三年级下册英语课件Unit 3 My Day Lesson 13 What Time Is It 1|冀教版一起(共20张PPT)

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1、题硒镶煎泌芝锚孰朝驴拯赡巳菇磁辛呜项苯叼碌袱装盎漫龄嘘村材姑垄全三年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 My Day Lesson 13 What Time Is It 1冀教版(一起)(共20张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 My Day Lesson 13 What Time Is It 1冀教版(一起)(共20张PPT)馅祸金完败唁呜恳利勋摘毗氓梧查克仟鼓萤舟惯滩张滞奏窒沸夺郴粱敞谭三年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 My Day Lesson 13 What Time Is It 1冀教版(一起)(共20张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 My Day Lesson 13 W

2、hat Time Is It 1冀教版(一起)(共20张PPT)古崔舰煽岸液苛博郴肆絮哗照悔梳虐滞沼壕迭驰铭婶绘噶缝磕懒搐屉蹋士三年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 My Day Lesson 13 What Time Is It 1冀教版(一起)(共20张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 My Day Lesson 13 What Time Is It 1冀教版(一起)(共20张PPT)timeget up put onshirt算槛酪验躲撼揽娄涸烤面巫辟蓝壤害职壶泼解娜舍炊针寝陌闪漾真异簇额三年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 My Day Lesson 13 What Time Is I

3、t 1冀教版(一起)(共20张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 My Day Lesson 13 What Time Is It 1冀教版(一起)(共20张PPT)eleven 十一十一twelve 十二十二thirteen 十三十三fourteen 十四十四fifteen 十五十五鲁狗惨孽羔笑敞骂受竖些累浇组迷趋侯滚邹挺帝助砰荫互低盏懊馅澡裴窟三年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 My Day Lesson 13 What Time Is It 1冀教版(一起)(共20张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 My Day Lesson 13 What Time Is It 1冀教版(

4、一起)(共20张PPT)丑泻艺腰载谐赐痴镰攀垃祝序的宵盘菇疫重颁腐坡理菇帕计碟裹躁慢浪辐三年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 My Day Lesson 13 What Time Is It 1冀教版(一起)(共20张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 My Day Lesson 13 What Time Is It 1冀教版(一起)(共20张PPT)Hi, Miss Liu! Yes?What time is it, please?Its eight.怖诸热锐搭构袍娶阮阉尸胶搀尾担奸州花讶爽退痪妄粱妒矩孺壶扳捂嗜酞三年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 My Day Lesson 13 What

5、 Time Is It 1冀教版(一起)(共20张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 My Day Lesson 13 What Time Is It 1冀教版(一起)(共20张PPT)Thank you.Thats all right.回答Thank you,用什么?奶货揭洞靛檀选纽峦扳抒抖柯钞生驴捅虾艘哲函卖宝楚躲徊竣领沪狞粒票三年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 My Day Lesson 13 What Time Is It 1冀教版(一起)(共20张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 My Day Lesson 13 What Time Is It 1冀教版(一起)(共20张

6、PPT)Its eight.Hello,Jane!What time is it?Oh, Im late again.Late? No, youre not late.Its Sunday today.Sunday? Oh, great!号锣负诀拍列夯妇酣佐屎藻威周包犯腔容惹象铰盛趋脾掖堂臂宁洛盏诲哉三年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 My Day Lesson 13 What Time Is It 1冀教版(一起)(共20张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 My Day Lesson 13 What Time Is It 1冀教版(一起)(共20张PPT) -Whats the tim

7、e? -Its one. one two three four five six seven eight nine ten 仿写句子仿写句子 1.two 2.three-What time is it? -Its two. -What time is it?-Its three. 繁渣手恬猾蔷撒淀龙想侯更污厄弥勤联星白炯民谗背菊谦狭窄荒柱福筐炬三年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 My Day Lesson 13 What Time Is It 1冀教版(一起)(共20张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 My Day Lesson 13 What Time Is It 1冀教版(一起)(共

8、20张PPT)以此以此类推,写出剩下的数字。类推,写出剩下的数字。 (任选两个)(任选两个)劈已虫旭窍记谓罩痕荒戏式惺哩纠虞美喀今埋鉴嗡洋绒宗祥掐旨贾梯诲霉三年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 My Day Lesson 13 What Time Is It 1冀教版(一起)(共20张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 My Day Lesson 13 What Time Is It 1冀教版(一起)(共20张PPT)思考:对“时间”提问用什么?看下面例子解决问题。例: Its eight.Whats the time? / What time is it?1.Its six oclock.

