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1、Environmental ProtectionBook 8 Unit 22基础知识排查重点短语突破句法与语法突破五年高考 最新模拟重点单词突破21基础知识排查基础知识排查1.principle n.原则,道德准则原则,道德准则2.a number of一些一些3.look ahead展望未来展望未来 4.relevant adj.有关的有关的5.refer v.指,意即指,意即refer to指,意即指,意即 重点识记词汇6.in turn依次;轮流依次;轮流7.lead to导致;通向;引起导致;通向;引起 8.coincidence n.巧合巧合9.sacrifice vt.&vi.牺牲

2、;献出牺牲;献出 10.take action采取行动采取行动11.recycle vt.回收利用回收利用 12.threaten vt.威胁威胁13.ahead of在在前面前面 14.apart from除除以外以外15.answer for(对已产生的不良后果对已产生的不良后果)负责任负责任 16.seize vt.依法没收;依法没收;(用武力用武力)夺取夺取17.call for an end to sth.要求结束要求结束 18.or else否则,不然否则,不然19.wrap up包起来;席卷而去;结束包起来;席卷而去;结束 20.calculate vt.计算,算出计算,算出21

3、.condemn vt.迫使迫使(某人某人)陷入不幸的境地;谴责陷入不幸的境地;谴责22.for good永远永远23.behalf n.代表代表on ones behalf代表某人;代表代表某人;代表 24.carry off掠走,夺走掠走,夺走25.all in all总的来说总的来说 26.result in导致导致27.means n.方法方法 28.earn ones living谋生谋生29.potential n.可能性;潜在性可能性;潜在性 30.plug ones ears塞住耳朵塞住耳朵31.reserve n.保护区;保护区;v.保护保护reservation n.保护保

4、护 32.adopt vt.采用采用33.advocate vt.主张,提倡主张,提倡advocation n.提倡提倡 34.all the best祝一切顺利祝一切顺利35.changeable adj.多变的多变的change v.&n.变;改变变;改变 36.sum up总结,概括总结,概括37.construct vt.建造建造construction n.建造建造 38.as a matter of fact实际上实际上39.finance n.资金资金financial adj.财务的,金融的财务的,金融的 40.sharpen vt.削尖削尖sharp adj.尖的尖的41.t

5、rap vt.使使困困住住;n.陷陷阱阱,夹夹子子trap.into.陷陷入入;卷入卷入42.separation n.分分离离,分分开开separate adj.分分开开的的;v.分分离离,分开分开43.beyond prep.超出超出beyond ones control超出超出/不受不受的控制的控制44.substitute n.代代 替替 品品 , 代代 用用 品品 ; v.替替 代代 substitute.for.代替代替45.break away from摆摆脱脱,脱脱离离 (某某种种思思想想体体系系、团团体体、组织组织)46.considerate adj.想想得得周周到到的的,

6、体体贴贴的的consider vt.考虑考虑consideration n.考虑考虑1.Without these naturally occurring gases,the suns rays would bounce back into space leaving the Earth cold and impossible to live on.如如果果没没有有这这些些自自然然产产生生的的气气体体,太太阳阳光光将将会会被被反反射射回回太太空去,地球将处于寒冷之中,不适合生命的存在。空去,地球将处于寒冷之中,不适合生命的存在。必背经典句式2.Given this data,it seems

7、that the link between human activities and rising global temperatures is not merely a coincidence.鉴鉴于于这这些些数数据据,好好像像人人类类活活动动与与正正在在升升高高的的地地球球温温度度之之间间的的联联系并不仅仅只是巧合而已。系并不仅仅只是巧合而已。3.The last few years have seen environmental disasters on a grand scale,and experts are predicting far worse to come.近近几几年年一一

8、些些环环境境灾灾难难大大面面积积地地出出现现,专专家家们们预预测测更更坏坏的的局局面面即即将来临。将来临。cy accuracy /kjrsI/n.U准确性准确性/度;精密度;精密(性性)efficiency /IfInsI/n.U效率;功效效率;功效emergency /ImdnsI/n.C&U紧急情况;突发事件;紧急情况;突发事件;非常时刻非常时刻frequency /frIkwnsI/n.C&U出出现现率率;发发生生率率;频频繁繁;频频率率privacy /praIvsI/n.U隐私;私密隐私;私密tendency /tendnsI/n.C趋向;趋势趋向;趋势构词记忆2重点单词突破重点单

