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1、外语教学与研究出版社Unit 1 Unit 1 Weather and Weather and ClimateClimate英语教程英语教程( (修订版修订版) ) 2 2Unit 1 Weather and Climate4Warming-up12356ListeningReadingSpeakingWritingFunTimeWarming-upWarming-upDiscuss with your partner the following questions.Whats the climate like in your hometown?Warming-upWarming-upWhat

2、 kind of weather do you prefer?Whats the difference between weather and climate? ListeningListening 1. Hows the weather today? A. Cold. B. Mild. C. Snowy. 2. Whats the weather like in the mans country? A. Colder. B. Just as cold. C. Warmer. 3. Whats the weather like this day? A. B. C. A. You will he

3、ar five short conversations twice. For each question, choose the best from the choices marked A, B or C.ListeningListening4. Hows the weather today in Tokyo? A. Windy. B. Cold. C. Sunny.5. Whats the weather forecast for tomorrow morning? A. B. C. A. You will hear five short conversations twice. For

4、each question, choose the best from the choices marked A, B or C.ListeningListeningListeningListening1. There will be snow with strong winds in _ .A. the east B. London C. the north of Scotland2. It will be cold in the morning and then it will get warmer in _ . A. the east B. the west C. the north o

5、f Scotland3. The day will start fine both in the South and in the East. In which part will get rainy and cooler? A. In the south. B. In the east. C. Neither.B. You will hear a passage. It will be read twice. Listen carefully and choose the right answer to complete each sentence. ListeningListeningLi

6、steningListening4. In Wales, it will be _ in the morning.A.rainy B. sunny C. foggy5. In London, the weather will be _ .A. fine and warm B. windy C. rainyB. You will hear a passage. It will be read twice. Listen carefully and choose the right answer to complete each sentence.ListeningListeningListeni

7、ngListeningC. You will hear five sentences which will be read three times. Listen, repeat and write down what you hear.1._2._3._4._5._Whats the weather like in your country?Whats the weather forecast for today?There will be snow tomorrow morning.We have very good weather in Paris.It was rainy and co

8、ld and then it cleared up and got warmer.ListeningListeningListeningListeningD. Listen to the dialogue twice and supply the missing words.Woman: Where do you come from? Man: I come from England.Woman: Whats the _ like in your country? Man: Its generally rather _ .Woman: _ the weather like in spring?

9、 Man: Its often _ in March, and always _ in April and May, but _ sometimes.Woman: Whats it like in summer?climatemildWhatswindywarmrainsListeningListeningListeningListeningD. Listen to the dialogue twice and supply the missing words. Man: Its _ in June, July and August.Woman: Is it cold or warm in a

10、utumn? Man: Its always warm in _ and its often _ in November. It rains sometimes.Woman: Is it very cold in winter? Man: Its often cold in December, _ . It snows sometimes.hotSeptember and OctobercoldJanuary and FebruaryListeningListeningListeningListeningTapescriptsA 1. F: Its very cold and damp tod

11、ay. M: How are the winters here generally? F: Theyre usually rather mild. 2. F: Do you like the weather in this country? M: Not really, but Im used to it now. F: Is the weather different in your country? M: Yes. It never gets as cold there as it does here. 3. F: Hi, Bob! Lovely day, isnt it? M: Yes,

12、 its sunny and not windy. F: Its a pleasant change after all the rains weve had.ListeningListeningListeningListening 4. M: And whats the weather like in Beijing? F: Mm. Its awful. Its cold and windy. We have to stay at the hotel all day. Is it windy in Tokyo? M: No. We have beautiful sunshine today

13、and its warm. 5. F: Were having a picnic tomorrow. Why dont you come with us? M: Id like to, but I wonder whether its going to rain tomorrow. What does the weather forecast say? F: The weatherman says it may be foggy in the morning and then it will clear up with a height of about 18 , but it is supp

