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1、新剑桥商务英语(高级) Unit 1The Three Sectors of the Economy1补充视频材料n1 联想怎么了? (视频) 联想怎么了? (文字稿)n2 苹果iPad的竞争对手(视频) 苹果iPad的竞争对手(文字稿)2Unit 1 The Three Sectors of the Economy1The Economic Infrastructure21a. Vocabulary3 Factory, industrial units, or warehousesOffice buildings/agricultural landA riverA railwaySevera

2、l roads/housingA school31b Key words and ExpressionsSlide v. (滑行)Printed circuits(印制电路)Scatter v. (散布;四散开来)mosaic (镶嵌)Wires of (如同金属丝/电线一般)motorways (=speedways高速公路)Unit 1 The Three Sectors of the Economy41b Key words and ExpressionsCommotion (喧闹)Cram into (=fill into挤入;塞入)rush hour (高峰时间)Traffic ja

3、ms (交通阻塞)Pebble-dashed (壁外部灰泥嵌有小石子的)semis (半独立式住宅)Unit 1 The Three Sectors of the Economy51b Key words and ExpressionsInhabit(=live/dwell居住)Oblivious of (=not aware of 没有注意到)Fit into (适合于。;融入。)Electric kettle (电热水壶)Complex (=network 综合体;总和;复杂组合) of operations (商业活动经营)Power station (=power-plant发电站/厂

4、)Unit 1 The Three Sectors of the Economy61b Key words and ExpressionsProduce electricity (=generate power发电)Mining of coal (煤矿开采)Pumping of oil (用泵抽取石油)Fuel (提供燃料) the generator (发电机)Laying of miles of cable (铺设几英里的电缆)carry the current (电流) to (输送电力到。)Unit 1 The Three Sectors of the Economy71b Key w

5、ords and ExpressionsDigging (挖掘)Smelting (熔炼)Milling (磨粉;碾磨) of ore (矿石)Bauxite (铝土矿)Steel (钢) or aluminium (铝)welding (焊接)Unit 1 The Three Sectors of the Economy81b Key words and ExpressionsKettles shell (水壶外壳)Spout (喷嘴)Handle (手柄;把手)Assembling (装配) of parts (配件;部件)Scores of (=lots of/a large numbe

6、r of许多)components (部件;元件)Unit 1 The Three Sectors of the Economy91b Key words and ExpressionsCoils (电子线圈;绕组)Screws (螺丝;螺丝钉)Nuts (螺帽); Bolts (螺栓)Washers (垫圈;垫片) rivets (铆钉)Unit 1 The Three Sectors of the Economy101b Key words and ExpressionsWires (电线); Springs (弹簧)Rubber insulation (橡胶绝缘)Plastic (塑料的

7、) trimmings (装饰品;附件)Wholesale (批发) and Retail (零售) outlet (品牌专卖店)Unit 1 The Three Sectors of the Economy111b Key words and ExpressionsDistribution (分销)Added value (附加值) Myriad (=countless in number 无数的)Sth. occurred to sb. (=sb suddenly have sth. in mind 某人突然想起。)Unit 1 The Three Sectors of the Econo

8、my121b What is the key point that this extract is making about economies? Unit 1 The Three Sectors of the EconomyAnswer:The text suggests(=gives hints暗示) that most people take for granted(想当然) the amazing complexity(复杂性) of the economic infrastructure(基础设施).131c Key Words and ExpressionsnPrimary sec

9、tor (第一产业)nSecondary sector (第二产业)nTertiary sector (第三产业)Unit 1 The Three Sectors of the Economy141c ComprehensionQuestion1: In line 4-7, Robyn sees examples of all three. What are they?Unit 1 The Three Sectors of the EconomyAnswer:Tiny fields( Primary sector ); factories (Secondary sector ); and ra

10、ilways, motorways, shops, offices, and schools (Tertiary sector )15Unit 1 The Three Sectors of the EconomyAnswer:Primary Sector: Digging iron ore; mining coal;1c ComprehensionQuestion2: Classify the 18 activities from the passage according to which sector they belong to:16Unit 1 The Three Sectors of

11、 the EconomyAnswer to Question 2Secondary Sector: assembling; building; cutting metal;Laying cables; milling metal ; pressing metal;Smelting iron; welding metal1c Comprehension:17Unit 1 The Three Sectors of the EconomyAnswer to Question2: :Tertiary Sector:advertising products; calculating prices;Dis

