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1、Behavior Based SafetyGary PeacockSafety ConsultantOhio BWC1行为安全教育英文原版Objectivesl lThe benefits of behavior-based systems.l lThe basic principles of how to motivate safe behavior.l lA companys readiness for behavior-based safety.l lCompare and contrast the different behavior-based systems on the mark

2、et today.2行为安全教育英文原版Why Safety Programs Do Not Work:lSafety is a priority, not a value!lSafety is not managed in the same manner as production, quality, and cost issues!lSafety is not driven through continuous improvement!3行为安全教育英文原版“Fallacies or Realities” in Safety Fables?l lConditions cause accid

3、ents!l lEnforcing rules improves safety!l lSafety professionals can keep workers safe!l lLow accident rates indicate safety programs are working well!l lInvestigating to find the root cause of accidents will improve safety!l lAwareness training improves safety!l lRewards improve safety!4行为安全教育英文原版Co

4、re Elements in Successful Safety ProgramslA culture that says “safety” is important around here!lA tight accountability system!5行为安全教育英文原版An excellent tool for collecting data on the quality of a companys safety management systemA scientific way to understand why people behave the way they do when i

5、t comes to safetyProperly applied, an effective next step towards creating a truly pro-active safety culture where loss prevention is a core valueConceptually easy to understand but often hard to implement and sustainBehavior Based Safety: What Is It?6行为安全教育英文原版Only about observation and feedbackCon

6、cerned only about the behaviors of line employeesA substitution for traditional risk management techniquesAbout cheating & manipulating people & aversive controlA focus on incident rates without a focus on behaviorA process that does not need employee involvementBehavior Based Safety: What It Is Not

7、!7行为安全教育英文原版Obstacles To Success:lPoorly Maintained FacilitieslTop-down Management PracticeslPoor Planning/ExecutionlInadequate Training8行为安全教育英文原版Keys to Success: lMeaningful Employee EmpowermentlDesigning a Well Planned and Supported BBS ProcesslManaging BBS Process with Integrity 9行为安全教育英文原版Turn

8、& Talkl lWhat kinds of injuries What kinds of injuries and accidents are and accidents are common at your common at your workplace?workplace?10行为安全教育英文原版What percentage of these accidents are a result of:l lUnsafe conditions, OSHA violations, dangerous equipment? _%l lUnsafe actions, at-risk behavio

9、rs, poor decisions? _%11行为安全教育英文原版What percentage of these accidents are a result of:l lUnsafe conditions, OSHA violations, dangerous equipment? 6%l lUnsafe actions, at-risk behaviors, poor decisions? 94%12行为安全教育英文原版Therefore, compliance is necessary but not sufficient for great safety.Safety is abo

10、ut people, and behavior is the challenge. 13行为安全教育英文原版At-risk BehaviorsNear Miss (hit)Property DamageMinor InjuryMajorFatality14行为安全教育英文原版Traditional SafetyFewer AccidentsSafety Safety TrainingTrainingPoliciesPoliciesSlogansSlogansSafety Safety MeetingsMeetingsContests Contests & & AwardsAwardsCommi

11、ttees Committees & Councils& CouncilsR Re ep pr ri imma an nd ds sR Re eg gu ul la at ti io on ns s15行为安全教育英文原版Behavior Based SafetySafety ActivitiesFewer at-risk BehaviorsFewer Accidents16行为安全教育英文原版What Behavior-based is.Safe People vs Safe PlacesInjuries EqualManagement ErrorsBehavior ManagementMe

12、asure Behaviorsvs ResultsObservation & FeedbackPositive Reinforcement17行为安全教育英文原版Organizational Performance ModelGreat PerformanceSystemsBehaviorsClimate18行为安全教育英文原版SystemsAccountabilityCommunicationDecision MakingMeasurementOrientation TrainingEmploymentAuditing19行为安全教育英文原版Behaviorsl lHonesty and I

13、ntegrityl lAsk for help without taking responsibilityl lRecognitionl lObservation and feedbackl lTrustl lListen with empathy20行为安全教育英文原版Climate Variablesl lConfidence/trustConfidence/trustl lInterest in peopleInterest in peoplel lUnderstanding Understanding problemsproblemsl lTraining/helpingTrainin

14、g/helpingl lTeaching to solve Teaching to solve problemsproblemsl lMuch informationMuch informationl lApproachabilityApproachabilityl lRecognitionRecognition- Rensis Likert21行为安全教育英文原版Turn & Talkl lWhat is the primary What is the primary purpose of a purpose of a supervisor?supervisor?l lWhat is the

