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1、Module 6 Unit 1 It allows people to get closer to them.Our earth is in danger!We should protect it!kill animals. Cut down trees. Make the air dirtyDo you like animalsGuess what they are?Ready?I am orange and black. I am the king of the forest.I am tall and I have a long neck. In order to eat leaves

2、from the tall tree, _giraffeI am black and white and I like to eat bamboo.pandaThe panda is our national treasure(国宝).But they are in danger.I am the tigers cousin. I need to eat enough meat to keep strong. And the animals call me king. _lionI am big and I have a very long nose. _elephantThe elephan

3、t is friendly and lives in peace with people.I am brown and I live in the forest. _bearThe bear can climb trees and swim. The bear likes living in the wild.I am long and thin. I have no arms or legs, I like to catch mice. I am dangerous._snake animalsgiraffeelephanttigerbearsnakemonkeypandalionwolfW

4、hats your favourite animal?My favourite animal is the_. Words and expressionsn. 蛇蛇n. 颈;脖子颈;脖子adj. 薄的;细长的薄的;细长的n. 危险;危害危险;危害 处于危险中处于危险中 终于;最后终于;最后adj. 关心的;感兴趣的关心的;感兴趣的v. 允许;准许允许;准许 想到;想出想到;想出v. 保护;保卫保护;保卫snake snekneck nekthin ndanger dendin dangerat lastinterested ntrstdallow lathink ofprotect prtek

5、tWords and expressionsadj. 野生的野生的n. 野生环境野生环境v. (逐渐)变得;生长(逐渐)变得;生长 夺去;拿走夺去;拿走adj. 足够的;充分的足够的;充分的 n. 和平;太平和平;太平 和平地;平静地和平地;平静地 n. 布告;告示布告;告示 照顾;照管照顾;照管 v. 筹集(钱款);抚养;养育筹集(钱款);抚养;养育wild waldgrow grtake awayenough nfpeace pisin peacenotice ntslook afterraise rezpanda看图猜单词看图猜单词snakewhalebeartigerelephantc

6、ameldolphinListen and read1.What is this weeks Animal World about?2.What animal are in danger?This weeks Animal World is about snakes.Animals such as pandas, lions,elephants and bears are in danger.1.Iam tall and I have a long neck. _ 2.I am the tigers cousin. _ 3.I am long and thin. _4.I am big and

7、 I have a very long nose. _5.I am brown and I live in the forest. _ Look at the pictures and do the quiz. Use the words in the box.1bear elephant giraffe lion snakegiraffelionsnakeelephantbear3 Listen and read.阅读对话,在文中画出下列新词汇并写出这些单词的意思:snake _ neck _ thin_ danger _in danger _ at last_interested _ al

8、low_ think of _ protect _ wild _ grow _ take away _ enough _ peace _ in peace _ look after _ raise _蛇颈薄的危险处于危险中终于感兴趣的允许想到保护野生的生长夺去足够的和平和平地照顾筹集阅读对话,在文中画出下列短语,朗读并默写。终于,最后_ 想出想到 _ 夺去拿走 _ 和平地平静地_ be interested to do _ get closer to them _ protect them better _ grow bigger _ enough clean water _ raise so

9、me money _ find out _ as many as possible _ at lastthink oftake awayin peace 对去做某事感兴趣对去做某事感兴趣 靠近它们靠近它们 更好地保护它们更好地保护它们 变大变大足够干净的水足够干净的水筹集一些钱筹集一些钱找出找出 尽可能的多尽可能的多(Lingling and Betty are leaving the zoo.)Lingling: Did you like the Zoo? Betty: Yes! I saw the pandas at last! But I am more interested to se

10、e the pandas in the WoLong Panda Reserve, because it allows people to get closer to them.Lingling: Its sad to think of pandas and other animals in danger. Betty: We need to protect them better.Lingling: Yes. Many wild animals dont have a safe place to live, because villages and farms are growing big

11、ger and are taking away their land and forests. Betty: Also, often there isnt enough clean water. I think we all need to help animals live in peace.Look, theres a notice.Lingling: It says, Help! We want to save animals in danger, and we need your help. Betty: But what can we do?Lingling: It says, Yo

12、ur money pays to look after the animals, That means we can give money to help protect the animals. Betty: Maybe we can raise some money at school. Lets find out what else we can do to save as many animals as possible.1. Many animals dont have a safe place to live because villages and farms are growi

13、ng bigger and are taking away their land and forests.2. There isnt enough clean water.1.Give money to look after animals.2. Raise money at school.3.Find out what else we can do to save as many animals as possible.Listen to Activity 3 carefully. Check the sentences true or false.1. Betty saw the at l

