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1、单项选择单项选择题能力考核能力考核细目表目表能力目能力目标题型型考核考核细目分布(前目分布(前为题号、后号、后为考核要点)考核要点)知知识应用用单项选择难中中易易3.虚拟语气和虚拟语气和倒装,倒装,9.定语定语从句和名词性从句和名词性从句从句 7.过去分词和过去分词和语境,语境, 8。动。动词词义辨析,词词义辨析,10。形容词词。形容词词义辨析义辨析1.冠词,冠词, 2.连连词,词,4.短语辨短语辨析,析,5名词词义名词词义辨析,辨析,6.情景情景对话,对话,( ) 1. The party last night was _ success. We sang and danced until

2、it came to _ end at 12:00.A. A; an B. a; the C. the; an D. /; an(答案答案 A 考查冠词考查冠词)( ) 2. All the senior leaders are members of the same family. _, Im likely to have to move if I want to get promoted.A. Though B. Meanwhile C. However D. Therefore(答案答案 D 考查连词考查连词)( )3._ right away, you would arrive the

3、re by 5 oclock p.m.A. Would you leaveB. Will you leaveC. Were you to leave D. If youll leave (答案答案 B 考查虚拟语气和倒装考查虚拟语气和倒装)( )4. Under good treatment, Helen is beginning to _ and will soon come back to school.A. wake upB. show upC. turn upD. pick up (答案答案 D 考查语境和词组辨析考查语境和词组辨析)( )5. When he applied for

4、a _ in the office of the local newspaper he was told to see the manager.A. situationB. conditionC. positionD. work(答案答案 C 考查名词词义辨析考查名词词义辨析)( )6. - Its cloudy outside. Please take an umbrella. - _.A. Yes, take it easyB. OK, just in caseC. Well, it just dependsD. All right. Youre welcome (答案答案 D 考查情景对

5、话考查情景对话)( )7. When _, the museum will be open to the public next year.A. completedB. completingC. being completedD. to be completed(答案答案 A 考查分词结构和语境考查分词结构和语境)( )8. I am not sure that we will win but I _ that our team will play hard to win the championship.A. treat B. guarantee C. require D. doubt(答案

6、答案B 考查动词词义辨析考查动词词义辨析)( )9. Lawrence Craven, a doctor from the USA,is the author of several published reports, one of_ introduced the idea in 1953 _aspirin could reduce the risk of heart attacksAthem; when Bwhich; that Cwhat; that Dwhich; when (B考查从句。第一个空考查定语从句,考查从句。第一个空考查定语从句,which 用于介词后指代用于介词后指代前文的

7、前文的reports。第二个空是由。第二个空是由that引导同位语从句。具体说明引导同位语从句。具体说明idea的详细内容)的详细内容)( ) 10. The police tried to get some clues from the suspect, but he remained_.Asilent Bquiet Ccalm Dsecret (A考查形容词词义辨析。考查形容词词义辨析。remain silent沉默不语;沉默不语;quiet不出声响,安静;不出声响,安静;calm平静;平静;D项应为项应为keep secret。)。)完形填空完形填空完形填空能力考核完形填空能力考核细目表

8、目表能力目能力目标题型型考核考核细目分布(前目分布(前为题号、后号、后为考核考核要点)要点)知知识应用用完型填空完型填空难中中易易2语境揣摩语境揣摩动词词义,动词词义,9副词副词 11动动词词义语境词词义语境1.动词词组动词词组搭配,搭配,5形形容词,上下容词,上下文语境,文语境,8形容词。形容词。 12.动词语动词语境境 14 连词连词3形容词,形容词,4.名词语境,名词语境,6动词,动词,7.动词词组动词词组 10形容词形容词 13.15名词名词考点考点类别形容词形容词4,动词,动词5,动词词组,动词词组2 副词副词1,名词,名词3 连词连词1完形填空能力考核能力考核细目表共15小题,每题

9、2分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1-15各题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑There is a fine line between a parent who is active and open-minded and one that doesnt know when to let go (放手)As my daughter, Nicole, prepares to leave home for college, Im discovering how hard it is to stay on the right side of this lineWh