15、 most What is the most effective way to effective way to motivate people?motivate people?22行为安全教育英文原版 Activators (what needs to be done) Competencies (how it needs to be done) Consequences (what happens if it is done) Human Behavior is a function of :23行为安全教育英文原版Human behavior is both: Observable Me

16、asurable thereforeBehavior can be managed !24行为安全教育英文原版AttitudesAttitudesA Areinsideapersonshead-thereforetheyarenot observableormeasurableAttitudescanbechangedbychangingbehaviorshowever25行为安全教育英文原版ABCModelAntecedents(triggerbehavior)Behavior(humanperformance)Consequences(eitherreinforceorpunishbeha

17、vior)26行为安全教育英文原版Definitions:Definitions:Activators:Aperson,place,thingoreventthathappensbeforeabehaviortakesplacethatencouragesyoutoperformthatbehavior.Activatorsonlysetthestageforbehaviororperformance-theydontcontrolit.27行为安全教育英文原版Some examples of activators28行为安全教育英文原版Behavior: Any directly measu

18、rable thing that a person does, including speaking, acting, and performing physical functions. Definitions:29行为安全教育英文原版Some examples of behavior:30行为安全教育英文原版Definitions:Consequences: Events that follow behaviors.Consequences increase or decrease the probability that the behaviors will occur again in

19、 the future.Oh please let it be Bob!If you dont send in that payment well take you to court31行为安全教育英文原版Behavioral ModelB = f (c)AntecedentsBehaviorsConsequences32行为安全教育英文原版Some example of Consequences:33行为安全教育英文原版Consequences - How would you view them?SunbathingAggressive Drivers34行为安全教育英文原版l lPosit

20、ive Reinforcement (R+)Positive Reinforcement (R+)(Do this & youll be rewarded)(Do this & youll be rewarded) l lNegative Reinforcement (R-)Negative Reinforcement (R-)(Do this or else youll be penalized)(Do this or else youll be penalized)Punishment (P)Punishment (P)(If you do this, youll be penalized

21、)(If you do this, youll be penalized)l lExtinction (E)Extinction (E)(Ignore it and itll go away)(Ignore it and itll go away)Only 4 Types of Consequences:Behavior35行为安全教育英文原版ConsequencesInfluenceBehaviorsConsequencesInfluenceBehaviorsBasedUponBasedUponIndividualIndividualPerceptionsPerceptionsof:of:w

22、Timing-immediateorfuturewConsistency-certainoruncertainw Significance - positive or negativeMagnitude - large or smallImpact - personal or other36行为安全教育英文原版Consequences need to be .Soon vs DelayedCertain vsUncertainPositive vs NegativePersonalvsOrganizational37行为安全教育英文原版BothPositive(R+)&BothPositive


24、ouescapeoravoidsomethingyoudontwant38行为安全教育英文原版Good safety suggestion Joe! Keep bringing em up!R+R-One more report like this and youre outa here!39行为安全教育英文原版PerformanceTimeR+The effects of positive reinforcement40行为安全教育英文原版PerformanceTimePThe effects of punishment41行为安全教育英文原版Why is one sign often ig

25、nored, the other one often followed?42行为安全教育英文原版To create conditions that encourage people to collaborate because they want to not because they have toLets do it!The Behavior Based Safety Challenge:43行为安全教育英文原版PerformanceMotivationMotivation ModelAbility44行为安全教育英文原版PerformanceMotivationSelection -Ca

26、n they do itTraining -Do they knowhowMotivation ModelAbility45行为安全教育英文原版PerformanceMotivationJob Climate -Boss & Peer relationships, Work environmentSelection -Can they do itTraining -Do they knowhowMotivation ModelAbility46行为安全教育英文原版The Job Itself -Any fun, challengePerformanceMotivationJob Motivat

27、ional Factors Achievement, Promotion, Recognition, ResponsibilityJob Climate -Boss & Peer relationships, Work environmentSelection -Can they do itTraining -Do they knowhowMotivation ModelAbility47行为安全教育英文原版The Job Itself -Any fun, challengePerformanceMotivationUnion -Norms,PressuresPeer Groups -Norm

28、s, PressuresJob Motivational Factors Achievement, Promotion, Recognition, ResponsibilityJob Climate -Boss & Peer relationships, Work environmentSelection -Can they do itTraining -Do they knowhowMotivation ModelAbility48行为安全教育英文原版AccidentCausationDOTSModel49行为安全教育英文原版 Logical decision in his/her situ

