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1、 必修必修 Unit1 FriendshipUnit1 Friendship高高三三大大一一轮轮(人人教教版版英英语语)课前自主学习课堂互动探究课后巩固提升栏目菜单上上 页页下下 页页首首 页页末末 页页退退 出出 必修必修 Unit1 FriendshipUnit1 Friendship高高三三大大一一轮轮(人人教教版版英英语语)课前自主学习课堂互动探究课后巩固提升栏目菜单上上 页页下下 页页首首 页页末末 页页退退 出出.单词单词速速检检1 adj.心心烦烦意意乱乱的的;不不安安的的;不不适适的的 vt.使使不不安安;使心乱使心乱2 vt.不理睬;忽不理睬;忽视视3 vt.&vi.(使使)

2、平平静静;(使使)镇镇定定 adj.平平静静的的;镇镇静的;沉着的静的;沉着的4 vi.&vt.痊愈;恢复;重新痊愈;恢复;重新获获得得upsetignorecalmrecover 必修必修 Unit1 FriendshipUnit1 Friendship高高三三大大一一轮轮(人人教教版版英英语语)课前自主学习课堂互动探究课后巩固提升栏目菜单上上 页页下下 页页首首 页页末末 页页退退 出出5 vi.&vt.捆捆扎扎;包包装装;打打行行李李 n小小包包;包包裹裹6 n十几十几岁岁的青少年的青少年7 adj.感激的;表示感激的;表示谢谢意的意的8 adv.在在户户外;在野外外;在野外 adv.在

3、在室室内;在内;在户户内内9 adj.整个的;完全的;全部的整个的;完全的;全部的 adv.全部地;完全地全部地;完全地packteenagergratefuloutdoorsindoorsentireentirely 必修必修 Unit1 FriendshipUnit1 Friendship高高三三大大一一轮轮(人人教教版版英英语语)课前自主学习课堂互动探究课后巩固提升栏目菜单上上 页页下下 页页首首 页页末末 页页退退 出出10 vi.安安家家;定定居居;停停留留 vt.使使定定居居;安安排排;解决解决 adj.固定的固定的 n解决;解决;协议协议11 adv.确确实实如此;正是;确切的如

4、此;正是;确切的 adj.准确的准确的12 vi.不同意不同意 n不不同同意;不一致意;不一致settlesettledsettlementexactlyexactdisagreedisagreement 必修必修 Unit1 FriendshipUnit1 Friendship高高三三大大一一轮轮(人人教教版版英英语语)课前自主学习课堂互动探究课后巩固提升栏目菜单上上 页页下下 页页首首 页页末末 页页退退 出出13 vt.担担忧忧;涉及;涉及;n.担心;关注担心;关注 adj.担心的,担心的,忧虑忧虑的的 prep.关于;涉及关于;涉及14 n能量;能量;权权力力 adj.强强大大的的;有

5、力的有力的15 v遭受,遭受,经历经历 n疼疼痛痛;折折磨;苦磨;苦难难concernconcernedconcerningpowerpowerfulsuffersuffering 必修必修 Unit1 FriendshipUnit1 Friendship高高三三大大一一轮轮(人人教教版版英英语语)课前自主学习课堂互动探究课后巩固提升栏目菜单上上 页页下下 页页首首 页页末末 页页退退 出出.短短语语回回顾顾1add 合合计计2go 经历经历;经经受受3set 记记下;放下;登下;放下;登记记4get along 与与相相处处;进进展展5calm(.) (使使)平静下来;平静下来;(使使)镇镇

6、定下来定下来upthroughdownwithdown 必修必修 Unit1 FriendshipUnit1 Friendship高高三三大大一一轮轮(人人教教版版英英语语)课前自主学习课堂互动探究课后巩固提升栏目菜单上上 页页下下 页页首首 页页末末 页页退退 出出6be concerned 关心;挂念关心;挂念7a series 一一连连串的;一系列;一套串的;一系列;一套8 purpose 故意故意9 order to 为为了了10 dusk 在黄昏在黄昏时时刻刻11face face 面面对对面地面地aboutofoninatto 必修必修 Unit1 FriendshipUnit1

