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1、 Book 7 Unit 3 Book 7 Unit 3 语法语法 1 1课时课时1 1动词不定式的基本形式动词不定式的基本形式主动语态主动语态主动语态主动语态被动语态被动语态被动语态被动语态一般式一般式一般式一般式完成式完成式完成式完成式进行式进行式进行式进行式 完成进行式完成进行式完成进行式完成进行式 to doto doto be doneto be doneto have to have donedoneto haveto have been done been doneto be doingto be doing to have to have been doingbeen doin

2、g 2 2分词分词/动名词的基本形式动名词的基本形式主动语态主动语态主动语态主动语态被动语态被动语态被动语态被动语态现动现动现动现动在名在名在名在名分词分词分词分词词词词词一般式一般式一般式一般式完成式完成式完成式完成式过去分词过去分词过去分词过去分词 doingdoingbeing donebeing donehaving donehaving donehaving been having been donedone donedone3 3动名词动名词动名词动名词动词不定式动词不定式动词不定式动词不定式分词分词分词分词主语主语主语主语宾语宾语宾语宾语表语表语表语表语定语定语定语定语状语状语状

3、语状语补语补语补语补语4 4 1作主语作主语 不定式多表具体的动作,动名词多表抽象不定式多表具体的动作,动名词多表抽象 习习惯的动作惯的动作(1)不定式做主语)不定式做主语不定式作主语时不定式作主语时,谓语用单数,为了平衡句子谓语用单数,为了平衡句子,通常用通常用it作形式主语作形式主语,构成句型构成句型:Its +n.(adj.)+ for(of) sb. +to do sth.To find out who stole the money is not easy.Its not easy (for you )to find out who stole the money.5 5不定式的复合

4、结构不定式的复合结构 :for sb to do, of sb to doIt is useful for you to learn some spoken English.It is very kind of you to come here.It is foolish of him to do such a thing.在某些形容词如在某些形容词如clever, good ,nice, kind ,foolish, careless, right, wrong, rude, impolite等词之后的不定式前,常加等词之后的不定式前,常加of短短语语,这是对人做某事的赞扬,责备或感激等。这

5、是对人做某事的赞扬,责备或感激等。6 6. .eg. Its worthwhile doing it.eg. Its worthwhile doing it. Its no use doing it. Its no use doing it. Its a waste of time doing it Its a waste of time doing it (2)(2)动名词做主语时,动名词做主语时,动名词做主语时,动名词做主语时,it it也可作形式主语用于这种形式的也可作形式主语用于这种形式的也可作形式主语用于这种形式的也可作形式主语用于这种形式的是一些特定的是一些特定的是一些特定的是一些

6、特定的adjadj和和和和n n,但较少,但较少,但较少,但较少, ,如如如如 worthwhile, worth, worthwhile, worth, useless, no use, no good, fun, a waste of timeuseless, no use, no good, fun, a waste of time等等等等7 72作宾语作宾语Im preparing to take the examination next week.(1)只接)只接to do 作作宾语的的动词 attempt, afford, agree, arrange, beg,attempt,

7、afford, agree, arrange, beg,choose, decide, determine, choose, decide, determine, expect, hope , intend , long, manage, expect, hope , intend , long, manage, offer, plan, pretend, prepare, promise , refuse offer, plan, pretend, prepare, promise , refuse seek, wish, want seek, wish, want 等等等等8 8allow

8、, mind, miss, enjoy, escape, consideallow, mind, miss, enjoy, escape, conside(考虑)(考虑)(考虑)(考虑), , admit(admit(承认承认承认承认) ),advise, appreciateadvise, appreciate,avoid, finish, practise, avoid, finish, practise, suggest, delaysuggest, delay(延迟)(延迟)(延迟)(延迟), imagine, keep, quit, imagine, keep, quit(离开)(离

9、开)(离开)(离开), , resist(resist(抵抗抵抗抵抗抵抗), risk), risk(冒险)(冒险)(冒险)(冒险), be used to, look forward to, be used to, look forward to(期望)(期望)(期望)(期望), object to, object to(反对)(反对)(反对)(反对), pay attention to, , pay attention to, 等等等等 (2 2)只接)只接)只接)只接doingdoing动名词作宾语的动词动名词作宾语的动词动名词作宾语的动词动名词作宾语的动词9 9(3)(3)即可接即可接

