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1、Welcome to my class!找不同Whats the difference between them?找不同Lily has long hair. Lucy has short hair.Lilys hair is longer than Lucys.Lucys hair is shorter than Lilys.Lesson 8 The best and the worstNew words:petition n.比赛,竞赛。与它有类似意义的还有match, game, race这些词.下面我们来把这些词对比一下。competition主要指智力与脑力的一些竞赛,强调对抗性ma

2、tch主要指小型比赛game主要指球类运动race主要指速度类的竞赛,比如说car race等。compete v. 竞争 compete against/ with 与竞争2.neatadj. 整齐的,整洁的 不等于clean同义词有:tidy 3.pathn. 小路,小径 同义词:street/ road(扩展) 大家可能还记得“abroad 国外的”这个单词,就可以巧记为:国外的AB大街。 4.woodenadj. 木头的e.g.: I want to build a wooden house. 我想建一个木制的房子。5.pool n. 水池,是人工的游泳池:swimming pool天

3、然的叫池塘:pond Do you think its beautiful?Which one is the most beautiful?Joe Sanders has the most beautiful garden in our town. Nearly everybody enters for The Nicest Garden Competition each year, but Joe wins every time. Bill Friths garden is larger than Joes. Bill works harder than Joe and grows more

4、 flowers and vegetables, but Joes garden is more interesting. He has made neat paths and has built a wooden bridge over a pool. I like gardens too, but I do not like hard work. Every year I enter for the garden competition too, and I always win a little prize for the worst garden in the town! 1.ente

5、r for 报名参加,只强调报名参加:take part in扩展:大家要注意区分好这几个词:enter进入join一般指加入到一些团体组织attend多指出席一些正式场合(比如会议之类)take part in参加一些常规的比赛或者活动2. over 越过,超过。同时over还有强调“跨过两端的一个距离”的意思。扩展:这里有一个口诀来帮助大家记住over介词的用法over under 正上下above below则不然句子1.Nearly everybody enters for The Nicest Garden Competition each year, but Joe wins ev

6、ery time. 译文:几乎每个人都参加每年举办的“最佳花园竞赛”,而每次都是乔获胜。(1)nearly和almost 意义相似,表示“几乎”、“差不多”、“差点儿”的意思:Im nearly/ almost ready.我快准备好了。I have nearly forgotten his name.我差点把他的名字忘了。He nearly missed the train.他差点没赶上火车。(2)each和every均可译为“每一个”,二者常常可以互相代替使用:Every/ Each time I wash the car it rains. 每次我擦洗汽车,天总是下雨。但是each更强调

7、个体。它常用以指一个确定的并通常是有限的数目:Each child in the school was questioned. 学校里的每个孩子都被询问过了。every却不那么强调个体,常用来指一个大的、不确定的数目:Every child enjoys Christmas. 所有的/每个孩子都喜欢过圣诞节。另外,each既可以作形容词又可以作代词,但every只能作形容词:They each have a share.他们每人都有一份。Each of us has his own work to do.我们每个人都有自己的工作要干。.He has made neat paths and ha

8、s built a wooden bridge over a pool. 他修筑了一条条整洁的小路,并在一个池塘上架了一座小木桥。make和build在这里是同义词,都可以解释为“修建”、“建造”。与汉语的写作习惯一样,用英语写作时同一段文字中尤其是在同一句话中应尽量避免使用重复的词,以使文章显得生动(特殊的修辞手法例外)。make和build之间的区别主要是:make的词义比较笼统、广泛,可以解释为“做”、“作出”、“制造”等,而build的意义主要限于建筑业,指“建造”、“建设”、“盖房子”、“修筑(桥梁等)”:They have built a new house.他们盖了一座新房子。T

9、hey have made a road along the river.他们沿这条河筑了一条路。 Have you made the skirt by yourself?这裙子是你自己做的吗?3. I always win a little prize for the worst garden in the town!win-won-wonvi. I win.我赢了。 I lose.我输了。vt. 1.win sth win后面往往是奖品eg. I win the book.win a prize:赢了一个奖win a prize for:因为而获奖注win后面不能接对手,不能说I win

10、you.要用defeat或beat,但defeat用得多,因为beat还有打的意思。I defeat you.形容词比较级的构成E.g.:I am taller than you. You do better than her.构成:A +be +形容词比较级+ than + B A +do +形容词比较级+ than + B含义:A 比 B Why is Joes garden the most beautiful one in the town?Grammar : 形容词和副词的比较级及最高 这一课的语法主要是讲了形容词和副词的比较级及最高级。比较级和最高级的一般变化(“直去双改”)和不规

11、则变化。1.所谓“直去双改”就是形容词(单音节)的一般变化时遵循直去双改的原则。 规则变化直:就是直接在词尾加er / est e.g.: smallsmaller去:就是去e加er / est e.g.: nicenicer双:就是以辅元辅结尾的闭音节单词,双写末尾的辅音字母,再加er / est e.g.: bigbigger hothotter改:则是指以辅音加y结尾,改y为i再加er / est e.g.: happy happier分词形容词,一般在词前加more,most e.g. more tired同时形容词多音节的比较级规则变化则是 more+adj. 来构成。eg: mor

12、e beautiful,more delicious 不规则变化far -farther-farthest -further-furthestold-older-oldest -elder-eldestlate-later-latestgood-better-bestwell-better-bestbad-worse-worstill-worse-worstmany-more-mostmuch-more-mostLittle-less-leastExercise tall big strong fat happy easy good bad long small short large har

13、d beautiful interesting high thin difficult 比较级的用法,在考试中常会出现的,有以下三种 比较级的用法1)A+ be动词+ 形容词比较级+ than +B表示“A比B更.一些”e. g.: This class room is larger than that one. 这间教室比那间教室要大。He runs faster than his classmate. 他比他的同学跑的更快。2) “比较级 + and+ 比较级” 表示“越来越”e.g.: The weather is getting hotter and hotter. 天气越来越热。3)

14、 “ the + 比较级, the + 比较级.”表示“越就越.”e.g.: The faster, the better. 越快越好。最高级用法最高级:A + be动词+ the+ 形容词最高级+ of/in“最.”e.g.: He is the tallest boy in his class.e.g.: She is the cleverest girl of the three.Filling in the blanksMy father is_ than my uncle. (young)This street is three times_ than that one. (wider)The car is running _ than the bicycle. (fast)The _careful you are, the _ mistakes youll make. (few)John is _ than Jim. (tall) Thank you!Goodbye !



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