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1、Lesson 11 One good turn deserves another 【New words and expressions】turn n. 行为,举止行为,举止deserve v. 应得到,值得应得到,值得lawyer n. 律师律师bank n. 银行银行salary n. 工资工资immediately adv. 立刻立刻turn n. 行为行为, 举止举止turn n.帮助或损害他人的举动、行为帮助或损害他人的举动、行为do sb. a good / an ill turn做对某人有利做对某人有利/不利的事。不利的事。 Yesterday George did me a go

2、od/an ill turn. 乔治乔治昨天做了一件对我有利昨天做了一件对我有利/不利的事。不利的事。 He is always ready to do a turn for others. 他总他总是乐于为他人做好事。是乐于为他人做好事。deserve v. 应得到应得到, 值得值得 deserve + n. 应该得到应该得到,值得值得,应得奖赏、惩罚等,应得奖赏、惩罚等He deserves praise. 他应该得到表扬他应该得到表扬Good work deserves good pay. 多劳多得多劳多得 deserve to do sth. 应该应该She deserved to b

3、e punished.You deserve to die!你应该去死!你应该去死!lawyer n. 律师律师Law法律法律 +er(表人的后缀表人的后缀) =律师律师work+er工人工人lawyers office 律师事务所律师事务所bank n. 银行,岸,河畔银行,岸,河畔He has a large deposit in the bank.他在银行有大笔存款。他在银行有大笔存款。The town stands on the left bank of the river.城镇位于河的左岸。城镇位于河的左岸。salary n. 工资工资salary n. 薪金,薪水薪金,薪水(月薪月

4、薪, 年薪,通常指职员、脑力劳动者如律师、教师、医生等有固定工作或管年薪,通常指职员、脑力劳动者如律师、教师、医生等有固定工作或管理阶层的收入,数额比较固定,一般按月支付理阶层的收入,数额比较固定,一般按月支付) My salary is paid on the 28th of the month.wage n. 工资,工钱工资,工钱(按小时按小时, 周计算的,通常指技工或一般体力劳动者,不稳定的工作人的收入,按周周计算的,通常指技工或一般体力劳动者,不稳定的工作人的收入,按周或天支付。一般用复数形式或天支付。一般用复数形式wages)。 When I worked as a waiter,

5、the wages were low, but the tips were good. 我当侍者时工资不高,但小费可观。我当侍者时工资不高,但小费可观。pay n. 工资工资(salary+wage,通用,通用)His employer docked his pay. 他的雇主扣了他的工资。他的雇主扣了他的工资。immediately adv. 立刻立刻right away =at once =immediately 立刻立刻, 马马上上right now 现在现在One good turn deserves another 礼尚往来礼尚往来, 善有善报善有善报one bad turn des

6、erves another 恶有恶报恶有恶报I was having dinner at a restaurant when Tony Steele came in.过去某一特定时候正在进行的动作,用过过去某一特定时候正在进行的动作,用过去进行时。去进行时。while+从句从句, 动词动词一定是延续性动词一定是延续性动词when+延续性动词延续性动词/瞬间动词瞬间动词While/when my mother was doing the housework, my father was watching TV.have breakfast; have lunch; have supper; ha

7、ve dinnerhave a meal 吃一顿饭吃一顿饭2、Tony worked in a lawyers office years ago, but he is now working at a bank.work for 为为工作;受雇于工作;受雇于强调工作强调工作Tom works for this firm汤姆在这家公司工作汤姆在这家公司工作work in/at 强调强调in后面的地点后面的地点working at a bank (some/several) years ago 名词名词-s,前面省略了前面省略了some3、He gets a good salary, but he

8、 always borrows money from his friends and never pays it back.borrow sth. from sb. 从从借来借来Never “从来不,从来不, 前面不需要加助动词,放在实义动前面不需要加助动词,放在实义动词前词前1 pay“归还债务等,归还债务等, pay back 还钱还钱2Vt. & Vi. “付,支付价款、账单。付,支付价款、账单。Pay for sth. / sb. 为某人或某物付款。为某人或某物付款。Pay+ 价钱价钱 / 账单账单 支付钱支付钱/账单。账单。I paid 100 Yuan for the dress.