9、词突破2 trap n.夹夹子子;陷陷阱阱;困困境境;圈圈套套;v.使困住,使陷于;使落网使困住,使陷于;使落网应试指导非谓语动词句法功能的考查非谓语动词句法功能的考查set/lay a trap for设下圈套设下圈套be caught in a trapfall into a trap落入陷阱落入陷阱be trapped in 被困在被困在trap sb.into doing.诱骗某人做诱骗某人做She had set/laid a trap for him and he had walked straight into it.她给他设下圈套,他就径直钻了进去。她给他设下圈套,他就径直钻了

10、进去。She was trapped in the burning house at that moment.那时她被困在燃烧着的房子里。那时她被困在燃烧着的房子里。夯实基础语法填空语法填空(1)Were you just trying to trap her making a mistaken decision?(2)Her mother Donna, (trap) in the destroyed building.(3)Mary set a trap Peter and he really fell the trap.(4) (trap) in a traffic jam,he had

11、to be patient,waiting.intowas trappedforintoTrapped2reserve v.贮存;保留;预订;贮存;保留;预订;n.储备;贮藏;保护区储备;贮藏;保护区应试指导作为高级词汇替换作为高级词汇替换bookreserve sth.for.为为保留某物保留某物reserve the right to do sth.保留做某事的权利保留做某事的权利in reserve备用备用with/without reserve有有( (没有没有) )保留地保留地reservation n.预订;预订;( (权利等的权利等的) )保留保留make a reservati

12、on预订,预约预订,预约18Firstly,an effective way,I think,is to reserve water in a scientific way for future use.首首先先,我我认认为为一一个个有有效效的的方方法法就就是是用用科科学学的的方方法法把把水水贮存起来以备将来使用。贮存起来以备将来使用。 (福建福建书面表达书面表达)Do you have to reserve tickets in advance?你需要提前订票吗?你需要提前订票吗?夯实基础语法填空语法填空(1)Frankly speaking,I have little money rese

13、rve.(2)She told me all about it reserve.(3)Id like to reserve a table three or eight oclock.(4)He went directly to the (reserve) seat.inwithoutforreserved3beyond prep.超越;超出;在超越;超出;在( (或向或向) )较远的一边;较远的一边;adv.在另一边;在在另一边;在( (或向或向) )更远处更远处beyond sb.为某人所不能理解;超出某人的能力为某人所不能理解;超出某人的能力beyond control/belief/d

14、oubt无法控制无法控制/无法相信无法相信/毫无疑问毫无疑问beyond description/words无法言传无法言传beyond ones wildest dream( (s) )某人做梦也没想到某人做梦也没想到beyond ones power是某人所不及的是某人所不及的beyond compare无可比拟;非常好无可比拟;非常好beyond reason毫无道理毫无道理Any driver found drinking beyond the limit will be charged.任何司机被发现醉酒驾驶将被罚款。任何司机被发现醉酒驾驶将被罚款。Its beyond me why

15、 she wants to marry Jeff.我无法理解她为什么要嫁给杰夫。我无法理解她为什么要嫁给杰夫。夯实基础选词填空选词填空comprehension,reach,expression,control,recognition(1)The car was beyond and ran into a tree.(2)I havent seen Sara since she was a little girl,and she has changed beyond .(3)His behaviour was completely beyond .controlrecognitioncompr

16、ehension(4)Youd better put the bottle of medicine beyond the childrens .(5)To be acknowledged as the first to receive this honor is beyond in words for me.reachexpression4 claim n.& v.要求;主张;声称;认领要求;主张;声称;认领make a claim for/on/to要求要求claim to do.声称做声称做claim ones attention值得注意值得注意He claimed that it was