10、即可接即可接 to do to do 又可接又可接又可接又可接doing doing ,但意义区别不大的词有:,但意义区别不大的词有:,但意义区别不大的词有:,但意义区别不大的词有:like, hate, like, hate, begin, start, love, continuebegin, start, love, continue等等等等注意注意注意注意:start, begin:start, begin后面接后面接后面接后面接to doto do和和和和doingdoing无多大区别。但在下列情况下,无多大区别。但在下列情况下,无多大区别。但在下列情况下,无多大区别。但在下列情况下

11、,多用动词不定式:多用动词不定式:多用动词不定式:多用动词不定式:a a表自然界变化:表自然界变化:表自然界变化:表自然界变化:It started to rain.It started to rain.Snow started to melt as spring came.Snow started to melt as spring came.b.b.接表心理活动的词,如接表心理活动的词,如接表心理活动的词,如接表心理活动的词,如understand, know, realizeunderstand, know, realize等等等等I began to realize my mistak

12、es.I began to realize my mistakes.c.c.begin, startbegin, start本身为进行时本身为进行时本身为进行时本身为进行时:People are beginning to take some measures to stop pollution.People are beginning to take some measures to stop pollution.1010(4)(4)有些动词后可接有些动词后可接有些动词后可接有些动词后可接to doto do或或或或doingdoing,但意义截然不同。,但意义截然不同。,但意义截然不同。,但

13、意义截然不同。try to dotry to dotry doingtry doingmean to domean to domean doingmean doingforget to doforget to doforget doingforget doingremember to doremember to doremember doingremember doingstop to do stop to do stop doingstop doing尽力去做某事尽力去做某事尽力去做某事尽力去做某事试一试,试试看试一试,试试看试一试,试试看试一试,试试看打算做某事打算做某事打算做某事打算做某

14、事意味着做某事意味着做某事意味着做某事意味着做某事忘记做过了某事忘记做过了某事忘记做过了某事忘记做过了某事忘记要做某事忘记要做某事忘记要做某事忘记要做某事记得要做某事记得要做某事记得要做某事记得要做某事记得做过了某事记得做过了某事记得做过了某事记得做过了某事停下(某事)去做某事停下(某事)去做某事停下(某事)去做某事停下(某事)去做某事把某事停下来把某事停下来把某事停下来把某事停下来1111go on doinggo on doinggo on to dogo on to do regret to doregret to doregret doingregret doing(5)need, r

15、equire, want(5)need, require, want译作译作译作译作“ “需要需要需要需要” ”时,跟时,跟时,跟时,跟doingdoing作宾语,主动作宾语,主动作宾语,主动作宾语,主动表被动,相当于表被动,相当于表被动,相当于表被动,相当于to be done.to be done.The classroom needs cleaning/to beThe classroom needs cleaning/to becleanedcleaned继续做同一件事继续做同一件事继续做同一件事继续做同一件事继续做另一件事继续做另一件事继续做另一件事继续做另一件事遗憾地要做某事遗憾地

16、要做某事遗憾地要做某事遗憾地要做某事后悔做了某事后悔做了某事后悔做了某事后悔做了某事cant help to docant help to docant help doingcant help doing情不自禁做某事情不自禁做某事情不自禁做某事情不自禁做某事不能帮助做某事不能帮助做某事不能帮助做某事不能帮助做某事1212(6)介词介词but/ except 表除了,其前有实义动词表除了,其前有实义动词do时,时,but / except后的不定式后的不定式to要省略,否则要省略,否则to则不省则不省.我们用一句话概括就是:我们用一句话概括就是: 有有dodo无无toto,有,有 toto无无

17、 dodoShe has no choice but to waitHe could do nothing but wait.13133作表语作表语不定式,动名词作表语多说明主语的内容,不定式常说明具体不定式,动名词作表语多说明主语的内容,不定式常说明具体不定式,动名词作表语多说明主语的内容,不定式常说明具体不定式,动名词作表语多说明主语的内容,不定式常说明具体的一次行为,的一次行为,的一次行为,的一次行为, 动名词多表抽象习惯动名词多表抽象习惯动名词多表抽象习惯动名词多表抽象习惯分词:分词:分词:分词:现在分词:令人现在分词:令人现在分词:令人现在分词:令人的的的的过去分词:感到过去分词:感

