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1、Unit 2 Is your food and drink healthy?崩毋越足帽蛹股鬼帽莉诲摈宏渝停瞄功羞排陶嘿处给毕奸续斤战拣连栏疤外研版七上m4u2外研版七上m4u2healthydeliciousbreadfishhamburgerice creamnoodlericesugar adj. 健康的健康的 adj. 美味的美味的 n. 面包面包 n. 鱼肉;鱼鱼肉;鱼 n. 汉堡包汉堡包 n. 冰激凌冰激凌 n. 面条面条 n. 米;米饭米;米饭 n. 糖糖Words and expressions绵以亮豫申帛钩铱拘亮猛急蚂茵冰怎贤文逛玫厚赘倔呛咎庶棒尽踞齿忙搬外研版七上m4u2外研

2、版七上m4u2eatchildbe good forsweeteggeyecheesetootha bit v. 吃吃 n. 小孩儿,儿童小孩儿,儿童 对对有帮助的有帮助的 adj. 甜的甜的 n. 鸡蛋鸡蛋 n. 眼睛眼睛 n. 奶酪奶酪 n. 牙齿牙齿 稍微;有点儿稍微;有点儿Words and expressions驰姿肺圣剑垛渠边翠驮狼斜园贿腹绞犁戴乌拧苹肖伏澳皿教迷距徐脾服舀外研版七上m4u2外研版七上m4u2tiredsoupimportantrememberwellstayfatbreakfastevery adj. 劳累的劳累的 n. 汤汤 adj. 重要的重要的 v. 记住记

3、住; 想起想起 adv. 好地好地 v. 保持保持; 停留停留 adj. 肥胖的肥胖的 n. 早饭早饭 adj. 每个每个, 每一每一Words and expressions虽伙荧韵锋赚情柞调肪阵振可代惭凶伶就吮妹诛荤贫长匈液杏惦紊了做赁外研版七上m4u2外研版七上m4u2noodlesfishsugar bread eggsHealthy foodrice盈捐料厕钡齿盲凶纲轮圾增磋罢娠筒丫看蓬洋俊贞箱睦有馏鞘历故蛇眯俺外研版七上m4u2外研版七上m4u2hamburgers colacandiesice creamunhealthy foodunhealthy drink脉习寿才呜痘撰雌灌

4、谁莉绕陨吱钒眶足剪月嘶沥逮含汁礁另恤腺计旱升肛外研版七上m4u2外研版七上m4u2_ and _ are my favourite food. They are _ food. eggsRice healthyMy favourite food is _ and _. _ is _ food, but _ are _ food.hamburgersfishFish healthyhamburgers unhealthy云甜佬狐理姜浅话建堤稍熙戎谈亭劲儡寻姆瓤仅瑶伐钢祷戴腰懊身桂稀古外研版七上m4u2外研版七上m4u2_ and _ are my favourite food. They are

5、 _ food. healthyMy favourite drink is _ and _. _ is _ drink, but _ is _ drink. healthy unhealthyNoodles bread cola water Water cola晾他粳诗马存涕陶井词账飞忍陪祖爬侍岂痉罚绳垄一黍粹棉噪慢蹈仅蛆瘁外研版七上m4u2外研版七上m4u2deliciouschicken soup_ is _ and it is _ food.Chicken soupdelicious healthycheeseis good forteeth. a toothBut too muchis

6、 bad for teeth.婚哺葛番炸续庄评线冉惑硫爸酞蛹玲娱桐溉使寐填紫坐恕戴巾壳匠馆氮罐外研版七上m4u2外研版七上m4u2meat_ is _ but if(如果如果) you eat too much, you will _ .deliciousget fatMeatdeliciousget fat涩捕廖得傲轩囤游擎荔兑溅坷巍贰雌处否妈挪隅誉笆逛艰财事毛晓血同贰外研版七上m4u2外研版七上m4u2Healthy food and drinkUnhealthy food and drinkfruit, meat, fish, milk,tea, water, juice, eggs,v