9、I paid the bill.He gets a good salary他的薪水很高他的薪水很高good在这里的意思是在这里的意思是“相当大多的、相当大多的、“相当可观的:相当可观的:It takes me a good three hours to get there.我花了整整我花了整整3小时才到达那里。小时才到达那里。1工资很高工资很高:a good salary; a high salary; a fat salary工资很低工资很低:a poor salary; a low salary2 borrow 借入借入 borrow sth from sblend 借出借出 lend s

10、th to sb / lend sb sth3pay 在这里的意思是在这里的意思是“归还债务等,归还债务等,还可解释为还可解释为“付,支付价款、账单等付,支付价款、账单等。Pay 既是及物动词也可以是不及物动既是及物动词也可以是不及物动词。词。pay-paid-paidpayback 还钱还钱pay money for为为付款付款pay for 付款付款I have paid 20 dollars for the book.pay back = return the amount of money repay还钱还钱pay off 还清还清pay off the debt 还清债务还清债务pa

11、y back: (1) 还钱;还债还钱;还债 He promised to pay back tomorrow. 他容许明天还钱。他容许明天还钱。 Ill pay back the money you lent me next week. 下星期我把你借给我的钱还给你。下星期我把你借给我的钱还给你。 Will you lend me 5? I will pay you back next month. 借给我五英镑钱好吗?我下个月还你。借给我五英镑钱好吗?我下个月还你。 (2) 报仇;报复报仇;报复 One day Ill pay back that boy who broke my bike

12、! 总有一天我得对弄坏我自行车的那个男孩总有一天我得对弄坏我自行车的那个男孩报复一下!报复一下! Ill pay him back blow for blow. 我会以牙还牙地报复他。我会以牙还牙地报复他。 pay off: (1) 全部偿清全部偿清 After all these years,weve at last paid off all our debts. 经过这么多年,我们总算把债还清了。经过这么多年,我们总算把债还清了。 (2) 给薪解雇给薪解雇 The crew have been paid off. 船员被发薪遣散。船员被发薪遣散。 pay for (1) 付钱;支付付钱;支

13、付 How much did you pay for that book? 买那本书你花了多少钱?买那本书你花了多少钱? I paid 1,000 for this house. 我买这所房子花了一千英镑。我买这所房子花了一千英镑。 Im quite able to pay for this suit. 这套衣服的钱我完全付得起。这套衣服的钱我完全付得起。 (2) 付出代价;受惩罚付出代价;受惩罚 He will have to pay for this foolish behaviour. 他将要为这种愚蠢行为而受报应。他将要为这种愚蠢行为而受报应。 You will pay for you

14、r dishonesty. 你不老实,总有一天会吃苦头的。你不老实,总有一天会吃苦头的。 He paid for his laziness by not passing his exam. 他没有通过考试,这是他懒而受到的惩罚。他没有通过考试,这是他懒而受到的惩罚。表花费的词:表花费的词:spend:人:人spend time/money/energy on sth / (in) doing sth人在花时间人在花时间/金钱金钱/精力,在某事上精力,在某事上/用用来做某事来做某事cost v. 主语是:事情,某物花费主语是:事情,某物花费cost-cost- costtake:It takes

15、took sb some time to do sth. 做某事花某人时间做某事花某人时间eg. It takes me 20 minutes to go to work every day. cost、pay、spend和和take的区别的区别spend的主语必须是人的主语必须是人, 常用于以下结构:常用于以下结构:(1) spend time money on sth. 在在上花费时间上花费时间金钱金钱.例:例:I spent two hours on this maths problem. 这这道数学题花了我两个小时道数学题花了我两个小时.(2) spend time money (in

16、) doing sth. 花费时间花费时间金钱做某事金钱做某事.例:例:They spent two years (in) building this bridge. 造造这座桥花了他们两年时间这座桥花了他们两年时间.(3)spend money for sth. 花钱买花钱买.例:例:His money was spent for books. 他的钱用来买书他的钱用来买书了了.cost的主语是物或某种活动的主语是物或某种活动, 还可以表示还可以表示“值值, 常见用法常见用法如下:如下:(1)sth. costs (sb.) 金钱金钱,某物花了某人多少钱某物花了某人多少钱.例:例:A new

17、 computer costs a lot of money. 买一台新电脑要花一大笔钱买一台新电脑要花一大笔钱.(2) (doing) sth. costs (sb.) 时间时间,某物做某事花了某物做某事花了某人多少时间某人多少时间.例:例:Remembering these new words cost him a lot of time. 他花了大量时间才记住了这些单词他花了大量时间才记住了这些单词. 注意:注意:cost的过去式及过去分词都是的过去式及过去分词都是cost,并且不能用于并且不能用于被动句被动句. take后面常跟双宾语后面常跟双宾语, 常见用法有以下几常见用法有以下几种

18、:种:(1) It takes sb. 时间时间to do sth. 做做某事花了某人多少时间某事花了某人多少时间.例:例:It took them three years to build this road. 他们用了三年时间修完了这条路他们用了三年时间修完了这条路.(2)doing sth. takes sb. 时间时间,做某事花了做某事花了某人多少时间某人多少时间.例:例:Repairing this car took him the whole afternoon. 他花了一下午修车他花了一下午修车.4、Tony saw me and came and sat at the same

19、 table.at the same table 坐在同一张桌子旁坐在同一张桌子旁边边at table 吃饭吃饭at the table 坐在桌子旁边坐在桌子旁边并列谓语并列谓语同一个主语同时或先后要执行两种以上的同一个主语同时或先后要执行两种以上的动作或行为时动作或行为时,没有必要屡次重复主语没有必要屡次重复主语,所所以形成几个动词连用的句式以形成几个动词连用的句式,这些动词同时这些动词同时担当谓语角色担当谓语角色,这些动词连用称为并列谓语这些动词连用称为并列谓语While he was eating, I asked him to lend me twenty pounds.ask sb.