17、 all a trick against him.他声称这一切都是一场针对他的诡计。他声称这一切都是一场针对他的诡计。夯实基础(1)语法填空语法填空The scientist claimed _(invent) a new kind of car.The victims in the accident made a claim _ damages.(2)She claims that she is related to the Queen._(用用含含有有不不定定式式的的简简单句改写句子单句改写句子)to have inventedforShe claims to be related to

18、the Queen.5 substitute v.替换替换( (replace;take the place of) );用;用替换;替换;n.代替物代替物( (品品) ),代用品;代替者,代用品;代替者应试指导作为高级词汇替换作为高级词汇替换replace28a substitute for.的代替者的代替者substitute A for Bsubstitute B with/by A 用用A代替代替Bsubstitute for代替;取代代替;取代They were substituting violence for dialogue.他们在用暴力取代对话。他们在用暴力取代对话。She

19、is seeking a substitute for the very man whose departure made her cry.那那个个男男人人的的离离去去令令她她伤伤心心痛痛哭哭,她她正正在在找找一一个个人人填填补补内内心心的的空空缺。缺。词义辨析substitute,replace(1)这这两两个个词词的的含含义义略略有有不不同同,substitute强强调调“代代替替,顶顶替替”,而而replace强强调调“替替换换,更更换换”,即即把把旧旧的的或或坏坏的的东东西更换成新的西更换成新的(通常用通常用take the place of更通俗些更通俗些)。(2)在在句句型型结结构

20、构上上,通通常常是是:substitute A for B “用用A代代替替B”(使用使用A);replace A with/by B “用用B替换替换A”(使用使用B)。夯实基础(1)用用substitute,replace的适当形式填空的适当形式填空The driver the wornout tires with/by new ones.He for the teacher who was in hospital.(2)语法填空语法填空For sustainable development,I advocate we should substitute conventional ener

21、gy renewable energy.Theres no substitute that watch.replaced substitutedwithfor6 means n.方式;方法方式;方法( (way) );财富;财富;收入收入( (wealth) )应试指导(1)by no means位于句首时倒装位于句首时倒装(2)by all means交际用语的用法交际用语的用法32by means of用用办法;借助办法;借助by all means当然可以当然可以by any means无论如何无论如何by no means绝不,一点也不绝不,一点也不Furthermore,punish

22、ment is by no means a wise choice to help them grow up mentally and physically.而且,惩罚绝不是帮助他们身心健康成长的明智选择。而且,惩罚绝不是帮助他们身心健康成长的明智选择。(陕西陕西书面表达书面表达)Can I see it?By all means.我可以看看吗?我可以看看吗?当然可以。当然可以。特别提醒(1)means作作主主语语且且有有every,each,one等等词词修修饰饰时时,谓谓语语动动词词用用单单数数;有有some,several,many,few等等词修饰时谓语动词用复数。词修饰时谓语动词用复

23、数。(2)by no means放在句首时,句子用部分倒装。放在句首时,句子用部分倒装。夯实基础(1)选择方框内的短语填空选择方框内的短语填空by means of,by no means,by all meansHe succeeded perseverance.May I borrow your bicycle? .She is an inexperienced teacher.(2) (把把上上题题句句改改为倒装句为倒装句)by means ofBy all meansby no meansBy no means is she an inexperienced teacher.7 ado

24、pt vt.收养;领养;采用;采纳收养;领养;采用;采纳应试指导非谓语动词作定语或状语的考查非谓语动词作定语或状语的考查adopt an approach/a strategy/a policy采用某方法采用某方法/战略战略/政策政策adopted adj.被收养的;移居的被收养的;移居的an adopted son养子养子adoptive adj.( (通常作定语通常作定语) )收养的收养的adapt vt.使适应;改造使适应;改造/编编Pupils should be helped to adopt a positive approach to the environment.应帮助学生对

25、环境采取积极的态度。应帮助学生对环境采取积极的态度。He couldnt adapt his way of life to the company.他的生活方式无法适应公司的要求。他的生活方式无法适应公司的要求。夯实基础(1)用用adopt,adapt的适当形式填空的适当形式填空The young couple had no children of their own and an orphan.After a few months,the child came to his new life.(2)语法填空语法填空 (adopt) a new method,they worked more

