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1、Unit 2The United Kingdom项目介绍项目介绍【诵背佳作诵背佳作】(2015全国卷全国卷)假假定定你你是是李李华华, 你你校校英英文文报报“外外国国文文化化”栏栏目目拟拟刊刊登登介介绍绍美美国国节节日日风风俗俗和和中中学学生生生生活活的的短短文文。请请给给美美国国朋友彼得写信约稿朋友彼得写信约稿, 要点如下要点如下: 1. 栏栏目目介介绍绍; 2. 稿稿件件内内容容; 3. 稿稿件件长长度度: 约约400词词; 4. 交交稿日期稿日期: 6月月28日前。日前。Dear Peter, 点明主题点明主题Id like to ask you to write an article

2、forour schools English newspaper. 叙述活动要求叙述活动要求The “Foreign Cultures” section in our newspaper is very popular among us students. Itcarries articles written by foreign friends about the cultures of their home countries. Would you please write something about the culture in your part of the United Sta

3、tes? And we would especially welcome articles about how Americans spend their holidays and festivals, and the life of American high school students. You can write anything relevant so long as its interesting and informative. 400 words would be fine. Could we have your article before June 28? 期盼回信期盼回

4、信Im looking forward to hearing from you. Yours, Li Hua【仿写佳句仿写佳句】1.根据句根据句句型仿写:句型仿写:五人赢得了五人赢得了“绿色中国年度人物绿色中国年度人物”奖,这是一项给予因奖,这是一项给予因保护环境作出贡献的普通人的奖项。保护环境作出贡献的普通人的奖项。Five people won the “Green China Annual Figures” award, an award _.given to ordinary people for theircontributions to environmental protecti

5、on2.根据句根据句句型仿写:句型仿写:请打电话来告诉我你能否来参加聚会,好吗?请打电话来告诉我你能否来参加聚会,好吗?_ to let me know if youcan come to the party?Would you please ring me up. 重点单词分类记重点单词分类记1. 核心单词核心单词(1)_ vi. 组成组成; 在于在于; 一致一致(2)_ vt. 澄清澄清; 阐明阐明(3)_ vt. 完成完成; 达到达到; 实现实现(4)_ n. 矛盾矛盾; 冲突冲突consistclarifyaccomplishconflict(5)_ n. 争吵争吵; 争论争论; 吵架

6、吵架 vi. 争吵争吵; 吵架吵架(6)_n. 快乐快乐; 高兴高兴; 喜悦喜悦 vt. 使高兴使高兴; 使欣喜使欣喜quarreldelight2. 拓展单词拓展单词(1)_ vi. & vt. 联合联合; 团结团结_ adj. 统一的统一的; 团团结的结的_ n. 联合联合; 联盟联盟; 结合结合; 协会协会(2)_ adj. 不愿意不愿意(的的); 不乐意不乐意(的的)_ adj.乐意的乐意的; 自愿的自愿的_ n. 意志意志; 决心决心(3)_ n. 便利便利; 方便方便_ adj. 方便的方便的_ adv. 便利地便利地; 合宜地合宜地uniteunitedunionunwillin

7、gwillingwillconvenienceconvenientconveniently(4)_adj. 粗糙的粗糙的; 粗暴的粗暴的_ adv. 粗略地粗略地; 粗糙地粗糙地(5)_ vt. 吸引吸引; 引起注意引起注意_ n. 吸引力吸引力; 吸吸引引_ adj. 有吸引力的有吸引力的(6)_ n. 收藏品收藏品; 珍藏珍藏; 收集收集_ v. 收集收集; 聚集聚集; 募捐募捐(7)_ n. 描写描写; 描述描述_ vt. 描述描述; 描绘描绘rough roughlyattractattractionattractivecollectioncollectdescriptiondescr

8、ibe(8)_ n. 可能可能(性性)_ adj. 可能的可能的_ adv. 可能地可能地(9)_ vt. 筹备筹备; 安排安排; 整理整理_ n. 布置布置;整理整理; 准备准备(10)_ adj. 一致的一致的_ vi. 组成组成; 在于在于; 一一致致(11)_ adj. 配备好装备的配备好装备的; 带家具的带家具的_ vt. 提供提供; 供应供应; 装备装备possibilitypossiblepossiblyarrangearrangementconsistentconsistfurnishedfurnish3. 阅读单词阅读单词(1)currency n. _(2)administ

