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1、Modules 1Modules 12 2 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反前自学反馈课前自学反前自学反馈当堂效果当堂效果检测当堂效果当堂效果检测中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦最新外研版八年级英语上册期末复习课件全册2024/8/25类别类别课标考点要求课标考点要求词汇词汇拓展拓展1. correct_ 1. correct_ adv.adv.2. advice2. advice_ v._ v.3. possible3. possible_ (_ (反义词反义词) )4. forget4. forget_ _ (过去式)(过去式)5. pronounce5. pronounc

2、e_ n._ n.6. main_ adv.6. main_ adv.7. agree_(7. agree_(反义词反义词) _ () _ (名名词词) )8. spell8. spell_ n._ n. impossibleimpossibleadviseadviseforgotforgotmainlymainlypronunciationpronunciationcorrectly correctly 课前自学反馈第第5课时 Modules 12 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测disagredisagree eagreemen

3、tagreementspellingspelling类别类别课标考点要求课标考点要求词汇词汇拓展拓展9. natural_ 9. natural_ n n. .10. suggest10. suggest_ _ n n. .11. wide11. wide_ _ advadv. .12. especial12. especial_ _ adadv v. .1313mean_nmean_n. . 1414understand_ (understand_ (过去式过去式) )1515quick_ adv. quick_ adv. suggestionsuggestionnaturenaturees

4、pecialespeciallylywidelywidely第第5课时 Modules 12 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测understoodunderstoodquicklyquicklymeaningmeaning短语短语归纳归纳1.1.写下;记下写下;记下_2.2.查;查; 查找查找_3.3.犯错误犯错误_4.4.同意某人同意某人_5.5.因因而闻名而闻名_6.6.请求请求( (给予给予) _ ) _ 7.7. 对某人微笑对某人微笑_8. 8. 尽可能尽可能的的_9. 9. 试图做某事试图做某事_look upmake a

5、 mistake/mistakesagree with sb. be famous/known for ask forsmile at sb.write down第第5课时 Modules 12 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测asas possibletry to do sth.短语短语归纳归纳10.10.相当好;很好相当好;很好_11.11.变得更大更繁忙变得更大更繁忙_12.12.与与一样繁忙一样繁忙_13.13.有有人口人口_14.14.忘记要做某事忘记要做某事_15.15.故乡;家乡故乡;家乡 _16.16.事实上事实上

6、_ 17.17.建议某人做某事建议某人做某事_ 18.18.练习做某事练习做某事_ pretty goodpretty goodget bigger and busierget bigger and busieras busy asas busy ashave a population ofhave a population offorget to do forget to do sthsth. .第第5课时 Modules 12 八年级上册八年级上册 home townhome townin factin fact课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测adv

7、ise sb. to do sthadvise sb. to do sth. . practice doing sthpractice doing sth. . 句型句型再现再现1.1.为什么不把错误记在我们的笔记本上呢?为什么不把错误记在我们的笔记本上呢?_ _ _ down our mistakes _ _ _ down our mistakes in our notebooks?in our notebooks?2 2忘记新单词是很自然的。忘记新单词是很自然的。Its _ _ _ new words.Its _ _ _ new words.3.3.每天拼写和大声朗读新单词是一个好主意。每

8、天拼写和大声朗读新单词是一个好主意。_ _ _ _ to spell and _ _ _ _ to spell and pronounce new words aloud every day.pronounce new words aloud every day.4.4.听广播怎么样?听广播怎么样?How about _ _ the radio?How about _ _ the radio?listeninglisteningtotoItsItsa agoodgoodideaidea第第5课时 Modules 12 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效

9、果检测当堂效果检测forget forget WhyWhynotnotwritewritenaturalnaturaltoto句型句型再现再现5.5.终有一天,它将会变得和香港一样繁忙终有一天,它将会变得和香港一样繁忙Some day, itll become _ _ _ Some day, itll become _ _ _ Hong KongHong Kong6.6.它比深圳许多其他的建筑高。它比深圳许多其他的建筑高。Its _ _ many other buildings in Its _ _ many other buildings in Shenzhen.Shenzhen.7. 7.

10、 它位于泰晤士河畔,有大约十二万人口。它位于泰晤士河畔,有大约十二万人口。Its on the River Cam and has _ Its on the River Cam and has _ _ _ about 120, 000._ _ about 120, 000.asasbusybusyasastallertallerthanthana apopulationpopulationofof第第5课时 Modules 12 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测句型句型再现再现8 8很多学生请求给予如何提高他们英语水平的建议。很多学

11、生请求给予如何提高他们英语水平的建议。 Many students ask for advice about _ Many students ask for advice about _ _ improve their English. _ improve their English. 9 9我还建议你和朋友们谈论一下这些电影或歌曲。我还建议你和朋友们谈论一下这些电影或歌曲。 I also _ you _ talk about the I also _ you _ talk about the films or songs with your friends. films or songs w

12、ith your friends. howhowtotoadviseadvisetoto第第5课时 Modules 12 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测交际交际用语用语1.1. Why not write down our mistakes in our Why not write down our mistakes in our notebooks?notebooks? Thats a good idea.Thats a good idea.2 2What elseWhat else?3.3. Excellent! I agre

13、e with you.Excellent! I agree with you.4 4How was your weekend, How was your weekend, DamingDaming? ? Pretty good!Pretty good!5 5Whats the population of Shenzhen? Whats the population of Shenzhen? 6 6Lets try to speak English as much as Lets try to speak English as much as possible. possible. 第第5课时

14、Modules 12 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测第第5课时 Modules 12 八年级上册八年级上册 语法语法结构结构1. 1. 表示提建议的句型表示提建议的句型2. 2. 形容词的比较级形容词的比较级 详见详见P85P85,语法互动语法互动( (七七)话题话题写作写作学习提高篇学习提高篇 详见详见P105P105,话题写作(二),话题写作(二) 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测中考典例中考典例(1)(1)【20172017来宾来宾】When you are reading, you

15、can When you are reading, you can _ new words in your dictionary._ new words in your dictionary.A Alook atlook atB Blook after look after C Clook up Dlook up Dlook aroundlook around(2)(2)【20162016绵阳绵阳】My mother is ill in hospital. I have My mother is ill in hospital. I have to _ my grandparents at h

16、ome.to _ my grandparents at home.A Alook for Blook for Blook atlook atC Clook up Dlook up Dlook afterlook afterC C第第5课时 Modules 12 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测 解析解析 考查动词短语辨析。句意:我母亲生病住院,我不得不考查动词短语辨析。句意:我母亲生病住院,我不得不在家照顾我的爷爷奶奶。在家照顾我的爷爷奶奶。look forlook for意为意为“寻找寻找”;look atlook at意意为为“

17、看看”;look uplook up意为意为“查找查找”;look afterlook after意为意为“照顾;照顾;照看照看”。根据句意可知选。根据句意可知选D D。 D D 2 population 2 population n n( (某一地区的某一地区的) )人口,全体居民人口,全体居民第第5课时 Modules 12 八年级上册八年级上册 B课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测【点拨】【点拨】 population population 单独作主语时,谓语动词用第三人单独作主语时,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。但要注意:称单数形式。但要注意:(1)

18、population (1)population 作主语且有分数或百分数修饰时,谓语动作主语且有分数或百分数修饰时,谓语动词常用复数形式。词常用复数形式。About seventy percent of the population in China About seventy percent of the population in China are farmers.are farmers.中国大约有中国大约有70%70%的人口是农民。的人口是农民。(2)(2)表示人口表示人口“多多”用用large/biglarge/big,表示人口,表示人口“少少”用用smallsmall。India

19、has a large population.India has a large population.印度人口众多。印度人口众多。典型例题典型例题 (1)The population of China is_ (1)The population of China is_ (多多) than ) than that of America.that of America.(2)_(2)_(多少多少) is the population of China?) is the population of China?第第5课时 Modules 12 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考

20、点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测(3)(3)提问提问“有多少人口有多少人口”时,用时,用whatwhat,而不用,而不用how manyhow many或或how muchhow much。What is the population of CanadaWhat is the population of Canada?加拿大的人口是多?加拿大的人口是多少?少?larger/biggerlarger/biggerWhatWhat巧巧 辨辨 异异 同同1 advise1 advise与与suggestsuggest词条词条 名词形式名词形式 句型句型adviseadviseadvicea

