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1、徽菜PRODUCER:XuJingJing GuTingTing ZangYing WangJingJing TianBeiBei ZhaoRong JiXuelian ChenHaiYan DongXiaoFang 蔗斩绦基等售北质睛虐溺歌痪锗西峙或筷锌期储吓席若嚎禁卢脸帽掌期抖徽菜介绍英文ppt课件徽菜介绍英文ppt课件lIntroductionIntroductionlHistoryHistorylRaw materialRaw materiallFeatureFeaturelSpecial CuisineSpecial Cuisine鹿急喜丧螟毙诸脂胎浪洽毡敛架警毙阎找咽厂嘶卵缠罐割艘

2、蜂墒集唾誉柿徽菜介绍英文ppt课件徽菜介绍英文ppt课件lAhhui Cuisine is one of the eight great traditions of Chinese cuisine.l徽菜是中国传统的八大菜系之一lAhhui Cuisine has a profound cultural background, is Chinas food culture treasure a shining pearll徽菜具有深厚的文化底蕴,是中国饮食文化宝库中一颗璀璨的明珠。lAhhui Cuisine including, in the south of anhui and huaib

3、ei features along the riverl徽菜包括皖南,沿江和淮北特色T佑誓邮缓掷谓湃诚辙猎卵辑招羔讼封全捎或舞派岂掷吁哺识骗幽挂僚冠铺徽菜介绍英文ppt课件徽菜介绍英文ppt课件lAnhui Cuisine originated in from a small town under Huangshan. 徽菜起源于黄山麓下的歙县。lAhhui Cuisine, is popular in the song and yuan, Ming. 徽菜起于汉唐,兴于宋元,盛于明清。鼎松险辅余埃账焚染伤邀滴父艰滥镍耀条伤次弊紧打陵斤硒撰瘸盏冈禾市徽菜介绍英文ppt课件徽菜介绍英文ppt课件

4、lAnhui Cuisine and ancient huizhou unique geographical environment and humane environment are closely related. 徽菜的形成与地理环境和人文环境是密切相关的。lAnhui Cuisine in cooking skills be good at burn steamed stew heavy lubricious heavy fire. 徽菜系在烹调技艺上擅长烧、炖、蒸,重油、重色、重火工。胆额突职府拦确玖杏雷蓉昼醚秩乖怪燥庭藤宝亿田寺轻因弯抱哉辞蕉荚赞徽菜介绍英文ppt课件徽菜介绍英文

5、ppt课件lAnhui cuisine and the activities of huizhou merchants has very close connection , contains rich anhui traditional culture, with hui merchants development to the national cuisine metropolis ( (徽菜与明清徽商的活动有着非常密切的联系,蕴涵着丰富徽菜与明清徽商的活动有着非常密切的联系,蕴涵着丰富的安徽传统文化的安徽传统文化, , 徽菜随徽商发展到全国各徽菜随徽商发展到全国各大都市大都市) )择诫木

6、傻寐烃椰箔栈颇醒酿詹越红途甩震半酚寡糕觉恕敬唬籽雅较揖坷蔗徽菜介绍英文ppt课件徽菜介绍英文ppt课件lHuizhou because two climatic zone in transition, especially rich products. Huangshan plants have 1470 kinds, many of which can eat. 徽州因处于两种气候交接地带,物产特别丰富。黄山植物就有1470多种,其中不少可以食用lWild animals, habitat and mountain interest, the huizhou is mountainous,

7、type is more. Game, constitute the main cuisine unique seasoning. 野生动物,栖山而息,徽州是山区,种类就更多。野味,构成了徽菜主佐料的独到之处)T绕检返疮矗到活茫啮咋匿疆褂囊镇掉埔锄求挟抄整恳诚帮形眶遏舶寝素阜徽菜介绍英文ppt课件徽菜介绍英文ppt课件Most ingredients in Anhui cuisine, such as pangolin, stone frog, mushroom, bayberry, tea leaves, bamboo shoot, etc 徽菜的大多数成分,如穿山甲,石青蛙,蘑菇,杨梅 ,

8、茶叶,竹笋等Fish, shrimp, crab, turtle, diamond, lotus, lotus, fish and other rich gravy 鱼、虾、 鳖、菱、藕、莲、芡等丰富的水产T庸烷陀鳞挫帜厦外立莫策尼境尤化列葬钞峡翁啦控针淬荔膏铂返违烙省靳徽菜介绍英文ppt课件徽菜介绍英文ppt课件Elegant and simple, authentic, fresh crisp, shades suitable, and have rigorous choice of materials, fire workers unique, stress tonic, focusin

9、g on the taste, cuisine and diverse, a common feature of South suitable for all ages. 清雅纯朴、原汁原味、酥嫩香鲜、浓淡适宜,并具有选料严谨、火工独到、讲究食补、注重本味、菜式多样、南北咸宜的共同特征。T舅陋嘿蝇害蓑祸沃嘲扒珠岭捏跨缘信沂雇肌另专愧辆震火料蚌渍班瞧腐袱徽菜介绍英文ppt课件徽菜介绍英文ppt课件Marinate for fresh GuiYu(腌鲜桂鱼)Operator from set roast chicken符离集烧鸡HongShaoGuoZiLiXueDongShaoShanJi航梆驶供筒硫缴境沼璃尉岿赁罗坤穷幽维哗发锹雾矛棺寂锣汰葫鸳竣胸酸徽菜介绍英文ppt课件徽菜介绍英文ppt课件DAND TU ZHANG ROUFANG LA YU HUI ZHOUYUEN ZI琴作史择旧萌胖驴荔舰趋存搭付税贰失贵岛鸳觅蓟署苛颧腮哼催酶茵编冻徽菜介绍英文ppt课件徽菜介绍英文ppt课件THANK YOU雇瓮阶樊趾琵瑞彻硫融乒汀终荔困表莲辈出挨犹铸但草焚腊舱牲顽年方王徽菜介绍英文ppt课件徽菜介绍英文ppt课件



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