29、ationWorkstatn designIncompble displays/ Controls or job designCapacity with Load in a StateDecision to errTrapsOverload ormismatchHuman ErrorAcc or incidtInjury or lossSystems FailureCausation ModelD O T SPerceived lowprobability50行为安全教育英文原版Peer pressureMeasures of the bossPerceived priorities of m

30、gtOf the incident occurring Of a loss resultingLogical decision in his/her situationPerceived low probabilityDecision to ErrSCausation ModelDO T S51行为安全教育英文原版Natural endowmentPhysical capabilityKnowledge skillDrugs / alcoholInformation processingEnvironmentWorry / stress FatigueLCUsCapacitywithLoadi

31、n aStateOverloador aMismatchCausation ModelDOT S52行为安全教育英文原版Size, force, feel, repetitionreachStereotypes, Human capabilities, Expectations,InconsistenciesWorkstation orJob designIncompatible displays or controlsTrapsCausation ModelD OTS53行为安全教育英文原版Lack of Policy / Guidelines / PracticesPoorly defin

32、ed responsibilityNo authority to actLittle accountability or measurementNo analysis of incidentsNo orientation of new / transferred staffLack of clear SOPs / StandardsS Systems Causesystems CausesCausation ModelD O TS54行为安全教育英文原版 TrapsOverload ormismatchHuman ErrorAcc or incidtInjury or lossSystems

33、FailureDecision to ErrCausation ModelD O T S55行为安全教育英文原版BenefitsofBehavior-based Approaches56行为安全教育英文原版Average Reduction of Injury FrequencyImplementation of BBSAfter 1 year34%After 2 years 44%After 3 years 61%After 4 years 71%57行为安全教育英文原版Safety Intervention Strategies(By NSC)Approach # of Studies #

34、 of Subjects Reduction %Behavior Based 72,444 59.6%Ergonomics 3n/a 51.6% Engineering Change 4n/a 29.0% Problem Solving 176 20.0% Govt Action 22 18.3% Mgt. Audits 4n/a 17.0%Stress Management 21,300 15.0%Poster Campaign 26,100 14.0% Personnel Selection 26 19,177 3.7% Near-miss Reports 2n/a 0% 58行为安全教育

35、英文原版Why Implement BBS?Safety is about people.Compliance is not sufficient.Consequences drive behavior.MotivatingPerformance Feedback59行为安全教育英文原版Why Implement BBS?Truly proactiveBroad awarenessDeep InvolvementProven effectiveTranscends workplace safety60行为安全教育英文原版Three Essential QuestionsWhat behavio

36、rs are being observed?Why are those behaviors present?Now What will be done to correct the system deficiencies?61行为安全教育英文原版BBS FeaturesStrengths / WeaknessesPeer to peer observationSupervisory observationBehavior auditSnapshotSoftware supportCustomized behavior inventoriesGeneral behavior inventorie

37、sEmphasis on skilled coaching and feedback62行为安全教育英文原版Roles and ResponsibilitiesWorkersObservers / SupervisorsSafety StaffManagersSafety Involvement Team63行为安全教育英文原版Are You ReadyforBehavior-Based Safety?64行为安全教育英文原版Safety Culture Wheel65行为安全教育英文原版Rate Each Statement on a Scale from 0 to 3l l0= Weakn

38、essl l1=Some aspects coveredl l2=Could be improvedl l3=Strength66行为安全教育英文原版LeadershipLeadership commitment to safety is active, visible, and livelyA clear and inspiring vision has been established for safe performanceSafety is viewed and treated as a line management responsibilitySafety is clearly p

39、erceived as an organizational value on the same level with productivity and quality67行为安全教育英文原版Systems & ProcessesSupervisors and workers partner to find and correct systems causes of incidentsCommunication systems are abundant, effective and flow well in all directionsTraining systems deliberately

40、and systematically create competency for the right people at the right timeSafe operating procedures and policies are clearly defined and communicated68行为安全教育英文原版InvolvementWorkers are skilled at problem solving and decision makingLabor and management work together to address safety systems issuesTe

41、am orientation achieves involvement and cooperationInnovation, participation and suggestions are encouraged at all levels69行为安全教育英文原版Organizational StyleTrust and openness are the normPositive reinforcement is used regularlyBureaucratic obstacles are removedThere is formal and informal recognition f

42、or great performance at all levels70行为安全教育英文原版Measurement and AccountabilityAll levels of the organization have safety goals and process responsibilities clearly definedThe process of achieving results is a key safety measurePerformance reviews include accountability for safe performance at all leve

43、lsSupervision is accountable to perform safety observations and feedback71行为安全教育英文原版How Do You Deal with Safety?l lLeaderLeaderl lculture that strongly values & supports EHSculture that strongly values & supports EHSl lcontinuous improvementcontinuous improvementl lFollowerFollowerl lcompliance mind