21、dvice 不可数不可数 (1)advise (1)advise sb.tosb.to do do sthsth. .(2)advise doing (2)advise doing sthsth. .(3)advise(3)advisethat that 从句从句 虚拟语气虚拟语气: :(shouldshould)动词原形)动词原形 suggestsuggest suggestionsuggestion 可数可数 (1)suggest doing (1)suggest doing sthsth. .(2)suggest(2)suggestthatthat从句从句( (虚拟语气:虚拟语气:( (

22、shouldshould) )动词原形动词原形) )第第5课时 Modules 12 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测The doctor advised me to stop smoking.The doctor advised me to stop smoking.医生建议我戒烟。医生建议我戒烟。He advised that I (should) write her a letter.He advised that I (should) write her a letter.他建议我给她写封信。他建议我给她写封信。My fat

23、her suggested calling for a doctor at once.My father suggested calling for a doctor at once.父亲建议马上请位医生。父亲建议马上请位医生。第第5课时 Modules 12 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测典型例题典型例题 (1)You can ask your teacher for _(advise) on (1)You can ask your teacher for _(advise) on how to prepare for the

24、exam.how to prepare for the exam.(2)There is some useful _(advice) for you on (2)There is some useful _(advice) for you on this note.this note.(3)Your grandfather may give you some _ (3)Your grandfather may give you some _ (suggestion) on ways of raising money.(suggestion) on ways of raising money.s

25、uggestionssuggestionsadviceadviceadviceadvice2 2 be famous/known be famous/knownfor/as/tofor/as/tobe famous/known for be famous/known for 意为意为“因因而闻名而闻名”,后接原因。后接原因。be famous/known as be famous/known as 意为意为“作为作为而出名而出名”,后接身份。后接身份。be famous/known tobe famous/known to 意为意为“广为人知广为人知”,后接后接sbsb. .。第第5课时 Mo

26、dules 12 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测Confucius is famous for his thoughts.Confucius is famous for his thoughts.孔子因其思想而出名。孔子因其思想而出名。Confucius is famous as a great thinker.Confucius is famous as a great thinker.孔子作为一名伟大的思想家而出名。孔子作为一名伟大的思想家而出名。Confucius is famous to Chinese people.Co

27、nfucius is famous to Chinese people.中国人熟知孔子。中国人熟知孔子。第第5课时 Modules 12 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测典型例题典型例题用用for, asfor, as或或toto填空填空(1)Peng Liyuan(1)Peng Liyuan is famous _ Chinese people is famous _ Chinese people _ the First Lady in China._ the First Lady in China.(2)Tu Youyou(2)

28、Tu Youyou, a woman scientist from China, is famous , a woman scientist from China, is famous _ winning the Nobel Prize in 2015._ winning the Nobel Prize in 2015.第第5课时 Modules 12 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测forforasastoto3 aloud, loud3 aloud, loud与loudlyloudly第第5课时 Modules 12 八年级上册

29、八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测词条词条意义意义用法用法aloudaloud出声地;出声地;大声地大声地强调发出的声音能被听见,常强调发出的声音能被听见,常与与readread等动词连用。等动词连用。loudloud响亮地;响亮地;大声地大声地侧重于发出的声音大,传播距侧重于发出的声音大,传播距离远,一般多与离远,一般多与speak, talk, speak, talk, laughlaugh等动词连用。它还可用作等动词连用。它还可用作形容词。形容词。loudlyloudly响亮地响亮地有时可与有时可与loudloud互换,含有互换,含有“喧

30、喧闹闹”或或“嘈杂嘈杂”的含义,可与的含义,可与ring, knockring, knock等动词连用。等动词连用。Read aloud so that we can hear you.Read aloud so that we can hear you.读大声点,以便我们都能听到你。读大声点,以便我们都能听到你。Dont talk so loud.Dont talk so loud.讲话声音不要这么大。讲话声音不要这么大。Someone knocked loudly at the door.Someone knocked loudly at the door.有人在大声敲门。有人在大声敲门。

31、第第5课时 Modules 12 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测典型例题典型例题 【20182018原创原创】用用aloud, loudaloud, loud或或loudlyloudly填空填空(1)Please read the text _ so that all of us (1)Please read the text _ so that all of us can hear you clearly.can hear you clearly.(2)The girl told us an interesting story

32、in a (2)The girl told us an interesting story in a _ voice._ voice.(3)The alarm rang so _ that I shut it right (3)The alarm rang so _ that I shut it right away.away.aloudaloudloudloudloudlyloudly 1 Why not write down our mistakes in our 1 Why not write down our mistakes in our notebooks?notebooks?为什

33、么不把错误写在我们的笔记本上呢?为什么不把错误写在我们的笔记本上呢?【点拨【点拨】 (1) (1)“Why not do Why not do sthsth. .?”意为意为“为什么不做某事为什么不做某事呢?呢?”,相当于,相当于“Why dont Why dont sbsb. do . do sthsth. .?”。常用来提出。常用来提出建议或请求,或询问对方的看法或意见。建议或请求,或询问对方的看法或意见。(2)write down(2)write down是动副短语,意为是动副短语,意为“记下记下”,其宾语为代词时,其宾语为代词时需放在两词中间,且代词要用其宾格形式。需放在两词中间,且代

34、词要用其宾格形式。句句 型型 透透 视视第第5课时 Modules 12 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测第第5课时 Modules 12 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测典型例题典型例题 For our coming vacation, why _ going abroad For our coming vacation, why _ going abroad and seeing the outside world?and seeing the outside wor

35、ld?A Anot considernot considerB Bdont considerdont considerC Cdont think Ddont think Dnot thinknot thinkA A2 Cambridge is in the east of England. 2 Cambridge is in the east of England. 剑桥在英格兰东部剑桥在英格兰东部。【点拨【点拨】 in the east of in the east of 表示表示“在在东部东部”。如果两地。如果两地在地域上是包含关系,常用在地域上是包含关系,常用“ininthethe方位名

36、词方位名词ofof”结构,结构,其中其中inin表示表示“在在范围内范围内”。第第5课时 Modules 12 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测【拓展】【拓展】 介词介词in, on, toin, on, to的区别如下:的区别如下:第第5课时 Modules 12 八年级上册八年级上册 用法用法图示图示inin表示在某一地域之内的某方位表示在某一地域之内的某方位( (包含包含) )。onon表示与某地相邻的关系表示与某地相邻的关系( (相切相切) )。toto表示在某一地域之外的某方位表示在某一地域之外的某方位( (相离相离) )

37、China is in the east of Asia.China is in the east of Asia.中国位于亚洲的东部。中国位于亚洲的东部。China faces the Pacific on the east.China faces the Pacific on the east.中国东邻太平洋。中国东邻太平洋。Japan is to the east of China.Japan is to the east of China.日本在中国的东边。日本在中国的东边。课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测典型例题典型例题 用用in, onin,

38、 on或或toto填空填空(1)Hong Kong lies_ the south of China and (1)Hong Kong lies_ the south of China and Macao is _ the west of Hong Kong.Macao is _ the west of Hong Kong.(2)China is located _ the east of Asia and (2)China is located _ the east of Asia and _ the south of Russia._ the south of Russia.第第5课时 M

39、odules 12 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测inintotoininonon.用括号中所给词的适当形式填空用括号中所给词的适当形式填空1.1.【20172017龙东龙东】When you learn English, you should pay When you learn English, you should pay more attention to your_ (pronounce)more attention to your_ (pronounce)2.We practised2.We practised _(s

40、ing) English songs for one and _(sing) English songs for one and a half hours today.a half hours today.3.3.【20172017南京南京】My daughter is much _(tall) now. My daughter is much _(tall) now. The jeans she wore last year are already too short.The jeans she wore last year are already too short.4. Chinese

41、is _(wide) used in many countries of 4. Chinese is _(wide) used in many countries of the world nowadays.the world nowadays.5 5I dont know the _(mean) of this word, so I I dont know the _(mean) of this word, so I need to look it up in the dictionary.need to look it up in the dictionary.当堂效果检测第第5课时 Mo

42、dules 12 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测pronunciationpronunciationsingingsingingtallertallerwidelywidelymeaning meaning .根据句意及汉语提示完成单词根据句意及汉语提示完成单词1.1.【20172017扬州扬州】We can see different kinds of birds We can see different kinds of birds on this _(on this _(岛屿岛屿) )2 2The warmThe warm

43、hearted woman gave lots of money away hearted woman gave lots of money away to the children in the poor _(to the children in the poor _(地区地区) )3 3Yesterday his doctor _(Yesterday his doctor _(建议建议) him to have a ) him to have a good rest.good rest.4. Reading more English books can _(4. Reading more

