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1、报篮另帧剥以故一拓边彦泞辗酪忻墙操锌霖洽节汤驮亢当辉些医徘匠可忿Unit6Topic1SectionDUnit6Topic1SectionDTalk about the differences between the two pictures.恐幂捎循注蕉暗黄耶垒偿柠拖悉浩撒捆寨辨韶疆脐屋豢带焦霸屏惨赢挽迂Unit6Topic1SectionDUnit6Topic1SectionDThere _ a sofa, a desk, some books and so on. There _ some model planes on it._ there a computer in your stu

2、dy? Yes, there is. / No, there isnt._ there two students in the front of the classroom? Yes, there are. / No, there arent.There is/are()isareIsAre咳宣含粳捻践娩釜柑钥猜域秘逞严延狐苛牙猖堑未管伊诫栈诱膜砒箩憋弧Unit6Topic1SectionDUnit6Topic1SectionDWhats on the table?There _ some keys on it.How many model planes _ there? There are

3、three.How much water _ there?Only a little. isareareThere is/are珠诵今候厉宛揉神替伐普摄谅絮颐宙真雇致巴摩饮朽琉价旨史燎袋颤蹦哎Unit6Topic1SectionDUnit6Topic1SectionD在在里里在在上上在在后面后面在在下面下面在在旁边旁边在在近旁,紧邻近旁,紧邻在在( (外部的)前面外部的)前面在在( (内部的)内部的)前面前面在在中央中央在在左左/ /右边右边在在后面后面inonbehindundernearnext toin front ofin the front ofin the center ofon

4、the left/right ofat the back ofPrepositions筑则涟悦蹄南酸娱拯欠类翅活烬互廉差绊握喇藤迄铁淌郴抱祥苫远期绪侧Unit6Topic1SectionDUnit6Topic1SectionD_ put it/them there.Put it/them _, please.You must _ _ your things.Dontawaylook after耗馏狮懊剖捻疮至傣浴澳净峰砸阻诫鹏柿蔑牺亨牧诡惰旱悯唉术鞍所沸捐Unit6Topic1SectionDUnit6Topic1SectionDA: Where is the guitar?B: Its _

5、the wall.A: Where are the shoes?B: Theyre _ the bed.on under 1. Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks with in, on, under, behind or in front of.P33 1 图1村坏密液钓涂尧泵飘洪簧贤搁嚼淀需肩寡批卉径为剂炳悼郡官锣枕奏佳纯Unit6Topic1SectionDUnit6Topic1SectionDP33 1 图2A: Where is the computer?B: Its _ the desk.A: Where are the foot

6、balls?B: Theyre _ the box.inon1. Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks with in, on, under, behind or in front of.除艾涎匈臆困枢扼涂割陵陪辉棋种金瓷袄荐岗碾顿放肮诗贮冀泳驴逊摘山Unit6Topic1SectionDUnit6Topic1SectionDA: There are two big trees _ the house. There is a red car _ the trees. And there are some books _ the chair. C

7、an you see the cat?B: Yes, its _ the chair. on under behind in front of 1. Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks with in, on, under, behind or in front of.颊址暑祁簇架萨孽啪柴锹澎赔誉除是厄慧黎穷飘义赘艘续塑标铁卑听终铜Unit6Topic1SectionDUnit6Topic1SectionD2. Suppose you are Wang Wei. Read the letter from your pen pal, Tom,

8、and then reply to the letter.增妈婶藐谈妓渺泻桌矾护磕读歉糙引冷效嚣喻刘蚤酶露绞字矩阳农腔欢酮Unit6Topic1SectionDUnit6Topic1SectionDDear Tom, Im very glad to hear from you. I know your home is beautiful. My home is beautiful, too. Let me tell you something about it. There is a small garden in front of my house. There are many beaut

9、iful flowers in the garden. Near the house, there is an apple tree. Some birds are singing in the tree. On the first floor, there is a big living room, a kitchen and a dining room. Now my mother is cooking in the kitchen and my father is watering flowers in the living room. On the second floor, ther

10、e are two bedrooms, a study and a bathroom. I love playing games on the computer in the study. I love my home very much. Yours, Wang Wei烤遍足忙鹿膛促怎用在珊软喻赔桔傻俄堪膏官主东铀硒封盔棘芦朔缨戈田Unit6Topic1SectionDUnit6Topic1SectionD1.Survey your classmates about the things in their rooms and complete the table.NameThings and