26、efficiently.They treated their (adopt) son as their own son.adoptedto adaptHaving adoptedadopted408 considerate adj.考虑周到的;体贴的考虑周到的;体贴的应试指导(1)consider后后接接非非谓谓语语动动词词的的考考查查(2)写写作作高高分分句句式式:It is considered that.;sb.be considered不定式不定式considering prep.& conj.考虑到考虑到;就;就而言而言consider v.仔细考虑;研讨仔细考虑;研讨conside

27、r doing.考虑做考虑做consider sb./sth.( (to be/as) ).认为某人认为某人( (物物) )all things considered总而言之;考虑到所有情况总而言之;考虑到所有情况consideration n.考虑;体谅考虑;体谅take sth.into consideration考虑到;顾及考虑到;顾及Thank you for your consideration.如果你能考虑一下我将非常感激。如果你能考虑一下我将非常感激。(浙江浙江书面表达书面表达)It was very considerate of him to wait.他一直在等候着,真是体贴

28、人。他一直在等候着,真是体贴人。夯实基础(1)语法填空语法填空All things (consider),the plan is acceptable. (consider) everything,this one is better.We are now considering (change) the schedule.He (consider) reliable,so you can rely on him.He is considered (take) it the other day.consideredConsideringchangingis consideredto have

29、taken(2)同义句改写同义句改写The proposals are now under consideration._(用用discuss改写句子改写句子)You do have to consider the feelings of those around you._(用用consideration改写句子改写句子)The proposals are being discussed.You do have to take the feelings of those around you into consideration.3重点短语突破重点短语突破1 a number of一些;许多

30、;大量一些;许多;大量( (后后接可数名词的复数形式,动词用复数接可数名词的复数形式,动词用复数) )应试指导(1)主谓一致主谓一致(2)number前冠词的考查前冠词的考查the number of.的数量的数量(作主语时,动词用单数作主语时,动词用单数)表示表示“许多;大量许多;大量”的其它表达方式:的其它表达方式:many a great/good many quite a fewa great/good many of(the,my等等)修修饰饰语语复复数数名名词词复数动词复数动词复数名词复数动词复数名词复数动词a lot of/lots ofplenty of复数名词复数动词复数名词

31、复数动词不可数名词单数动词不可数名词单数动词quantities of可数或不可数名词复数动词可数或不可数名词复数动词a great deal of a great/large amount of不可数名词单数动词不可数名词单数动词A number of problems have arisen.已经出现了一些问题。已经出现了一些问题。Quantities of food were on the table.饭桌上有许多饭菜。饭桌上有许多饭菜。夯实基础语法填空语法填空(1)Why does the lake smell terrible?Because large quantities of

32、water (pollute).(2)The number of foreign students attending Chinese universities (rise) steadily since 1990.(3)In China,the number of cities increase) whose development is recognized across the world.(4)A number of high buildings (arise) where there was nothing a year ago but ruins.have been pollute

33、dhas been risingis increasinghave arisen2 refer to查查阅阅;参参考考( (consult) );提提到到( (mention) );指指的的是是( (mean) );关关系系到到( (be connected to) )应试指导非谓语动词句法功能的考查非谓语动词句法功能的考查1refer.to.把把提交给提交给,让,让参考参考refer to.as.把把称为称为in/with reference to关于关于for reference以备查阅以备查阅I promised not to refer to the matter again.我答应过

34、再也不提这事了。我答应过再也不提这事了。词义辨析refer to,look up二者都有二者都有“查阅;参考查阅;参考”的意思,但搭配不同:的意思,但搭配不同:(1)refer to的的意意思思比比较较广广泛泛,当当“查查找找”讲讲时时,其其宾宾语语多为多为book,dictionary等。等。(2)look up的的宾宾语语多多为为word,information等等,不不可可以以是是book,dictionary,sb.等。等。夯实基础(1)用用refer to,look up填空填空Id like to _ the word in the dictionary.If you dont u