44、English books can _(提高提高) our ) our English.English.5. Its quite _(5. Its quite _(自然的自然的) to learn a language ) to learn a language well with a long time.well with a long time.第第5课时 Modules 12 八年级上册八年级上册 BB课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测islandislandareaareaadvisedadvisedimproveimprovenaturalnat

45、ural.根据汉语意思完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子( (每空一词每空一词) )1 1尽可能多地说英语是一个好主意。尽可能多地说英语是一个好主意。Its a good idea to speak English _ _ Its a good idea to speak English _ _ _ _ _2 2许多学生询问有关如何提高他们的英语水平的建议。许多学生询问有关如何提高他们的英语水平的建议。Many students _ _ _ about _ Many students _ _ _ about _ _ _ their English._ _ their English.3 3在晚上我不

46、敢独自外出。在晚上我不敢独自外出。Im _ _ _ out alone at night.Im _ _ _ out alone at night.4 4在俱乐部里我们学习许多科目,如游泳和舞蹈。在俱乐部里我们学习许多科目,如游泳和舞蹈。We learn many subjects _ _ swimming and We learn many subjects _ _ swimming and dancing in the club.dancing in the club.5 5杭州以西湖而闻名。杭州以西湖而闻名。HangzhouHangzhou is _ _ the West Lake. is

47、 _ _ the West Lake.第第5课时 Modules 12 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测forforasasasasmuchmuchpossiblepossibleaskaskforforadviceadvicehowhowtotoimproveimproveafraidafraidtotogogosuchsuchasasfamousfamous新课标(新课标(WYWY)Modules 3Modules 34 4 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反前自学反馈课前自学反前自学反馈当堂效果当堂效果检测当堂效果当堂效果检测中

48、考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦类别类别课标考点要求课标考点要求词汇词汇拓展拓展1.relax_1.relax_adjadj. .(令人愉悦的)(令人愉悦的)2 2. hurt_(. hurt_(过去式过去式)_()_(过去过去分词分词) )3 3. . enjoy_enjoy_adjadj. .4 4. beat_(. beat_(过去式过去式)_()_(过去过去分词分词) )5 5. careless_(. careless_(反义词反义词)_)_n.n.6 6. usual_(. usual_(反义词反义词) )7 7. . please_please_adjadj. ._

49、n.n. beatbeatenjoyableenjoyablecarefulcarefulpleasepleased d/pleasant/pleasantunusualunusualhurthurtrelaxingrelaxing课前自学反馈第第6课时 Modules 34 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测hurthurtbeatenbeatencarelessnesscarelessnesspleasurepleasure类别类别课标考点要求课标考点要求词汇词汇拓展拓展8. confident_ 8. confident_ n

50、n. .9 9cost_(cost_(过去式过去式) _() _(过去过去分词分词) )1010.far_ (.far_ (比较级比较级)_ ()_ (最高级最高级) )1 11 1. good/well_(. good/well_(比较级比较级)_()_(最最高级高级) )1 12 2. outside_ (. outside_ (反义词反义词) )1313miss_ miss_ adj.adj.costcostconfidenceconfidencefarther/furtherfarther/furthercostcostbetterbetterinsideinsidemissingmi

51、ssing第第6课时 Modules 34 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测farthest/furthestfarthest/furthestbestbest类别类别课标考点要求课标考点要求词汇词汇拓展拓展14.bore_ adj.14.bore_ adj.15.15.bad/ill/badly_(bad/ill/badly_(比较级比较级)_()_(最最高级高级) ) 16.excite_ adj.(16.excite_ adj.(令人激动的令人激动的)_adj.()_adj.(感到兴奋的感到兴奋的) )17.many/much

52、_(17.many/much_(比较级比较级)_()_(最高级最高级) ) boring/bored boring/bored more more exciting exciting 第第6课时 Modules 34 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测worstworstworse worse excited excited mostmost短语短语归纳归纳1.大量;众多大量;众多_2.用欢呼声激励;为用欢呼声激励;为加油加油_3.热身;做准备活动热身;做准备活动_4.远离远离_5.一直;不断地一直;不断地_6.没关系没关系_7.迟到

53、迟到_8.离离近近 _9.因为;由于因为;由于_cheercheerononwarm upwarm upfar fromfar fromall the timeall the timenever mindnever mindbe late forbe late forplenty ofplenty of第第6课时 Modules 34 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测close to close to because ofbecause of短语短语归纳归纳10.10.对对满意满意_11.11.对对很确定很确定_12.12.与与比赛

54、比赛_1 13 3. .感到更有信心做某事感到更有信心做某事_14.14.超过,多于;不仅仅超过,多于;不仅仅_15.15.保持健康保持健康 _16.16.与与一样一样 _17.17.介意做某事介意做某事 _18.18.有机会做某事有机会做某事 _ _ be pleased withbe pleased withbe sure aboutbe sure aboutplay againstplay againstfeel more confident to do feel more confident to do sthsth. .第第6课时 Modules 34 八年级上册八年级上册 more

55、 than more than keep/stay fit/healthykeep/stay fit/healthythe same asthe same as 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测mind doing sthmind doing sth. . have a chance to do/of doing sthhave a chance to do/of doing sth. . 句型句型再现再现1 1. .我们都尽可能早到,以便有时间热身。我们都尽可能早到,以便有时间热身。We all arrive _ _ _we can We all ar

56、rive _ _ _we can _ _ we have time to warm up._ _ we have time to warm up.2.2.发什么了什么事?发什么了什么事?_ happened?_ happened?3.3.她家离学校最近她家离学校最近Her home is the _ _schoolHer home is the _ _school asearlyassoWhatclosest第第6课时 Modules 34 八年级上册八年级上册 to课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测that句型句型再现再现4 4他也和我一样,坐公共汽车去

57、。他也和我一样,坐公共汽车去。He goes by bus too, _ _He goes by bus too, _ _ _ _ me.me.5 5. . 这是最快也是第二便宜的方式这是最快也是第二便宜的方式Its the fastest and _ _ Its the fastest and _ _ cheapestcheapest6 6托尼,你怎么了?托尼,你怎么了?_ _ _ _ you, Tony?_ _ _ _ you, Tony?7 7那意味着我们更有机会获胜。那意味着我们更有机会获胜。That means we have a better chance _ That means

58、 we have a better chance _ _._.asasthethesamesame第第6课时 Modules 34 八年级上册八年级上册 thethesecondsecondWhats Whats the the 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测matter matter with with of of winning winning 交际交际用语用语1.Whats the matter with you, Tony?1.Whats the matter with you, Tony?2 2I hurt my knee.I hurt my

59、 knee. Thats too bad!Thats too bad!3 3Oh, he missed! Oh, bad luck!Oh, he missed! Oh, bad luck! Never mind.Never mind.4.What happened?4.What happened?5 5Its a bit dangerous. Theres so much Its a bit dangerous. Theres so much traffic.traffic.Dont worry. Ill be careful.Dont worry. Ill be careful.第第6课时

60、Modules 34 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测语语法法结构结构1.1.形形容容词词和和副副词词的的比比较较级级。 详详见见P P8 83 3,语语法法互互动动( (六六) ) 2. 2. 形形容容词词和和副副词词的的最最高高级级。 详详见见P P8 83 3,语语法法互互动动( (六六) ) 第第6课时 Modules 34 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测词词 汇汇 点点 睛睛 1 1 against prep.( against prep.(在比赛或战斗中在比

61、赛或战斗中) )对对( (某人或某事物某人或某事物) )【点拨【点拨】 against against为介词,不能单独使用,常和动词搭配使为介词,不能单独使用,常和动词搭配使用,后可接名词、代词和动名词。用,后可接名词、代词和动名词。againstagainst的含义比较多,的含义比较多,见下表:见下表:中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦第第6课时 Modules 34 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测词条词条 含义含义 示例示例againstagainst 相反;逆着相反;逆着 against the lawagainst the law违

62、法违法反对反对be/play/fightbe/play/fightagainstagainst反对反对靠着靠着against the wallagainst the wall靠墙靠墙在在的的映衬下映衬下The picture looks better against The picture looks better against the light wall.the light wall.在浅色墙壁的映衬下在浅色墙壁的映衬下,这幅画显得更好看了。这幅画显得更好看了。【拓展【拓展】 be for be for意为意为“支持支持”。Are you for or against the propo

63、sal?Are you for or against the proposal?你支持还是反对这个建议你支持还是反对这个建议?第第6课时 Modules 34 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测典型例题典型例题 (1)They were against _(climb) the mountain (1)They were against _(climb) the mountain this weekend.this weekend.(2)(2)【20162016无锡无锡】Although he was _ my opinion, Al