14、osed to rain at night.ListeningListeningListeningListeningTapescriptsB Hereistheweatherforecastforthenext24hours.IntheNorthofScotland,therewillbesnowwithstrongwinds.Itwillbeverycold.InEnglandandWales,theweatherwillbemuchbetter.Therewillbesomefoginthemorning.Butthefogwillclear.Andinthesouth,itwillbea


16、ine.Andthatstheendoftheweatherforecastfortoday. ReadingReadingUsing Weather InformationWe all use weather information of one kind or another, mostly to make decisions. It might be a simple decision to take a raincoat when going to school or to delay the start of a football match, or it might be a mo

17、re important one to divert an airliner to a fog-free airport. Millions of decisions like these are made every day, and to help decision makers the weatherman can provide information about the past or the future. For the past they have compiled a great mass of statistical and climatological data on w

18、hich they can draw to answer all sorts of inquiries; for the future they prepare forecasts. ChineseChineseChineseChinese Below are just a few of the activities for which specialized weather services are provided. Nowadays most aircraft fly high, well above the clouds and weather, but their crews are

19、 still vitally interested in landing conditions at their destination, i.e. the cloud base and visibility there. If bad weather is expected the forecaster must be able to suggest another airport within the range of the aircraft where the weather will be suitable for landing. Ships, whether large or s

20、mall, are often at the mercy of the winds and the waves. The large ones can usually ride out the biggest storms, but smaller ones may have to take avoiding action to prevent loss or damage. The weather services help by warning the coming strong winds and by predicting their movement. ChineseChinese

21、Many long-range lorry operators plan their journeys on the basis of special weather forecast; and things such as the degree of refrigeration required for perishable goods during transportation can be determined from temperature forecasts. Trains can be held up by frozen points, the icing of electric

22、 conductor rails and fog, so warnings are provided by weatherman in time for precautionary measures to be taken. Farmers have always had a particular interest in the weather because it affects their work and the products of their work at all stages. They like just the right amount of sunshine, all c

23、oming at the right time. Perfect weather is not normally provided and the farmer has to make the best of what he gets, so to plan his operations he relies on the weatherman.运用气象信息运用气象信息 我们都用这种或那种气象信息,多半借以做出决定。我们都用这种或那种气象信息,多半借以做出决定。这可能是如上学带雨衣或推迟举行足球赛之类的简单决定,这可能是如上学带雨衣或推迟举行足球赛之类的简单决定,也可能是如让客机转飞无雾机场这样

24、较重要的决定。每天也可能是如让客机转飞无雾机场这样较重要的决定。每天都要做出无数这样的决定。气象员可以提供过去和未来的都要做出无数这样的决定。气象员可以提供过去和未来的气象信息以帮助决策者。对于过去的气象信息,气象员编气象信息以帮助决策者。对于过去的气象信息,气象员编制了大量的气象统计资料以用来回答有关过去的气象信息制了大量的气象统计资料以用来回答有关过去的气象信息的询问;也为未来的天气预报做准备的询问;也为未来的天气预报做准备.译译译译 文文文文译译译译 文文文文 下面只是一些需要提供特殊气象服务活动的例子。下面只是一些需要提供特殊气象服务活动的例子。 现在大多数飞机飞得很高,远在云层之上,

25、不受天现在大多数飞机飞得很高,远在云层之上,不受天气影响。但是机务人员依然对目的地的着陆条件,如云底气影响。但是机务人员依然对目的地的着陆条件,如云底和能见度等很感兴趣。如果预计气候恶劣,天气预报人员和能见度等很感兴趣。如果预计气候恶劣,天气预报人员必须能够在该飞机航程内提出另一个天气适合着陆的机场。必须能够在该飞机航程内提出另一个天气适合着陆的机场。 船只无论大小,其命运都受风浪摆布。大船通常能安船只无论大小,其命运都受风浪摆布。大船通常能安然度过风暴,但较小的船只可能必须采取预防措施避免受然度过风暴,但较小的船只可能必须采取预防措施避免受到损失和破坏。气象台发出大风警报,预报大风动向,从到

