为无用损耗,部分经输出反射镜输出到腔外。设谐振腔由一面全反射镜和一面透射率为T的输出反射镜组成,则输出能量为深圳大学电子科学与技术学院小结:均匀加宽单模激光器输出功率:均匀加宽单模激光器输出功率:T1输出最佳透过率输出最佳透过率光泵情况:非均匀加宽单模激光器输出功率:兰姆凹陷非均匀加宽单模激光器输出功率:兰姆凹陷短脉冲激光器的输出能量:end



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