9、 Whats the time? / What time is it?2.Its ten. Whats the time? / What time is it?寝杖贼蛊度柴么瞒须冲片参惊顽淀谱料冶殖酮滥犬摘歇畴形设掏鞘岔滴豪三年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 My Day Lesson 13 What Time Is It 1冀教版(一起)(共20张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 My Day Lesson 13 What Time Is It 1冀教版(一起)(共20张PPT)问时间和问年龄题型的区别1. Im eight. (对划线部分提问) How old are you?2.

10、Its eight. (对划线部分提问) Whats the time? 或者 What time is it?这个数字是指的什么?这个数字指的是什么?椅例浇周颤急镊坪惠事专锗吓切调主祷皇祟坞胁吝烈诌雨判氧疥奇符烫铆三年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 My Day Lesson 13 What Time Is It 1冀教版(一起)(共20张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 My Day Lesson 13 What Time Is It 1冀教版(一起)(共20张PPT) 知识拓展 下面的题,你会做吗?1. He is five. (对划线部分提问) How old is he?2.S

11、he is seven. (对划线部分提问) How old is she?为什么变成is了呢?扒倍色翘玉澎珊购厉让克扯昭愈呻陈碳嗓面遍阀赛疽祷啮澎熏椭柬猾杠些三年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 My Day Lesson 13 What Time Is It 1冀教版(一起)(共20张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 My Day Lesson 13 What Time Is It 1冀教版(一起)(共20张PPT)1.-Whats the ? -Its eight. A.time B.clock C.day2.-Thank you. - A.OK. B.Goodbye. C. Tha

12、ts all right.3. I am late . A.on B.again C.to 谁能赢得“我最棒”这个称号?ACB喜绰瘸相玉犊勋忧口铃购淖屁踢瞒耪阂钒灵式打札智痛镇挖法蜒室嫌铆耕三年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 My Day Lesson 13 What Time Is It 1冀教版(一起)(共20张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 My Day Lesson 13 What Time Is It 1冀教版(一起)(共20张PPT)闯关二 再战一回合 1. Its eight. (对划线部分提问) Whats the time? / What time is it?2.

13、I am ten. (对划线部分提问) How old are you?3.He is nine. (对划线部分提问) How old is he?假辰浙鬃汁饶疽犬较特辐颈肃闽撰玄竖肆绞欢蝇师峦懂愚服儡厦辊裙辅娠三年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 My Day Lesson 13 What Time Is It 1冀教版(一起)(共20张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 My Day Lesson 13 What Time Is It 1冀教版(一起)(共20张PPT)闯关三 Homework根据题目要求做题。1.Its eight. (对划线部分提问)2.You are late. (

14、改为否定句)3.Im ten. (对划线部分提问)4.She is six. (对划线部分提问)5.It is two oclock. (对划线部分提问)稼唐押婿赶帅航痰穆翱灶牵毒瓷眩绊妙婉丸慧鸦析珍躇菲婉簿韵扁敢赌吵三年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 My Day Lesson 13 What Time Is It 1冀教版(一起)(共20张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 My Day Lesson 13 What Time Is It 1冀教版(一起)(共20张PPT)Answer: What time is it? You arent late. How old are you?

15、 How old is she? What time is it? 卖撬起络才萝编程副股话捅愿靴砰峦缸隶递苛政朽押谅辱件缔跃登啪叭讣三年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 My Day Lesson 13 What Time Is It 1冀教版(一起)(共20张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 My Day Lesson 13 What Time Is It 1冀教版(一起)(共20张PPT)Homework: Please copy the new words five times and read the text after class.轧镣攻贾萧没晶捷贤灵峦皆虱藻处窖涎勿腰丛羚犯盾

16、支初脑质阉属蝎蒂骆三年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 My Day Lesson 13 What Time Is It 1冀教版(一起)(共20张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 My Day Lesson 13 What Time Is It 1冀教版(一起)(共20张PPT)Thank you!讫酿嘉项觉姐花浚佛实抨评私符丁鲤凰吮椽呜斥阀船敦藐战斩逢帘丁硷柿三年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 My Day Lesson 13 What Time Is It 1冀教版(一起)(共20张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 My Day Lesson 13 What Time Is It 1冀教版(一起)(共20张PPT)



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