18、到过去分词:感到过去分词:感到的的的的My job is to teach/teaching you English.My job is to teach/teaching you English.She looked disappointed.She looked disappointed.The news is very disappointing.The news is very disappointing.1414(1 1)不定式做定语)不定式做定语 a a 作作定语的不定式与被修饰的名词或代词往往存在着的不定式与被修饰的名词或代词往往存在着三种逻辑关系,三种逻辑关系,主谓关系主谓关系

19、,动宾关系,同位语关系动宾关系,同位语关系Alice is always the first student to come to school. (主谓主谓关系关系)Tom has a large family to support.(动宾关系动宾关系)My father made a promise to buy me a bicycle.(同位语关同位语关系系)4做定语做定语1515B在动宾关系时,不定式动词为不及物动词,应在该动词后加上一个介词Please pass me some paper to write on.She has a nice pen to write with.H

20、e bought a flat for the family to live in.1616c当名词被当名词被the first ,the last等序数词以及等序数词以及 the only ,形容词形容词最高级修饰时,常用不定式作定语,而不管动作是否已完成最高级修饰时,常用不定式作定语,而不管动作是否已完成 He is the only person to know the truth. She is always the first to come and the last to leave. d d以以以以“ “即将发生的动作即将发生的动作即将发生的动作即将发生的动作” ”修饰事物时,可

21、用不定式做定语修饰事物时,可用不定式做定语修饰事物时,可用不定式做定语修饰事物时,可用不定式做定语He will write more books in the years to come.He will write more books in the years to come.The students are preparing for the examination to The students are preparing for the examination to take place soon.take place soon.1717(2)(2)分词做定语:分词做定语:分词做定语

22、:分词做定语:分词前置:分词前置:分词前置:分词前置:We can see the rising sun. (We can see the rising sun. (表正在进行主动表正在进行主动表正在进行主动表正在进行主动He is a retired worker. He is a retired worker. (表被动完成)(表被动完成)(表被动完成)(表被动完成)分词后置:分词后置:分词后置:分词后置:There was a girl sitting there.There was a girl sitting there.This is the question given.This

23、 is the question given.There is ten minutes left .There is ten minutes left .单个的分词做定语单个的分词做定语单个的分词做定语单个的分词做定语分词短语,个别分词如分词短语,个别分词如分词短语,个别分词如分词短语,个别分词如given, leftgiven, left等时要后置等时要后置等时要后置等时要后置1818(3)(3)动名词与分词做定语的区别:动名词与分词做定语的区别:动名词与分词做定语的区别:动名词与分词做定语的区别:动名词做定语表示其名词的用途动名词做定语表示其名词的用途动名词做定语表示其名词的用途动名词做定

24、语表示其名词的用途现在分词做定语表示名词所进行的动作现在分词做定语表示名词所进行的动作现在分词做定语表示名词所进行的动作现在分词做定语表示名词所进行的动作a sleeping babya sleeping baby=a baby who is sleeping=a baby who is sleepinga sleeping cara sleeping car=a car for sleeping=a car for sleeping1919 5 5 作宾语补足语作宾语补足语作宾语补足语作宾语补足语(1 1)宾补为)宾补为)宾补为)宾补为to do to do 的动词的动词的动词的动词 如:如

25、:如:如:ask sb to do sth ask sb to do sth 类似动词有类似动词有类似动词有类似动词有allow, forbid, prefer, force, announce, press, inspire, request, allow, forbid, prefer, force, announce, press, inspire, request, advise, remind, beg, command, driveadvise, remind, beg, command, drive,train, cause, requiretrain, cause, requi

26、re, order, warn, encourage, want, lead, teach, permit, wishorder, warn, encourage, want, lead, teach, permit, wish等等等等2020(2)宾补为省去)宾补为省去to 的不定式的不定式, 被动时需加上被动时需加上 to a.表示感觉或心理状态的动词表示感觉或心理状态的动词see / watch / notice /observe / hear / listen to/ feel 等等 They saw the boy fall from the tree. The boy was se