35、nderstand some words,you can _ the dictionary.(2)语法填空语法填空In his speech,he referred _ a recent trip to Canada.The book _(refer) to last time has been sold out.look upreferto toreferred3 in turn依次;轮流;相应地依次;轮流;相应地turn down拒绝拒绝turn out结果是;证明是结果是;证明是take turns to do./in doing.轮流做轮流做turn to 转身;求助于;致力于转身;求

36、助于;致力于by turns 轮流地轮流地词义辨析in turn,in return(1)in turn表示表示“依次;轮流;相应依次;轮流;相应”(2)in return表示表示“作为对作为对的回报;作为回应的回报;作为回应”The children called out their names in turn.孩子们逐一自报姓名。孩子们逐一自报姓名。夯实基础(1)用用in turn,in return填空填空Increased production will, ,lead to increased profits.Can I invite you to dinner for your ki

37、nd help?(2)He took turns to drive the car.He the car .(用用turn短语改写句子短语改写句子)in turnin returndroveby turns多词一义lead to, cause, result in,bring about,give rise to4 lead to引起,导致;造成引起,导致;造成( (后果后果) ) ( (result in) );通往;通往( (go in a particular direction) )lead sb.to do.使某人做使某人做lead sb.to.使某人得出使某人得出lead the

38、way带路带路lead sb.by the nose牵着某人的鼻子走牵着某人的鼻子走in the lead领先;处于首位领先;处于首位take the lead带头;领先带头;领先Not far away there is a bridge that can lead him to the tree for more fruit.不远处有一座桥可以让他到达树旁摘到更多的水果。不远处有一座桥可以让他到达树旁摘到更多的水果。(北京北京开放作文开放作文)In class I will divide the students into small groups and lead them to pra

39、ctice speaking English in an interesting way.在在课课堂堂上上我我将将把把学学生生分分成成小小组组,用用有有趣趣的的方方法法让让他他们们练练习习说说英英语语。 (天天津津书书面面表表达达)夯实基础(1)根据汉语提示完成句子根据汉语提示完成句子With him (带路带路),we got there without any difficulty.But for him,we would have been lost,which would (导致导致) serious consequences. His action (使我们相信使我们相信) that

40、 he was our true friend.leading the waylead toled us to believe(2)这个政策将给这个地区带来更大的不稳定。这个政策将给这个地区带来更大的不稳定。(一句多译一句多译)_(lead)_(result)_ (contribute)This policy would lead to greater instability in the region.This policy would result in greater instability in the region.This policy would contribute to gr

41、eater instability in the region.5 take action采取行动采取行动come into action开始行动开始行动,bring.into action使使起作用起作用put.into action将将付诸实施付诸实施out of action不能再运转;失去效用;不工作不能再运转;失去效用;不工作take steps/measures to do sth.采取措施做某事采取措施做某事I felt that it was time for me to take action.我感觉是我采取行动的时候了。我感觉是我采取行动的时候了。This machine

42、is out of action.这台机器出了故障。这台机器出了故障。夯实基础语法填空语法填空(1)The government has taken action (protect) intellectual property.(2)Please put your study plan action.to protectinto6 apart/aside from除除之外;此外之外;此外应试指导作作为为高高级级词词汇汇替替换换besides,except表示表示“除除之外之外”的短语:的短语:apart from/aside from除除之之外外,根根据据上上下下文文的的不不同同,可可以分别相

43、当于以分别相当于besides,except或或except for。besidesin addition to除除之之外外(还还,也也),常常与与also,more,other等连用。等连用。except除除 外外 (都都 ), 常常 与与 all, every, no, none,nothing等含有整体肯定或否定意义的词连用。等含有整体肯定或否定意义的词连用。except for除除以以外外,其其后后所所跟跟的的词词往往往往与与前前面面的的不不是是同同一类的,是指整体中除去的一个细节或某一方面。一类的,是指整体中除去的一个细节或某一方面。Apart from the cost,the d

