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1、Why not carry on her good work?What qualities do you think a great woman needs? (Give some words to describe)intelligent determinedgenerous kind Modest unselfish hard-working braveconfident considerate.Review and lead in: A doctor who became a specialist in womens illnesses. She devoted all her life

2、 to medical work for Chinese women and children. Her work encouraged many other women to become doctors.Lin Qiaozhi(1901-1983) China林巧稚林巧稚cleverness.Having a big ambition.to be kind to others, to love everyone.Can you guess what made her famous?hard working Why not carry on her good work?do research

3、 作研究作研究catch ones eye 引起某人的注意引起某人的注意be intended for 为为准备准备, 预订预订as well as 和和, 也也, 又又deliver a baby 接生接生find out 找出找出Important expressions:devote ones whole life to 献出某人的一生献出某人的一生carry on 进行进行, 继续进行继续进行tooto 太太 而不能而不能 Three achievements of Lin QiaozhiShe got a medical training for her career.She bec

4、ame a specialist in womens diseases.She had made sure that about 50,000 babies were safely delivered.1.For whom and for what purpose did Lin Qiaozhi write a little book about how to look after babies?Lin Qiaozhi wrote a small book for mothers in the countryside who were not able to get to a hospital

5、 easily. It was to help them look after their babies properly.Ask and answer the following questions.2. Was it easy for a woman to get medical training at the time Lin Qiaozhi lived? Give a reason.There are many words such as busy, hard work, determination, good nature, kindness and consideration.3.

6、 Why do you think the writer chose to study at medical college?She choose to study at medical college because she wanted to help other women as Lin Qiaozhi did.4. What do you think are the important qualities that a doctor should have?I think a good doctor should be kind, competent and devoted.Retel

7、l the story. Lin Qiaozhi wrote a small book for _ in the _ who were _ get to a hospital easily. It was to help them to _ their babies properly.motherscountrysidenot able tolook after Qiaozhi lived in the early _ _. It was not _ for women to get _ at that time. Education was for men _ and women _. Sh

8、e chose to study at medical college because she wanted _other women.I think Lin Qiaozhi is a good doctor and _.easymedical educationfirstsecondto helptwentiethcenturya great womanMain idea of the passage: This reading is about _and _ of a famous Chinese doctor- _. She was important for women in Chin

9、a because she was the first woman doctor to specialize in _ and the problems of _.the lifecareerLin Qiaozhiwomens illnesseshaving babies1. research n./ v. (in, into, on ) They are doing some research into/ on the effects of brain damage. Will they publish the results of their research / researches?

10、他们将会发表己自的研究成果吗?他们将会发表己自的研究成果吗?Im researching in Chinese history.Language pointsThey are doing research on the effects of cigarette smoking.do some research ( on / for)2. By chance I came across an article about a doctor called Lin Qiaozhi, a specialist in womens diseases. 考点考点 by chance碰巧、凑巧。碰巧、凑巧。考

11、例考例 We hadnt planned to meet. We met _ chance. (2005 全国卷全国卷)A. of B. in C. for D. by点拨点拨 选选D。此题考查固定搭配。此题考查固定搭配。by chance碰巧、凑巧。碰巧、凑巧。3. It was a small book explaining how to . explain后接名词、代词、从句、后接名词、代词、从句、wh-+to do作宾语。作宾语。 He explained to us how to use the computer.explain不能跟双宾语结构不能跟双宾语结构, 不能说不能说expl

12、ain sb. sth. 而只能说而只能说explain sth. to sb.或或explain to sb. sth.4. catch sbs eye 引起引起(某人某人)注目注目 When I entered his new house, a beautiful picture caught my eye.5. intend vt/n.1). What do you intend to do /doing next? 2). He intends no harm. 3). Our dictionary is intended for/as the students.be intended