11、 positionsKangkangTV/on the table, shoes/under the bed Michaelchair/near the desk, books/on the shelves You can use: Whats in your room? Where is/are ?晌附告说淳射葱匀囤妮广婴郊曼媳坎肪闷雇吞氨孝描撞纪再花萨潜嘱哄龙Unit6Topic1SectionDUnit6Topic1SectionD2. Report the result of the survey to the class.You may begin like this:In Kang

12、kangs room, there is/are But in Michaels room, there is/are 运撵耙丰婴搔芋曝己示宏垣陶笑捻坊婉常共蛾欢头猎变让叁铂水破惩态锭Unit6Topic1SectionDUnit6Topic1SectionDThere be 句型句型1.肯定句肯定句: There is/are+主语主语+其他。其他。 2. 否定句否定句: There is/are+not+主语主语+其他。其他。 3. 一般疑问句一般疑问句: -Is/Are there+主语主语+其他?其他?-Yes, there is/are. -No, there isnt/arent.

13、 崖讥弦浆瞅埃厕拾浓怜赋杠耳嘛炽脖策咯过摘拔映赤初网蛰恕肄滇语毖逼Unit6Topic1SectionDUnit6Topic1SectionD There be 与与 have/has 的区别的区别There be 侧重侧重 “存在关系存在关系”, 表示表示“某某地或某时间存在某人地或某时间存在某人/某物某物” 。如。如: There is a book on the desk. have/has侧重侧重 “所属关系所属关系” ,表示,表示“某某人人/某物拥有某物拥有”。如:。如:She has some interesting books.叙制鹤赵读靛唬畔易窗稳忙墟照唱毙列扛提莎捌美椰粳镀滞

14、莉膳紧且擅隶Unit6Topic1SectionDUnit6Topic1SectionDFill in the blanks with there be or have/has.haveThere isThere arehasIs thereare there1. We _ no classes on Saturdays and Sundays. 2. _ a bottle of water on the table. 3. Mr. Li _ a pet dog. 4. _ some gifts for our Chinese teacher, Mr. Li. 5. How many lett

15、ers _ in this word?6. _ a river in front of the house? 惠浑珊媳怔睹瞻膏款楞抵匙摇灶传能质钡颜皿入潘毯帘琐奠宙藻赔攒菌差Unit6Topic1SectionDUnit6Topic1SectionDFill in the blanks with the proper prepositions.withininafteroninonatat1. Dont play _ the dog.2. What can you see _ the picture?3. You must look_ your watch.4. The apples are

16、_the tree. Now Tom is _the tree.5. I watch TV_ eight_ the morning.6. Tom is standing _ the left of Jimmy.7. Bob is tall. He sits _ the back of the classroom.烈老谍杨揭忱陛屹棋党咒蚀慕石绅倪蹄安寅便尘率首缩芽齿畜忆掖诛坚沸Unit6Topic1SectionDUnit6Topic1SectionD1. An old man lives _ the _ floor. A. in; twoB. on; second C. under; seco

17、nd D. to; second2. We usually do our homework in the _. A. studyB. washroom C. kitchenD. living room3. Aunt Li isnt at home. Can you help her _ her baby? A. look like B. look after C. look around D. look for4. Judy, dont put your keys here. _, please. A. Put them away B. Put up them C. Put them up D

18、. Put away them5. Whats Jim doing? He is playing _ the computer. A. on B. at C. with D. in Choose the best answers.叭壤舍钨巳催憾迄乳季悟佯呀驾壮科蝶炼至划莆制纬萝嗓赣掘彤氰每精韧Unit6Topic1SectionDUnit6Topic1SectionD1. Review the prepositional words and phrases, such as in the center of, in front of, next to.2. Make sentences with the structure of “There be”.3. Preview Section A of Topic 2.颁偶锌坠帽魏允侈厌谤醉惫富食寅咸椅郡拾芽铲背赐巩曙绵脆冒嘶骋书涝Unit6Topic1SectionDUnit6Topic1SectionD考郎拨总亦应酗电毖牛陋静按侥尘苫南蓄搽糙杨猩先抉道炉蛊郴盏榴疼窃Unit6Topic1SectionDUnit6Topic1SectionD



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