9、ration n. _(3)alike adj. _(4)statue n. _(5)original adj. _货币货币; 通货通货管理管理; 行政部门行政部门相同的相同的; 类似的类似的塑像塑像; 雕像雕像最初的最初的; 原始的原始的; 独创的独创的; 新颖的新颖的. 重点短语双向记重点短语双向记1. _由由组成组成2. _ 把把分成分成3. _ 挣脱挣脱(束缚束缚); 脱离脱离4. _ 为了纪念为了纪念5. _ 省去省去; 遗漏遗漏; 不考虑不考虑consist ofdivide. . . intobreak away(from)in memory ofleave out6. _ 代替

10、代替7. break down _8. on show/display _9. leave for _10. to ones credit _ _11. beyond description _take the place of(机器机器)损坏损坏; 破坏破坏展览展览动身去某地动身去某地为为带来荣誉带来荣誉; 值得赞扬值得赞扬;在在名下名下无法描述无法描述. 经典句式应用记经典句式应用记1. Now when people refer to England you _(发现威尔士被包括在内发现威尔士被包括在内)as well. (find+宾语宾语+过去分词过去分词, 过去分词作宾语补足语过去

11、分词作宾语补足语)2. _(很遗憾很遗憾)the industrial cities built in the nineteenth century do not attract visitors. (It be +n. + that从句从句, it作形式主语作形式主语)find WalesincludedIt is a pity that3. _(由于担心时间不由于担心时间不够够), Zhang Pingyu had made a list of the sites she wanted to see in London. (过去分词短语作原因状语过去分词短语作原因状语)4. It look

12、ed splendid _(刚建成的时刚建成的时候候)!(状语从句的省略状语从句的省略)Worried about the time availablewhen first built5. _(这似乎是一件怪事这似乎是一件怪事)the man who had developed communism _(竟然在伦敦生活过且在那里去世竟然在伦敦生活过且在那里去世). (It seems/seemed strange that. . . (should)do. . . )It seemed strange thatshould have lived anddied in London【语境活用语境活

13、用】. 用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空1. He was very _(delight) with the results. 2. I have to find a _(convenience) location for the shelves. 3. He felt an immediate _(attract) for her, for she was very attractive. delightedconvenientattraction. 用以上适当的短语填空用以上适当的短语填空1. He had to pause from time to time to wipe

14、the sweat from his forehead, because the air conditioning system _. 2. I couldnt make sense of the passage. You must have _ some important information while copying it. broke downleft out. 句式仿写句式仿写1. 我发现自己被一群充满好奇心的孩子围住了。我发现自己被一群充满好奇心的孩子围住了。I _ by a group of children full of curiosity. 2. 遗憾的是他没有足够的钱

15、开展这个计划。遗憾的是他没有足够的钱开展这个计划。_ he doesnt have enough money to carry out the project. found myself surroundedIt is a pity thatPart 1重点词汇夯基练透重点词汇夯基练透1. consist vi. 组成组成; 在于在于; 一致一致【考题对接考题对接】介词填空介词填空(2016天津高考天津高考)Students are provided with breakfast, dinner and either a cooked or packed lunch which consist

16、s _ a sandwich, a drink and a dessert. ofSuccess consists _ the ability to continue efforts through failures. in考点考点 必记必记(1)consist of 由由组成组成consist in 在于在于, 存在于存在于consist with 与与一致一致; 符合符合(2)consistent adj. 相容的相容的, 一致的一致的be consistent with 和和一致一致/相符相符【误区释疑误区释疑】consist of一一般般不不用用于于被被动动语语态态和和进进行行时时态态

17、, 其其同同义义短语有短语有: be made up of; be composed of。【能力提升能力提升】一句多译一句多译由由15家小工厂组成的这家公司正面临着严重的财政危家小工厂组成的这家公司正面临着严重的财政危机。机。The company _ 15 small factories is facing a serious financial crisis. (定语从句定语从句)The company _ 15 small factories is facing a serious financial crisis. (定语从句定语从句)which consists ofwhich i

18、s made up ofThe company _ 15 small factories is facing a serious financial crisis. (现在分词作定语现在分词作定语)The company _ 15 small factories is facing a serious financial crisis. (过去分词作定语过去分词作定语)consisting ofmade up of2. attract vt. 吸引吸引; 引起注意引起注意【考题对接考题对接】单句语法填空单句语法填空The Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium, is one