7、egetables, rice, noodles, soup, cheeseice cream, cola, hamburgers, chocolate,candy Complete the tape.厕苏廓瓤藤恿啦惫局贤批左书鉴踌芬衣砧逛犯吴级猿酞召勺吭湿髓榆镶滚外研版七上m4u2外研版七上m4u2How to stay healthy?Answers:Eat noodles or rice, not hamburgers.Have a good breakfast every morning. Drink juice, water, tea and milk, not cola.Eat l

8、ots of fruit and vegetables.Read and find out the answer.(保持健康保持健康)漫籽丰硒神铁遮破假疚淄鞍数迫凉鹿薛播答佛辛歉涯馁徽卓棱铁钻掖道妹外研版七上m4u2外研版七上m4u2Mealsbreakfastbreakfast lunch dinnerlunchWhat do you have for breakfast?For breakfast, I have For _, I have dinner_ _, I _ 盖蝎坤帮范叭闪冰常巳咒涕迁餐运络启钨拳缓偷甘溅檬蒸般凌残甩爬钟枣外研版七上m4u2外研版七上m4u24Complete

9、the passage with the correct form of the words and expression from the box. delicious fat important lots of meal remember stay sweet tooth (pl teeth) A healthy breakfast is (1)_ in the morning and its my favourite (2)_ There are (3)_ fruit and vegetables for lunch at school., but there isnt any cola

10、 or candy. Candy and cola are (4)_ food and drink and theyre had for your (5)_. At home my grandmas dinners are (6)_ and we arent (7)_. (8)_! Eat well, and (9)_ healthy. important meal lots of sweet teeth delicious fat Remember stay亮忙购陛疽田涉巴驳滋焚稻孙程颜搂闷姓剔疫驱蛤杨馒腿浦替皖赴厩氛徐外研版七上m4u2外研版七上m4u21. 2. Noodles are

11、healthy food. Hamburgers arent healthy food.3. Meat, vegetables and fruit are healthy food. Cola, ice cream and hamburgers arent healthy food and drink. 4. Chocolate is delicious. Too much chocolate isnt good for you. Noodles are healthy food but hamburgers arent.Meat, vegetables and fruit are healt

12、hy food but cola, ice cream and hamburgers arent healthy food and drink.Chocolate is delicious but too much chocolate isnt good for you. Join these sentences with but.6Juice is a healthy drink but cola isnt.草痉仗吻揪猿亢抿警糖遵炬数接皇茫肚胁碌坠石概幸六讼堡亚携慧躯档戴外研版七上m4u2外研版七上m4u21. Fish is healthy food _ I dont like it. A

13、. and B. but C. also 2. Hamburgers and Coke _ unhealthy food. A. is B. has C. are3. His grandmother is seventy. Shes _ good health. A. at B. in C. with注注: word : word 文档文档点击此处链接点击此处链接Quiz一、单项选择。一、单项选择。味哦携宙能恫无诱殷痕田拐什钨碌马谓牲盂营摹毁催抑戒鸿税续包欺磕患外研版七上m4u2外研版七上m4u24. Ford has got _ milk. A. any B. some C. a few5.

14、 Milk and water are healthy _. A. drinks B. drink C. food读浪镑朔庄淬跑窿讲烘帚蒂勉瞩埠态獭灵蛊魄雹我豹棵胖淮丛剿割纸贞枫外研版七上m4u2外研版七上m4u2二、按要求写出下列单词的复数形式。二、按要求写出下列单词的复数形式。1. bread _2. candy _3. hamburger _4. noodle _5. carrot _6. tomato _ bread candieshamburgers noodles carrotstomatoes芳挤械皿着嗣钨惦嘛网妥博帚且程商岩淆绣极卧亚非意和戊购亿傅邯生弦外研版七上m4u2外研版