44、ress doesnt suit me.姑且不论价格,这件衣服也不适合我。姑且不论价格,这件衣服也不适合我。It is a good book,apart from the torn cover.除了封面破了,它是本好书。除了封面破了,它是本好书。夯实基础用用besides,except,except for,apart from填空填空(1)All the students took part in the sports meeting _ Tom.(2)We need three more chairs _ these two.(3) _ the ending,its a really g

45、ood film.except/apart frombesides/apart fromApart from/Except for多词一义all in all,in short,in conclusion, to conclude, in a word, in brief7 all in all总而言之,总的来说总而言之,总的来说1above all最重要的是最重要的是at all根本;全然根本;全然in all总共总共after all毕竟;终究;到底毕竟;终究;到底for/with all尽管尽管All in all,you cannot be satisfied enough to ge

46、t it.总而言之,买到它你是再满意不过了。总而言之,买到它你是再满意不过了。So you made it after all!你毕竟成功了!你毕竟成功了!夯实基础用用all的短语填空的短语填空(1)Children need many things; ,they need love from their parents.(2) ,24 people were found guilty.(3)What is personal development ?(4)There was only one who did not look unhappy.above allIn allafter alla

47、t all18 sum up总结;归纳;概括总结;归纳;概括in sum简而言之简而言之a large sum of大量的大量的in summary总的说来总的说来Let us sum up the recent news.让我们总结一下最近的新闻。让我们总结一下最近的新闻。Obree summed his weekend up in one word:“Disastrous.” 奥奥布布瑞瑞用用一一个个词词总总结结了了他他的的周周末末经经历历:“灾灾难难性性的的。”夯实基础(1)They presented (大量的钱大量的钱) to the college.(2) (简而言之简而言之),t

48、hings are going well for China.a large sum of moneyIn sum4句法与语法突破句法与语法突破1 Without these naturally occurring gases,the suns rays would bounce back into space leaving the Earth cold and impossible to live on.如如果果没没有有这这些些自自然然产产生生的的气气体体,太太阳阳光光将将会会被被反反射射回回太太空空中中去去,地地球球将将处处于于寒寒冷之中,不适合生命的存在。冷之中,不适合生命的存在。句型

49、公式 without引导的含蓄条件句引导的含蓄条件句介介 词词 短短 语语 without these naturally occurring gases代代替替虚虚拟拟条条件件句句,用用来来表表达达虚虚拟拟的的事事实实。有有时时表表假假设设的的情情况况隐隐含含在在一一个个由由介介词词或或介介词词短短语语 引引 起起 的的 短短 语语 中中 ( (如如 without, but for,otherwise等引起的短语等引起的短语) )。77Without the air to hold some of the suns heat,the earth at night would be free

50、zing cold,too cold for us to live on.如如果果没没有有大大气气保保持持太太阳阳的的热热量量,夜夜晚晚的的地地球球将将会会非非常常寒冷,冷得让我们无法生存。寒冷,冷得让我们无法生存。夯实基础I couldnt have finished the work so soon without your help.(1) _ _(用用if从句改写句子从句改写句子)(2) _(用用be for改写句子改写句子)(3) _(用用but for改写句子改写句子)I couldnt have finished the work so soon if you hadnt hel

51、ped me.I couldnt have finished the work so soon if it hadnt been for your help.I couldnt have finished the work so soon but for your help.句型公式 There have/has been.2 There has been terrible flooding in Asia,Africa,America and Oceania.亚亚洲洲、非非洲洲、美美洲洲和和大大洋洋洲洲都都发生过可怕的洪涝灾害。发生过可怕的洪涝灾害。(1)there be句句型型的的完完成成

52、时时为为there have/has been.。(2)某某些些表表示示存存在在、发发生生、出出现现、坐坐落落等等意意义义的的不不及及物物动动词词也也可可与与there连连用用,如如:appear,belong, come, enter, exist, flash, follow,happen,lie,live,occur,remain,run,rise,seem,shine,stand等动词。等动词。(3)there be的的非非谓谓语语形形式式是是there to be和和there being两两种种形形式式。它它们们可可以以在在句句中中作作主主语语、宾宾语语、状状语语。作作动动词词宾宾