26、损失和破坏。气象台发出大风警报,预报大风动向,从而提供帮助。而提供帮助。译译译译 文文文文 许多长途卡车司机根据特殊气象预报来计划他们许多长途卡车司机根据特殊气象预报来计划他们的行程;像运输易腐烂食品所需的冷却温度之类的事的行程;像运输易腐烂食品所需的冷却温度之类的事情就可根据气温预报来确定。情就可根据气温预报来确定。 结冰的道岔、铁轨上出现的冰冻、结冰的带电导结冰的道岔、铁轨上出现的冰冻、结冰的带电导体以及雾等都会使火车停驶,所以气象人员必须及时体以及雾等都会使火车停驶,所以气象人员必须及时发出警报以便采取预防措施。发出警报以便采取预防措施。 农民一直特别关心气候情况,因为气候在所有生农民一

27、直特别关心气候情况,因为气候在所有生产阶段都影响他们劳动及收成。他们想要适时适量的产阶段都影响他们劳动及收成。他们想要适时适量的光照。但风调雨顺的好天气不多见。农民只能充分利光照。但风调雨顺的好天气不多见。农民只能充分利用其所能遇到的天气用其所能遇到的天气, 所以他必须依靠气象预报员来所以他必须依靠气象预报员来安排他的农事。安排他的农事。 例如: anice-freeharbour不冻港anuclear-weapon-freezone无核武器区aninterest-freeloan无息贷款tax-free免税的1.a fog-free airport 无雾机场无雾机场fog-free是一个复合

28、形容词,其中free表示“无的”,“免除的”。 其中,draw on的意思是“利用”,“靠”,“凭借”。onwhichtheycandrawtoanswerallsortsofinquiries为data的定语从句。如果which 在定语从句中作介词的宾语,那么这个介词可以提到从句前,构成介词+which (whom)引出的定语从句。2. For the past they have compiled a great mass of statistical and climatological data on which they can draw to answer all sorts of

29、 inquiries. 他们已经汇编了大量的统计数字和气候学资料,以便回答有关过他们已经汇编了大量的统计数字和气候学资料,以便回答有关过 去的气象信息的询问。去的气象信息的询问。又如课文中的下一句:Belowarejustafewoftheactivitiesforwhichspecializedweatherservicesareprovided.以下只是一些需要为之提供特殊气象服务的例子。从句forwhichspecializedweatherservicesareprovided作activities的定语。又如:Oceancurrentsaffecttheclimatesofthela

30、ndsnearwhichtheyflow.海流影响其附近陆地的气候。Thegirltowhomyouspokeismysister.跟你说话的那个女孩是我妹妹。这种句子中的关系代词有时也可省略。关系代词省略之后,介词应放在定语从句的句尾。口语中这种句型很常用。如:Thegirlyouspoketoismysister.跟你说话的那个女孩是我妹妹。 at the mercy of任处置;对无能为力3. Ships, whether large or small, are often at the mercy of the winds and the waves. 船只无论大小,其命运常受风浪摆布

31、。船只无论大小,其命运常受风浪摆布。例如:Thedaywillcertainlycomewhenpeasantswillnolongerbeatthemercyoftheweatherforgoodharvest.农民不再靠天吃饭,这一天肯定会来到。 ride out渡过难关;经受住4. The large ones can usually ride out the biggest storms, 大船通常能安然渡过大风暴,大船通常能安然渡过大风暴,例如:Wehopetorideoutthisrecessionbetterthanlasttime.我们希望这一次能更顺利地渡过经济衰退期。 5.