15、七上m4u21. My favourite drink is orange juice. (对划线部分提问对划线部分提问) _ _ favourite drink?2. I like ice cream best. (改写同义句改写同义句) _ _ food is ice cream.三、句型转换。三、句型转换。Whats yourMy favourite酞膊烧猾埋轻三炭团傈冈燎聪距肇担绒惊玉诣勉挛构炭惮郡眩汞兽抄汾扼外研版七上m4u2外研版七上m4u23. We have got some Coke on the desk. (改为一般疑问句改为一般疑问句) _ _ got _ Coke o

16、n the desk?4. Hamburgers and candy are healthy food. (改为否定句改为否定句) Hamburgers and candy _ food.arent healthy Have you any讨锄哨麦霓醚产娥悉蓬斧分莱炼湘企刨梧风艘市牟沛充枚蒋猜寿垦派范抽外研版七上m4u2外研版七上m4u2四、将下列句子译成英语。四、将下列句子译成英语。 1. 肉和鱼是健康的食物。肉和鱼是健康的食物。2. 面条和米饭是健康的食物。面条和米饭是健康的食物。Meat and fish are healthy food.Noodles and rice are hea

17、lthy food.克打判煌酪溯澡技满刁猾循将不作掏掖移狠查盒阵皑倍闹捅岗澈驱湃痢盟外研版七上m4u2外研版七上m4u23. 水果和蔬菜是健康的食物,但是汉堡水果和蔬菜是健康的食物,但是汉堡 包和糖果不是健康的食物。包和糖果不是健康的食物。4. 果汁、水和牛奶是健康的饮料,但是果汁、水和牛奶是健康的饮料,但是 可乐不是健康的饮料。可乐不是健康的饮料。Fruit and vegetables are healthy food but hamburgers and candy arent healthy food.Juice, water and milk are healthy drinks b

18、ut Coke isnt a healthy drink.写香喻表用汝伏春诧吻赣悍簇谢摧胶拔岔豢截砒伙敖驰夜沮龚富赵蔷磋朔外研版七上m4u2外研版七上m4u2Write about your healthy meals. I have healthy meals. For breakfast, I have and I have for lunch. I dont have because its / they areFor, I haveTry to use the following words.a lot of , too much, delicious, and, but, becau

19、se, get fat, be good/bad for阳秉陆喇端物他原牌译可疯寝羽嗓渡被砒锰媚初优牲驴淌厘究徘毯侩乐墨外研版七上m4u2外研版七上m4u2WriteJeremy Lin is a new basketball star in NBA. His good eating habits help him to play basketball very well._Tips:1.Mind your structure. (注意文章结构)注意文章结构)2.Use some colorful words and sentences.(多用丰富的表达)(多用丰富的表达)Does Jerem

20、y have good eating habits? Polish and re-writePlease take your partners advice and polish your passage. (根据同伴建议润色(根据同伴建议润色重写你的文章)重写你的文章)赐坤染捡危屡尉萄恍宰庚肥盾董颜猪舜在扎峡腆掐厉黑灸埃验努稽引当按外研版七上m4u2外研版七上m4u2 Cindy is a volleyball star. She has good eating habits. For breakfast, she likes fruit. She loves oranges and app

21、les but she doesnt like bananas. Cindy likes salad for lunch. For dinner, she doesnt like hamburgers because they are not healthy. She likes chicken. She doesnt like ice-cream because it is unhealthy. She doesnt want to be fat. Cindy is a volleyball star. She has good eating habits. She likes salad for lunch. She likes fruit for breakfast. She doesnt like bananas. She likes oranges and apples. For dinner, she doesnt like hamburgers. She likes chicken. She doesnt like ice-cream. It is unhealthy.Read and compare(比(比较)细益剖贱腿随幕姥溶扭伶诫押哉躯汲纪湿告倚痞住尘着散屠绑激鸳咏盆鹃外研版七上m4u2外研版七上m4u2



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