19、of Victorias leading visitor _ (attract). Historical buildings are both _ (attract)and important to the majority of people. attractionsattractive考点考点 必记必记(1)attract ones attention吸引某人的注意力吸引某人的注意力attract sb. to sth. 吸引某人关注某事吸引某人关注某事be attracted by被被吸引吸引(2)attractionn. 有趣的东西有趣的东西; 吸引人之物吸引人之物(3)attract

20、ive adj. 有吸引力的有吸引力的【能力提升能力提升】句式升级句式升级来自伦敦的女孩被大自然的美吸引。来自伦敦的女孩被大自然的美吸引。The girl from London _. 她决定再在农场住两天。她决定再在农场住两天。She _ on the farm. was attracted by the beauty ofnaturedecided to spend another two days用非谓语动词作状语连接用非谓语动词作状语连接_Attracted by the beauty of nature, the girl fromLondon decided to spend an

21、other two days on the farm.【备选要点备选要点】1. convenience n. 便利便利; 方便方便【考题对接考题对接】单句语法填空单句语法填空(2016江苏高考江苏高考)Smartphones make it easier and _(convenient) to check reality, watch video clips and read weibo. Indeed, the phone can bring great convenience _our life. more convenientto考点考点 必记必记(1)for convenience

22、为了方便起见为了方便起见at ones convenience在某人方便的时候在某人方便的时候bring convenience to给给带来方便带来方便(2)convenient adj. 方便的方便的, 便利的便利的It is convenient for sb. to do sth. 某人方便做某事某人方便做某事(3)inconvenient adj. 不方便的不方便的, 麻烦的麻烦的【误区释疑误区释疑】(1)convenient作作表表语语时时, 不不能能用用表表示示人人的的名名词词或或代代词词作作主主语语, 多多用用于于It is convenient for sb. to do.

23、. . 这这一一句句型型中。中。(2)convenience意意为为“方方便便; 便便利利”时时为为不不可可数数名名词词; 表表示示“便利的事物便利的事物; 便利设施便利设施”时为可数名词。时为可数名词。【能力提升能力提升】单句写作单句写作为了方便民众为了方便民众, 7月月1日起日起, 全国已启动居民身份证异地全国已启动居民身份证异地发放工作。发放工作。_, China has been issuing ID cards for nonlocal residents around the country since July 1st. For convenience2. delight n.

24、快乐快乐; 高兴高兴; 喜悦喜悦 vt. 使高兴使高兴; 使欣喜使欣喜【考题对接考题对接】单句语法填空单句语法填空(2015福建高考福建高考)_ my delight, I was chosen from hundreds of applicants to attend the opening ceremony. 令我高兴的是令我高兴的是, 从好几百个申请者中我被选中参加这次从好几百个申请者中我被选中参加这次开幕式。开幕式。To(2016全国卷全国卷)I was _ (delight) at the presence of such a student. 我为有这样一个学生感到高兴。我为有这样

25、一个学生感到高兴。delighted【考点考点 必记必记】(1)to ones(great)delight=(much)to ones delight让某人让某人(非常非常)高兴的是高兴的是take delight in 以以为乐为乐with delight 高兴地高兴地(2)delight in doing sth. 以做某事为乐以做某事为乐(3)delighted adj. 高兴的高兴的; 快乐的快乐的be delighted to do sth. 乐意做某事乐意做某事be delighted at/by 为为感到高兴感到高兴【能力提升能力提升】一句多译一句多译我很高兴应邀前来贵校我很高兴

26、应邀前来贵校, 给大家讲述奥运会的历史及意给大家讲述奥运会的历史及意义。义。I _ to have been invited to your school to talk to you about the history and significance of the Olympic Games. am delighted_, I have been invited to your school to talk to you about the history and significance of the Olympic Games. _ is that I have been invite

27、d to your school to talk to you about the history and significance of the Olympic Games. Much to my delightWhat delights me3. arrange vt. 筹备筹备; 安排安排; 整理整理【考题对接考题对接】单句语法填空单句语法填空(2016全国卷全国卷)She arranged _ a flight on a small plane to be held for me, re-routed(改道改道)me through Newark and got me back to

