高考英语语法一轮复习 介词和介词短语课件1

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1、五、介五、介词词和介和介词词短短语语 从从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。处的最佳选项。()1. With new technology,pictures of underwater valleys can be taken _ color.Aby BforCwith Din1D。本题考查的是介词的用法。句意为。本题考查的是介词的用法。句意为“随随着新技术的发展,可以拍摄海床山谷的彩色照着新技术的发展,可以拍摄海床山谷的彩色照片。片。”此处此处in表状态,与表状态,与be in order用法相同。用法相同。()2. Shirley, a r

2、eal book lover, often brings home many books to read_ the library.Ain BforCby Dfrom2D。本题考查介词用法。本题考查介词用法。to read是不定式作目是不定式作目的状语,即的状语,即“often bring many books home from the library to read”,from“从从”。句意。句意为为“Shirley经常把许多书从图书馆带回家里读。经常把许多书从图书馆带回家里读。” ()3.Although _ my opinion,the old professor didnt come

3、 up with his own.Aagainst Bon Cfor Din3A。根据句意,此处表示。根据句意,此处表示“反对反对”。 ()4.Scientists are convinced _ the positive effect of laughter _ physical and mental health.Aof;at Bby;in Cof;on Don;at4C。be convinced of是固定短语,后面表示是固定短语,后面表示 “对对的影响的影响”,所以用,所以用on。 ()5.I think he is taking an active part in social wo

4、rk.I agree with you_.Ain a way Bon the way Cby the way Din the way5A。in a way意思是意思是 “在某种程度上在某种程度上”。众所周知,介众所周知,介词词又称又称为为前置前置词词,是一种虚,是一种虚词词,用来表示句子中用来表示句子中词词与与词词之之间间的关系。介的关系。介词虽为词虽为虚虚词词,但其使用的多,但其使用的多变变性使英性使英语语成成为为世界上最世界上最为为灵活、灵活、简洁简洁、精、精练练的的语语言之一,从而言之一,从而值值得学得学习习者特者特别别注意。学注意。学习习介介词词用法除要掌握一般常用法除要掌握一般常规规

5、用法外,用法外,还须还须注意一些特殊用法、固定搭配注意一些特殊用法、固定搭配等。等。注意:注意:1关于关于“在周末在周末”的几种表示法:的几种表示法:at(on)the weekend 在周末在周末特指特指 at(on)weekends 在周末在周末泛指泛指 over the weekend 在整个周末在整个周末 during the weekend 在周末期在周末期间间 2表示表示“时时段段”、“时时期期”,in 在多数情况下可在多数情况下可以和以和during互互换换,前者,前者强强调对调对比,后者比,后者强强调调持持续续。但如果表示。但如果表示“在某在某项项活活动动的期的期间间”,则则只

6、能只能用用during。 但在但在过过去去时态时态中,中,in可用于表可用于表“在若干在若干时间时间以内以内”,这时这时不要不要误误用用during。The job was done during a week.() The job was done in a week.()这这工作在一星期内就完成了。工作在一星期内就完成了。3(1)since the war是指是指“自从自从战战争争结结束以来束以来”,若指,若指“自从自从战战争开始以来争开始以来”,须说须说“since the beginning of the war”。(2)不要将不要将since与与after混淆。比混淆。比较较:He

7、has worked here since 1965.(强强调时间调时间段段)自从自从1965 年以来,他年以来,他一直在一直在这这儿工作。儿工作。He began to work here after 1965.(强强调时间调时间点点)从从1965年以后,他开始在年以后,他开始在这这儿工儿工作。作。二、注意一些表示地点场所的介词二、注意一些表示地点场所的介词among 表示表示“在在之中之中”,只强调在某个群体,只强调在某个群体中有中有;between 表示表示“在在之间之间”,强调两者之间或,强调两者之间或每两者之间;每两者之间;in the middle of.表示表示“在在中间中间”,