7、Friendship高高三三大大一一轮轮(人人教教版版英英语语)课前自主学习课堂互动探究课后巩固提升栏目菜单上上 页页下下 页页首首 页页末末 页页退退 出出12suffer 遭受;患病遭受;患病13get/be tired 对对厌烦厌烦14fall love 相相爱爱,爱爱上上15join 参加;加入参加;加入fromofinin 必修必修 Unit1 FriendshipUnit1 Friendship高高三三大大一一轮轮(人人教教版版英英语语)课前自主学习课堂互动探究课后巩固提升栏目菜单上上 页页下下 页页首首 页页末末 页页退退 出出.句式填空句式填空1形容词作伴随状语形容词作伴随状语

8、Your friend comes to school .你的朋友来上学你的朋友来上学时时很心很心烦烦。2While/Whenv.ing在句中作时间状语在句中作时间状语 ,you were careless and it got loose and was hit by a car.遛狗遛狗时时你不小心,把狗松开了,狗被汽你不小心,把狗松开了,狗被汽车车撞了。撞了。upsetWhile walking the dog 必修必修 Unit1 FriendshipUnit1 Friendship高高三三大大一一轮轮(人人教教版版英英语语)课前自主学习课堂互动探究课后巩固提升栏目菜单上上 页页下下

9、页页首首 页页末末 页页退退 出出3should have done 过去本应做过去本应做(但实际上没有做但实际上没有做)You tell him/her that he/she ,so you dont let him/her look at your paper.你你告告诉诉他他(她她),他他(她她)本本来来该该学学习习,所所以以你你不不让让他他(她她)看你的看你的试试卷。卷。should have studied 必修必修 Unit1 FriendshipUnit1 Friendship高高三三大大一一轮轮(人人教教版版英英语语)课前自主学习课堂互动探究课后巩固提升栏目菜单上上 页页下下

10、 页页首首 页页末末 页页退退 出出4强强调调句句:It is/was被被强强调调部部分分that/who其其余余部分部分I wonder if because I havent been able to be outdoors for so long everything to do with nature.我我不不知知道道是是不不是是因因为为我我长长久久无无法法出出门门的的缘缘故故,我我变变得得对对一切与大自然有关的事情都无比狂一切与大自然有关的事情都无比狂热热。itsthat Ive grown so crazy about 必修必修 Unit1 FriendshipUnit1 Frie

11、ndship高高三三大大一一轮轮(人人教教版版英英语语)课前自主学习课堂互动探究课后巩固提升栏目菜单上上 页页下下 页页首首 页页末末 页页退退 出出5It is/was the first time that. 第一次做某事第一次做某事 in a year and a half I d seen the night face to face.这这是我是我这这一年半以来第一次目睹夜晚一年半以来第一次目睹夜晚6It is no pleasure doing sth. 做某事不是乐趣做某事不是乐趣 because nature is one thing that really must be ex

12、perienced.观观看看这这些已些已经经不再是不再是乐乐趣,因趣,因为为大自然必大自然必须亲须亲身体会。身体会。It was the first timethatIts no pleasure looking through these any longer 必修必修 Unit1 FriendshipUnit1 Friendship高高三三大大一一轮轮(人人教教版版英英语语)课前自主学习课堂互动探究课后巩固提升栏目菜单上上 页页下下 页页首首 页页末末 页页退退 出出1upset adj.心心烦烦意意乱乱的的;不不安安的的;不不适适的的 vt.使使不不安安;使心烦;弄翻;打翻;打乱,扰乱使

13、心烦;弄翻;打翻;打乱,扰乱(计划等计划等) 必修必修 Unit1 FriendshipUnit1 Friendship高高三三大大一一轮轮(人人教教版版英英语语)课前自主学习课堂互动探究课后巩固提升栏目菜单上上 页页下下 页页首首 页页末末 页页退退 出出Cheer up! There is no point in getting upset about it.In my opinion, there is no need to upset yourself about it. His being late for the meeting upset our arrangement. (安排