32、 Things such as the degree of refrigeration required for perishable goods during transportation can be determined from temperature forecasts. 类似运输易腐食品所需的冷藏温度问题也可以根据气温预报类似运输易腐食品所需的冷藏温度问题也可以根据气温预报 来确定。来确定。6. Trains can be held up by frozen points, the icing of electric conductor rails and fog, . 结冰的道岔

33、、导电轨上的冰冻以及雾都会使火车停驶,结冰的道岔、导电轨上的冰冻以及雾都会使火车停驶,points 在此处指铁轨上的“道岔”。用于此义时常用复数。electric conductor rail导电轨,接触轨(与路轨平行的轨道,可供机车导入电流)mostly adv.1) for the greatest part; mainlye.g. The earth here is mostly clay. Most of the Americans use their cars mostly for their job.2) generally; usuallye.g. The audience co

34、nsisted mostly of women. The weather has been mostly warm.delay1) vt. to postpone until a later timee.g. The letter was delayed three days by the train accident. We decided to delay our holiday until next month. He delayed telling her the news, waiting for the right moment.2) vi. to act or move slow

35、ly; put off an action or a decisione.g. Its getting late; dont delay. Dont delay; call us today.3) n. the act of delaying; postponemente.g. After a delay of one hour, we continued our journey. Commuters will face long delays on the roads today.divert1) vt. to turn aside from a course or directione.g

36、. A ditch diverted water from the stream into the fields. The government is planning to divert the river to supply water to the town. A loud noise from the street diverted my attention.2) vi. to change the direction or the use of somethinge.g. Thetruckswereforcedtodiverttoanotherroad.Hewastrainedasa

37、nactor,butdivertedtodiplomacy.Tpile vt.to gather into a single booke.g.WearecompilinganEnglishdictionaryforstudents.Thealbumwascompiledfromliverecordingsfromlastyearstour.Wearetryingtocompilealistofsuitablepeopleforthejob. statistic n.a collection of information shown in numberse.g. Accordingtooffic

38、ialstatisticsthediseasekilledover500people.Statisticsshowthatfarmorepeopleareabletorideabicyclethancandriveacar.Animportantstatisticisthat94%ofcrimerelatestoproperty.statistical adj.relating to the science of using numbers to present factse.g. statisticalmethodsindataanalysisstatisticaltablesandgrap

39、hs statistically adv.e.g. statisticalanalysis/methods/dataThedifferencebetweenthetwosampleswasntstatisticallysignificant.Cureratesdidntdifferstatisticallybetweenthetwogroups.statistics n.the science of using numbers to represent facts and describe situationse.g. Hegotamastersdegreeineconomicsandstat

40、istics.specialize vi.to pursue a special activity, occupation, or field of studye.g. Thatdoctorspecializesinchildrensillnesses.Aftershequalifiedasalawyer,shedecidedtospecializeincontractlaw.speciality (BrE), specialty (AmE) n.1) C a special field of work or studye.g. HerspecialtyisBusinessEnglish.Hi

41、sspecialtyisbiology;mineisphysiology.2) speciality (BrE) a particular fine or excellent producte.g. Icanrecommendthevegetablepieitsthespecialtyoftherestaurant.Themenuchangesdaily,thoughthespecialtyisseafood.Woodcarvingisaspecialtyofthisvillage.visible adj.that can be seene.g. Thehouseisclearlyvisibl

42、efromthebeach.Moststarsarentvisibletothenakedeyes.Shemadeavisibleefforttocontrolheranger.visibility n.U how far or well you can seee.g. Visibilitywasdowntoabout100metersinthefog.Thecarhasexcellentall-roundvisibility.Theadvertisementsweretoincreasethecompanysvisibilityinthemarketplace.mercy n.1) a ki

43、nd or forgiving attitude towards somebodye.g. Hebeggedformercy.Theyshowednomercytotheirhostages.2) an event or a situation to be grateful, usually because it stops something unpleasante.g. Itsamercythattheexplosionhappenedafterthetheatre.Itsamercythatshewasntseriouslyhurt.at the mercy ofin a situati

