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1、Writing好的记忆力非常重要。如果你想提高记好的记忆力非常重要。如果你想提高记忆力,可以采用很多方法。下面,请你忆力,可以采用很多方法。下面,请你以以“How to improve your memory”为为题,阐述你的观点。要求:语句通顺,题,阐述你的观点。要求:语句通顺,句意准确,字数在句意准确,字数在70词左右。词左右。返回返回Chapter 2 短语集锦短语集锦be in trouble witha number ofrun aroundin totallaugh ata short time agosucceed in doing sth与与有麻有麻烦 许多多四四处跑跑总计嘲笑

2、嘲笑刚刚;不久前;不久前成功地做某事成功地做某事返回返回Chapter 2 短语集锦短语集锦feel like doing sthstay upin my opinionbelong toplay a trick on sblife jacket想做某事想做某事熬夜熬夜在我看来在我看来属于属于捉弄某人捉弄某人救生衣救生衣返回返回Chapter 2 短语集锦短语集锦all around the worldbe full oftry to dohave a long historyin the late 1930sthink ofgetinto trouble全世界全世界充充满努力去做努力去做有悠

3、久的有悠久的历史史在在20世世纪30年代晚期年代晚期想出想出使使陷入麻陷入麻烦 Revision for Chapter 2I. 选择填空选择填空 从下面每小题所给的从下面每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选四个选项中选择最佳答案。项中选择最佳答案。( )1. There is _ terrible smell in the car.What smell? I dont notice _ smell.A. /, the B. a, aC. a, theD. /, a( )2. _ dangerous _ with fire?Of course. You may get burnt.A. Is it

4、, to playB. Is it, playingC. Are you, to playD. Are you, playing( )3. Whats wrong with the old man?Heavy smoking _ him _ trouble.A. makes, with B. gets, intoC. tells, to D. takes, with( )4. These dishes smell _.Yes. And they taste _.A. well, delicious B. good, wellC. nice, good D. well, good( )5. _

5、is not right _ computer games during working hours.Sorry, I wont do it again.A. This, to playingB. That, playingC. It, playingD. It, to play( )6. I think the house is not safe _.Yes. So youd better _ here.A. to live in, not livingB. living in, not to liveC. living in, not livingD. to live in, not li

6、ve( )7. There _ a large number of students outside the classroom.Yes. And I know the number _ two hundred.A. are, isB. are, areC. is, areD. is, is( )8. What can I do for you?Im looking _ a _ dress.A. after, silk green B. for, green silkC. up, silk green D. at, green silk( )9. _ great success the new

7、 book is!Yes. _ of people will read it.A. How, A number B. What a, A numberC. How, A large amount D. What a, The number( )10. I find your brother _ now. Anything wrong?Well. I played a trick _ him just now.A. angrily, onB. angry, onC. angrily, withD. angry, with( )11. Where was the crow?It sat _ a t

8、all tree _ a big piece of meat in her mouth.A. in, with B. on, withC. in, has D. on, has( )12. In my opinion, his words were difficult _.But I feel _ easy to know his meaning.A. to understanding, thatB. understand, itC. to understand, itD. understanding, that( )13. Is the price of meat _?Yes. The me

9、at is quite _.A. expensive, expensive B. high, highC. high, expensiveD. expensive, high( )14. Does Tom succeed _ Jerry?No. He always _.A. in catching, succeedsB. in catching, failsC. to catch, succeedsD. to catch, fails( )15. Are the cartoons very long?No. Most of them are only about _.A. seven minu

10、tes longB. long seven minutesC. seven long minutesD. seven-minute-long(B) 选择与划线部分意思最相近的选项。选择与划线部分意思最相近的选项。( )16. The mouse always gets the cat into trouble.A. causea problemB. helpwith a problemC. makehappy( )17. Tom and Jerry cartoon was a great success.A. a person or thing that has failed to do so

11、mething.B.a person or thing that has achieved to do something.C. a person or thing that has changed to do something.( )18.They won a number of awards. A. someB. the number of C.many( )19.Tom is in trouble with his owner.A. is having a friendly relationship withB. is having a problem withC.is in peac

12、e with( )20.The cartoons are shown on TV.A. taughtB.on screenC.made二根据中文意思和英文提示补全句子二根据中文意思和英文提示补全句子1. 许多新产品已经在来超市的路上了。许多新产品已经在来超市的路上了。 _ new products are on the way to the supermarket. 2. 乔迪是我最好的朋友之一。乔迪是我最好的朋友之一。Jody is _.3.中国是一个有着悠久历史的国家。中国是一个有着悠久历史的国家。 China is a country with_4. 我们将努力在一周内完成这项工作。我们

13、将努力在一周内完成这项工作。Well _ the work in a week5.约翰为一家电脑公司效力。约翰为一家电脑公司效力。(work for)_John works for a computer company.A large number ofone of my best friendsa long historytry our best to finish 6请不要嘲笑那个男孩。请不要嘲笑那个男孩。(laugh at)_7这个月我弟弟一共看了五部卡通电影。这个月我弟弟一共看了五部卡通电影。This month my brother watched five cartoon movi

14、es _8这位年轻的漫画家成功地创造了一个卡通角色。这位年轻的漫画家成功地创造了一个卡通角色。The young cartoonist _ a cartoon character. 9. 我们不应该嘲笑她。相反,我们应该给她一些帮助。我们不应该嘲笑她。相反,我们应该给她一些帮助。We shouldnt _. Instead, we should give her some help.10. 你能想个办法让他们开心吗?你能想个办法让他们开心吗?Can you think of an idea to_?laugh at herin totalsucceeded in creatingmake th

15、em happyPlease dont laugh at that boy.三根据句意及所给提示,用单词的正确形式填空。三根据句意及所给提示,用单词的正确形式填空。1. How was the show last night?It was really _ (wonder).2. People hated real _ (mouse). However, they like Mickey Mouse in the cartoon.3. The old town has a long h_. You may consider visiting it.4. S_ belongs to those who are working hard all the time.5. Most teenagers are interested in_ (popularity) songs.6. There is a strong _ (气味气味) of gas in the room. 7. Look! There is an _ (express) on the girls face.wonderfulmiceistoryuccesspopularsmellexpression



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