27、en to fall from the tree. b. 使役动词使役动词have , make ,let 但无但无make sb doing sth的结构的结构 21216作状语(动词不定式与分词)作状语(动词不定式与分词)She was very surprised to hear the news.(原因)(原因)He went home to find his old friend Tom waiting for him.(结果)(结果) a. 表结果时表结果时 only to do 表意料之外,表意料之外,only doing 表情理之中表情理之中 I hurried to the

28、station, only to find the train had left. (意料意料之外之外)He got up early only catching the first bus (情理之中)情理之中) .(1) (1) 动词不定式表目的,结果,原因动词不定式表目的,结果,原因动词不定式表目的,结果,原因动词不定式表目的,结果,原因2222B 不定式用作结果状语时,还可以用于不定式用作结果状语时,还可以用于 so as to/suchas to(如此如此以致于以致于) ,too to adj./adv./n. + enough to do Jim got up so early a

29、s to catch the first bus.The problem is too difficult for us to work out.The boy is old enough to go to school.2323c 主动形式表被动意义的不定式主动形式表被动意义的不定式eg: The question is very difficult to answer. The armchair is comfortable to sit in . 主语主语be +adj. +to do 能用于此句型的形容词有:能用于此句型的形容词有:difficult ,easy, comfortabl

30、e ,hard, pleasant,interesting, dangerous, 等等2424 (2)分词做状语可以表示时间,分词做状语可以表示时间, 原因,条件,原因,条件, 让步,让步, 伴伴随,方式,结果随,方式,结果Not having received (=As I hadnt received )an answer , I wrote him a letter.He sat at the table ,reading the China Daily and read the China Daily2525改错:改错:1.Seeing from the top of the hil

31、l, the park looks very beautiful. seen2. Being dark, she didnt dare to go out alone. It2626 (3) a 分词的独立主格结构:由主语分词的独立主格结构:由主语+分词构成分词构成Everything done( =After everything was done) , they went home.Mother being ill in bed (=Because Mother was ill in bed), he couldnt go to work.Time permitting (=If time

32、 permits) , I shall stay here for another two days2727b .b .动动名名名名词词的复合的复合的复合的复合结结构构构构动名词结构作主语动名词结构作主语动名词结构作主语动名词结构作主语, , 其逻辑主语用所有格其逻辑主语用所有格其逻辑主语用所有格其逻辑主语用所有格onesones,作宾语,作宾语,作宾语,作宾语, , 其其其其逻辑主语用宾格或所有格均可逻辑主语用宾格或所有格均可逻辑主语用宾格或所有格均可逻辑主语用宾格或所有格均可ones /sbones /sb,逻辑主语是无生命,逻辑主语是无生命,逻辑主语是无生命,逻辑主语是无生命名词时名词时

33、名词时名词时, , 不管做主语还是宾语,只用普通格不管做主语还是宾语,只用普通格不管做主语还是宾语,只用普通格不管做主语还是宾语,只用普通格1) Toms/His/That girls being late made the teacher angry. 1) Toms/His/That girls being late made the teacher angry. 2)The teacher was angry2)The teacher was angry at Toms/Tom being late. at Toms/Tom being late. his /his his /his t

34、hat girls/that girl that girls/that girl3 3)Are there any hope of our team winning the match? Are there any hope of our team winning the match? (逻逻逻逻辑主语是无生命名词)辑主语是无生命名词)辑主语是无生命名词)辑主语是无生命名词) C C 不定式的复合结构为:不定式的复合结构为:不定式的复合结构为:不定式的复合结构为:for sb to do , of sb to dofor sb to do , of sb to do 2828_with the

35、 size of the whole earth, the highest mountain doesnt seem high at all.A When compared B To compareC While comparing D It comparedThe discovery of new evidence led to _A the thief having caught B catch the thiefC the thief being caught D the thief to be caught2929_Sunday, the students are at home.A Being B To be C It is D It being_ stone and sticks, they ran into the street and joined in the fighting A Armed B Arming C Armed with D Arming with 30303131



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