44、edcompliance mindedl lview safety as a legal responsibility with little or no valueview safety as a legal responsibility with little or no valuel lGamblerGamblerl llack knowledge, resources, will to even achieve compliancelack knowledge, resources, will to even achieve compliancel lmanage safety wit

45、h eyes closed and fingers crossedmanage safety with eyes closed and fingers crossed72行为安全教育英文原版How Is Your Organization Managed?l lSafety must be in harmony with the way the Safety must be in harmony with the way the organization is managedorganization is managedl lDo we want production and safety?D

46、o we want production and safety?l lDo we want production with safety?Do we want production with safety?l lDo we want safe production?Do we want safe production?l lGoal: Efficient production which maximizes profitGoal: Efficient production which maximizes profitl lIntegrated or artificially introduce

47、d program?Integrated or artificially introduced program?l lHow we do business - a state of mind that must become an How we do business - a state of mind that must become an integral part of each and every procedure in the companyintegral part of each and every procedure in the company73行为安全教育英文原版Beh

48、avior Based Safetyl lThree major sub-systems to deal with:Three major sub-systems to deal with:l lThe physical, the managerial, the behavioralThe physical, the managerial, the behaviorall lIdentifying critical at-risk behaviors Identifying critical at-risk behaviors andand the systems the systems th

49、at support themthat support theml lAt-Risk BehaviorAt-Risk Behaviorl lnormal human behaviornormal human behaviorl lpeople reacting to their environmentpeople reacting to their environmentl lDeal with the Deal with the causescauses of the at-risk behavior, not the of the at-risk behavior, not the beh

50、aviorbehaviorl lchange the environment that leads to the at-risk behaviorchange the environment that leads to the at-risk behavior74行为安全教育英文原版 There is no one right way to achieve safe production in There is no one right way to achieve safe production in an organization. For a safety system to be ef

51、fective an organization. For a safety system to be effective it must fit the organizations culture and it must:it must fit the organizations culture and it must:l lForce supervisory performanceForce supervisory performancel lInvolve middle managementInvolve middle managementl lHave top mgt. visibly

52、showing their Have top mgt. visibly showing their commitmentcommitmentl lHave employee participationHave employee participationl lBe flexibleBe flexiblel lBe perceived as positiveBe perceived as positive Dan PetersenDan Petersen75行为安全教育英文原版Are You Ready?LEADERSHIPLEADERSHIPl lOrganization needs to b

53、e fundamentally prepared for itOrganization needs to be fundamentally prepared for itl lSuccess = taking on and resolving central organizational issuesSuccess = taking on and resolving central organizational issuesl lMajor change initiative for most companiesMajor change initiative for most companie

54、sl lChangeChangel lnot easynot easyl loften resisted w/ vigor and ingenuityoften resisted w/ vigor and ingenuityl lfailed change efforts create skepticism, cynicism and apathyfailed change efforts create skepticism, cynicism and apathyl lWhether in production, quality, or safety the ultimate Whether

55、 in production, quality, or safety the ultimate responsibility rests with leadership.responsibility rests with leadership.76行为安全教育英文原版Are You Ready?SYSTEMSSYSTEMSl lBasic systems must be in place:Basic systems must be in place:l lSafety - AI, hazard recognition, recordkeeping, etcSafety - AI, hazard

56、 recognition, recordkeeping, etcl lManagement - decision-making, inventory, budgeting, etcManagement - decision-making, inventory, budgeting, etcl lFacilities/Equipment - design, maintenance, etcFacilities/Equipment - design, maintenance, etcl lIf BBS is not integrated as a system it is likely to If

57、 BBS is not integrated as a system it is likely to burn-outburn-out77行为安全教育英文原版Are You Ready?INVOLVEMENTINVOLVEMENTl lEngaging and sustaining employee involvement is the Engaging and sustaining employee involvement is the driving mechanismdriving mechanisml lWhen employee involvement is not adequate

58、ly When employee involvement is not adequately engaged, BBS becomes just another programengaged, BBS becomes just another programl lManagement involvement is crucialManagement involvement is cruciall loften subvert implementation by not understanding BBS often subvert implementation by not understan

59、ding BBS principlesprinciples78行为安全教育英文原版Are You Ready?ORGANIZATIONAL STYLEORGANIZATIONAL STYLEl lMust be functioning at a high level of effectiveness or Must be functioning at a high level of effectiveness or be willing to address obstacles to high level be willing to address obstacles to high leve

