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1、Unit 6World AffairsPlan for the ClassvNovelty and liveliness of English NewsvReading and discussion: Why the Monarchy Must StayNovelty and livelinessvCreating new wordsvUse of idiomsvUse of euphemism vUse of special wordsCreating new wordsvDove conciliator partyvAngel things seldom happenvGoogle gat

2、her informationvMouse potato people who are addicted to the InternetCreating new wordsvIn todays confused mix of assertion,infoainment, opinion,pseudo-fact and spin,readers have a right to expect moremore verification,more transparency,more evidenceto decide for them selves the truth about issues as

3、 important as those raised in this book (娱乐性新闻节目) vBillick acknowledged that the Ravens have the ability to sever ties with Grbac after this season at a cost of only 55 millionthe price of his signing bonus and this years salary (签约酬金)Creating new wordsvThe coach saw the situation as a no-brainerThe

4、 players saw it as surrender (显而易见的事) vHe is perfectly content to wait for an editorial consensus on matters like whether to use email,e-mail or E-mail (电子邮件,给发电子邮件) New coined wordsvdawk(中间派): dove(温和派)+hawk(好战派) (blending)vAIDS (艾滋病): acquired immune deficiency syndrome (acronym)vClintonomics(克林顿的

5、经济政策) (derivation and affixation)vWhitewatergate (克林顿的白水门事件) (compounding)Old words, new meaningsvplastic (塑料-信用卡)vto telegram (电报-发电报)Words from brands namesvBand-Aid (邦迪牌)创口帖vKleenex (克里内克斯牌)纸巾Words created for special occasionsvcradle-to-grave 由生到死vsmall-is-beautiful 以小为美vturn-of-the-century 世纪之交

6、Borrowing foreign words vAmerican barsand living rooms may never be the same, now that a Japanese sing-along fad known as Karaoke has begun to infiltrate American popular culture. (Japanese)vMr. Peter Broke was yesterday morning recovering from a press of work and steeling himself for the task of in

7、stilling a little perestroika into Conservative Central Office in his new role as party chairman. (Russian, reform) Borrowing foreign wordsvThough he is losing his monopoly,the 79-year-old tycoon still wields considerable influence (Japanese, big business )vJang Ha Sung,a finance professor at Korea

8、University,complained that “theres still no brake on the chaebol,” using the word for any conglomerate with m ore than 1billion or so in assets,generally dominated by the founder or his heirs (South Korea, tycoon)Borrowing foreign wordsvglasnost 公开性;开放vintelligentsia 知识分子;知识界vsamizdat 地下出版物vjudo 柔道v

9、jujitsu 柔术 vsumo 相扑 vtycoon 巨头vgo 围棋 vkungfu 功夫vwushu 武术 vTaoism 道教vkowtow 磕头,叩头vtyphoon 台风vshanghai 拐骗,胁迫 vrapport 友好vvisa 签证 vper 每一 Use of idiomsvShorteningvExtensionvImitationvDecompositionShorteningvEmployees foster nose-to-the-grindstone strategies. a shortened form of the idiom “keep one s no

10、se to the grindstone”ExtensionvMany government-sponsored agencies are now jumping on the exercise-bandwagon and coaxing reluctant spectators to join the fun. extended from the idiom “jumping on the bandwagon” ImitationvThe strongman flashed hot and cold derived from the idiom “blow hot and cold” Dec

11、ompositionvThey have a mountain of high-resounding resolve and a molehill of results. a decomposed form of the idiom “make a mountain out of a molehill”Use of euphemism vExaggerating euphemism vNarrowing euphemismExaggerating euphemism vmadhouse(疯人院) mental hospital(精神病院)vgardener(园丁) landscaper(园林师

12、) veconomic crisis(经济危机) recession(衰退) vghetto(贫民窟) inner city(内城区) vair strike(空中打击) air option(制空选择)vattack (进攻) pacify the area(绥靖)Narrowing euphemismvShe is pregnant: She is expecting. vdie: pass away, departvpoor: needy, disadvantaged, underprivileged, deprivedvthe old: the aged, the aging, the

