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1、The Simple Present tense一般现在时一般现在时Adverbs and adverbial phrases of frequency频率副词(词组)频率副词(词组)I always go to school on foot.I am seldom late.We usually study Chinese, Maths and English.We often play games.I always have a good time at school.never sometimesFind out the sentences that include adverbs of

2、 frequency on P17. 在在17页找出含有频率副词(词组)页找出含有频率副词(词组)的句子。的句子。Other adverbs of frequencyalways seldom usually often never sometimesalways 总是总是usually 常常常常often 经常经常sometimes 有时有时seldom 极少极少never 从不从不Lets pay attention to these sentences and work out the rule.I always go to school on foot.We usually study

3、 Chinese, Maths and English.We often play games.I am seldom late.I dont usually watch TV.I must often do exercise.频率副词的位置:频率副词的位置:频率副词位于频率副词位于_词之前,词之前,_词之后词之后work out the rule行为动词行为动词be动词,助动词,情态动词动词,助动词,情态动词Lets make more sentence together.I _ every day.Every day, I _.We_ once or twice a week.Once o

4、r twice a week, we_.marketdo my homeworkdo my homeworkgo to the marketgo to the marketLets pay attention to these sentences and work out the rule.I do my homework every day.Every day, I do my homework We go to the market once or twice a week.Once or twice a week, we go to the market.work out the rul

5、e频率词组的位置:频率词组的位置:频率词组可用于频率词组可用于_或或_;用于句首时,用于句首时,要用要用_隔开。隔开。句首句首句末句末逗号逗号Mandy meets Sam on the Internet again. She is asking Sam some questions about his life. Write Sams answers in complete sentences.Mandy:Sam:Mandy:Sam:Mandy:Sam:Mandy:Sam:Mandy:Sam:Mandy:Sam: How often do you watch television?(1)_

6、(every night)How often do you eat out?(2) _ (sometimes)How often do you play table tennis with your father?(3) _ (once a week)How often do you win?(4) _ (seldom)How often do you visit other cities?(5) _ (four times a year)How often do you play computer games?(6) _ (never)I sometimes eat out.I watch

7、television every night. I play table tennis with my father once a week. I seldom win. I visit other cities four times a year. I never play computer games.More exercises完成周报第六期,第二版频度副词 巩固练习The simple present tense 一般现在时一般现在时She gets up in the morning.She goes to school every day.They play basketball

8、after school.She goes to bed at night.Lets pay attention to these sentences and work out the rule.work out the ruleShe gets up in the morning.She goes to school every day.She goes to bed at night.They play basketball after school.当主语是当主语是he/she/ithe/she/it时,动词要用时,动词要用_形式;形式;当主语是当主语是I/We/You/TheyI/We

9、/You/They时,动词要用时,动词要用_形。形。第三人称单数第三人称单数原原一般现在时的肯定句结构一般现在时的肯定句结构1:主语主语+行为动词行为动词+其他其他Lets pay attention to these sentences and work out the rule.work out the ruleShe is friendly.I am happy. You are beautiful.当主语是当主语是I I时,时,bebe动词用动词用_;当主语是当主语是he/she/ithe/she/it时,时, be动词要用动词要用_;_;当主语是当主语是you/we/theyyou/

10、we/they时,时,bebe动词要用动词要用_._.amis一般现在时肯定句的结构一般现在时肯定句的结构2:主语主语+be动词动词+其他其他are一般现在时的否定句一般现在时的否定句1:lHe isnt tall.lThey arent happy.lI am not beautiful.含有含有be动词的否定式,直接在动词的否定式,直接在be动词后加动词后加_构成。构成。is notis not可以缩写为可以缩写为_;are notare not可以缩写为可以缩写为_;_;I am notI am not可以缩写为可以缩写为_._.notisntarentIm not一般现在时的否定句一般

11、现在时的否定句2:lI dont know the answer.lHe doesnt go to school.含有行为动词的否定式,在含有行为动词的否定式,在_词前加词前加_构成。构成。主语为第三人称单数时,用主语为第三人称单数时,用_;主语为非第三人称单数时,助动词用主语为非第三人称单数时,助动词用_;_;doesnt行为动行为动dont/doesntdontDo they play basketball after school?Does she go to bed at night?work out the rule当主语是第三人称单数当主语是第三人称单数he/she/it时,助动词

12、用时,助动词用_; 主语不是第三人称单数时,助动词用主语不是第三人称单数时,助动词用_Does一般现在时的一般疑问句结构一般现在时的一般疑问句结构1:助动词助动词+主语主语+动词动词原型原型+.?DoAre they happy?Am I late?work out the rule一般现在时的一般疑问句结构一般现在时的一般疑问句结构2:Be动词动词+主语主语+.?Is she friendly ?当主语是当主语是I I时,时,bebe动词用动词用_;当主语是当主语是he/she/ithe/she/it时,时, be动词要用动词要用_;_;当主语是当主语是you/we/theyyou/we/t