53、语语时时,通通常常用用there to be,能能这这样样用用的的动动词词常常见见的的有有want,like,intend,expect,hate等等。作作介介词词宾宾语语时时,如如介介词词为为for,后后跟跟there to be,如如是是其其他他介介词词用用there being。作作状状语语时时,常常用用there being。作主语时,两者皆可,但在。作主语时,两者皆可,但在there to be前要加介词前要加介词for。There has been a modern school in our town.我们镇已经有一所现代化的学校了。我们镇已经有一所现代化的学校了。夯实基础翻译句

54、子翻译句子(1)我希望他有很多找到工作的机会。我希望他有很多找到工作的机会。_(2)没有别的事可做,我们就回家了。没有别的事可做,我们就回家了。_I expect there to be many chances for him to get the job.There being nothing else to do,we went home.3 单元语法单元语法语法填空语法填空(1)Your work must be (finish) by tomorrow.(2)The plan is going to be (carry) out next week.(3)I was made (co

55、py) ten pages of the book.(4)The film is worthy (see).(5)He said he (go) to Beijing the next day.finishedcarriedto copyto be seenwould go5五年高考五年高考 最新模拟最新模拟.短文改错 (2012浙江浙江) Two years before,I traveled to Brazil and I rented for a car.Unfortunate,I had an accident and hit another car,and I needed to s

56、tay in a hospital for at least two week.I called my parents,so I did not tell them what had高考题组 happened.I knew that they will be worried about myself because I was so farther away,and that my mother would not sleep if she knew.Therefore,I told them interested stories and how I was enjoying Brazil.A

57、s a result,nobody knew truth.I still think that it was the right thing to do.答案87.写作常用句翻译1.不要以自我为中心,尽力多为他人考虑。(considerate) (2012江苏书面表达)_2.但是,当事情超出我的能力时,我就向同学或老师求助。(beyond) (2011安徽书面表达)_Dont be selfcentered and try to be considerate.However,when it is something beyond my competence,I turn to my class

58、mates or teachers for help.893.当当我我面面临临困困难难时时,通通常常选选择择参参考考相相关关的的学学习习材材料料或网站。或网站。(refer to) (2011安徽安徽书面表达书面表达)_When I am faced with a difficulty,I usually choose to refer to relevant learning materials or Web pages.模拟题组.语法填空1.He is thought _ (act) foolishly.Now he has no one but himself to blame for

59、losing the job.2.He demanded that quick action _(take) before things got even worse.3.I couldnt have gone through that bitter period _ your generous help.to have acted(should) be takenwithout4.Bruce has recently been promoted to the sales manager.Oh, _(consider) his great contributions to the compan

60、y,he is really worthy of the position.5.Finding a job in such a big company has always been _ his wildest dreams.6.The discovery of new evidence led to the thief _ _(catch).consideringbeyondbeing caught927.A great number of children whose parents had died in the earthquake (send) to live with famili

61、es in other cities.8.It is impossible for there (be) an escape from the building.9.The program keeps me off the streets,without I probably would be wandering around right now.10.Why dont we choose that road to save time?The bridge to it (repair).were sentto bewhichis being repaired.单句改错1.Having trap

62、ped in the traffic jam for hours,he became impatient. _2.We must obey the principle all men are innocent until they are proved guilty. _3.We will discuss the problem referring to at yesterdays meeting. _Having后加上后加上beenprinciple后加上后加上thatreferringreferred4.The newcomer will be the substitute with me

63、 as your English teacher. _5.The policewoman seized the thief by his arm immediately._ 6.By any means are we satisfied with what he explained. _7.Diana is a considering boss who is always willing to listen._ withforhistheanynoconsideringconsiderate8.The government was already taken action to stop the strike. _9.To be great,you must be smart,confident,and,after all,honest. _10.The old couple treated their being adopted son very well. _washasafterabove去掉去掉being.写作句式升级训练The task is difficult,but it is worth doing._(用相应的高级词汇改写句子)The task is challenging,but rewarding.



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