14、)安排)He was upset about not being invited to the party. 必修必修 Unit1 FriendshipUnit1 Friendship高高三三大大一一轮轮(人人教教版版英英语语)课前自主学习课堂互动探究课后巩固提升栏目菜单上上 页页下下 页页首首 页页末末 页页退退 出出2calm vt.&vi. (使使)平静;平静;(使使)镇镇定定 adj. 平静的;平静的;镇镇定定的;沉着的的;沉着的calm (sb.) down (使某人使某人)平静下来;平静下来;镇镇静下来静下来stay/keep/be calm 保持保持镇镇静静 必修必修 Unit1

15、 FriendshipUnit1 Friendship高高三三大大一一轮轮(人人教教版版英英语语)课前自主学习课堂互动探究课后巩固提升栏目菜单上上 页页下下 页页首首 页页末末 页页退退 出出You will ignore the bell and go somewhere quiet to calm your friend down.Calm down. There is nothing to worry about.It is important to keep calm in any emergency(紧紧急情况)急情况). 必修必修 Unit1 FriendshipUnit1 Fri

16、endship高高三三大大一一轮轮(人人教教版版英英语语)课前自主学习课堂互动探究课后巩固提升栏目菜单上上 页页下下 页页首首 页页末末 页页退退 出出3add vt.&vi. 增加;添加;补充说增加;添加;补充说 add up 把把加起来加起来add sth. to sth. 把把加到加到/进进里里add that. 补充说补充说add up to 加起来共计加起来共计/达达(不用于被动语态不用于被动语态)add to 增加;增添增加;增添=increase 必修必修 Unit1 FriendshipUnit1 Friendship高高三三大大一一轮轮(人人教教版版英英语语)课前自主学习课堂

17、互动探究课后巩固提升栏目菜单上上 页页下下 页页首首 页页末末 页页退退 出出There must be some mistakes in this bill, please add up the figures again.His school education added up to no more than one year. He added that he felt very sorry for not being able to come. 必修必修 Unit1 FriendshipUnit1 Friendship高高三三大大一一轮轮(人人教教版版英英语语)课前自主学习课堂互动探

18、究课后巩固提升栏目菜单上上 页页下下 页页首首 页页末末 页页退退 出出4concern vt.(使使)担忧;涉及;关系到担忧;涉及;关系到 n担心;关担心;关注;注;(利害利害)关系关系(1)Its no concern of mine/yours.这不关我这不关我/你的事。你的事。show/express concern about/for 对对表示关心表示关心(2)be concerned about 关心,挂念关心,挂念be concerned with/in 牵扯进牵扯进/参与参与as/so far as.be concerned 就就而言而言 必修必修 Unit1 Friendsh

19、ipUnit1 Friendship高高三三大大一一轮轮(人人教教版版英英语语)课前自主学习课堂互动探究课后巩固提升栏目菜单上上 页页下下 页页首首 页页末末 页页退退 出出(4)concerning prep. 关于;关于;=about 必修必修 Unit1 FriendshipUnit1 Friendship高高三三大大一一轮轮(人人教教版版英英语语)课前自主学习课堂互动探究课后巩固提升栏目菜单上上 页页下下 页页首首 页页末末 页页退退 出出How much money I earn is none of your concern.As far as Im concerned, I di

20、sagree with what he said. 必修必修 Unit1 FriendshipUnit1 Friendship高高三三大大一一轮轮(人人教教版版英英语语)课前自主学习课堂互动探究课后巩固提升栏目菜单上上 页页下下 页页首首 页页末末 页页退退 出出His mother is always concerned about his future and his happiness.He asked several questions concerning the future of the company. 必修必修 Unit1 FriendshipUnit1 Friendship

21、高高三三大大一一轮轮(人人教教版版英英语语)课前自主学习课堂互动探究课后巩固提升栏目菜单上上 页页下下 页页首首 页页末末 页页退退 出出9月月21日补课到此日补课到此 必修必修 Unit1 FriendshipUnit1 Friendship高高三三大大一一轮轮(人人教教版版英英语语)课前自主学习课堂互动探究课后巩固提升栏目菜单上上 页页下下 页页首首 页页末末 页页退退 出出5suffer v遭受;忍受;经历遭受;忍受;经历(1)suffer pain/defeat/loss/poverty/hunger/hardship遭受痛苦遭受痛苦/失败失败/损失损失/贫穷贫穷/饥饿饥饿/苦难苦难s