64、though he was _ my opinion, the old professor didnt come up with his own.the old professor didnt come up with his own.A AagainstagainstB BononC CforforD DininA第第6课时 Modules 34 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测climbing climbing 2 mind2 mindv v介意;讨厌;反对介意;讨厌;反对【点拨】【点拨】 mindmind作动词,意为作动词,意

65、为“介意介意”,后接名词、代词或动,后接名词、代词或动名词。名词。【拓展】【拓展】 (1)mind(1)mind作动词,还可以表示作动词,还可以表示“当心,注意当心,注意”,后跟,后跟名词或从句,也可单独使用。名词或从句,也可单独使用。Mind the step! Mind the step! 小心台阶!小心台阶!(2)mind(2)mind作名词,意为作名词,意为“头脑;心智头脑;心智”。An idea has just come into my mind. An idea has just come into my mind. 我刚才想到一个主意我刚才想到一个主意 第第6课时 Module

66、s 34 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测中考典例中考典例 【20172017广西北部湾经济区广西北部湾经济区】I want to search for I want to search for information. Would you mind_(turninformation. Would you mind_(turn) on the ) on the computer?computer?巧巧 辨辨 异异 同同1 except, besides1 except, besides与与except forexcept for第第

67、6课时 Modules 34 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测词条词条意义意义用法用法exceptexcept除了除了之外之外 表示一种排除关系,表示一种排除关系,exceptexcept后所接内容后所接内容不包括在内。不包括在内。 besidesbesides表示一种累加关系,表示一种累加关系,besidesbesides后所接内容后所接内容包括在内。包括在内。 except forexcept for说明整体基本情况后,对细节加以纠正,说明整体基本情况后,对细节加以纠正,表示表示“美中不足的是美中不足的是”We are all

68、here except Mary.We are all here except Mary.除了玛丽外,我们都在这儿了。除了玛丽外,我们都在这儿了。 Besides milk and cheese, we need vegetables.Besides milk and cheese, we need vegetables.除了牛奶和奶酪外,我们还需要蔬菜。除了牛奶和奶酪外,我们还需要蔬菜。Your composition is good except for the handwriting.Your composition is good except for the handwriting.

69、除了书写外,你的作文很好。除了书写外,你的作文很好。第第6课时 Modules 34 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测典型例题典型例题 用用except, besides except, besides 或或except forexcept for填空填空(1)All the students went to the zoo _ Jim. (1)All the students went to the zoo _ Jim. Because he was ill in bed.Because he was ill in bed.(2)

70、Do you know any other foreign languages _ (2)Do you know any other foreign languages _ English?English?(3)The film is good _ too much fighting.(3)The film is good _ too much fighting.第第6课时 Modules 34 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测exceptexceptbesidesbesidesexcept forexcept for 2 take

71、, cost, spend 2 take, cost, spend与与paypay主语主语 词条词条常用结构常用结构ItIttaketakeIt takesIt takessbsb. .时间时间to do to do sthsth. .sthsth. .costcoststhsth. .costcostsbsb. .金钱金钱sbsb. . spendspendsbsb. .spendspend金钱金钱/ /时间时间on on sthsth./(in) doing ./(in) doing sthsth. .paypaysbsb. .paypay金钱金钱for for sthsth. .第第6课

72、时 Modules 34 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测It takes me an hour to go to school by bus every day.It takes me an hour to go to school by bus every day.我每天乘公共汽车上学要用一小时。我每天乘公共汽车上学要用一小时。How much does the ticket cost from Shanghai to How much does the ticket cost from Shanghai to Beijing?

73、Beijing?从上海到北京的车票多少钱?从上海到北京的车票多少钱?I spent two years (in) writing the novel.I spent two years (in) writing the novel.我花了两年的时间写这部小说。我花了两年的时间写这部小说。He paid 30 yuanHe paid 30 yuan for that jacket. for that jacket.他花他花3030元买了那件夹克衫。元买了那件夹克衫。第第6课时 Modules 34 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测典型

74、例题典型例题 用用take, spend, costtake, spend, cost或或paypay的适当形式填空的适当形式填空(1)It usually _ mum about half an hour to cook (1)It usually _ mum about half an hour to cook breakfast.breakfast.(2)(2)How much is the ticket to Central Park?How much is the ticket to Central Park?A one way ticket_$40, and you can _ A

75、 one way ticket_$40, and you can _ another $20 for a roundanother $20 for a round trip.trip.(3)Daisy was such a good daughter that she _ (3)Daisy was such a good daughter that she _ most of her spare time with her parents.most of her spare time with her parents.第第6课时 Modules 34 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学

76、反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测spentspenttakestakescostscostspaypay3 win, defeat, beat3 win, defeat, beat与与loselose第第6课时 Modules 34 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测词条词条意义意义用法用法winwin赢,获胜赢,获胜 winwin事物事物(game(game/prize/match/war)/prize/match/war)beatbeat打败打败beatbeatsbsb./team./teamloselose输

77、,失败输,失败 lose to lose to sbsb. .We won the match at last.We won the match at last.最终我们赢得了比赛。最终我们赢得了比赛。Yesterday I beat John at chess.Yesterday I beat John at chess.昨天下国际象棋,我赢了约翰。昨天下国际象棋,我赢了约翰。I dont think I will lose to him next time.I dont think I will lose to him next time.我认为我下次不会输给他我认为我下次不会输给他 典型

78、例题典型例题 (1)Lingling is glad _(win) the singing (1)Lingling is glad _(win) the singing petition.(2)It was a pity that our Chinese football team (2)It was a pity that our Chinese football team _(lose) the match against Japanese team by 01._(lose) the match against Japanese team by 01.第第6课时 Modules 34 八

79、年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测to winto win lostlost 4 pleased4 pleased与与pleasant pleasant 第第6课时 Modules 34 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测词条词条意义意义用法用法pleasedpleased感到愉感到愉快的快的 指人对事物的感受,主语通常是指人对事物的感受,主语通常是“人人”。常见用法:常见用法:be pleased with sb./sthbe pleased with sb./sth. .对

80、对某人某人/ /某物感到满意;某物感到满意;be pleased to do be pleased to do sthsth. .高兴做某事。高兴做某事。 pleasantpleasant令人愉令人愉快的快的 指事物给人的感受,主语通常是指事物给人的感受,主语通常是“物物”。 MrMr Li is very pleased with the result. Li is very pleased with the result. 李先生对这个结果很满意。李先生对这个结果很满意。Im pleased to hear about your news. Im pleased to hear about

81、 your news. 听到你的消息我很高兴。听到你的消息我很高兴。The trip is pleasant.The trip is pleasant.这次旅行很愉快。这次旅行很愉快。第第6课时 Modules 34 八年级上册八年级上册 典型例题典型例题用用pleasedpleased和和pleasantpleasant完成句子完成句子(1)The foreigner is _ with the taste of Chinese (1)The foreigner is _ with the taste of Chinese food. food. (2)It was cold, but th

82、e trip was _ and people (2)It was cold, but the trip was _ and people were enjoying themselves.were enjoying themselves.pleasedpleasedpleasantpleasant课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测 1 What 1 What happenedhappened?发生什么事了?发生什么事了?【点拨】【点拨】 happen happen 是不及物动词,此处意为是不及物动词,此处意为“发生发生( (常指不好常指不好的事的事) )

83、”。若表示。若表示“某人出了某事某人出了某事”,要用,要用“sthsth. .happenhappento sbto sb. .” 来表达。来表达。What happened to him? What happened to him? What was wrong with him?What was wrong with him?What was the matter/trouble with him?What was the matter/trouble with him?他怎么了?他怎么了?句句 型型 透透 视视第第6课时 Modules 34 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反

84、馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测【拓展】【拓展】 happenhappen还有还有“碰巧碰巧”之意,表示之意,表示“碰巧或恰巧发碰巧或恰巧发生某事生某事”时,常用时,常用“sbsb. .happenhappento do sthto do sth. .”。I happened to meet my friend in the park yesterday. I happened to meet my friend in the park yesterday. 昨天我碰巧在公园里遇到了我的朋友。昨天我碰巧在公园里遇到了我的朋友。第第6课时 Modules 34 八年级上册八年级

85、上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测典型例题典型例题 Can you tell me what happened _ him just Can you tell me what happened _ him just now?now?A AwithwithB BforforC CtotoD DatatC C2 The more information, the better.2 The more information, the better.信息越多越好。信息越多越好。 【点拨】【点拨】 “thethe比较级,比较级,thethe比较级比较级”是比较