10、en I hold _1_the apron strings (围裙带) connecting us, Nicole, eager to _2_ independence, tries to loosen my graspWhat results is a (an) _3_ mother-daughter, push-me, pull-you kind of tango For the past two years, its gone like this:Mothers question: “Have you thought of taking an advanced placement cl

11、ass (大学预修课程) so that you can earn college credit?”Daughters _4_: “No, Im not interested in that”I bit my lip a few times and Nicole shot me a few glaresTwo months ago, she was accepted a great universityHowever, I was still the mother having a _5_ time letting goThe night before the introductory mee

12、ting of the university, I had read the course catalog carefully and _6_ courses which I thought looked goodWe met on the campus the next afternoon, and Nicoles face _7_ with excitement“I have had my entire schedule figured out,” she said“Already?” I was astonished, thinking she should have discussed

13、 it with meI examined the scheduleNicole hadnt taken a (an) _8_ one of the courses I had suggestedEvery course she had chosen _9_ suited her interestsJust then I saw a mature, capable young woman with a _10_ mind and the ability to shape her futureShe no longer needed her mother _11_ every decision

14、she madeI felt proud, though still a bit sad.I _12_ the lessons carefullyNicole has struggled to learn over the past 18 years: _13_, sympathy, and hard workThere have been a few holes along the way14_, she is well-equipped and eager to embrace the futureThe next step, I recognized, was mine to take:

15、 giving my daughter and myself the _15_ we both needed1AontoBup Cback Dout2AkeepBrefuseCtaste D bear3AawkwardBrelaxingClively Dbeautiful4Acomment Bword CConcept Dresponse5AgoodBgreat Chard Deasy6AtakenBunderlinedCofferedDemphasized7Alit upBbuilt upCturned upDmade up8AonlyBjust CevenDsingle9AmostlyBh

16、ardlyCexactlyDslightly10AsharpBnormalCdifferentDtypical11AencouragingBevaluatingCdisagreeing Dagreeing12AreviewedBobservedCcheckedDstudied13AcompetenceBcreativityCresponsibilityDconfidence 14AThereforeBInsteadCYet DBesides15AcharacterBstrengthCreliefDindependence 1A hold onto “抓住不放抓住不放”。2C keep一词干扰性

17、很强,但一词干扰性很强,但keep independence“保持独立保持独立”,则表明女儿一直是,则表明女儿一直是独立的。这与母亲抓住女儿不放的语境不符。故填独立的。这与母亲抓住女儿不放的语境不符。故填taste表明女儿要体会一下独立的滋表明女儿要体会一下独立的滋味。味。3A 女儿想独立,而母亲放心不下,母女相争,自然是很令人女儿想独立,而母亲放心不下,母女相争,自然是很令人“尴尬的尴尬的”。4D response “回答回答”,上文有,上文有Mothers question为依据。为依据。5C上文的上文的“doesnt know when to let go”是提示。是提示。6B 作者把她

18、认为重要的课程画上线,意思是让女儿去选。作者把她认为重要的课程画上线,意思是让女儿去选。7A light up(使)变得容光焕发或振奋(使)变得容光焕发或振奋8Dsingle “单一的单一的”,起加强语气的作用。女儿竟然一个她建议的课程都没选!,起加强语气的作用。女儿竟然一个她建议的课程都没选!9C 所选的完全都是符合她自己兴趣的课程。所选的完全都是符合她自己兴趣的课程。exactly完全地;全然完全地;全然10A sharp mind敏捷的头脑敏捷的头脑 ,与与mature, capable共同描绘女儿。共同描绘女儿。11B 女儿已经长大(女儿已经长大(mature)并且很能干()并且很能干

19、(capable),因此不需母亲去评价她所作因此不需母亲去评价她所作出的决定。出的决定。agree 不及物。不及物。12A 因为宾语是因为宾语是lesson(教训)(教训) 自然应该填自然应该填review “回顾回顾”。13C responsibility 责任感。责任感。14C 前一句说沿途有一些坎坷,空后面是她已经为未来做好了充分准备。所以此处前一句说沿途有一些坎坷,空后面是她已经为未来做好了充分准备。所以此处应该填具有转折意义的词,故填应该填具有转折意义的词,故填yet“然而然而”。 15D母亲反思相通了,自然要充分放手,就会给母女都带来自由。母亲反思相通了,自然要充分放手,就会给母女都带来自由。



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