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1、教材同步复习十教材同步复习十八年级下八年级下 Unit 1Unit 2主要语法现象主要语法现象n情态动词情态动词should, shouldnt, could的用法的用法(P164) n反身代词反身代词(P37) n动词不定式动词不定式()n动词短语动词短语()n你能来参加我在星期六的聚会吗?n当然了,我很乐意。/恐怕不能。nCan you come to my birthday party on Saturday ?nSure/Certainly/Of course/Yes, Id love to.nSorry, I cant./Im afraid I cant.n他们可能得去见他们的朋友。

2、nThey might have to meet their friends.n我期望收到你们所有人的信。nI look forward to hearing from you all.n在她不知情的情况下带她来参加聚会,这样会给她一个惊喜。nBring her to the party without telling her so that she can be surprised.n如果你去了,你会玩得开心的。nIf you go, youll have a good time.n学生们在讨论什么时候开班会。nStudents are talking about when to have

3、a class meeting.n他认为第一步就是要找到一个你信任的人倾诉。nHe thinks the first step is to find someone you trust to talk to.n你只要跟人聊聊这个问题,问题就已经解决一半了。和人沟通帮助很大。nYoure halfway to solving a problem by talking to someone about it. Talking to someone helps a lot.n我星期一要考试,我必须为之做准备。nI have an exam on Monday so I must prepare /s

4、tudy for it.n今晚你有空和我一起去看电影吗?nAre you free to go to the movie with me tonight?n如果你遇到什么问题,你可以和你的父母谈谈,因为他们有丰富的经验。nIf you are in trouble, you can talk to your parents because they have a lot of experience.n如果你不找人倾诉你的问题你会感觉更糟糕的。nYoull feel worse if you dont talk to someone about your problems.nunless you

5、 talk to someonen现在的青少年常常有许多忧虑nTeenagers these days often have lots of worries.n有时他们在学习上有困难,有时和朋友间有问题。nSometimes they have problems with their schoolwork, and sometimes with their friends.n一些人相信最糟糕的事情就是什么都不做。nSome people think the worst thing is to do nothing.n问题和忧虑在生活中是很正常的。nProblems and worries ar

6、e normal in life.人际交往人际交往 communicationn命题者一般是针对学校或家庭组织的集体或个命题者一般是针对学校或家庭组织的集体或个人外出活动来设计试题,要求考生对活动的过人外出活动来设计试题,要求考生对活动的过程、所见所闻以及感受进行描写。通常会从程、所见所闻以及感受进行描写。通常会从旅旅行前的准备行前的准备(旅行目的、地点、交通方式、必(旅行目的、地点、交通方式、必备物品、时间等)、备物品、时间等)、旅行时的注意事项旅行时的注意事项(保护(保护环境、不乱扔垃圾、遵守交通规则、积极主动环境、不乱扔垃圾、遵守交通规则、积极主动帮助他人等)、帮助他人等)、旅游方式旅游

7、方式的描述及的描述及旅游后的收旅游后的收获获(感受)四方面进行设题。文章多用一般过(感受)四方面进行设题。文章多用一般过去式。去式。写作话题 topic writingUseful expressionsncommunication 沟通与交流沟通与交流nWhat, Why, Who, Hown分享问题犹如将其对半割裂。分享问题犹如将其对半割裂。nSharing a problem is like cutting it in half.n我们应当多为他人考虑。我们应当多为他人考虑。nWe should think more about others.n共同做一件事情时是和他人沟通的好机会。共同

8、做一件事情时是和他人沟通的好机会。nIt is a good chance for us to communicate with others while doing something together.Useful expressionsnA trip 旅行旅行n天公作美天公作美,既不冷也不热。既不冷也不热。nThe weather is quite fine,neither cold nor hot.n我们不仅参观了许多著名风景区而且还品尝了不我们不仅参观了许多著名风景区而且还品尝了不少当地美食。少当地美食。nWe not only visited many famous beauty

9、spots but also tasted lots of local delicious food.n我还为我的好朋友买了一些漂亮的纪念品。我还为我的好朋友买了一些漂亮的纪念品。nAlso, I bought some nice gifts/souvenirs for my friends.Useful expressionsnA trip 旅行旅行n我认为这是一次难忘的经历。我认为这是一次难忘的经历。nI think it was an unforgettable experience.n我们拍了很多照片。我们拍了很多照片。nWe took many photos.n我在海滩上遇到几个外国

10、人,并和他们聊天。真我在海滩上遇到几个外国人,并和他们聊天。真是一个练习英语的好机会。是一个练习英语的好机会。nI met some foreigners on the beach, and chatted with them. It was really a good chance of practicing English.Additional 其它常用表达(其它常用表达(P25)n我确实喜欢观赏城里的花草树木。我确实喜欢观赏城里的花草树木。nI really enjoyed watching flowers and trees around the city.n因为天气好,我们可以在湖里

11、游泳。因为天气好,我们可以在湖里游泳。nBecause of the fine weather, we could swim in the lake.n沿途我们看到了许多美丽的风景。沿途我们看到了许多美丽的风景。nWe saw many beautiful sceneries along the way.n北海公园是如此的漂亮,我们将永远难忘这次北海公园是如此的漂亮,我们将永远难忘这次旅行。旅行。 n Beihai Park is so beautiful that we cant forget this trip forever.n我们拍了很多照片。我们拍了很多照片。 nWe took lo

12、ts of photos.n然后我们午饭吃了北京烤鸭。然后我们午饭吃了北京烤鸭。 nThen we had the Beijing roast duck for lunch.n汤姆说他将永远不会忘记这次旅行。汤姆说他将永远不会忘记这次旅行。nTom said that he would never forget it.Sample writing (P27) Xu Hui is my cousin. She was born on Sep. 26,1997. She is tall and has long straight hair. Xu huiis good at singing. Sh

13、e wants to be a singer whenshe grows up, so she takes singing lessons everyweek. She is also interested in cooking. She learnsto do different kinds of food everyday. Xu Hui likesto stay at home on weekends. After finishing herhomework, she likes to help her mother do somehousework. She thinks its interesting.



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