13、hey时,时,bebe动词要用动词要用_._.amisare1.表示经常性、习惯性的动作。表示经常性、习惯性的动作。 He usually has breakfast at 7 in the morning. They go to school by bike every day.2.表示现在发生的动作或存在的状态。表示现在发生的动作或存在的状态。 We live in the same building. There is a bus stop near our school.3.表示客观事实、真理。表示客观事实、真理。 The earth goes around the sun. Ligh

14、t travels faster than sound.定义:定义:一般现在时一般现在时用于表示现在发生的动作或存在的现在发生的动作或存在的状态状态;经常的、习惯性的动作;客观真理和事实。经常的、习惯性的动作;客观真理和事实。(见周报第二版讲解见周报第二版讲解) 1. 一般的动词后面直接加一般的动词后面直接加-s.如:如:walk walks2. 以以-s,-x, -sh或或-ch结尾的动词后加结尾的动词后加-es. 如:如:discuss discusses3. 以辅音字母以辅音字母 + y 结尾的动词,变结尾的动词,变y 为为i再加再加-es. 如:如:study studies4. 以以

15、-o结尾的动词,在词尾加结尾的动词,在词尾加-es如:如:do does go goes动词第三人称单数的形式变化和读音规律(见周报)动词第三人称单数的形式变化和读音规律(见周报)周报【巩固练习】一、写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式。二、用括号内的单词的适当形式填空。A1 Use the information in the article on Page 17 to complete the conversation below.S1: (1)_ Sam _(go) to school by bus?S2: No, he (2)_. He (3)_(go) to school on foot.

16、S1: (4)_ Sam and his friends _(play) games during the morning break?S2: Yes, they (5)_.S1: What (6)_ Sam _(do) after school?S2: He (7)_(take) part in the school band practice. Doesgo doesnt goes Do play do does do takesI am a student in Junior One. _ you a student in Junior One?Yes, I _.No, I _.Area

17、mm notExercises:Lucy has lunch at school every day. Lucy _ _ lunch at school every day. _ Lucy _ lunch at school every day?doesnt haveDoeshaveLucy does her homework after dinner. Lucy _ _ her homework after dinner. _ Lucy _ her homework after dinner?Yes, she _.No, she _doesnt doDoesdodoesdoesnt改一般疑问

18、句改一般疑问句改否定句改否定句改一般疑问句改一般疑问句改否定句改否定句改一般疑问句改一般疑问句1. Sam经常参加学校的吉他常参加学校的吉他训练。 Sam often _ _ _ the school guitar practice.2. -你平你平时是走路上学的是走路上学的吗?-是的。是的。 -_ you usually _ to school on foot? -Yes, I _.3. -汤姆喜姆喜欢学学习地理地理吗? -不,他不喜不,他不喜欢。他喜。他喜欢生物。生物。 -_ Tom _ Geography? -No, he _. He _ Biology. takes part in D

19、ogodo Does likedoesntlikes选择填空选择填空( ) 1. My mother usually _ up first in our family.A. getB. gets C. getting D. got ( ) 2. _ your friends play the guitar at school every day?A. Is B. Are C. Do D. Does ( ) 3. Sam goes to school early in the morning. He _ never late for school. A. isB. isnt C. does D.

20、 doesnt BCA( ) 4. Sally _ play the guitar. She _ the piano. A. isnt; playsB. is; play C. doesnt; plays D. dont; play ( ) 5. _ do you go to the market? Seldom.A. How muchB. How long C. How many D. How often CD1.Mike usually _ at home and _ some washing at weekends. A. stay; do B. stays; do C. stays;

21、does D. stay; does2._ your brother good at _ football? A. Is; playing B. Are; playing C. Does; play D. Do; playing3.Ann is a good student. Shes _ happy to help others. A. sometimes B. seldom C. never D. always4.My grandma _ goes out. She usually stays at home. A. seldom B. often C. sometimes D. alwa

22、ys5.Who _ you English this term? A. teach B. teaches C. does teach D. are teaching6._ they _ to school by bus every day? A. Are; going B. Do; go C. Does; go D. Are; go作业:作业:作业:作业:1.1.家听家听U2U2剩下单词。剩下单词。2.2.周报、学评的周报、学评的GrammarGrammar部分。部分。3.3.跟录音朗读跟录音朗读MORE PRACTICEMORE PRACTICE课文两遍,背诵课文两遍,背诵U2RU2R剩下部分。剩下部分。



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