60、l functioningfunctioningl lEffective organizational functioning includes:Effective organizational functioning includes:l lCommunicationCommunicationl lTrust and credibility between management and workersTrust and credibility between management and workersl lRespectRespectl lVisionVision79行为安全教育英文原版A

61、re You Ready?MEASUREMENT & ACCOUNTABILITYMEASUREMENT & ACCOUNTABILITYl lWhat gets measured gets doneWhat gets measured gets donel lClearly defined roles and responsibilities at every Clearly defined roles and responsibilities at every levellevell lAccountability v ResponsibilityAccountability v Resp

62、onsibilityl lPerformance v ResultsPerformance v Resultsl lSafety Director - a lot of responsibility, very little Safety Director - a lot of responsibility, very little authorityauthorityl lNot everyone is responsible for safety until they are held Not everyone is responsible for safety until they ar

63、e held accountableaccountable80行为安全教育英文原版AssessmentProcess81行为安全教育英文原版SampleSurvey82行为安全教育英文原版Survey Results83行为安全教育英文原版Safety Observation Processl lStep 1: PLAN where and when to make observations and recall what to look forl lStep 2: OBSERVE worker behavior for safe and at-risk performancel lStep

64、3: COACH for improved performance by positively reinforcing or redirectingl lStep 4: RECORD what was observed, why it occurred, and now what will be done84行为安全教育英文原版Step 1: PLANvvDetermine a time and place to observevvReview the Observation Memory Jog-R (Tab 6)vvReview Feedback and Coaching Tips (Ta

65、b 7)85行为安全教育英文原版Step 2: OBSERVEvvSnapshots of behaviorvvAllow no distractionsvvObserve people and surroundingsvvStop any at-risk behavior immediatelyvvStop observing after 30 seconds or at-risk behavior is observed, which ever comes first86行为安全教育英文原版Step 3: COACHvvProvide positive reinforcement (R+)

66、 if safevvCoach by shaping behavior if at-riskvvIgnore what you sawvvDiscipline 87行为安全教育英文原版Step 4: RECORDvvAnonymous, specific, timelyvvSafe and At-Risk behaviors on Memory Jog-RvvWhat, Why, Now WhatvvTake Action88行为安全教育英文原版Observation Exercises89行为安全教育英文原版Continuous ImprovementvvData Compilationvv

67、Safety Involvement TeamvvProblem solvingvvImplement solutionsvvSuccessful?90行为安全教育英文原版Ohio BWCBBS Software Demo91行为安全教育英文原版OBSERVATIONqqReactive BehaviorqqPersonal Protective EquipmentqqSpecific Job RisksqqTools and EquipmentqqSafe Work PracticesqqErgonomics92行为安全教育英文原版qReactive Behaviorl lAdjusting

68、 PPEl lChanging position / Turning awayl lStopping work / Attaching safe guardsl lRearranging job93行为安全教育英文原版qPersonal Protective Equipmentl lHead gearl lEye protection and face shieldingl lHearing protectionl lRespiratory protectionl lArm and hand coveringl lFoot and leg protection94行为安全教育英文原版qSpec

69、ific Job Risksl lStrike against or caughtl lLine of firel lFall, slip hazardl lContact hot, chemical or electricl lInhale or swallow hazardous substance95行为安全教育英文原版qTools and Equipmentl lWrong for the jobl lUsed incorrectlyl lIn need of repair or maintenancel lClutter & poor housekeeping96行为安全教育英文原版

70、qSafe Work Practicesl lNot definedl lNot known or understoodl lIgnored or done poorlyl lNot compatible with task97行为安全教育英文原版qErgonomicsl lForceful exertionsl lAwkward posturesl lHigh repetitionl lLong duration w/o rest98行为安全教育英文原版Coaching and Feedbackfor the skilled observerfor the skilled observer9

71、9行为安全教育英文原版Positive Reinforcementl lGive praisel lExplain why this behavior is right and/or safel lEncourage continued behavior100行为安全教育英文原版Shaping Behaviorl lCommunicate the behavior you sawl lCheck for understanding of the jobl lCoach for improved performancel lContract for safe behavior101行为安全教育英

72、文原版Coaching Tipsl lUse “I” vs. “You” languagel lAppeal to others interests and goalsl lReflect feelings or emotions that go beyond the wordsl lSet limits to clarify expectationsl lTalk about the behavior, not the person102行为安全教育英文原版Coaching Tips ContinuedContinuedl lKeep calml lDont personalize emotion of othersl lMove to problem solvingl lFocus on interests rather than positionl lFind common ground103行为安全教育英文原版



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