28、the UK even earlier than originally scheduled. for(2015湖北高考湖北高考)Whatever she says will not make anydifference to our _ (arrangement). arrangements考点考点 必记必记(1)arrange to do sth. 安排做某事安排做某事arrange sth. for sb. 为某人安排某事为某人安排某事arrange for sb. to do sth. 安排某人做某事安排某人做某事(2)arrangement n. 安排安排; 筹备筹备【能力提升能力提升

29、】单句写作单句写作(2015全国卷全国卷)我非常高兴地告诉你我非常高兴地告诉你, 我和我的同学我和我的同学已安排好去参观一家敬老院。已安排好去参观一家敬老院。Im pleased to tell you that my classmates and I _ _ a nursing home. havearranged a visit toPart 2常考短语提能互动常考短语提能互动1. break down(机器机器)损坏损坏; 破坏破坏; 精神崩溃精神崩溃; 身体垮掉身体垮掉【考题对接考题对接】写出黑体部分的含义写出黑体部分的含义(2015湖北高考湖北高考)He broke down as

30、he thought of his failure to sell all his papers. ( )精神崩溃精神崩溃, 身体垮掉身体垮掉(2015天津高考天津高考)See, your computer has broken down again! It doesnt make sense to buy the cheapest brand of computer just to save a few dollars. ( )机器损坏机器损坏考点考点 必记必记break in 插嘴插嘴; 破门而入破门而入break out突然发生突然发生; (战争、火灾等战争、火灾等)突然爆突然爆发发br

31、eak off中断谈话中断谈话; 折断折断break up解散解散; 破碎破碎; 结束结束break away from 脱离脱离(政党等政党等); 打破打破(陈规、陈规、陋习陋习)【能力提升能力提升】单句写作单句写作你应当分解你的方法你应当分解你的方法, 让每个方法只做某一项工作。让每个方法只做某一项工作。_ so that each method does particular work. You should break down your methods2. leave out省去省去; 遗漏遗漏; 不考虑不考虑【考题对接考题对接】单句语法填空单句语法填空(2016天津高考天津高考)A

32、pplying my own rule, I determinedto write them in alphabetical order(按字母顺序按字母顺序), neverletting myself leave _ a tough idea. out(2014全国卷全国卷)Then he said they had found a pile of papers in their trash can that had been left out on the footpath. 译译: 然后他说然后他说, 他们在他们在_发现了一堆文件。发现了一堆文件。被遗漏在人行道上的垃圾桶里被遗漏在人行道

33、上的垃圾桶里考点考点 必记必记leave alone 不打扰不打扰; 不干涉不干涉; 不管不管; 不理不理leave aside 不考虑不考虑; 搁在一边搁在一边leave off 停止停止; 中断中断leave for 动身去某地动身去某地【能力提升能力提升】单句写作单句写作难怪你打不通电话。你漏掉了电话号码中的一个零。难怪你打不通电话。你漏掉了电话号码中的一个零。No wonder you didnt _. You _ in the telephone number. get throughleft out azero【备选要点备选要点】1. divide. . . into把把分成分成【

34、考题对接考题对接】(2015浙江高考浙江高考)The circle _ sections, and each section represents a fraction of the data. 圆圈被分成了好几部分圆圈被分成了好几部分, 每一部分都代表数据的一小部每一部分都代表数据的一小部分。分。is divided into(2014全国卷全国卷)With its focus _(divide), the lion becomes confused and is unsure about what to do next. divided考考点点必必记记divide. . . between

35、/among. . . 在在之间分配之间分配/和和分担分担/分配分配/分享分享divide. . . by. . . 用用除除divide. . . in half(two)/into halves把把分成分成两部分两部分【能力提升能力提升】单句写作单句写作The library _ different zones. 图书馆被分成不同的区域。图书馆被分成不同的区域。is divided into2. take the place of代替代替【考题对接考题对接】完成句子完成句子(2015广东高考广东高考)TV doesnt _ reading for most children. 对于大多数儿

36、童来讲对于大多数儿童来讲, 电视不能代替阅读。电视不能代替阅读。We can use plastics _ wood or metal. 我们可用塑料代替木材或金属。我们可用塑料代替木材或金属。take the place ofin place of考考点点必必记记take ones place=take the place of sb. 代替某人代替某人take place 发生发生; 举办举办, 举行举行in place of 代替代替, 取代取代in place 在适当的位置在适当的位置; 适当适当【能力提升能力提升】单句写作单句写作聪明不能代替知识。聪明不能代替知识。_Cleverness does not take the place of knowledge.



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