20、 to do sth. 要某人做要某人做.lend sb. sth.借给某人某物。借给某人某物。borrow sth. from sb.从从sb借来借来sth.To my surprise, he gave me the money immediately.To ones surprise 令某人惊讶的是令某人惊讶的是5、I have never borrowed any money from you, Tony said, so now you can pay for my dinner!Its my treat. 我请客我请客Lets go dutch. AA制制New words and

21、 phrases好行为好行为值得,应得值得,应得律师律师银行银行工资工资立刻立刻向某人借向某人借借给某人借给某人good turndeserve diz:v lawyer l:j banksalary slri immediately imi:djtli borrow sth. from sb.lend sb. sth.find out the phrases进来进来一家律师事务所一家律师事务所有一份好薪水有一份好薪水从不从不归还归还坐在同张桌子边坐在同张桌子边为为.付钱付钱另我惊奇的是另我惊奇的是come ina lawyers officeget a good salarynever pa

22、y backsit at the same tablepay forTo my surpriseListen to the tape and fill in blanksI _ dinner at a restaurant when Tony Steele _. Tony worked in a _ office years ago, but he is now working at a _. He gets a good _, but he always _ money _ his friends and never _ it _. Tony saw me and came and _ th

23、e same table. He has never borrowed money from me. While he was eating, I asked him to _ twenty pounds. To my surprise, he gave me the money _. “I have never borrowed _ money from you. Tony said, “so now you can _ my dinner!was havingcame inlawyersbanksalaryborrowsfrompays backsat atlend meimmediate

24、lyanypay for 参考译文:参考译文: 我正在一家饭馆吃饭我正在一家饭馆吃饭, 托尼托尼.斯蒂尔走了进来斯蒂尔走了进来. 托尼曾在一家托尼曾在一家律师事务所工作律师事务所工作, 而现在正在一家银行上班而现在正在一家银行上班. 他的薪水很高他的薪水很高, 但他却总是向朋友借钱但他却总是向朋友借钱, 并且从来不还并且从来不还. 托尼看见了我托尼看见了我, 就就走过来和我坐到一张桌子前走过来和我坐到一张桌子前. 他从未向我借过钱他从未向我借过钱. 当他吃饭当他吃饭时时, 我提出向他借我提出向他借20英镑英镑. 令我惊奇的是令我惊奇的是, 他立刻把钱给了他立刻把钱给了我我. “我还从未向你借过

25、钱我还从未向你借过钱, “托尼说道托尼说道, “所以现在你可以替所以现在你可以替我付饭钱了我付饭钱了!Text ExplanationI was having dinner at a restaurant when Tony Steele came in. Tony worked in a lawyers office years ago, but he is now working at a bank. He gets a good salary, but he always borrows money from his friends and never pays it back. Ton

26、y saw me and came and sat at the same table. He has never borrowed money from me. While he was eating, I asked him to lend me twenty pounds. To my surprise, he gave me the money immediately. I have never borrowed any money from you, Tony said, so now you can pay for my dinner!【key structure】现在正在进行的动

27、作现在正在进行的动作is/am/are + doing (v-ing)I am playing the guitar now.通常发生的事通常发生的事 一般现在时一般现在时(do) v-原型原型I always get up at 7.过去发生的事过去发生的事v-过去式过去式(did)I bought a new dress yesterday.已经发生的事已经发生的事has/have + (done) v-过分过分He has learnt English for 3 years.过去某一特定时间正在进行的事过去某一特定时间正在进行的事was/were+ (doing) v-ingWhen

28、he came in , I was singing.Key structures(P53)Exercises C1 He usually _gets_ (get) up at 7 oclock, but this morning he _got_ (get) up at 6 oclock.2 So far, we not _have not had _ (have) a reply.3 While he _was writing_ (write) on the blackboard, the children _were talking_ (talk).4 I cant come now.

