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1、单击此处编辑母版标题款式单击此处编辑母版副标题款式11国际商务函电实务International Business Correspondence PracticePart Three Others第三部其它Page 2国际商务函电实务国际商务函电实务Project 12Page 3Rules for Abbreviations in Modern Business English现代商务英语缩略语规那么国际商务函电实务国际商务函电实务Lead In导入Page 4Project12RulesforAbbreviationsinModernBusinessEnglishnTo reach the

2、 goal of the project, the following knowledge and talents are required:nA good awareness of the international business telex.nA good experience in reading letters of credit issued by cable. nGood English in expression and grammar. nNowadays in international business as well as in our daily life, we

3、can often see English abbreviations, such as TKS, PLS, A/C, QTY, ASAP, NOV. How to understand them and how we can keep them in mind, whether there are any rules for forming the abbreviations in English, such questions have been puzzling many of us for quite long.nIn fact, the rules for forming the s

4、hort forms of words and phrases come from the international business telex (shortened form of teletypewriter exchange or tele-printer exchange) which has vanished or disappeared in peoples sight since the middle of 90s last century. Telex has been influencing our nowadays international business so d

5、eep that at present banks and some traditional business traders are still using telex messages in business communication. Aims and Demands学习目的Toknowinternationalbusinesstelex;ToknowandmastertherulesforformingEnglishabbreviationsininternationalbusiness.SkillsKnowledgeTounderstandbusinesstelexmessages

6、;Towritebusinesstelexmessagesinabbreviations;Totranslatebusinesstelexmessages.Page 5Project12RulesforAbbreviationsinModernBusinessEnglishPage 6Difficulties and Foci难点和重点 ToknowandmastertherulesforformingEnglishabbreviationsininternationalbusiness;Totranslatebusinesstelexmessages.Towritebusinesstelex

7、messagesinabbreviations;Project12RulesforAbbreviationsinModernBusinessEnglishCase Study案例学习Page 7Therearetwotelexmessagesininternationalbusinessforyoutostudyandinterpret.Afteryourstudy,youarerequiredtomastertherulesforformingbusinessabbreviationsandtowritebusinesstelexmessagesandinterpretthem.Projec

8、t12RulesforAbbreviationsinModernBusinessEnglishCase 12.1 Texts of International Business Telex Page 8In-class Presentation:StudentsarerequiredtopresenttheirPPTinclass,showingwhatyouhavelearnedaboutinternationalbusinesstelexanditsrulesforcomposingthemessages.Thenyouarerequiredtoreadthefollowingbusine

9、sstelexmessagesandtrytointerpretthemincompletestatement.Project12RulesforAbbreviationsinModernBusinessEnglishCase 12.1 Texts of International Business Telex Page 9Interpret the following message:1.YL6THJUN3CTLGSAIRDFRYRSTDYQTNSWLSNTUPONRCPTYRSPCFCENQRYLKGFRWDTOURENQRYB/RGDS.Interpretation Reference

10、Key to Case 3.1.1 1. We thank you for your letter of June 6. We have airmailed you 3 copies of our catalogues for your study. Our quotations will be sent to you upon receipt of your specific enquiry. We are looking forward to your enquiry. Best regards.Project12RulesforAbbreviationsinModernBusinessE

11、nglishPage 10Interpretation Reference Key to Case 3.1.1 2. Referring to your cable dated Jan. 27, we thank you for your cooperation in insuring the goods for 130% of the invoice value for us. Please debit the extra premium to our account and draw a draft on us on collection basis when you negotiate

12、the L/C.2.YCJAN27TKSYRCOOPINSURG130PCTINVVALFRUSPLSDBTEXTRAPREMOURACNDRAWONUSCOLCTNBASISWHNNEGOTGL/CRGDS.Case 12.1 Texts of International Business Telex Interpret the following message:Project12RulesforAbbreviationsinModernBusinessEnglishPage 11n1 保管词组首字母组成nEuropean Community - EC, as soon as possib

13、le - ASAPn2 保管第一个元音字母和一切辅音字母nAlready - ALRDY, attention -ATTN, above - ABV, order -ORDRn3保管一切的辅音字母nRegards - RGDS, received - RCVD, between - BTWN, sample-SMPLRules for Simplifying Words and Phrases in Telex Messages1Abbreviation 缩写Case 12.2 Rules for Abbreviations in Modern Business EnglishProject1

14、2RulesforAbbreviationsinModernBusinessEnglishPage 12n4 保管第一个音节和第二个音节首字母ninvoice - INV, document -DOC, specification -SPECn5 保管第一个音节和第二个音节nAvenue - AVE, memorandum MEMO, negotiate - NEGOn6保管第一、第二个音节和第三音节的首字母nimmediate - IMMED, manufacture - MANUFRules for Simplifying Words and Phrases in Telex Messag