86、级的特殊用法,是比较级的特殊用法,意为意为“越越,就越,就越”,通常是两个不同的比较级,通常是两个不同的比较级,thethe后后既可接短语也可接句子。既可接短语也可接句子。The harder you work, the greater progress youll make.The harder you work, the greater progress youll make.你你学习越努力,取得的进步就越大。学习越努力,取得的进步就越大。【拓展】【拓展】 “比较级比较级andand比较级比较级”结构结构( (单音节词单音节词) )或或“more more and moreand more

87、原级原级”结构结构( (多音节词多音节词) )意为意为“越来越越来越”。The car was running faster and faster.The car was running faster and faster.那辆车跑得越来越快。那辆车跑得越来越快。第第6课时 Modules 34 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测中考典例中考典例 【20162016陕西陕西】_ you speak, _ your _ you speak, _ your English will be.English will be.A AThe le

88、ss; the moreThe less; the moreB BThe more; the betterThe more; the betterC CThe less; the better DThe less; the better DThe more; the lessThe more; the less第第6课时 Modules 34 八年级上册八年级上册 B B 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测.根据句意及汉语提示完成单词根据句意及汉语提示完成单词1.1.【20172017聊城】聊城】That means we have a better_(T

89、hat means we have a better_(机机会会) of winning.) of winning.2. Listening to _(2. Listening to _(放松的放松的) music makes me feel ) music makes me feel relaxed.relaxed.3.3.【20172017滨州】滨州】The Chinese national badminton team The Chinese national badminton team _(_(打败打败) the Japanese team 3) the Japanese team

90、32 in Australia on 2 in Australia on May 27.May 27.4.4.【20172017盐城盐城】YaoYao Ming scored 41 points in a game Ming scored 41 points in a game _(_(对抗对抗) the Atlanta Hawks in 2004.) the Atlanta Hawks in 2004.5. He lives farthest from school, so he has the longest 5. He lives farthest from school, so he

91、has the longest _(_(旅程旅程) )当堂效果检测当堂效果检测第第6课时 Modules 34 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测chancechancerelaxingrelaxingbeatbeatagainstagainstjourneyjourney第第6课时 Modules 34 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测.用方框内所给单词的正确形式填空用方框内所给单词的正确形式填空1 1John is too _ to look after his pet

92、s well.John is too _ to look after his pets well.2 2If you beat him, you _ the match.If you beat him, you _ the match.3 3Its reported that Chinese spend more than forty Its reported that Chinese spend more than forty minutes a day _ WeChatminutes a day _ WeChat. .4 4The smile on my fathers face told

93、 me that he was The smile on my fathers face told me that he was _ with my grades._ with my grades.5 5My uncle thinks fishing is _ and he feels My uncle thinks fishing is _ and he feels happy when fishing.happy when fishing.farfar pleasepleasewinwin relaxrelaxexcitingexcitingreadreadlittlelittlecare

94、careborebore confidence confidence pleasedpleasedcarelesscarelesswill winwill winreadingreadingrelaxing relaxing 第第6课时 Modules 34 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测6 6Bob knows how to cut the cost of the project.HeBob knows how to cut the cost of the project.He can can do the work with

95、_ money and fewer people.do the work with _ money and fewer people.7 7Keep on.Dont stop.TheKeep on.Dont stop.The higher you climb, the higher you climb, the _ youll see._ youll see.8 8The film ZootopiaThe film Zootopia is one of _ is one of _ films I have ever seen.films I have ever seen.9 9I think

96、dancing is interesting, but running is I think dancing is interesting, but running is _1010One has to be _ in himself.One has to be _ in himself.farfarpleasepleasewinwinrelaxrelaxexcitingexcitingreadreadlittlelittlecarecareboreboreconfidence confidence lesslessfartherfartherthe most excitingthe most

97、 excitingboringboringconfidentconfident新课标(新课标(WYWY)Modules 5Modules 56 6 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反前自学反馈课前自学反前自学反馈当堂效果当堂效果检测当堂效果当堂效果检测中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦类别类别课标考点要求课标考点要求词汇词汇拓展拓展1. act1. act _ _ n n( (男演员男演员)_)_n n. . ( (女女演员演员) )2. dangerous_ 2. dangerous_ n.n.3. describe_ 3. describe_ n.n.4. society_ 4

98、. society_ adj.adj.5. thin_ (5. thin_ (比较级比较级) )6. protect_ 6. protect_ n.n. descriptiondescriptiondangerdangersocialsocialprotectionprotectionthinnerthinneractoractoractactressress课前自学反馈第第7课时 Modules 56 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测类别类别课标考点要求课标考点要求词汇词汇拓展拓展7. feed_ (7. feed_ (过去式过去

99、式) )8. produce_ 8. produce_ n.n.9. grow_ (9. grow_ (过去式过去式) )_ (_ (过去分词过去分词) )10. develop_ 10. develop_ adj.adj._ _ n.n.fedfedproduction/productproduction/productgrowngrowngrewgrewdevelopmentdevelopmentdeveloping/developeddeveloping/developed第第7课时 Modules 56 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测

100、当堂效果检测类别类别课标考点要求课标考点要求词汇词汇拓展拓展1111science_nscience_n.(.(科学家科学家) )1212interest_ adj.interest_ adj.1313baby_(baby_(复数复数) ) 1414twenty_ (twenty_ (序数词序数词) ) 1515peace_adjpeace_adj. . scientist scientist interestedinterestedtwentieth twentieth babies babies 第第7课时 Modules 56 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中

101、考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测peaceful peaceful 短语短语归纳归纳1.1.最后;终于最后;终于_2.2.不知道不知道_3.3.处于危险中处于危险中_4.4.想到;想出想到;想出_5.5.夺去;拿走夺去;拿走_6.6.和平地和平地_have no ideahave no ideain dangerin dangerthink ofthink oftake awaytake awayin peacein peacein the end/at lastin the end/at last第第7课时 Modules 56 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中

102、考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测短语短语归纳归纳7.7.照顾照顾_8.8.为了为了_9.9.创办;设立创办;设立_10.10.同时同时_11.11.发生发生_12.12.对对感兴趣感兴趣_look afterlook afterin order toin order toset upset upat the same timeat the same timetake placetake placebe interested inbe interested in第第7课时 Modules 56 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测短语短

103、语归纳归纳13.13.热烈欢迎某人热烈欢迎某人 _1414返回返回 _ _ 1515以以为食为食 _1616因因而出名而出名 _1717弄清楚弄清楚 _ _ 1818想要做某事想要做某事_19.19.计划做某事计划做某事_give a warm welcome to sbgive a warm welcome to sb. . go backgo back feed onfeed onbe famous forbe famous for find out find out 第第7课时 Modules 56 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效

104、果检测want to do sthwant to do sth. . plan to do sthplan to do sth. . 短语短语归纳归纳2020希望做某事希望做某事_2121主动提出做某事主动提出做某事_2222送某人去某地送某人去某地_2323选择某人做某事选择某人做某事_2424保护某人免受保护某人免受( (做做) )某事的侵害某事的侵害_2525允许某人做某事允许某人做某事_2626热烈欢迎某人热烈欢迎某人_ _ _ _send sbsend sb. to sp. to sp.choose sb. to do sthchoose sb. to do sth. . prote

105、ct sb. from (doing) sthprotect sb. from (doing) sth. .allow sb. to do sthallow sb. to do sth. . give a warm welcome to sbgive a warm welcome to sb. ./give sb/give sb. a warm welcome. a warm welcome第第7课时 Modules 56 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测offer to do sthoffer to do sth. .hope t

106、o do sthhope to do sth. .句型句型再现再现1 1. . 玲玲主动提出带我去那儿。玲玲主动提出带我去那儿。LinglingLingling _ _ take me there. _ _ take me there.2 2. .老舍是二十世纪中国最伟大的作家之一。老舍是二十世纪中国最伟大的作家之一。Lao She is _ _ the greatest Chinese Lao She is _ _ the greatest Chinese _ of the twentieth century._ of the twentieth century.oneoneofofwrit

107、erswritersofferedofferedtoto第第7课时 Modules 56 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测句型句型再现再现3 3. . 它允许人们更近地接触它们。它允许人们更近地接触它们。it _ people _ get closer to it _ people _ get closer to them.them.4 4. .许多野生动物没有居住的安全的地方许多野生动物没有居住的安全的地方Many wild animals dont have a safe place Many wild animals dont