14、ast.2. The Wolong Panda Reserve people to get closer to the animals.3. Many wild animals a safe place to live.4. We can raise money to help protect the animals.FFF T doesnt allowtigerspandasallows dont have have1. But I am more interested to see the pandas in the Wolong Panda Reserve. be interested

15、to do sth. 对做对做感兴趣感兴趣 be interested in sth. 对对感兴趣感兴趣 be more interested in 对对更感兴趣更感兴趣 e.g. The boy is interested in the film.2. because it allows people to get closer to them. to get closer to them在句中作宾语补足语,在句中作宾语补足语,类似的结构有很多,类似的结构有很多,例如:例如: ask sb. to do sth. 请求某人做某事请求某人做某事 need sb. to do sth. 需要某人

16、做某事需要某人做某事 want sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事想要某人做某事 allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人去做某事允许某人去做某事e.g. His father doesnt allow him to play before he finishing his homework.3. Its sad to think of pandas and other animals in danger. think of 想到,想出想到,想出 e.g. What do you think of the zoo? in danger 处于险境,处于危险之中处于险境,处于危

17、险之中e.g. The girl is very ill and her life is in danger. 4. have a safe place to live 表示表示“有安全的居住地有安全的居住地”。 to live放在名词放在名词place的后面做定语。的后面做定语。5. because villages and farms are growing bigger and are taking away their land and forests. take away 表示表示“夺去,拿走夺去,拿走”。代词要。代词要放在中间。放在中间。e.g. Please take away

18、your things. 动词不定式的功能动词不定式的功能1. 动词不定式做宾语补足语。动词不定式做宾语补足语。动词不定式作宾语补足语,是对宾语的补充动词不定式作宾语补足语,是对宾语的补充说明。说明。常见的动词有常见的动词有:want, tell, would like, choose, allow, ask, invite, help等。等。注意:(注意:(1)以上动词后接不定式做宾语补足)以上动词后接不定式做宾语补足语时,若要表达否定意思,要在语时,若要表达否定意思,要在to do前面加前面加not,构成,构成not to do的形式。的形式。e.g. Mr. Han told us no

19、t to make too much noise.(2)有些动词后接不定式做宾语补足语时,)有些动词后接不定式做宾语补足语时,可以接不带可以接不带to的不定式,常见的这类动词有:的不定式,常见的这类动词有:help, make, let, have, hear, feel, see等。等。e.g. His words made everyone laugh.2. 动词不定式作目的状语。动词不定式作目的状语。如果表示如果表示“做某事是为了什么做某事是为了什么”,可以用动,可以用动词不定式表示目的,作目的状语。词不定式表示目的,作目的状语。e.g. Dylan trained hard to im

20、prove his basketball skills.Example:surprisingIt is surprising to see a dog in the classroom.interestingIt is interesting to play basketball.rightIt isnt right to sleep in class.hard/difficultIt is hard/difficult to finish the homework.importantIt is important to study hard. Many wild animals, such

21、as pandas, are in (1) _. We need to (2) _ them! Often there is not (3) _ land or forests, so the animals do not have a safe place to live. The Wolong Panda Reserve (4) _ people to get closer to the pandas. And the pandas live (5) _ there. You can help (6) _ money to protect pandas and other wild ani

22、mals.allows danger enough in peace protect raiseprotectraiseallowsdangerenoughin peace1. My fathers job is _ animals. A. feed B. to feed2. He hurried to school without _ breakfast. A. having B. have3. _ is difficult for him _ the book. A. That; read B. It; to read4. Im _ in the _ story. A. interesti

23、ng; interested B. interested; interesting一、选择填空。一、选择填空。Quiz注注: word : word 文档文档点击此处链接点击此处链接1. He is _ in Harry Potter, and wants to buy a book. A. interest B. interested C. interesting2. Mr. Li didnt allow his students _ A. to go out B. go out C. to go in3. Lets raise money for the animals _. A. in

24、danger B. in safety C. on earth4. The villagers are _ the forests for bears to live. A. taking out B. taking off C. taking awayBAAC二、根据句意及首字母提示二、根据句意及首字母提示, 完成下列句子。完成下列句子。1. You are no longer a child and you should learn to p_ yourself.2. Its better for the animals to live in the w_.3. 15 minutes is e_ time for you to have a coffee.4. Giraffes have very long n_.5. That n_ on the wall says “No smoking”.rotectildnoughecksoticeGoodbye !Thanks a lot !



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