15、es1Abbreviation 缩写Case 12.2 Rules for Abbreviations in Modern Business EnglishProject12RulesforAbbreviationsinModernBusinessEnglishPage 13n7 保管第一个音节及随后主要辅音字母nconsignment - CONSGNT, instruction -INSTRCTN, balance -BALNCn8 保管各音节第一个辅音字母和单词最后一个辅音字母nmanager - MNGR or MGR, manufacturer - MNFTR or MFR, n9

16、保管单词第一个和最后一个字母nbank - BK, yard -YD, week -WK, road -RD, foot / feet - FTRules for Simplifying Words and Phrases in Telex Messages1Abbreviation 缩写Case 12.2 Rules for Abbreviations in Modern Business EnglishProject12RulesforAbbreviationsinModernBusinessEnglishPage 14n10 保管重要辅音字母和单词的最后一个字母nquantity QTY

17、, quality QLY, different DFRNT, difficult - DFCLTn11 简化后缀na. -able, -ible, -ble -BL e.g. nacceptable ACPTBL, responsible - RESPNSBLnb. -al, -ial - L e.g. ntotal TTL, special SPECLRules for Simplifying Words and Phrases in Telex Messages1Abbreviation 缩写Case 12.2 Rules for Abbreviations in Modern Busi

18、ness EnglishProject12RulesforAbbreviationsinModernBusinessEnglishPage 15n11 简化后缀nc. -est, -ist ST e.g. nlargest LGST, communist COMNSTnd. -er, -or, -ure R e.g. ncustomer - CSTMR ne. -ant, -ent NT e.g. nagent AGNT, want WNT nf. -ing -G e.g. nshipping SHIPG, sending - SNDGRules for Simplifying Words a

19、nd Phrases in Telex Messages1Abbreviation 缩写Case 12.2 Rules for Abbreviations in Modern Business EnglishProject12RulesforAbbreviationsinModernBusinessEnglishPage 16n11 简化后缀ng. -ed D e.g. nshipped SHIPD, airmailed AIRDnh. -ment MT, NT, T e.g. namendment AMDT, document DOCMT, shipment SHIPMT/SHIPTni.

20、-tion TN e.g. ndestination DESTN, condition CONDTN nj. -ize Z e.g. nrecognize RCGNZ, realize RLZ Rules for Simplifying Words and Phrases in Telex Messages1Abbreviation 缩写Case 12.2 Rules for Abbreviations in Modern Business EnglishProject12RulesforAbbreviationsinModernBusinessEnglishPage 17n11 简化后缀nk

21、. -ness -NS e.g. nillness ILNS, coldness - CLDNSnl. -less LS e.g. nstainless STNLS, homeless HMLSnm. -ful FL e.g. nuseful USFL, grateful GRTFLRules for Simplifying Words and Phrases in Telex Messages1Abbreviation 缩写Case 12.2 Rules for Abbreviations in Modern Business EnglishProject12RulesforAbbrevia

22、tionsinModernBusinessEnglishPage 18n12 一些特别的缩略语nOctober OCT, thanks TKS, quote QTE, for example EG, nand so on ETC, afternoon PM, within W / I n13 利用同音或近音字母或数字替代nbefore - B4, you -U, are R, busy BZ, business BZNS, n and N, this ZS, with - WZ Rules for Simplifying Words and Phrases in Telex Messages1

23、Abbreviation 缩写Case 12.2 Rules for Abbreviations in Modern Business EnglishProject12RulesforAbbreviationsinModernBusinessEnglishPage 19n14 有些有两种方式nyour - YR, UR, account -A/C, ACT, automatic -AUTO, AUT, AUn15 有时一个缩略语有不赞同思 navenue, average - AV, regarding, refer to, reference - RE, REFnadvise, advice

24、, advance ADV, advertise, advertisement ADRules for Simplifying Words and Phrases in Telex Messages1Abbreviation 缩写Case 12.2 Rules for Abbreviations in Modern Business EnglishProject12RulesforAbbreviationsinModernBusinessEnglishPage 20n1 省略一人称,自动语态改为被动语态na. We have accepted your offer - YR OFR ACPTD

25、nb. We have opened L/C - L/C OPNDRules for Simplifying Words and Phrases in Telex Messages2Ellipsis 省略法Case 12.2 Rules for Abbreviations in Modern Business EnglishProject12RulesforAbbreviationsinModernBusinessEnglishPage 21n2 省略冠词、be 动词、不定式 to,等na. We have received your price list and samples with t

26、hanks. - YR PRC LIST (P / L) N SMPLS RCVD TKSnb. Loading was finished - LOADG FINSHDnc. We think it is a chance to buy. Make every endeavor to secure businessn THNKG CHNC BUY DO BST SECR BZNS / BSNSnd. The document has been received. Please check and reply - DOCNT RCVD PLS CHCK N RPLRules for Simpli