108、 have a safe place _ _ _totoliveliveallowsallowstoto第第7课时 Modules 56 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测句型句型再现再现5. 5. 为了保护野生熊猫,政府正在兴建自然公园,也正为了保护野生熊猫,政府正在兴建自然公园,也正在制定其他计划。在制定其他计划。_ _ _ protect pandas in the _ _ _ protect pandas in the wild, the government is setting up nature parks wild,

109、the government is setting up nature parks and developing other plans.and developing other plans.6. 6. 可能只剩下大约可能只剩下大约30003000头蓝鲸了。头蓝鲸了。There _ _ only about 3There _ _ only about 3,000 blue 000 blue whales _.whales _.InInorderordertotomaymaybebeleftleft第第7课时 Modules 56 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考

110、点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测句型句型再现再现7 7很难理解这些词。很难理解这些词。 _ was difficult _ _ the _ was difficult _ _ the words. words. 8 819181918年完成学业后,他成了一名小学校长。年完成学业后,他成了一名小学校长。 _ _ _ in 1918, he became _ _ _ in 1918, he became a head teacher of a primary school. a head teacher of a primary school. ItItunderstand understand t

111、otoAfter After finishing finishing schoolschool第第7课时 Modules 56 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测交际交际用语用语1.1.How was it?How was it? It was great!It was great!2 2You knowYou know3 3Thats the main thing.Thats the main thing.4.4. Who is Lao She?Who is Lao She?1.1. No idea.No idea.5 5Did y

112、ou like the zoo?Did you like the zoo? Yes! I saw the pandas at lastYes! I saw the pandas at last第第7课时 Modules 56 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测语语法法结构结构动词不定式和双宾语动词不定式和双宾语 详见详见P P9292,语法互动,语法互动( (十十)第第7课时 Modules 56 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测词词 汇汇 点点 睛睛1 offer 1 o

113、ffer v v提议;提出提议;提出【点拨【点拨】 (1)offer sb. sth(1)offer sb. sth. . offer sth. to sboffer sth. to sb. .给某人提给某人提供某物供某物The young man offered an old man his seat on the bus.The young man offered an old man his seat on the bus. 那位年轻人在公共汽车上主动将自己的座位让给了一位老人。那位年轻人在公共汽车上主动将自己的座位让给了一位老人。(2)offer to do sth(2)offer t

114、o do sth. .主动提出做某事主动提出做某事He offered to lend me some books.He offered to lend me some books.他主动提出要借给我一些书。他主动提出要借给我一些书。【拓展】【拓展】 offeroffer还可作名词,意为还可作名词,意为“提议;帮助;出价提议;帮助;出价”。Thank you for your kind offer of help.Thank you for your kind offer of help.谢谢你的好心帮助。谢谢你的好心帮助。中考考点聚焦第第7课时 Modules 56 八年级上册八年级上册 课

115、前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测典型例题典型例题 (1)(1)How is Tom now?How is Tom now? I hear the company _ him a good job, but he I hear the company _ him a good job, but he refused it.refused it. A AprovidedprovidedB Bofferedoffered C Cpassed Dpassed Dintroducedintroduced(2)(2)You may go to Milan for a

116、free trip.You may go to Milan for a free trip. Its a very kind _Its a very kind _,but I really cant accept but I really cant accept it.it. A. excuse B. offer A. excuse B. offer C. promise D. decision C. promise D. decisionB第第7课时 Modules 56 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测B 解析解析 (1 1)考

117、查动词辨析。)考查动词辨析。provideprovide意为意为“提供提供”,常用于,常用于“provide sb. with sthprovide sb. with sth. .”或或“provide sth. for sbprovide sth. for sb. .”结构中;结构中;offeroffer意为意为“( (主动主动) )提供提供”,常用于,常用于“offer sb. sthoffer sb. sth. .”或或“offer offer sth. to sbsth. to sb. .”结构中;结构中;passpass意为意为“传递传递”,常用于,常用于“pass sb. pass

118、 sb. sthsth. .”;introduceintroduce意为意为“介绍介绍”。根据语境及动词的固定用法可。根据语境及动词的固定用法可知选知选B B。 2 allow 2 allow v v允许;准许允许;准许【点拨【点拨】 allow allow为及物动词,常见用法:为及物动词,常见用法:第第7课时 Modules 56 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测Please allow me to carry your bag.Please allow me to carry your bag.请让我替你拿包。请让我替你拿包。T

119、hey allowed smoking in this room only.They allowed smoking in this room only.他们只允许在这间屋子里吸烟。他们只允许在这间屋子里吸烟。Girls arent allowed to go out at night.Girls arent allowed to go out at night.晚上女孩不被允许外出。晚上女孩不被允许外出。【拓展】【拓展】 allowallow的同义词为的同义词为permitpermit,意为,意为“允许,准许允许,准许”。其常见搭配:其常见搭配:(1)permit sb. to do sth

120、(1)permit sb. to do sth. . 允许某人做某事允许某人做某事(2)permit doing sth(2)permit doing sth. . 允许做某事允许做某事第第7课时 Modules 56 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测典型例题典型例题 (1)The little girl was crying because her mother (1)The little girl was crying because her mother didnt allow her _(eat) the ice cream

121、.didnt allow her _(eat) the ice cream.(2)They dont allow _(smoke) in that (2)They dont allow _(smoke) in that restaurant.restaurant.to eatto eatsmokingsmoking 3 protect 3 protect v v保护;保卫保护;保卫【点拨】【点拨】 protectprotect作动词,意为作动词,意为“保护保护”,常见搭配:,常见搭配:protectprotectfrom/againstfrom/against保护保护不受不受的侵害。的侵害。T

122、rees can protect crops against the attack from strong Trees can protect crops against the attack from strong winds.winds.树能保护庄稼不受强风的侵害。树能保护庄稼不受强风的侵害。【拓展】【拓展】 protection nprotection n保护保护第第7课时 Modules 56 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测典型例题典型例题 (1)(1)How can we protect ourselves _ the

123、How can we protect ourselves _ the earthquake?earthquake? We should stay calm first.We should stay calm first.A. withA. withB. aboutB. aboutC. forC. forD. fromD. from(2)Environment (2)Environment _ (protect) is becoming (protect) is becoming a more and more serious problem nowadays.a more and more s

124、erious problem nowadays.protection protection D D 4 enough 4 enough adjadj. .足够的;充分的足够的;充分的【点拨】【点拨】 enoughenough作形容词,意为作形容词,意为“足够的;充分的足够的;充分的”,常与,常与forfor或动词不定式连用,在句中作定语,置于被修饰的名词前或动词不定式连用,在句中作定语,置于被修饰的名词前后均可。后均可。I want to have enough money to buy a new house. I want to have enough money to buy a new

125、 house. 我想有足够多的钱来买一套新房子。我想有足够多的钱来买一套新房子。【拓展】【拓展】 (1)enough(1)enough作副词,意为作副词,意为“十分地;充分地;足够地十分地;充分地;足够地”,置于被修饰的形容词或副词之后。,置于被修饰的形容词或副词之后。He is old enough to go to school.He is old enough to go to school.他足够大,可以去上学了。他足够大,可以去上学了。(2)enough(2)enough作代词,意为作代词,意为“足够;充分足够;充分”,可以代替可数名词,可以代替可数名词或不可数名词,在句中作主语或宾

126、语。或不可数名词,在句中作主语或宾语。Ive had enough. Ive had enough. 我已经吃饱了。我已经吃饱了。第第7课时 Modules 56 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测典型例题典型例题 (1)Dont worry. We have enough time _(finish) (1)Dont worry. We have enough time _(finish) the task. the task. (2)She is not _(2)She is not _(足够强壮足够强壮) to walk up

127、the ) to walk up the mountain.mountain.(3)Tom is so young that he cant go to school.(3)Tom is so young that he cant go to school.(改为改为同义句同义句) )Tom is _ _ _ to go to school.Tom is _ _ _ to go to school.第第7课时 Modules 56 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测 to finishto finishstrong enoughstr

128、ong enoughnotnotoldoldenoughenough5 show5 showv v展示;显示展示;显示n.n.演出;表演演出;表演【点拨】【点拨】 show show 作动词,意为作动词,意为“展示;显示展示;显示”,后面通常接双,后面通常接双宾语,即宾语,即“show sb.sthshow sb.sth. .”或或“show sth.to sbshow sth.to sb. .”,意为,意为“给给某人看某物某人看某物”。Could you show me your photos?Could you show me your photos?你能给我看看你的照片吗?你能给我看看你