8、强调在,强调在某一区域的正中间。某一区域的正中间。注意:很多表地点的介词短语有引申、比喻含义:注意:很多表地点的介词短语有引申、比喻含义:in the mud在泥中,在泥中,beyond hope绝望,绝望,in freezing在严寒天气中,在严寒天气中,in danger在危险中,在危险中,in trouble在困境在困境中,中,in public在公共场合中,在公共场合中,under construction在建设中,在建设中,on business出差,出差,in the same boat处境一样,处境一样,on sale在出售在出售三、表示方式、手段、工具等介词三、表示方式、手段、

9、工具等介词(by,with,on,in)1by:The blind men thought they could learn what the elephant looked like by touching it.make a living by teaching,by hand(手工地,靠手工地,靠手工地手工地),by letter,by post,by electricity,learn sth by heart,struck by the beauty(因美丽因美丽而着迷而着迷)He was paid by the hour / the day / the month.(他按时他按时/

10、日日/月月/被付给工钱被付给工钱)。by plane / train / ship / air / water / sea.,by means of(用用手段,方式手段,方式),by way of(经由,经由,取道于取道于),learn English by / over / through / on the radio2on:live on food,kneel on ones knees,lie / sleep on ones back / side / face仰仰/侧侧/俯卧俯卧(睡睡)3in:in English,in ink,in silence,in one voice(异口同声

11、地异口同声地),in a hurry(匆忙地匆忙地),in surprise(惊惊讶讶地地) 4with:write with a pen,work with ones hands,smell with ones nose,beat the horse with a whip(鞭子鞭子).从从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。处的最佳选项。()1.Most people in that area objected _ a golf playground there.Ato build Bof buildingCto have built Dto

12、 building1D。固定搭配。固定搭配object to (反对反对) 中中to是介词,后是介词,后面要接动名词。面要接动名词。 ()2.In the experiment we kept a watchful eye _ the developments and recorded every detail.Ain Bat Cfor Don2D。因为。因为keep an eye on.是习语,意为是习语,意为“密切注视密切注视”。 ()3._ the rapid growth of short messages sent by mobile phones,the increasing nu

13、mber of criminal cases appeared through short messages.AFor BByCAs DWith3D。表示。表示“随着随着”,as是连词,后接句是连词,后接句子;子;with是介词,后接名词。是介词,后接名词。 ()4.Britain has recently had a high level of unemploymentbut the same is true _ many other countries.Aat BfromCof Dto4C。of在在方面。方面。 ()5.The pretty girl is known _ the publ

14、ic _ a little film star _ her excellent performance in a film.Ain;as;with Bto;as;forCamong;with;in Dby;for;because of5B。be known to sb 为某人所知;为某人所知;as作为;作为;be known for因因而出名。而出名。 ()6.The woman sold the eggs _ seven dollars and they were sold _ half price.Awith;at Bfor;atCat;in Dby;on6B。以多少钱买卖用。以多少钱买卖

15、用for;但与;但与price连用,连用,表示以某种价格买卖时,用表示以某种价格买卖时,用at。 ()7.This skirt is made _ your mother _ her own measure.Afor;to Bfor;forCto;to Dfor;by7A。made to (ones own) measure按按(某某人的人的)尺寸定做。尺寸定做。 ()8.Food prices increased _ 10% in less than a year.Afor BtoCby Dat8C。表示。表示“相差相差”的程度用的程度用by。.比较所给介词的异同,并选择正确的介词填空。比较

16、所给介词的异同,并选择正确的介词填空。1I happened to run across him _ (along / in / through) the street the other day.2This kind of work is unfamiliar _ (with / for / to) me.3His bestknown work that is_ (beyond / over / above) all praise can be seen in the museum.4The soldier was wounded in the stomach,and the doctor operated _ (in / on / for) him immediately.5That highrise block is wonderful_ (except / except for / besides) being far away from the downtown area.in to beyond on except for



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