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1、Discriminate synonymsGroup 5Group 52016/5/132016/5/131. 1.keenkeen2. 2.calculatingcalculating3. 3.perspicaciousperspicacious4. 4.acuteacute5. 5.astuteastute1.Keen1.Keen adj.uquick to understand 思维敏捷的、机灵的、机智的(Special adility to solve many complicated problems)eg : a keen mind/intellect 敏捷的思考/头脑uhighl

2、y developed 灵敏的、敏锐的(sensitive sense)eg : Dogs have a keen sense of smell. 狗的嗅觉很灵敏。wanting to do sth. or wanting sth. to happen very much 渴望、热切、热衷于 keen to do sth ; keen that. ;keen on doing sth.(desire to do)enthusiastic about an activity or idea, etc. 热情的、热心的liking sb./sth. very much; very interest

3、ed in sb./sth. 喜爱、(对.)着迷、有兴趣 eg : 2.calculating calculating adj.adj.u(disapproving) good at planning things so that you have an advantage, without caring about other people 精明的、精于算计的(打小算盘)eg: a cold and calculating killer 一个工于心计的冷酷杀手calculate calculate verbverbnto use numbers to find out a total num

4、ber, amount ,distance,etc. 计算eg: Benefit is calculated on the basic of average weekly earnings. 补助金按平均周收入计算。nto guess sth. or form an opinion by using all the information available 预测、推测eg: It is impossible to calculate what influence he had on her life.现在无法估计他对她的生活产生过多大影响。3.perspicacious 3.perspica

5、cious adj.adj.(the most formal words;insight)(formal) able to understand somebody/something quickly and accurately; showing this 敏锐的、有洞察力的、精辟的eg : a perspicacious remark 入木三分的评论He was perspicacious enough to realize that things were soon going to change. 他敏锐地意识到事情即将改变。perspicacity (noun) :the abilit

6、y to understand somebody/something very quickly and accurately 敏锐4.acute 4.acute adjadj.(observe some subtle difference that others can not pay attention)(of the senses 感官) very sensitive and well developed 灵敏的eg : Dogs have an acute sense of smell. 狗的嗅觉灵敏。intelligent and quick to notice and underst

7、and things 敏锐的、有洞察力的eg : He is an acute observer of the social scene. 他是个敏锐的社会现状观察者。very serious or severe 十分严重的eg : There is an acute shortage of water. 水严重短缺。 acute pain 剧痛an acute illness is one that has quickly become severe and dangerous(疾病)急性的eg : acute appendicitis 急性阑尾炎(geometry 几何) (of an a

8、ngle角) less than 90 锐角的5.astute 5.astute adj. adj.(a deep understanding in some fields and subjects)lvery clever and quick at seeing what to do in a particular situation, especially how to get an advantage 精明的、狡猾的 eg : an astute businessman/politician/observer 精明的商人、狡猾的政客、敏锐的观察家It was an astute move

9、 to sell the shares then. 那是出售股份是精明之举。astutely adverb astuteness noun 都是形容词,指人的智力或感觉等方面具有较高的灵敏性或灵活性keenkeen指在智力或感觉、视觉、听觉等五官方面是敏锐的或敏捷的,尤指指在智力或感觉、视觉、听觉等五官方面是敏锐的或敏捷的,尤指具有解决复杂或疑难问题具有解决复杂或疑难问题的特殊能力的特殊能力。 acuteacute意为意为“敏锐的敏锐的”,指具有,指具有观察到别人没有注意到观察到别人没有注意到的某种意义、感情、意见、颜色、音调等的的某种意义、感情、意见、颜色、音调等的细微差别的能力,也指具有某

10、种非常敏锐的神经注意力,这种注意力持续的时间不长。细微差别的能力,也指具有某种非常敏锐的神经注意力,这种注意力持续的时间不长。 astute astute意意为为“敏锐的敏锐的”、“精明的精明的”、“聪明的聪明的”,指,指对某领域或某学科有很深的造诣或者有一定的体验对某领域或某学科有很深的造诣或者有一定的体验的能力或洞察力的能力或洞察力。perspicaciousperspicacious在这些单词中在这些单词中最为正式的用词最为正式的用词,强调具有高度的洞察力。,强调具有高度的洞察力。 calculatingcalculating意为意为“精明的精明的”,“精于算计的精于算计的”,尤指会尤指