129、的照片吗?【拓展】【拓展】 (1)show(1)show作动词,还有作动词,还有“引,带;表现,显露引,带;表现,显露”之意,之意,常见搭配:常见搭配:show sb.aroundshow sb.around sp. sp.带领某人参观某地;带领某人参观某地;show off show off 炫耀。炫耀。(2)show(2)show作名词,还有作名词,还有“展览展览”之意,常见搭配:之意,常见搭配:on showon show展览。展览。第第7课时 Modules 56 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测典型例题典型例题 She s

130、howed the custom officer her passport.(She showed the custom officer her passport.(改为同义改为同义句句) )She showed _ _ _ the custom She showed _ _ _ the custom officer.officer.herherpassportpassporttoto 1 1 at the end of, by the end of at the end of, by the end of与与in the endin the endat the end ofat the en

131、d of 意为意为“在在的末尾的末尾”, 指时间、地点等。指时间、地点等。by the end ofby the end of 意为意为“到到末为止末为止”,指时间指时间,常与完成时常与完成时连用。连用。in the endin the end 意为意为“最后最后”,相当于相当于finallyfinally,不与不与ofof连用。连用。巧巧 辨辨 异异 同同第第7课时 Modules 56 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测He came back at the end of March.He came back at the end

132、 of March.他是三月底回来的。他是三月底回来的。We had learned six units by the end of last week.We had learned six units by the end of last week.到上周末为止,我们已经学了六个单元。到上周末为止,我们已经学了六个单元。In the end, they found the lost boy.In the end, they found the lost boy.最后,他们找到了那个丢失的男孩。最后,他们找到了那个丢失的男孩。第第7课时 Modules 56 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈

133、课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测典型例题典型例题 用用at the end of, by the end ofat the end of, by the end of或或in the endin the end填空填空(1)The Smiths live in the house _ the (1)The Smiths live in the house _ the street.street.(2)_(2)_, they had to leave their home.they had to leave their home.(3)They had kicked

134、three goals _ the (3)They had kicked three goals _ the match.match.at the end ofat the end ofby the end ofby the end ofIn the endIn the end2 2 interest, interesting interest, interesting与与interestedinterested第第7课时 Modules 56 八年级上册八年级上册 interestinterest作名词,意为作名词,意为“兴趣兴趣”;作动词,意为;作动词,意为“使产使产生兴趣生兴趣”。int

135、erestinginteresting形容词,形容词,“有趣的有趣的”,主语常指某物或某事。,主语常指某物或某事。interestedinterested形容词,形容词,“感兴趣的感兴趣的”,主语常指人,常见短,主语常指人,常见短语:语:be interested in be interested in “对对感兴趣感兴趣”。课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测My son is already showing an interest in music. My son is already showing an interest in music. 我儿子已

136、经表现出对音乐的兴趣。我儿子已经表现出对音乐的兴趣。Who interests her so much? Who interests her so much? 谁让她如此感兴趣?谁让她如此感兴趣?This is an interesting movie.This is an interesting movie. 这是一部有趣的电影。这是一部有趣的电影。Rose is interested in Chinese. Rose is interested in Chinese. 罗斯对中文感兴趣。罗斯对中文感兴趣。This interesting story book interests her a

137、 lot, so she This interesting story book interests her a lot, so she is interested in reading now. is interested in reading now. 这本有趣的故事书让她非常感兴趣,所以她现在对阅读感兴趣这本有趣的故事书让她非常感兴趣,所以她现在对阅读感兴趣了。了。第第7课时 Modules 56 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测典型例题典型例题 用用interest, interestedinterest, interest

138、ed或或interestinginteresting填空填空(1)He is _ in the _ book and has (1)He is _ in the _ book and has been reading the book for an hour.been reading the book for an hour.(2)I have no _ in my present job, so Im (2)I have no _ in my present job, so Im seeking for a new one.seeking for a new one.第第7课时 Module

139、s 56 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测 interest interest interested interestedinterestinginteresting 1 Lao She is one of the greatest Chinese writers 1 Lao She is one of the greatest Chinese writers of the twentieth century.of the twentieth century.老舍是二十世纪中国最伟大的作家之一。老舍是二十世纪中国最伟大的作家之一。【

140、点拨【点拨】 “one ofone ofthethe形容词或副词最高级可数名词形容词或副词最高级可数名词复数复数”是固定结构,意为是固定结构,意为“最最之一之一”。British Airway is one of the busiest internationalBritish Airway is one of the busiest international airlines. airlines.英国航空公司是最忙的国际航空公司之一。英国航空公司是最忙的国际航空公司之一。句句 型型 透透 视视第第7课时 Modules 56 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考

141、点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测中考典例中考典例 【20172017贵港贵港】He watched Journey to the West last He watched Journey to the West last night. He thought it was one of _ TV night. He thought it was one of _ TV programs.programs.A AinterestinginterestingB Bmore interesting more interesting C Cmost interesting Dmost interestin

142、g Dthe most interestingthe most interesting第第7课时 Modules 56 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测 解析解析 考查固定句型。考查固定句型。“one ofone ofthethe形容词的最高级可形容词的最高级可数名词复数数名词复数”是固定结构,意为是固定结构,意为“最最之一之一”。故选。故选D D。 D D2 In order to protect pandas in the wild, the 2 In order to protect pandas in the wild, t

143、he government is setting up nature parks and developing government is setting up nature parks and developing other plans.other plans.为了保护野生熊猫,政府正在兴建自然公园,为了保护野生熊猫,政府正在兴建自然公园,也正在制定其他计划。也正在制定其他计划。 【点拨】【点拨】 in order toin order to意为意为“为了为了”,后接动词原形,用来,后接动词原形,用来引导目的状语,既可置于句首,也可置于句中。其否定形式引导目的状语,既可置于句首,也可置于句

144、中。其否定形式为为“in order not toin order not to”。Check your composition in order to avoid mistakes.Check your composition in order to avoid mistakes.检检查一下你的作文以避免错误。查一下你的作文以避免错误。第第7课时 Modules 56 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测【拓展【拓展】 “in order toin order to动词原形动词原形”可转换成可转换成“in order in order

145、 thatthat从句从句”结构。结构。He got up early in order to catch the early bus.He got up early in order to catch the early bus.He got up early in order that he could catch the He got up early in order that he could catch the early bus.early bus.他早起是为了能赶上早班车。他早起是为了能赶上早班车。第第7课时 Modules 56 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈

146、中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测典型例题典型例题 (1)(1)【20172017烟台改编烟台改编】为了避免浪费资源,我们必须尽可为了避免浪费资源,我们必须尽可能多地循环利用。能多地循环利用。_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ resources, we must recycle them as much as possible.resources, we must recycle them as much as possible.(2)_ stop more accidents, we should slow down (2)_ stop more accidents, w

147、e should slow down the driving speed.the driving speed.A AIn order thatIn order thatB BIn order toIn order toC CThanks for DThanks for DThanks toThanks to第第7课时 Modules 56 八年级上册八年级上册 解析解析 (2 2)考查连词短语辨析。句意:为了防止更多的事故,)考查连词短语辨析。句意:为了防止更多的事故,我们应该减慢开车速度。我们应该减慢开车速度。in order thatin order that意为意为“为了为了”,后接,后

148、接句子;句子;in order toin order to意为意为“为了为了”,后接动词原形;,后接动词原形;thanks thanks forfor意为意为“感谢感谢”;thanks tothanks to意为意为“幸亏幸亏”。根据句。根据句意可知选意可知选B B。课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测InInorderordertotoavoidavoidwastingwastingB B3 3 We should work hard to stop people killing tigers.We should work hard to stop peo

149、ple killing tigers. 我们应该努力阻止人们捕杀老虎我们应该努力阻止人们捕杀老虎。【点拨【点拨】 stop sb.(from) doing sthstop sb.(from) doing sth. . 意为意为“阻止某人做某事阻止某人做某事”。Its difficult to stop people (from) killing animals.Its difficult to stop people (from) killing animals.阻止人们捕杀动物是很难的。阻止人们捕杀动物是很难的。【拓展】【拓展】 stopstop的其他常见用法:的其他常见用法:(1)stop

150、 doing sth(1)stop doing sth. . 停止做某事停止做某事We stopped talking when the teacher came in the We stopped talking when the teacher came in the classroom.classroom.当老师进来教室时,我们停止了说话。当老师进来教室时,我们停止了说话。(2)stop to do sth(2)stop to do sth. . 停下来去做另一件事停下来去做另一件事They walked for a long time and stopped to have a res