27、fying Words and Phrases in Telex Messages2Ellipsis 省略法Case 12.2 Rules for Abbreviations in Modern Business EnglishProject12RulesforAbbreviationsinModernBusinessEnglishPage 22n3 省略一些情态助动词,多数介词也省略na. Please do your utmost to settle the claim at least loss - DO UTMST SETL CLAIM LST LOSnb. The price is

28、rising. - PRC RISGnc. Your quotation of 18th September is too high. We counter offer 100 cases at USD 20.00 per case for November shipment. -n YR QUOTN SEP 18 TOO HIGH. COUNTER 100 CASES USD 20 NOV SHIPTRules for Simplifying Words and Phrases in Telex Messages2Ellipsis 省略法Case 12.2 Rules for Abbrevi

29、ations in Modern Business EnglishProject12RulesforAbbreviationsinModernBusinessEnglishPage 23n1 把未来普通时和一人称自动语态改为如今分词方式na. We will open the L/C next week - OPNG LC NXT WKnb. The same flash is unobtainable, but we will try to flash as nearly as possible. - SME FLASH UNOBTNBL BT TRYG FLASH NEAR PSBLnc.

30、 We usually place our orders only after seeing samples. - USLY PLACG ORDS ONLY AFT SMPLS SEENRules for Simplifying Words and Phrases in Telex Messages3Transformation 转换法Case 12.2 Rules for Abbreviations in Modern Business EnglishProject12RulesforAbbreviationsinModernBusinessEnglishPage 242把未来完成时改为未来

31、普通时a. Goods will have reached you by August 20. - GDS WL REACH U AUG 20TH / GDS TO REACH AUG20b. The ship will have arrived at the destination port by the end of March. - SHIP WL ARV DESTNTN PT END MARc. The import duty on canned sardines will have been raised by the end of April. Rush orders, pleas

32、e. - CAND SARDINE IMP DUTY WL B RAISD END APL RUSH ODRSRules for Simplifying Words and Phrases in Telex Messages3Transformation 转换法Case 12.2 Rules for Abbreviations in Modern Business EnglishProject12RulesforAbbreviationsinModernBusinessEnglishPage 25n3 把如今完成时、过去完成时和被动语态都改为过去分词方式na. Goods have arriv

33、ed in good condition. -GDS ARVD GD CNDTNnb. We had received your L/C before we sent the letter. - LC RCVD B4 YLR SENTnc. Our usual practice is that payment is made by L/C. - OUR USL PRCTS PAYMT (MADE) BY LCRules for Simplifying Words and Phrases in Telex Messages3Transformation 转换法Case 12.2 Rules fo

34、r Abbreviations in Modern Business EnglishProject12RulesforAbbreviationsinModernBusinessEnglishProject Practice Tasks工程实际任务义务Page 26n1. YC19AUG WRITG PAPER 10MT OCTSHIPMT CNFRMD PLS RUSH L/C.n1. 贵方8月19日来电已得悉。现确认写字纸10公吨,10月装船。请速开证。n2. ORDR348 GDS RCVD QLY FOUND INFR REINSPCTN CERT COPY SENT PLS COMPN

35、ST.n2.我们已收到第348号订单项下货物,发现质量低劣。复检证书副本已寄往他方,请予理赔。I. Sentence Translation单句翻译 Task 12.1 A.Translate the following sentences into Chinese:Project12RulesforAbbreviationsinModernBusinessEnglishProject Practice Tasks工程实际任务义务. Message Interpretation短文翻译 Task 12.2 Interpret the following passage in telex mes

36、sage using as many conventional abbreviations as you can:Page 27DearSirs:Weacknowledgethereceiptofyourletterof9thDecemberandhavesubmittedtoourcustomertheGabardines,ofwhichyousentussamples.Wehaveobtainedanorderfor700piecesonconditionthatatradediscountof5%mustbegiven.Wearemostanxioustobuildupourexport

37、connectionsandhopethatyouwillassistusinthisrespect.Project12RulesforAbbreviationsinModernBusinessEnglishProject Practice Tasks工程实际任务义务. Message Interpretation短文翻译 Task 12.2 Interpret the following passage in telex message using as many conventional abbreviations as you can:Page 28Enclosedpleasefindo

38、urorderformNo.6134.Ifyoucanacceptthetermsofferedbyourcustomer,wewouldaskyoutoarrangeforimmediatedelivery.Yourreplybyreturnwillbeobligedhere.Yoursfaithfully,Project12RulesforAbbreviationsinModernBusinessEnglishProject Practice Tasks工程实际任务义务. Reference Key to Project Practice Task 12.2 Interpret the following passage in telex message using as many conventional abbreviations as you can:Page 29YL9/12OBTAINGANODRFR700PCSGABARDINESFRIMMDSHIPTSUBJTO5PCTDISCNTANXIOUSTOBUILDUPEXPCONCTNYRASISTHOPEDRGDS.Project12RulesforAbbreviationsinModernBusinessEnglishThe End



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