29、At the moment I _am typing_ (type) a letter.5 As the royal visitors _were passing_ (pass), the people cheered.【Special Difficulties】 动词动词+名词名词/代词代词+带带to的不定式的不定式某些动词之后的带某些动词之后的带to的不定式之前可以有一个名词的不定式之前可以有一个名词或代词。或代词。有些动词后的名词有些动词后的名词/代词可有可无代词可有可无,但有和,但有和没有经常影响影响整个句子的意义。没有经常影响影响整个句子的意义。I want to speak to

30、John.I want you to speak to John.Id like sb. to do sth. Id like to do sth.还有一些动词后面用不定式作宾语时,其后通常还有一些动词后面用不定式作宾语时,其后通常必必须有一名词或代词须有一名词或代词。这类动词有。这类动词有allow,advise,help,teach,tell,request等,这类动词不但可用于等,这类动词不但可用于主动语态,也可用于被动语态:主动语态,也可用于被动语态:My father did not allow us to see the picture.hope一定不能说一定不能说hope sb.

31、 to do sth.,正确用法是,正确用法是hope to do Begin的用法的用法1begin既可以作不及物动词,如:既可以作不及物动词,如:the class begins和和the movie begins等。等。 2但是它也可以做及物动词,用法类似于但是它也可以做及物动词,用法类似于start,后面可以直接加宾语。后面可以直接加宾语。 如:如:I began my class with a humorous story. 变成被动即为:变成被动即为:My class was begun with a joke (by me). 3不过用做不及物动词时居多,上句确实也可以不过用做不

32、及物动词时居多,上句确实也可以写成:写成: My class began with a humorous story. 总结:总结:want sb to do sthask sb to do sthallow sb to do sthhelp sb to do sthor: help sb do sthbeg sb to do sthteach sb to do sthadvise sb to do sthexpect sb to do sthhope一定不能说一定不能说hope sb. to do sth.,正确,正确用法是用法是hope to do (希望自己希望自己)或或hope tha

33、t(希望别人希望别人)salary 月薪非体力劳动者月薪非体力劳动者wages 周薪体力劳动者周薪体力劳动者eg. He collects his salary at the end of each month. 他每个月末领取工他每个月末领取工资。资。eg. The workmen collected their wages at the end of the week. 工人工人们每周末领取工资。们每周末领取工资。borrow 借进来借进来 lend 借出去借出去eg. He has never borrowed any money from me.eg. I asked him to l

34、end me $20. I asked him to lend $20 to me.练习答案练习答案 Key to written exercises1关键句型练习答案关键句型练习答案A a he is now working (1.2)b he gets (1.3); he always borrows (1.3); never pays it back (1.4)c came inworked (11.2-2); Tony saw (1.4); came and sat (1.4); I asked him (1.6); he gave me (1.7); Tony said (1.8)d

35、 He has never borrowed (1.5); I have never borrowed (1.7)e I was having (1.1); he was eating (1.6)C 1 getsgot2 have not had3 was writingtalked/ were talking4 am typing5 passed/ were passingD The Taj Mahal was builtafter he became/ had become ruler, his wifedied. The Taj Mahal was built in her honour

36、. Experts were called inThe Taj Mahal, which was begun in 1632 and (was) completed in 1654, cost a fortuneit has been visited by2难点练习答案难点练习答案aA 1 The officer ordered the men to fire at the enemy.2 He wants his wife to wear this dress.3 She wants us to explain it.4 I cannot allow him to enter the roo

37、m.B (sample sentences)1 He asked me to help him.2 We preferred her to stay at home.3 He taught me to speak English.4 My mother wished me to collect the laundry3.5 Do you want her to visit you?b1 salary 2 lentsalary/ wages 3 borrowed 4 wages 5 wages3多项选择题答案多项选择题答案1 b 2 b 3 b 4 a 5 b 6 c7 c 8 a 9 c 10

38、 c 11b 12 d【Multiple choice questions】 1 Tony is working at a bank _ . a. at the moment b. a year ago c. since last year d. for a year at the moment用现在进行时 since+点时间自从,用现在完成时 since yesterday for(+段时间) 一段,用现在完成时 for three hours;for a day;for three days since three days ago 用一般过去时 【Multiple choice ques

39、tions】2 He gets a good salary. His salary is very _ . a. good b. well c. fine d. beautiful good salary 不错的薪水不错的薪水 well表示好的时候一般用作副词表示好的时候一般用作副词 fine用来形容天气好用来形容天气好, 质量好质量好 beautiful 美丽美丽,漂亮的漂亮的 【Multiple choice questions】3 Tony must pay the money back. He must _ . a. pay it again b. pay it c. repay it

40、 d. pay it once more pay back 还钱;还钱;pay something 付钱;付钱;pay again 再次付钱;再次付钱;pay it 付钱付钱 once more=again repay it =pay back 【Multiple choice questions】There arent enough chairs here for us all. Please bring_ one. a.other b.another c.extra d.a different one在这里是代词,指代上文的名词,指代在这里是代词,指代上文的名词,指代单数可数名词,可数名词单数前一定要加单数可数名词,可数名词单数前一定要加a/an



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