22、uffer from. 受受折磨,受折磨,受之苦;患病之苦;患病(2)suffering n. (指指肉肉体体或或精精神神上上遭遭受受的的)痛痛苦苦,疼疼痛痛,困难困难 必修必修 Unit1 FriendshipUnit1 Friendship高高三三大大一一轮轮(人人教教版版英英语语)课前自主学习课堂互动探究课后巩固提升栏目菜单上上 页页下下 页页首首 页页末末 页页退退 出出She suffered from loneliness, but she had to learn to like it there.He looked very pale and seemed to have su

23、ffered a great deal.Japan suffered a great loss in the earthquake on March 11, 2011. 必修必修 Unit1 FriendshipUnit1 Friendship高高三三大大一一轮轮(人人教教版版英英语语)课前自主学习课堂互动探究课后巩固提升栏目菜单上上 页页下下 页页首首 页页末末 页页退退 出出5完成句子完成句子(1)_(不不 要要 为为 那那 事事 烦烦 恼恼 ) itno harm has been done.(2)The people in the flooded area are _ _(忍饥挨冻忍饥

24、挨冻)(3)In the evening the car broke down suddenly and the heavy rain _(增增添添) the helplessness of the girl driver on the country road.(4)_(就就我我个个人人而而言言) you can go whenever you want. 必修必修 Unit1 FriendshipUnit1 Friendship高高三三大大一一轮轮(人人教教版版英英语语)课前自主学习课堂互动探究课后巩固提升栏目菜单上上 页页下下 页页首首 页页末末 页页退退 出出答案:答案:(1)Dont

25、 upset about(2)suffering (from) cold and hunger(3)added to(4)As far as Im concerned 必修必修 Unit1 FriendshipUnit1 Friendship高高三三大大一一轮轮(人人教教版版英英语语)课前自主学习课堂互动探究课后巩固提升栏目菜单上上 页页下下 页页首首 页页末末 页页退退 出出1go through 经历经历 必修必修 Unit1 FriendshipUnit1 Friendship高高三三大大一一轮轮(人人教教版版英英语语)课前自主学习课堂互动探究课后巩固提升栏目菜单上上 页页下下 页页首首

26、 页页末末 页页退退 出出2set down 放下;记下;登记;让放下;记下;登记;让下车下车set about (doing sth.) 着手着手(做某事做某事)set aside 留出;拨出留出;拨出(时间、金钱等时间、金钱等);暂不考虑;暂不考虑set out (to do sth.) 开始,着手开始,着手(做某事做某事)set off 动身;引爆动身;引爆(炸弹等炸弹等)set up 开办;建立;设立;创设开办;建立;设立;创设set an example to 给给树立榜样树立榜样 必修必修 Unit1 FriendshipUnit1 Friendship高高三三大大一一轮轮(人人教

27、教版版英英语语)课前自主学习课堂互动探究课后巩固提升栏目菜单上上 页页下下 页页首首 页页末末 页页退退 出出You had better set down your idea before you forget it. 必修必修 Unit1 FriendshipUnit1 Friendship高高三三大大一一轮轮(人人教教版版英英语语)课前自主学习课堂互动探究课后巩固提升栏目菜单上上 页页下下 页页首首 页页末末 页页退退 出出They set out to work as soon as they arrived.他他们们一到就开始工作。一到就开始工作。With highspeed tra

28、ins, people will set up factories and business centers in the west. 必修必修 Unit1 FriendshipUnit1 Friendship高高三三大大一一轮轮(人人教教版版英英语语)课前自主学习课堂互动探究课后巩固提升栏目菜单上上 页页下下 页页首首 页页末末 页页退退 出出3get along/on with 与某人相处;某事进展与某人相处;某事进展(如何如何) 必修必修 Unit1 FriendshipUnit1 Friendship高高三三大大一一轮轮(人人教教版版英英语语)课前自主学习课堂互动探究课后巩固提升栏目菜