44、on controlled by somebody or something with the power to harm youe.g. Imnotgoingtoputmyselfatthemercyofthebank.Wewereatthemercyoftheweatheravoid vt.to choose not to do somethinge.g. Icrossedthestreettoavoidmeetinghim,buthesawmeandrantowardsme.Toavoidconfusion,theteamsworedifferentcolors.Toavoidtheci

45、tycenter,wemayturnrighthereandtakethebelthighway.rely on sb./sth. (to do sth.)1) to trust somebody / something to do for youe.g. Mybrothercanhelp.Atleastwecanrelyonhim.Youshouldrelyonyourownjudgment.Youcanrelyonmetokeepthissecret.2) to need or be dependent on somebody / somethinge.g. Thesedayswerely

46、heavilyoncomputerstoorganizeourwork.Theindustryreliesonthepriceofrawmaterialsremaininglow.Themuseumreliesonvoluntarydonationstokeepopen.reliable adj.can be trusted; dependablee.g. Itsnotreliabletojudgeamanonlybyhislooks.Alicecanlookafterthischild.Sheisveryreliable.Iheardthisfromaveryreliablesource.p

47、revent v.to keep from happeninge.g. Regularcleaningmayhelppreventinfection.Ifnecessary,addalittlewatertopreventsticking.prevent. fromto keep (something) from (happening); stop (somebody) from ( doing something)e.g. Whatpreventedyoufromjoininguslastnight?Heispreventedbylawfromholdingalicense.Wemustpr

48、eventthediseasefromspreading.be suitable forto be right for particular purposee.g. Thisfilmisntsuitableforyoungchildren.Ishesuitablefortheimportantposition?Weneedmoreprogramsthataresuitableforchildren.ride outto overcome a difficult or dangerous period or situation without any seriousprobleme.g. The

49、shiprodeoutthestormwithoutanypermanentdamage.Wehopetorideoutthisrecessionbetterthanlasttime.Weshallcertainlybeabletorideouteverydifficulty.hold up1) to delay or block the movement or progress of sb./sth.e.g. Anaccidentisholdinguptraffic.Myapplicationwasheldupbythepostalstrike.SorryImlate,butmytrainw

50、asheldup.2) to remain strong and working effectivelye.g. Shesholdingupwellunderthepressure.Herlegswerealmosttooshakytoholdherup.take measures/precautions to do sth.to take an official action to achieve a particular aime.g. Wemusttakepreventivemeasurestoreducepollutioninthisarea.Doctorsrecommendedtak

51、ingprecautionstoprotectyourskinfromthesun.Strongermeasureswillhavetobetakentobringdownunemployment.make the best of sth.to accept the bad or difficult situation and do as well as you cane.g. Thegirldidntliketowashdishes,butshemadethebestofit.Onemustlearntomakethebestofabadjob.1)In formal styles we o

52、ften put a preposition before the 2) relative pronouns which (for things) and whom (for people).句型:句型:prep. + which/whome.g. Therateat which amaterialheatsupdependsonitschemicalcomposition.InthenovelbyPeters,on which thefilmisbased,themaincharacterisateenager.Fortunatelywehadamap,without which wewou

53、ldhavegotlost.Mr.Carter,to whom Ispokeonthephonelastnight,isveryinterestedinourplan.IhaveatlastmetLindastenant,about whom Ihaveheardsomuch.Hermanyfriends,among whom Iliketobeconsidered,gaveherencouragement.e.g. Whoisthemanwith whom youjustshookhands?Thetwothingsabout which Marxwasntsurewerethegramma

54、randsomeoftheidioms.Notice that after a preposition you cant use who instead of whom and you cant use that or zero relative pronoun.In informal English we usually put the preposition later in the relative clause rather than at the beginning. When we do this, we normally use who (not whom) for people

