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1、B. Read and write B. Lets check B. Lets wrap it upUnit Unit 2 2 What day is it today?Its一、一、Warm-upWarm-upWhat do you have on. .?We have. . Do you often.on.?We often. . 2、回忆长元音回忆长元音/i:/的发音方法,学生读一读的发音方法,学生读一读“lets spell”部分的例词。部分的例词。feetfeetbeefbeefreadreadteatea meetmeeteateat点击小喇叭开始课堂听写二、二、R Reviewe

2、view星期五星期五 洗我的衣服洗我的衣服 看书看书星期四星期四 踢足球踢足球 看电视看电视 星期一星期一周末周末 星期二星期二 做作业做作业星期三星期三 星期日星期日 星期六星期六 星期五星期五 洗我的衣服洗我的衣服 看书看书Friday wash my clothes read books星期四星期四 踢足球踢足球 看电视看电视 星期一星期一Thursday play football watch TV Monday周末周末 星期二星期二 做作业做作业weekend Tuesday do homework星期三星期三 星期日星期日 星期六星期六Wednesday Sunday Saturd

3、ay开始对答案认真观察图片,想一想罗宾的建议是什么?认真观察图片,想一想罗宾的建议是什么?三、三、PresentationPresentation Whore in the pictures?Oliver and the robot, Robin.In the two pictures, Wu Yifan looks tired. What does he do? Lets read the dialogue and see.What does Wu Yifan do on Fridays?He has PE.What does Wu Yifan often do on the weekend

4、?He often watches TV.罗宾的建议Wu Yifan feels tired after PE class. Robin gives some advice. Look at the table. What should Wu Yifan do in each day of the week?He should play football on Mondays and Fridays, play ping-pong on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, play basketball on Wednesdays, and do Chines

5、e kung fu on Sundays.Read and writeRobins adviceRobin: You look tired. What do you have on Fridays?Wu Yifan: I have PE.Robin: Do you often play sports?Wu Yifan: No, I dont. I dont like sports.Robin: What do you often do on the weekend?Wu Yifan: I often watch TV. Sometimes I read books. You should pl

6、ay sports every day. Here is a new schedule for you.我会判断1、 明确听力任务。T: There is a listening material. Please listen to the tape and number.2、播放教学录音,学生根据录音内容标号。3、再次播放教学录音,师生一起核对答案。英语构词法中的合成法:合成法即由两个或更多的词合成一个词,像单词“Monday”和“bedroom”即是由合成法构成的。大家来找茬1.What do you have in Tuesdays?2.A: Do you often do homewo

7、rk? B: Yes, I am.3.A: Do you often play football? B: No, I do.只能改一处哦!只能改一处哦!四、四、PracticePractice连词成句,并加上正确的标点符号。(1)what, you, about_(2)housework, do, Sundays, on, I_(3)on, do, What, you, Fridays, have_(4)on, read, I, Saturdays, books_(5)day, What, is, it, today_通过本课学习,我们学会了:通过本课学习,我们学会了:词汇:词汇:Monday

8、, Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, weekend, wash , wash my clothes, watch, watch TV, do, do homework, read,read books,play, play football, cooking, often, park,tired,sport,play sports 句型:句型: What do you have on ? What do you do on? I have a cooking class with my grandma! Do you often ? What about you? Sometimes I read books.五、五、SummarySummary



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