29、单上上 页页下下 页页首首 页页末末 页页退退 出出-你的英你的英语课语课程学得怎么程学得怎么样样? 很好。很好。I used to quarrel a lot with my parents, but now we get along well. 必修必修 Unit1 FriendshipUnit1 Friendship高高三三大大一一轮轮(人人教教版版英英语语)课前自主学习课堂互动探究课后巩固提升栏目菜单上上 页页下下 页页首首 页页末末 页页退退 出出4in order to 为了为了,以便,以便I stayed awake on purpose until half past elev

30、en in order to have a good look at the moon by myself.In order to watch the final of the 2010 South Africa World Cup, he stayed up very late. 必修必修 Unit1 FriendshipUnit1 Friendship高高三三大大一一轮轮(人人教教版版英英语语)课前自主学习课堂互动探究课后巩固提升栏目菜单上上 页页下下 页页首首 页页末末 页页退退 出出He went to Shanghai in order to/so as to visit the S

31、hanghai World Expo.Jack hurried in order not to/so as not to be late for the party. Leave your phone number in order that we might contact(联联系)系) you. 必修必修 Unit1 FriendshipUnit1 Friendship高高三三大大一一轮轮(人人教教版版英英语语)课前自主学习课堂互动探究课后巩固提升栏目菜单上上 页页下下 页页首首 页页末末 页页退退 出出in order to,so as to,in order that,so that(

32、1)in order to和和so as to意意思思相相似似,但但in order to可可以以用在句首或句中,而用在句首或句中,而so as to 只能用在句中。只能用在句中。(2)in order to 和和so as to 的的否否定定形形式式是是在在to前前加加not,即即in order not to, so as not to。 必修必修 Unit1 FriendshipUnit1 Friendship高高三三大大一一轮轮(人人教教版版英英语语)课前自主学习课堂互动探究课后巩固提升栏目菜单上上 页页下下 页页首首 页页末末 页页退退 出出4完成句子完成句子(1)All these

33、 gifts must be mailed immediately _ _(为为 了了 及及 时时 收收 到到 ) for Christmas.(2)Daddy sent me an email, asking me how I _ _(进进 展展 ) my new work. 必修必修 Unit1 FriendshipUnit1 Friendship高高三三大大一一轮轮(人人教教版版英英语语)课前自主学习课堂互动探究课后巩固提升栏目菜单上上 页页下下 页页首首 页页末末 页页退退 出出(3)He _(记记下下每每一一个个单单词词) he could hear to avoid leaving

34、 out something important.(4)My uncle _ (厌厌倦倦了了教教书书) (tired) and turned to painting in his thirties.(5)He liked the way Mary smiled and _ _(爱爱上她上她) almost immediately. 必修必修 Unit1 FriendshipUnit1 Friendship高高三三大大一一轮轮(人人教教版版英英语语)课前自主学习课堂互动探究课后巩固提升栏目菜单上上 页页下下 页页首首 页页末末 页页退退 出出答案:答案:(1)so as to/in order

35、to be received in time(2)was getting along with(3)set down every word(4)was tired of teaching(5)fell in love with her 必修必修 Unit1 FriendshipUnit1 Friendship高高三三大大一一轮轮(人人教教版版英英语语)课前自主学习课堂互动探究课后巩固提升栏目菜单上上 页页下下 页页首首 页页末末 页页退退 出出10月三日补月三日补课到此课到此 必修必修 Unit1 FriendshipUnit1 Friendship高高三三大大一一轮轮(人人教教版版英英语语)

36、课前自主学习课堂互动探究课后巩固提升栏目菜单上上 页页下下 页页首首 页页末末 页页退退 出出1While_walking_the_dog,_you were careless and it got loose and was hit by a car. 遛狗时你不小心,把狗松开了,狗被汽车撞了。遛狗时你不小心,把狗松开了,狗被汽车撞了。while walking. 相相当当于于while you were walking.,当当时时间间或或条条件件状状语语等等从从句句中中的的主主语语同同主主句句主主语语一一致致或或主主语语是是it时时,且且从从句句含含有有be动动词词,从从句句可可使使用用w