55、.e.g. ThisisMrCarter,who Iwastellingyouabout.Theplaygroundwasntusedbythosechildrenwho itwasbuiltfor.YesterdaywevisitedtheCityMuseum,whichIdneverbeentobefore.Hishouse,whichhepaid$10,000fortenyearsago,isnowworth$50,000.2) If the verb in a relative clause is a phrasal verb ending with a preposition, yo

56、u cannot move the preposition to the beginning of the clause. Combinations such as “ come across, look after, look for, look up to, turn in, pay attention to, take care of, depend on, listen to, put up with” should be treated as a unit, i.e., the preposition/ a adverb shouldnt be separated from the

57、verb.e.g. EveryoneIcameacrossseemedtoknowaboutit.Thismachine,whichIhavelookedafterfortwentyyears,isstillworkingperfectly.Yourinefficiency,whichwehaveputupwithfartoolong,isbeginningtoannoyourcustomers.Sheisoneofthefewpeople(who/that)Ilookupto.Thebabies(whom)thenursesarelookingafterareveryhealthy.Isth

58、isthebook(which/that)shewaslookingfor?Whereisthewallet(which/that)youturnedinyesterday?Thesearethewords(which/that)youshouldpayattentionto.Join the sentence halves using “which” or “whom” after an appropriate preposition.I would never have finished the work it was primarily writtenwe know nothing it

59、 was discoveredshe was born he learned how to play chessDennis scored three goals in the final they got a good view1.Theyclimbeduptothetopofalargerock,2.Iwouldliketothankmyteacher,3.ShehasnowmovedbacktothehouseonLongIsland,4.ThestaristobenamedafterPatrickJenks,5.Thisistheball,6.Heisnowabletobeathisf

60、ather,7.Thebookisenjoyedbyadultsaswellaschildren,8.Therearestillmanythingsinoursolarsystem,1.They climbed up to the top of a large rock, from which they got a good view.2. I would like to thank my teacher, without whom I would never have finished the work.3. She has now moved back to the house on Lo

61、ng Island in which she was born.4. The star is to be named after Patrick Jenks, by whom it was discovered.5. This is the ball with which Dennis scored three goals in the final.6. He is now able to beat his father, from whom he learned how to play chess.7. The book is enjoyed by adults as well as chi

62、ldren, for whom it was primarily written.8. There are still many things in our solar system about which we know nothing.keyI. According to the text, are the following sentences Right or Wrong? If there is not enough information to decide, choose “Doesnt say”.1.Weathermensjobistoprepareinformationabo


64、llasbadweather.A.Right.B.Wrong.C.Doesntsay.5.Weathermenusuallyinstructfarmershowtoplantheiroperationsatallstages.A.Right.B.Wrong.C.Doesntsay.II. Choose the best ending from the box below to complete each of the sentences.A.todivertanairlinertoafog-freeairportB.topreventlossordamageC.onthebasisofspec


66、ng,smallershipsmaytakeprecautionarymeasures_.4.Manylong-rangeoperatorsplantheirjourney_.5.Farmerscantexpectperfectweatherand_.DFBCEIII. Fill in the blanks with the words or expressions given below. Change the form where necessary.specializemostlyprevent.fromdivertdelaystatisticalrelyonatthemercyofma


68、ancersaredetectedasaresultofclinicalfollow-up.8.Aftershequalifiedasalawyer,shedecidedto_incontractlaw.9.Themuseum_voluntarydonations(捐赠)tokeepopen.10.Imnotgoingtoputmyself_thebank.mostlydelayedprevent from divertmassstatisticallydataspecializerelies onat the mercy of IV. Match each word in Column A

69、with a similar meaning in Column B.AB1.crewa.toasksomeoneforinformation2.stageb.tobedependentforsupport,help,orsupply3.divertc.belikelytodecayorgobadquickly4.perishabled.allthepeoplewhoareworkingonaship,plane,etc.5.enquiree.periodorstepindevelopment6.relyf.topostponeuntilalatertime7.preventg.afactus