12、tributing added value; maintenance;Marketing products; packaging products;Pumping oil; transportation1c Comprehension182 Manufacturing and ServicesKey words and expressions:nLoss(损失)nDepend on (=count on依赖;取决于)nTo the extent (达到。的程度)nConcern about (=care about关心;关注)Unit 1 The Three Sectors of the Ec

13、onomy192 Manufacturing and ServicesKey words and expressions:nProgressive (=develop gradually不断发展的;持续前进的) changenHuman consumption(消费)ninevitable (=unavoidable必然的;不可避免的)Unit 1 The Three Sectors of the Economy202b Listening (tape-script)nInterviewer: Denis MacShane, do you agree with the people who s

14、ay that manufacturing industry will inevitably decline in what we call the industrialized countries?nDenis MacShane:I think manufacturing will change, convert itself. There are many new products that have to be invented to serve new needs, and they can be made in the advanced countries because in fa

15、ct the technology of production means you need very little labor input. (to be continued )Unit 1 The Three Sectors of the Economy212b Listening (tape-script)Denis MacShane: Im holding in my hand a simple pen that British Airways gives away to its passengers. It is made in Switzerland, a pen, a low-t

16、ech product, made in Switzerland, with the highest labor costs in the entire world, and British Airways, a British company, having to pay in low value pounds, is buying from Switzerland a manufactured product. Now whats going on here? (to be continued ) Unit 1 The Three Sectors of the Economy222b Li

17、stening (tape-script)nDenis MacShane:It seems to me that the Swiss - and they also manage to do it with their watches, the famous Swatch - have stumbled on(=find sth. by chance无意中发现) a new secret, which is how to make low-tech products, sell them profitably, but actually make them in a country where

18、 in theory there should be no more manufacturing, and if you look at any of the successful economies of the 1990s, they all have a strong manufacturing component. (to be continued ) Unit 1 The Three Sectors of the Economy232b Listening (tape-script)nInterviewer:Which countries are you thinking of?nD

19、enis MacShane:Im thinking of the dynamic Asian economies, all based on manufacturing, Im thinking indeed of the United States which now has created for example a new computer, high-tech computer industry, its car industry is coming right back in America. (to be continued ) Unit 1 The Three Sectors o

20、f the Economy242b Listening (tape-script)nDenis MacShane:America is a giant manufacturing economy, which is why it is still the richest nation in the world, so I am extremely dubious of the theorists who say that manufacturing has no future in the advanced industrialized countries. (End)Unit 1 The T

21、hree Sectors of the Economy252b Listening (Answers)n1Because there are many new products that have to be invented to serve new needs.n2Because these countries have production technology that requires very little labor input.n3Precisely because it requires very little labor input.Unit 1 The Three Sec

22、tors of the Economy262b Listening (Answers)n4The conventional theory is that the most important cost in manufacturing is labor, and wages and salaries in Switzerland are the highest in the world. (As is the cost of living!)n5Because the pound sterling has, over the years, lost a great deal of value

23、against foreign currencies, especially the Swiss franc.Unit 1 The Three Sectors of the Economy272b Listening (Answers)n6It has a successful manufacturing economy, including its computer and car (automobile) industries.n7 1. B 2. D 3. A 4. E 5 .CUnit 1 The Three Sectors of the Economy282C Writing SUM

24、MARY (Sample) Galbraith says that manufacturing industry will inevitably decline in the advanced industrial countries, and be replaced by design, advertising, entertainment, and so on. MacShane says that manufacturing will change, and make new products with new technology.Unit 1 The Three Sectors of

25、 the Economy29Lecture -BEC商务英语证书BEC商务英语证书(BUSINESS ENGLISH CERTIFICATE)是教育部考试中心和英国剑桥大学考试委员会合作,于1993年起举办的考试。该系列考试是一项语言水平考试,根据公务或商务工作的实际需要,对考生在一般工作环境下和商务活动中使用英语的能力从听、说、读、写四个方面进行全面考查,对成绩及格者提供由英国剑桥大学考试委员会颁发的标准统一的成绩证书。30Lecture -BEC商务英语证书BEC商务英语证书(BUSINESS ENGLISH CERTIFICATE)共分三个等级:BEC初级(BEC Preliminary