13、 graying armyvprison: correctional centervillegitimate child: love childUse of special words vvoice: to expressvstance: standvsentiment: opinionvhaphazard: accidentalvaffluent: rich or wealthyvround: a series of actionsvresource center: libraryvlearning experience: classroom Britains system of gover

14、nment vUK is both a constitutional monarchyconstitutional monarchy (君主立宪制) and parliament democracyparliament democracy (议会制民主). vWhile the official head of state is the Queen, her powers are largely traditional and symbolic. Practically everything she does is on the advice of her ministers. And she

15、 must be completely impartial the Queen reigns, but she doesnt rulethe Queen reigns, but she doesnt rule (君主统而不治). Main ideavIn this article the author explained why the monarchy must stay. He quoted Winston Churchill as saying the parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy are imperfect bu

16、t the best that man had yet devised. It keeps politicians from holding all the power and preventing politicians from too easily usurping power.Para. 1vWinston Churchills view on parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy: imperfect- but the best that man had yet devisedMonarchy vGovernment

17、or a state ruled by a king or queenRepublicvA state completely governed by elected representatives, the head of the state is not a king or queen but a presidentParliamentary democracyvParliamentary democracy is a political system of Britain. vParliamentary Election or the legislative electionIt invo

18、lves the general election of the 635 members of the House of Common. It is held every 5 years after the Queen dissolves the parliament and announces the election. The majority party in the Parliament is the leading party. The Leader is appointed by the Queen as the prime minister. Constitutional mon

19、archyvA monarchy in which the ruler (King or Queen) has only those powers given to him or her by the constitution and laws of the nation. Constitutional monarchvThe monarch whose powers are given by the constitution and the law of the nationPara 2vBritish system of constitutional monarchy shows why

20、a monarch is a more successful figurehead than a president.Political accountability (Par. 2)v(the head of state should take) political responsibility (for leading the state)Above politicsvThe head of state should keep himself/herself from interference in politics or taking sides in any political deb

21、ate (even when Labor Party once advocated and practiced socialism)Para 3vThe constitutional monarch, who has powers that may surprise many, waives these powers and is bound by tradition to accept the advice of Parliament.TranslationvIn Great Britainbecome constitutional (Par. 3,Note 5) 事情经常那样就成为习惯,而

22、习惯的事就成了宪法(这样说是因为英国宪法不是成文法,只有习惯法或不成文法,即未经国家立法程序制定的,而是由国家认可并赋予法律竞效习的习惯、判例等。其特点是未经通常的立法程序,而并不是没有文字记载,主要由习惯演进而成。Para 4vThe apolitical stance of monarchy is one of its great strengths.TranslationvThis apolitical stance has made it possible for the political culture of Great Britain to assimilate, with re

23、lative ease, theories that would appear on the face of things to be radically at odds with a system of monarchical government for example, socialism.(Par. 4) 这种不涉及政治的态度使英国的政治文化能够比较容易地与那些显然完全不同于君主政体的理论,如社会主义,和睦相处。Para 5vIf one were to jettison the monarchy, government, Parliament, the nation and the

24、commonwealth would be turned upside down.The commonwealthvThe Commonwealth of Nations- is an association of countries that have been, or in some cases, still ruled by Britain. vAll the members of the commonwealth recognize the reigning British sovereign as the head of the Commonwealth. vActually, it

25、 is an association of nations and dependencies loosely joined by a common interest based on having been parts of the old Empire. They have close trade relationship with each other. The British Monarch is the symbolic head of the Commonwealth.TranslationvAny replacement would be ruinously costly, bot

26、h in financial terms and also in terms of the loss of a unifying national symbol and a vital historical link. (Par. 5) 无论是财政方面还是在失去统一的民族特征及至关重要的历史环节方面来说,任何一种替代都将损失巨大,只有君主制能提供持续性,在国民观念不断变化的国家里保持稳定。 TranslationvOnly a monarchy can providenational vision:In other words, the monarchy should not be repla