70、edtodrawaconclusionormakeadecision8.mercyh.toturnasidefromacourseordirection9.datumI.akindorforgivingattitudetowardssomebody10.delayj.tokeepfromhappeningdehcabjigfV. Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the words given in the brackets.1.Hedelayed(tell)_hernews,waitingfortherightmoment.2.Traffi

71、cwasordered(divert)_toanotherroadbecauseoftherepairofthemainroad.3.Weare(compile)_anEnglishdictionaryforstudents.4.Dontgivemeanymore.Iveeaten(mass)_.5.Accordingtoofficial(statistic)_thediseasekilledover500people.tellingto divertcompilingmassesstatistics6.His(special)_isbiology,mineisphysiology.7.Hew

72、astakentohospitalfora(precaution)_examination.8.Wearelookingforsomeonewhois(rely)_andhardworking.9.Educationis(vital)_importantforthecountrysfuture.10.Theadvertisementsweretoincreasethecompanys(visible)_inthemarketplace.precautionaryspecialtyreliablevitallyvisibilityVI. Translate the following sente

73、nces into Chinese.1.Weatherandclimatehaveaprofoundinfluenceonlifeontheearth.Theweatheristhefluctuatingstateoftheatmospherearoundus.Theclimateisthe“averageweather”. 天气和气候对地球上的生命有着深远的影响。天气是指我们周围变化无常的大天气和气候对地球上的生命有着深远的影响。天气是指我们周围变化无常的大 气情况,气候是指气情况,气候是指“天气的平均值天气的平均值” 。2.Theoceanactsasaheatsinktodelaycli

74、matechange. 海洋起着散热器的作用,能延缓气候变化。海洋起着散热器的作用,能延缓气候变化。3.Theatmosphere,landobservationsanddatafrombelowthesurfaceoftheoceanshaveallshownthewarmingtrendontheearth.所有对大气和陆地的观察资料以及从海洋表面下收集的数据都显示,地球有变所有对大气和陆地的观察资料以及从海洋表面下收集的数据都显示,地球有变 暖的趋势。暖的趋势。4.Humanactivities,throughthegenerationandreleaseofgreenhousegase

75、s,havebeenasignificantcontributoryfactorintheglobaltemperaturerise.人类制造和排放温室气体等活动,很大程度上造成了全球气温升高。人类制造和排放温室气体等活动,很大程度上造成了全球气温升高。5.Understandingwhataspectsoftheweatherandclimatewillchangemostrapidlyisimportant.重要的是了解天气和气候将在哪些方面迅速发生变化。重要的是了解天气和气候将在哪些方面迅速发生变化。SpeakingSpeakingI.Useful sentence patterns1)


77、)Whatistheweatherlikeinyourhometown?6)Whatwilltheweatherbeliketomorrow?7)Doyoulikethiskindofweather?8)Itsreallywarm.Anditssupposedtogetwarmer.9)Imalwaysalittlesorrytoseewintergo.10)Thetemperaturewillriseto25degreesbymiddayandthenfalloffslightlytooabout23degrees.2. Talking about the weather1)Pairwork


79、matesinyourgroupabouttheweatherintheirhometown.Thenreportyourfindingstotheclass.3)DiscussionDoyouthinkthatthereistruthinsomeoldfolksayings?Why?SpeakingSpeaking1.Read the text again and answer the following questions in no more than 60 words.Write an answer to each question. Each answer must be a com

80、plete sentence.Your answers to the questions must follow each other so that all your sentences will form a complete paragraph.Use the joining words where necessary.1)Whatinformationcantheweathermenprovide?2)Whyarecrewsinterestedinlandingconditionsattheirdestination?3)Howdoesweatherservicehelpships?4