26、 Level,缩略为 BEC P),BEC中级(BEC Vantage Level,缩略为 BEC V),BEC高级(BEC Higher Level,缩略为 BEC H)。 31Lecture -BEC商务英语证书BEC商务英语证书(BUSINESS ENGLISH CERTIFICATE)考试分两个阶段进行。第一阶段为笔试,包括阅读、写作和听力,第二阶段为口试。具体时间分别为:n BEC 中级 阅读60分钟、写作45分钟、听力约40分钟(含填写答题卡时间)、口试14分钟;n BEC 高级 阅读60分钟、写作70分钟、听力约40分钟(含填写答题卡时间)、口试16分钟。32Lecture -B

27、EC商务英语证书nBEC试题中的词汇、文章类型的选择以及情景的设置都与职业有关。此外,BEC考核考生理解文章主旨大意和在听力材料猜测生词的能力。nBEC考核考生在广阔的实际工作环境中应用英语的能力,如提供或询问个人信息、安排约会或会谈;了解办公室沟通方式(报告、信函、备忘录等);迎接外宾、查询信息/作预定或定购工作;作电话记录;了解并说明公司产品/产品的定购/产品的运输系统;询问并提供有关产品或服务的信息等。 33Lecture -BEC商务英语证书nBEC中级阅读测试(答题时间:中级阅读测试(答题时间:60分钟)分钟)n试题分试题分5部分部分,共有共有45道题。题型为道题。题型为多选项搭配题


29、自报纸、商业杂志、商务信件、图书、广告页及商品手册等及商品手册等,都与日常工作相关都与日常工作相关,用以测试各种阅读能力用以测试各种阅读能力和技能。和技能。34Lecture -BEC商务英语证书nBEC中级中级写作测试(答题时间:45分钟)写作分为两 部分:第一篇要求考生写4050个单词,类型为:便条,留言,备忘录或者电子邮件;第二篇要求考生写120140个单词的信函,建议书或者报告。按照任务的完成情况、词汇量大小和用词的准确性、语法结构、组织、内容和语域与格式是否适当进行评分(打分为:共计六个档次)。35BEC Writing -PART ONEnYour company has been

30、 invited to take part in a trade fair, which will take place during the busiest time of the year. You have been asked to decide who should be sent to this trade fair.n Write a notice of 40 -50 words about your decision:nWho should be sent to this trade fair?nGive the reason for your decision.nWho el

31、se should take over his/her work?36BEC Writing -PART TWOnYour department needs to recruit more staff. Your line manager wants you to write a report explaining your requirements and commenting on recruitment methods.nLook at the information below, on which you have already made some handwritten notes

32、.nThen, using all your handwritten notes, write your report.nWrite 120-140 words.37BEC Writing -PART TWOnNumber of new staff needed: 35nPossible recruitment methods:nRecruitment agency ( explain why new staff needed and what type of staff needed)nOnline recruitment (explain disadvantage)nNewspaper a

33、dvertisement (used many times before)38BEC Writing -PART TWOCompany Newspaper cost Numbers sold of advertisement each day Echo (explain why 2,500 600,000this choice is better) Chronicle(公司) 2,000 200,00039Lecture -BEC商务英语证书nBEC中级中级听力测试(答题时间:40分钟)n听力分为三部分:n短对话填空部分;n多选项搭配题部分;对象选择部分;短对话填空部分要求抓住细节;多选项搭配

34、题部分目的是考察考生对听力内容大意的把握,找出相对应的话题,谈话目的或计划等;对象选择部分通常是一段较长的,关于商业,经济,实施的分析,看法或者评论,重点是抓听力材料的大意和个别信息的获取。40Lecture -BEC商务英语证书nBEC中级中级口语测试(答题时间:14分钟)口语考核为三部分:n个人信息问答(回答并给出简短理由)+一般商务问题4个;(5分钟)n对一个话题的即兴小演讲;(1分钟)(给出三个问题,任选一个)(三个话题涉及:日常话题一个;一般商务型话题一个;专业商务话题一个)n会话交际;(3分钟讨论+讨论后的考官提问问题和考生回答:2分钟)41BEC Listening-Sample