13、 for “为为而准备而准备, 预定预定”intend to do /doing sth. “打算做打算做”6. as well asas well后接后接as, 边接两个同类项边接两个同类项, 表示表示“不但不但, 而且而且, 和跟和跟”等意思等意思, 强调强调as well前面的人或事物。前面的人或事物。He came as well as his brother. 不仅他哥哥来了不仅他哥哥来了, 而且他也来了。而且他也来了。7. Suddenly it hit me how difficult it was for a woman to get medical training at t

14、hat time. 在本句中在本句中it作形式主语,作形式主语,how引导的引导的句子作真正的主语。句子作真正的主语。 It hits me .意为意为“我突然想到我突然想到”。 类似的句型还有:类似的句型还有:It happens that .,碰巧,碰巧;It occurs to sb. .,突然想,突然想到到;It strikes sb. .,突然感(想),突然感(想)到到等。如:等。如: It happened that they spent their childhood in the same village. 碰巧他们在同一个村庄度过了他们的碰巧他们在同一个村庄度过了他们的童年。

15、童年。 It struck me that nobody was in favour of the change. 我突然感到没有人赞成这种改变。我突然感到没有人赞成这种改变。 It hit me all of a sudden that I had forgotten her birthday. 我突然想起我突然想起, 我把她的生日给忘了。我把她的生日给忘了。 8. deliver a baby for a poor family deliver a baby: to help a woman to give birth to a baby 接生接生be delivered of a bab

16、y: 生孩子生孩子She was delivered of a healthy boy.她生下一个健康的男孩儿。她生下一个健康的男孩儿。9. devote oneself / sth. to sb / sth.把把献给献给 他一生促进世界和平的发展。他一生促进世界和平的发展。 He devoted his life to promoting/ the promotion of the world peace.刘胡兰把生命奉献给了祖国。刘胡兰把生命奉献给了祖国。 Liu Hulan devoted her life to our country.他所有的余闲都花在学英语上。他所有的余闲都花在学英

17、语上。 He devotes all his spare time to learning English.10. Why not study at medical college like Lin Qiaozhi and carry on her good work? Why not do sth 用来提出意见用来提出意见,解释解释为为“为什么不为什么不” e.g Why not ask her?carry on (with) sth.carry on doing sth.解释为解释为“进行进行继续进行继续进行”e.g Carry on with your work while Im awa

18、y. Carry on working while Im away.1. His pulse _ (速率速率) dropped suddenly.2. She always shows _ (仁慈仁慈) to children and animals.I. 根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示母或汉语提示, 写出该单词的正确形式。写出该单词的正确形式。ratekindness3. It is important to stay calm in an _ (紧急情况紧急情况).4. Does the doctor know what his s_ is?5

19、. Though there is a g_ gap between my parents and me, I try my best to understand them.emergencysicknessgeneration6. After careful c_, weve decided to accept their offer.7. She was d_ of a healthy boy.considerationdeliveredII. 用适当的介词填空。用适当的介词填空。1. Doctors and nurses care _ the sick.2. Our goods are

20、the best on the market; in other words, our goods are second _ none.3. Every night after dinner, the childs grandmother tells story _ story to him patiently. fortoafter4. He started to study the plants in Africa 10 years ago and decided to devote his whole life _ them.5. Mary knows children well. Af

21、ter all, she has brought up six _ her own.toof6. There is a growing tendency for people to work at home instead _ in the office.7. I am preparing _ the entrance examination.offorIII. 根据括号内的汉语提示完成句子。根据括号内的汉语提示完成句子。1. Harris turned a page or two and the title of a poem _ (引起了他的注意引起了他的注意).2. _ (就是在昨晚就是在昨晚) that John wore his best suit to the dance.caught his eye / attentionIt was last night3. The scientist _ (终生致力于终生致力于) his research.4. These college professors had opinions _ (属于他们自己的属于他们自己的).5. _ (我突然想起我突然想起) that I had left my key at home.It hit medevoted his whole life toof their own



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