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1、Happy Lantern Festival! Oral English show 基基础知知识 Useful Words Useful Expressions Grammar 7B Unit 1-3情景问答练习四情景问答练习四你已经学英语六年了,觉得最难得部分是用英语与人交流。你已经学英语六年了,觉得最难得部分是用英语与人交流。W: How long have you learned English?M: I find communicating with others in English most difficult.W: What do you find most difficult?

2、M: I have learned English for 6 years. Oral English情景问答练习五情景问答练习五你自从初中就开始使用电脑,主要与同学聊天与查信息。你自从初中就开始使用电脑,主要与同学聊天与查信息。W: When did you start using computer?M: I started using computer when I was in middle school. W: What do you use it for?M: I mainly use it for chatting with my classmates and searching

3、for some information.1.foot n. _ (复数) 2.knife n. _(复数)3.visit v. _(n.) 4. help v._ (adj.) 5.luck n._(adj.) _(adv.)_(反义词)6.policeman._ (复数)7.above_(反义词) 9.friend_ (adj.)10.drive _ (n.) _(过去式)_(过去分词)中考高频考词回顾中考高频考词回顾:feethelpfulluckyanfriendlycompaniescountriesbrokenvisitordriver knivesdrovedrivenbelow

4、policemenluckilyun补补:company_ (复数) country_(复数)break_(adj.) _engineer(工程师)1.紧邻紧邻,在在.近旁近旁_ 2.与与.分享分享. _3. 满是满是 _4. 属于某人自己的属于某人自己的 _5. 传个话,捎个口信传个话,捎个口信 _6. 在在.脚下脚下 _7. 帮某人做某事帮某人做某事_8. 为为.担心担心 _9. 盼望,期待做某事盼望,期待做某事 _ 10. 邀请某人做某事邀请某人做某事 _11.乐意做某事乐意做某事 _12. 我的一个老朋友我的一个老朋友_13.让某人感觉更好让某人感觉更好 _中考热点词组中考热点词组:n

5、ext to share sth. with sb. of ones ownbe full of/ be filled withtake a message at the foot ofhelp sb. with /do sth. worry about look forward to doin sth. invite sb. to do sth. be ready/willing to do sth. an old friend of mine make sb. feel betterReal time practice1. Ill be _(luck) to get any of my m

6、oney back.3. Dont worry a_ me. I feel better now.4. The doctors makeSimon _(feel) better.5.They come from different _ (country).6.Are you looking forward to _(see)me again?7. It is very kind to invite me _(come) to your party.8. There is _ in todays newspaper.A. important something B. anything impor

7、tantC.important anything D.something important luckyboutfeelcountriesDseeingto come1.My birthday is on the _(12)of June.2.Mothers Day is on the _(二)二)Sunday of May.3.On the _(三十)三十) of July ,mother often buys me a big cake.4.The building has_ floors, my room is on the _ (九)九)_(floor).5._(hunderd)of

8、books are lying on the ground floor.twelfthsecondthirtiethninthfloorHundredsnine 基基变序,有序,有规律律,词尾加上尾加上th。 123,特殊,特殊记,词尾字母尾字母t,d,d。 8减减t , 9去去e, f来把来把ve替替 (twelve-twelfth /five-fifth) 。 整十整十“y”变ie,若是见到几十几,只变个位就可以若是见到几十几,只变个位就可以。中考语法难点中考语法难点(1.序数词)序数词)一有生命的所有一有生命的所有格1.单数名词单数名词+s2 以以s结尾的名词复数结尾的名词复数+chil

9、dren people men women3.共有,共有,A and Bs4.各有,各有,As and Bs5.表距离、时间、国家或城镇等无生命的名词 ten minutes walk todays newspaper 二二 of 所有格所有格 of+ 名名词词The name _the school is New Century Middle School.三三 双重所有格双重所有格 of所有格与所有格与s所有格所有格 结结合合 , 表所属。表所属。 an old friend of _(I) a cousin of_(my father) 2.名词所有格名词所有格3.物主代词小结物主代词小

10、结:形容词性物主代词形容词性物主代词= =名词性物主代词名词性物主代词(my/your/his/her/its/our/their)(my/your/his/her/its/our/their)+ +名词名词(mine/yours/his/hers/its/ours/theirs(mine/yours/his/hers/its/ours/theirs)所以名词性物主代词后不必加名词。所以名词性物主代词后不必加名词。 1. September 10th is _. A. Teachers Day B. Teachers Day C. Teachers Day D. Teacher Day 2.

11、Our school life is wonderful. But _ is boring.(无聊的) A. their B. they C. theirs D. them3. _ this book belong to_? A. Does; Jim B. Does; Jims C. Is; Jim D. Is; Jims4. I will call you in three _ time. A. day B. days C. days D. days5.This bedroom belongs to my mum and dad. Its _.A. my parents B. my parents C. my parentss ACADB Finish 直通车直通车P14-16中考链接中考链接Homework1.复习并完成中考直通车复习并完成中考直通车7B Unit 4-6。2.背诵话题简述。背诵话题简述。



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