82、ywarningofthecomingofstrongwindsandbypredictingtheirmovement.Lorryoperatorsplantheirjourneysonthebasisofspecialweatherforecast.Farmershaveinterestintheweatherbecauseitaffectstheirworkandtheproductsoftheirworkatallstages.KeyWritingWriting2. Practical writingNote 便条是一种简单的书信。特点是内容简短,用于临时性的询问、留言、便条是一种简单

83、的书信。特点是内容简短,用于临时性的询问、留言、通知、要求等。与正规书信比,便条的语言更加口语化,语言的省略现象通知、要求等。与正规书信比,便条的语言更加口语化,语言的省略现象也较为常见,但无论哪种便条都必须包括日期、称呼、正文、署名四个部也较为常见,但无论哪种便条都必须包括日期、称呼、正文、署名四个部分。结尾时无需结尾礼词,只需写上写便条者的姓名。如果是关系比较近分。结尾时无需结尾礼词,只需写上写便条者的姓名。如果是关系比较近的人,写姓或名即可。的人,写姓或名即可。 便条的日期通常写在右上角,一般只要写星期几或上午或下午,也可便条的日期通常写在右上角,一般只要写星期几或上午或下午,也可写上具



86、ng 假设你是林深。假设你是林深。10 月月5 日,你到方芳家找她,但家里没人。现在你给日,你到方芳家找她,但家里没人。现在你给方芳留一张便条,内容如下:方芳留一张便条,内容如下: 你们的好朋友小丁出差来北京了,现住在北京宾馆。你们的好朋友小丁出差来北京了,现住在北京宾馆。 1) 大家决定好好聚一聚,一起去长城游览。大家决定好好聚一聚,一起去长城游览。 2) 周六上午周六上午8:30 在宾馆大厅碰头,不见不散。在宾馆大厅碰头,不见不散。Dec.20th,2006FangFang,Icalledonyouthisafternoon,butyouwereout.SoIleftamessagefor

87、you.XiaoDinghascometoBeijingonbusiness.HeisstayinginBeijingHotelnow.Ithasbeenalongtimesincewemetlasttime.Wethoughtitagoodideatohaveaget-together.WedecidedtovisittheGreatWall.Letsmeetatthehallofthehotelat8:30onSaturdaymorning.Pleasedocome.LinShenJokeI Wasnt AsleepWhenagroupofwomengotonthecar,everysea


89、座位全都被占满了。售票员注意到一名男子好象是睡着了,他担心这个人会坐过站,就用肘轻轻地碰了碰他,说:好象是睡着了,他担心这个人会坐过站,就用肘轻轻地碰了碰他,说:“先生,先生,醒醒!醒醒!” “我没有睡着。我没有睡着。”那个男人回答。那个男人回答。 “没睡着?可是你眼睛都闭上了呀?没睡着?可是你眼睛都闭上了呀?”“我知道,我只是不愿意看到在拥挤的车上有女士站在我身边而已。我知道,我只是不愿意看到在拥挤的车上有女士站在我身边而已。”1. A big black bear sat on a big black bug. 2. A big black bug bit a big black bear

90、 and made the big black bear bleed blood. 3. A big black bug bit a big black dog on his big black nose! 4. A loyal warrior will rarely worry why we rule. 5. A noise annoys an oyster, but a noisy noise annoys an oyster more! 6. Ann and Andys anniversary is in April. 7. Bake big batches of bitter brow

91、n bread. 8. Big black bugs bleed blue black blood but baby black bugs bleed blue blood. 9. Black background, brown background. 10. Blakes black bikes back brake bracket block broke. Tongue twistersBetter late than never.(迟学总比不学强迟学总比不学强) Work makes the workman.(勤工出巧匠勤工出巧匠) In doing we learn.(实践长才干实践长才干) Lifeless, faultless.(只有死人才不犯错误只有死人才不犯错误) Actions speak louder than words.(说到不如做到说到不如做到) Proverbs外语教学与研究出版社Thank you!



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