35、 QuestionnQuestions 1-12nYou will hear three telephone conversations. Write down one word or number in the numbered spaces on the forms below.After you have listened once, replay each recording.nConversation One (Questions 1-4)nMESSAGEnGarble Travel AgencynVisiting City: Barcelona Main Features;n1.T

36、he Old City: old buildings n2.(1) _beautiful, magnificentn3.Several (2) _n4.Staying (3) _nHotel, restaurants food is cheap, (4) _42nPART TWOnQuestions 13 -22nSection One (Questions 13-17)nYou will hear five pieces of speech.nFor each speech decide who is talking.nWrite one letter ( A - H) next to th

37、e number of the piece.nYou will hear the five pieces twice.BEC Listening-Sample Question43n n13. _ A.clientnB. secretaryn14. _ C.director of workshopn15. _ D.friendnE. bossn16. _ F.shop assistantnG. waitern17. _ H.teacherBEC Listening-Sample Question44PART THREEnQuestions 23 -30nYou will hear a talk

38、 given by a spokesman of the I. S. International Communication Department. He talks about a number of privately owned telephone discounters attacking the cartel of national telephone monopolies that keeps the price of the international calls high.nYou have to complete the sentences (23-30) by choosi

39、ng the correct ending.BEC Listening-Sample Question45n26. International Discount Telecommunication uses _A. ring-back technique B. discounting techniqueC. third-country calling techniquen27. According to the spokesman, a band of these tiny American discounters will be _.A. prosperous B. limited to a

40、n extent C.short-livedBEC Listening-Sample Question46BEC口试操作模式 口试采用二人一组的方式,应试者除了回答考官的提问外,还必须就任务卡上的商务活动进行问答或讨论。 Lecture -BEC商务英语证书47BEC口试-Sample Question PART TWO Mini presentation -about 6 minutes nIn this part of the test you are asked to give a short talk on a business topic. You have to choose on

41、e of the topics from the three below and then talk for about one minute. You have one minute to prepare your ideas.48BEC口试-Sample QuestionTopic A: What the organization like “ SURVIVE” can help you? Help you to calculate what the chances are of a disaster Discover from your employees potential dange

42、rous Professional assistance in drawing up a plan Assist companies in assessing their risk of unexpected events49BEC口试-Sample QuestionTopic B:What is important when preparingfor a jobinterview? Studying the job advertisement Finding out about the company50BEC口试-Sample QuestionnTopic C: What is impor

43、tant when aiming to reach new markets or setting up a new business? Marker research Advertising51BEC口试-Sample QuestionnPART THREE In this part of the test, you are given a discussion topic. You have 30 seconds to look at the task promptly, an example of which is below, and then about three minutes t

44、o discuss the topic with your partner. After that, the examiner will ask you more questions related to the topic.52BEC口试-Sample QuestionSeminars for StudentsnYour company has been asked to deliver a series of one-day seminars to a group of business students to help them prepare for working in a larg

45、e company. You have been asked to help with planning the seminars. Discuss the situation together and decide; What kinds of information would be useful to know about the students; What the most useful topics would be.53n得分和成绩评定得分和成绩评定BEC中级试卷的四个部分加起来总分为中级试卷的四个部分加起来总分为120分分,每部分为每部分为30 分分,考生的等级以四部分所得的总

46、分为基础考生的等级以四部分所得的总分为基础,并不需并不需要所有四份试卷都达到令人满意的水平才能通过考试。要所有四份试卷都达到令人满意的水平才能通过考试。合格的等级为合格的等级为A(Passwith Merit优秀)、优秀)、B(Pass合格)、合格)、C(Pass合格)合格),其中其中A级为最优成绩级为最优成绩,D(Narrow Fail不合格)级和不合格)级和 E (Fail不合格)级不合格)级为不合格。每位考生都会得到一份测试成绩报告单为不合格。每位考生都会得到一份测试成绩报告单,对他们在每部分的成绩给以评述对他们在每部分的成绩给以评述,根据优异、良好、根据优异、良好、及格、差的标准来划分及格、差的标准来划分,表明考生在每份试卷中的相表明考生在每份试卷中的相对成绩。对成绩。Lecture -BEC商务英语证书54The End!55 刚才的发言,如刚才的发言,如有不当之处请多指有不当之处请多指正。谢谢大家!正。谢谢大家!56



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