11、会打小算盘。打小算盘。The second groupThe second group1. 1.intelligent intelligent 2. 2.bright bright 3. 3.brilliant brilliant 4. 4.cleverclever5. 5.smartsmart 1.intelligent adj.1.intelligent adj.( (learn something from experiencelearn something from experience or or the ability of making action to the new thi

12、ngsthe ability of making action to the new things) )1、good at learning, understanding and thinking in a logical way about things; showing this ability 有才智的、悟性强的、聪明的eg : a highly intelligent child 非常聪明的孩子2、(of an animal, a being, etc. 动物、生物等) able to understand and learn things 有智力的、有理解和学习能力的 eg : a

13、search for intelligent life on other planets 在其他行星上探索有智力的生命 2.bright adj2.bright adj. .(Usually refers to young people or children, often used in spoken English)Usually refers to young people or children, often used in spoken English)intelligent; quick to learn 聪明的、伶俐的、悟性强的eg :the bright boy is read

14、ing English in the bright room. Do you have any bright ideas (= clever ideas)? 你有何高见?bright: full of light; shining strongly ;光线充足的brightly adv. 明亮地; 鲜明地; 爽朗地; 欢快地 brightness noun 亮度; 明亮; 光泽度; 灯火通明 3.brilliant adj.3.brilliant adj.(Extraordinary intelligence and comprehension ability)lvery intelligen

15、t or skilful 聪颖的、技艺高的,英明的 a brilliant young scientist 一位才华横溢的青年科学家 He has one of the most brilliant minds in the country. 她是全国最有才气的人之一。l(British English, informal) very good; excellent 很好的、杰出的eg:How was it? Brilliant!怎么样?棒极了brilliance noun (卓越的)才华; 光亮; 光辉; 光彩 brilliantly adv. 灿烂地,出色地; 灿然4.clever adj

16、.4.clever adj.(Mentally quick and original; bright;flexible;Exhibiting quick-wittedness;mind)脑子转得快,还有些独创性;很机智1、(especially British English) quick at learning and understanding things 聪明的、 聪颖的eg:a clever child 聪明伶俐的孩子2、showing intelligence or skill, for example in the design of an object, in an idea

17、or somebodys actions 精巧的、精明的eg:a clever little gadget 精巧的小器具3、 (especially British English) skilful 熟练的、灵巧的eg:Hes clever with his hands. 他的手很灵巧。 clever at something 做某事很熟练 Shes clever at getting what she wants. 她想把什么东西弄到手的时候总是很精的。4、(British English, informal, disapproving) quick with words in a way

18、that annoys people or does not show respect 油腔滑调的eg:Dont you get clever with me! 别跟我油嘴滑舌的!cleverly adv. 聪明地; 灵巧地; 机敏地; 巧妙地cleverness noun 聪明; 灵巧; 机敏; 巧妙 5.smart adj.5.smart adj.(quick thought; bright;witty;swift action;naughty)(especially North American English) intelligent 聪明的、机敏的、精明的eg:That was a

19、smart career move. 那是个人事业发展上的一着妙棋。smartly adv. 潇洒地; 刺痛地; 伶俐地; 机敏地smartness noun 现代风格,机灵,敏捷 1、(especially British English) (of people) looking clean and neat; well dressed in fashionable and/or formal clothes 衣冠楚楚的、衣着讲究的 You look very smart in that suit. 你穿上这套衣服显得很精神。2、(especially British English) (o

20、f clothes, etc.) clean, neat and looking new and attractive 整洁而漂亮的、光鲜的 They were wearing their smartest clothes. 他们都穿了最讲究的衣服。3、(of a movement, etc.) quick and usually done with force 快速的、敏捷的、迅速而有力的We set off at a smart pace. 我们快步出发了。 intelligent指具有善于从经验中学习或领会或对新事物迅速作出反应的能力。 brilliant意为“英明的”,指具有非凡的智力或理解力。clever意为“聪明的”,“伶俐的”,指善于理解、善于学习,但有时含有“不够深入”的意思。 bright和smart比较口语化,一般可代替前面几个词中的任何一个Thank You!Thank You!



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