37、hen/whiledoing/done的省略结构。的省略结构。 必修必修 Unit1 FriendshipUnit1 Friendship高高三三大大一一轮轮(人人教教版版英英语语)课前自主学习课堂互动探究课后巩固提升栏目菜单上上 页页下下 页页首首 页页末末 页页退退 出出While (he was) working, he stopped to talk with me at times.He will not go to the party unless invited.The woman teacher left the classroom silently as though (sh

38、e was) angry. 必修必修 Unit1 FriendshipUnit1 Friendship高高三三大大一一轮轮(人人教教版版英英语语)课前自主学习课堂互动探究课后巩固提升栏目菜单上上 页页下下 页页首首 页页末末 页页退退 出出If (it is) possible, Ill go to see my grandparents this weekend.Take this camera with you, if necessary. 必修必修 Unit1 FriendshipUnit1 Friendship高高三三大大一一轮轮(人人教教版版英英语语)课前自主学习课堂互动探究课后巩固

39、提升栏目菜单上上 页页下下 页页首首 页页末末 页页退退 出出2She and her family hid away for nearly twentyfive months before they were discovered. 她与家人躲藏了将近二十五个月才被发现。她与家人躲藏了将近二十五个月才被发现。before conj.用用以以表表示示从从句句动动作作发发生生之之前前的的时时间间,译译法法灵活。灵活。 必修必修 Unit1 FriendshipUnit1 Friendship高高三三大大一一轮轮(人人教教版版英英语语)课前自主学习课堂互动探究课后巩固提升栏目菜单上上 页页下下 页

40、页首首 页页末末 页页退退 出出(1)强强调调从从句句动动作作发发生生在在主主句句之之前前,意意为为“不不等等就就”。(2)Itbe时时间间段段before从从句句,意意为为“之之后后才才”。(3)Itbenotlongbefore从从句句,意意为为“不不久久就就”。 必修必修 Unit1 FriendshipUnit1 Friendship高高三三大大一一轮轮(人人教教版版英英语语)课前自主学习课堂互动探究课后巩固提升栏目菜单上上 页页下下 页页首首 页页末末 页页退退 出出She was angry before I could explain to her.He asked a seco

41、nd question before I could answer the first question.It was some time before I realized the truth. 必修必修 Unit1 FriendshipUnit1 Friendship高高三三大大一一轮轮(人人教教版版英英语语)课前自主学习课堂互动探究课后巩固提升栏目菜单上上 页页下下 页页首首 页页末末 页页退退 出出It was not long before he told me about it. 必修必修 Unit1 FriendshipUnit1 Friendship高高三三大大一一轮轮(人人教

42、教版版英英语语)课前自主学习课堂互动探究课后巩固提升栏目菜单上上 页页下下 页页首首 页页末末 页页退退 出出2(2012抚抚州州测测试试)When _ why he walked in without permission, he just stared at us and said nothing.Aask BaskedCasking Dto be asked 必修必修 Unit1 FriendshipUnit1 Friendship高高三三大大一一轮轮(人人教教版版英英语语)课前自主学习课堂互动探究课后巩固提升栏目菜单上上 页页下下 页页首首 页页末末 页页退退 出出3(2012沈沈阳阳

43、诊诊断断)How long have you been studying in No. 2 Middle School?Less than half a year. And it will be two years and a half _ I graduate from this school.Awhen BafterCbefore Dsince 必修必修 Unit1 FriendshipUnit1 Friendship高高三三大大一一轮轮(人人教教版版英英语语)课前自主学习课堂互动探究课后巩固提升栏目菜单上上 页页下下 页页首首 页页末末 页页退退 出出解解析析:考考查查连连词词用用法法。语语意意:两两年年半半之之后后,我我才才能能从从这所学校毕业。这所学校毕业。before表示表示“之后才之后才”,符合语意。,符合语意。答案:答案:C 必修必修 Unit1 FriendshipUnit1 Friendship高高三三大大一一轮轮(人人教教版版英英语语)课前自主学习课堂互动探究课后巩固提升栏目菜单上上 页页下下 页页首首 页页末末 页页退退 出出点击进入点击进入WORD文档文档



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