27、ced by republicanism because politics in Britain today reflects continuity with the past. Traditional, aristocratic, and modern outlooks coexist and sometimes fuse. 只有君主制才能赋予这样的连续性,在英国国民不断变化的眼光中,它仍然是忠于职守,始终不变的。Para 6vBritish monarchy has served both the empire and the commonwealth with great distinc

28、tion.Queen Elizabeth IIShe is the constitutional monarch of 16 sovereign states and their territories and dependencies, as well as head of the 53 member Commonwealth of Nations.Queen Elizabeth II Para 7vMonarchy is threatened because the idea of republicanism seems more democratic and less overtly h

29、ierarchical.Annus horribilisvAnnus horribilis: a Latin phrase meaning horrible year, or alternatively, year of horrors,year of wonders.vAnnus Mirabilis: John Drydens poem, (1666: year of Plague and Fire of London) vHorribilis:refers to Great Fire at Windsor Castle in 1992, when, coincidentally, Prin

30、ce Charles and Princess Diana separated.Camillagate and SquidgygatevThe suffix “-gate” implies a scandal of some sort, involving a taped conversation (after “Watergate”). vCamillagate:Camilla was a close female friend of Prince Charles; vSquidgygate:Squigy was a former male friend of Princess Diana.

31、 vBoth parties had private telephone conversation records released to the press. .VS.Gone with the wind !TranslationvThe public actions and statements of other members of the royal family-however laudable or distressing they may be-have no effects on the monarchs power or status. (para. 7)v皇室其它成员在公共

32、场合的行为及演说-无论是值得称赞的还是令人烦恼的-都对君主的权力或地位没有任何影响 Para 8vDespite recent bursts of anti-monarchical feeling, however, it is still hard to discover a strong movement toward a republic in this country.ParaphrasevThat people like things the way they are. vIn view of the current situation, (all this shows that)

33、people like the general state of affairs today or rather, the existing system- the monarchy- in Britain.Translationvin its call for a wider debate on this issue still advocated the retention of Queen Elizabeth as head of state until her death. (Par. 8) v呼吁在君主制去留问题上做广泛的讨论时仍然提倡保留伊丽莎白女王作为国家元首直至她辞世 Ques

34、tion 1 vWhat was Mr. Churchills view on Britains system of government? Do you agree with him? a. He thought it was the best that man had yet devised though it was imperfect. b. Open.Question 2vWhat role does Queen Elizabeth II play? Can she play a better role than an American president in a sense? E

35、xplain. a. She, as head of state, carries out ceremonial duties, and takes the political accountability while remaining above politics and taking no sides in any political debate. b. In the authors view, she can. An American president is also the leader of a political party, so he cant remain above

36、politics.Question 3vWhat power does Queen Elizabeth II have? Does Her Majesty have the real power to choose a prime minister? Why or why not? a. She can choose a prime minister, dissolve Parliament and declare war. b. No. She is a figurehead bound by the tradition, constitution and laws of the natio

37、n. She does it on the advice of Parliament.Question 4vIf the monarchy were abolished, what would things in Britain be like? The government, Parliament, nation, and Commonwealth would be turned upside down. Every nut and bolt of every one of Britains major institutions would have to be altered to mak

38、e way for change.Question 5vDo you know any scandals about some members of the royal family? Be specific. There are a couple of scandals involving the Queen s sister and children. Apart from Camillagate and Squidgygate, it was reported that Princess Michael of Kent had an affair with oil tycoon John

39、 Ward Hunt, a relative of the fabulously wealthy Bunker Hunt of Houston, U. S. A.Question 6vWhy must the monarchy stay? Can it keep a politician from holding all the powers? Do you think the monarchy must go? State the reasons. a. In the authors view, it has served both the British Empire and the Co

40、mmonwealth with great distinction. Besides, it is legitimate and accords with traditions. b. Yes, it can, but it is not the monarchy but the parliamentary democracy that can keep a politician from holding all the powers and becoming a dictator. c. It depends. It is the British people that can decide its future.HomeworkvPreview Unit 7.vIntensive reading: Ahead-of-theCurve Careers



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