151、t. They walked for a long time and stopped to have a rest. 他们走了很长一段时间,停下来休息一下。他们走了很长一段时间,停下来休息一下。第第7课时 Modules 56 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测典型例题典型例题 (1)(1)【20182018原创原创】I feel tired and sleepy. I feel tired and sleepy. Why not stop _(have) a rest?Why not stop _(have) a rest?(2)Y

152、ou look so tired. Youd better stop (2)You look so tired. Youd better stop _(work) and relax yourself._(work) and relax yourself.(3)(3)【20182018原创原创】The river smells terrible. People The river smells terrible. People must _ dirty things into it.must _ dirty things into it.A Abe stopped to throwbe sto

153、pped to throwB Bbe stopped from throwingbe stopped from throwingC Cstop to throwstop to throwD Dstop from throwingstop from throwing第第7课时 Modules 56 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测to haveto haveworkingworkingB B .用括号中所给词的适当形式填空用括号中所给词的适当形式填空1. Most of the teenagers(1. Most of the tee

154、nagers(青少年青少年) are _ ) are _ (interest) in playing computer games.(interest) in playing computer games.2 2【20172017南京南京】Wild animals which are now in danger Wild animals which are now in danger need our _ (protect)need our _ (protect)3 3【 20172017泰州泰州】Some middle school students dont know Some middl

155、e school students dont know how _ (keep) a balance between study and play.how _ (keep) a balance between study and play.4. 4. 【 20172017宿迁宿迁】The boy has promised _ (not The boy has promised _ (not play) computer games again.play) computer games again.5. Now the children dont have enough time _ 5. No

156、w the children dont have enough time _ (play) football.(play) football.当堂效果检测第第7课时 Modules 56 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测interestedinterestedprotectionprotectionto keepto keepnot to playnot to playto playto play第第7课时 Modules 56 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测.用方框内

157、所给单词或短语的正确形式填空用方框内所给单词或短语的正确形式填空1 1The crop _ well last year.The crop _ well last year.2 2The sunglasses can _ the eyes _ the The sunglasses can _ the eyes _ the sun.sun.3 3We should protect animals _We should protect animals _4 4I think visitors should _ their litter I think visitors should _ their

158、 litter when they leave the beach.when they leave the beach.5 5I want to _ for the homeless children.I want to _ for the homeless children.in dangerin danger take awaytake awaygrowgrowraise moneyraise moneyunderstandunderstandprotectprotectfromfromteahouseteahouse mainmainendend especialespecialgrew

159、grewraise money raise money take awaytake awayin dangerin dangerformformprotectprotect第第7课时 Modules 56 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测6 6The _ idea of the passage is about the The _ idea of the passage is about the Internet.Internet.7 7My father likes drinking tea with his friends in

160、 My father likes drinking tea with his friends in the _ on the weekend.the _ on the weekend.8 8The class _ up with a song.The class _ up with a song.9 9It was difficult to _ what he said.It was difficult to _ what he said.1010The road is hard to walk on, _ at night.The road is hard to walk on, _ at

161、night.in dangerin danger take awaytake awaygrowgrowraise moneyraise moneyunderstandunderstandprotectprotectfromfromteahouseteahouse mainmainendend especialespecialmainmainteahouseteahouseendedendedunderstandunderstandespecially especially .根据汉语意思完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子( (每空一词每空一词) )1 1这个女孩主动帮助那位盲人过马路。这个女孩主动帮

162、助那位盲人过马路。The girl _ _ help the blind man _ The girl _ _ help the blind man _ the road.the road.2 2我们应该允许青少年选择他们自己的衣服。我们应该允许青少年选择他们自己的衣服。We should_ teenagers to_theirWe should_ teenagers to_their own own clothes.clothes.3 3首先,首先, 我们都应该同意去保护社区环境。我们都应该同意去保护社区环境。_ _ _ _ _, all of us should agree all of

163、us should agree _ _ the environment in our community._ _ the environment in our community.第第7课时 Modules 56 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测offeredofferedtotocrosscrossallowallowchoosechooseFirstFirstofofallalltotoprotectprotect4 4找出你想帮助的动物,并尽量为他们创建保护区。找出你想帮助的动物,并尽量为他们创建保护区。Find out th

164、e animals you want _ _Find out the animals you want _ _, and and try to _ _ reserves for them.try to _ _ reserves for them.5 5他们走了很长时间,最终到达了那个村庄。他们走了很长时间,最终到达了那个村庄。They walked for a long time. _ _ _ They walked for a long time. _ _ _ they got to the village.they got to the village.第第7课时 Modules 56 八

165、年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测end end totohelphelpsetsetupupInInthethe新课标(新课标(WYWY)Modules 7Modules 79 9 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反前自学反馈课前自学反前自学反馈当堂效果当堂效果检测当堂效果当堂效果检测中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦类别类别课标考点要求课标考点要求词汇词汇拓展拓展1. fall_ (1. fall_ (过去式过去式) ) _(_(过去分词过去分词) )2.two 2.two _ _ adadv v. .( (两次,两倍两

166、次,两倍) )3. deep3. deep_ _ adadv v. .4. dry4. dry_(_(反义词反义词) )5. appear5. appear_ (_ (反义词反义词) )6. hit6. hit_ (_ (过去式过去式) )7. bite7. bite_ (_ (过去式过去式) )8. hide8. hide_ (_ (过去式过去式) )9. throw9. throw_ (_ (过去式过去式) ) deeplydeeplytwicetwicewetwethithitdisappeardisappearfellfellbitbitthrewthrewhidhid课前自学反馈第第

167、8课时 Modules 79 八年级上册八年级上册 fallenfallen 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测类别类别课标考点要求课标考点要求词汇词汇拓展拓展10. bad_ (10. bad_ (比较比较级级)_ ()_ (最高级最高级) )1 11 1. pollution. pollution_ _ v.v.1 12 2. service_ . service_ v.v.1 13 3. grow_ (. grow_ (过去式过去式) )1 14 4. noise_ . noise_ adj.adj.1 15 5. five_ (. five_ (序

168、数词序数词) )1616report_ report_ n n( (记者记者) )1717sudden_ adv. sudden_ adv. 1818medicine_adjmedicine_adj. .1919quiet_ adv. quiet_ adv. worsworse eserveservepollutepollutegrewgrewreporterreporternoisynoisyf fi ifthfthworstworst第第8课时 Modules 79 八年级上册八年级上册 suddenly suddenly medical medical quietly quietly 课

169、前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测短语短语归纳归纳1.1.偶尔;一两次偶尔;一两次_2.2.考虑考虑_3.3.及时及时_4.4.从从跌落跌落_5.5.注意注意_6.6.并排地;肩并肩地并排地;肩并肩地_7.7.关闭,关停关闭,关停_think aboutthink aboutin timein timefall offfall offpay attention topay attention toside by sideside by sideclose downclose downonce or twiceonce or twice第第8课时 Module

170、s 79 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测短语短语归纳归纳8.8.爬出来爬出来_9.9.睡着睡着_10.10.起飞起飞_11.11.口口 稍等稍等_12.12.实际上实际上_13.13.停电停电_14.14.痛苦地痛苦地_15.15.五分之一五分之一 _ _ _16.16.向某人微笑向某人微笑 _17.17.拿起;捡起拿起;捡起 _ _ 18.18.像平常一样像平常一样 _ climb outclimb outfall asleepfall asleeptake offtake offhang onhang onin factin

171、factgo offgo offin painin painone fifthone fifth第第8课时 Modules 79 八年级上册八年级上册 smile at sbsmile at sb pick uppick up as usual as usual 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测句型句型再现再现1.1. 爱丽丝无事可做。爱丽丝无事可做。 Alice had _ _ _.Alice had _ _ _.2. 2. 天太黑了,她什么也看不见。天太黑了,她什么也看不见。 It was _ dark for her _ see It was _

172、dark for her _ see anything.anything.3.3. 你坐下来不是很礼貌。你坐下来不是很礼貌。 _ wasnt very polite _ you to sit _ wasnt very polite _ you to sit down.down.nothingnothingtotododotootoototoItItofof第第8课时 Modules 79 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测句型句型再现再现4.4.他们一知道是哪种蛇咬伤了他,就马上对症下药他们一知道是哪种蛇咬伤了他,就马上对症下药_ _

173、 _ they learnt what kind _ _ _ they learnt what kind of snake bit him, they gave Henry the right of snake bit him, they gave Henry the right medicinemedicine5 5. . 所以让我们尽我们所能来阻止污染,节约水资源。所以让我们尽我们所能来阻止污染,节约水资源。So lets do everything we can _ _ So lets do everything we can _ _ the pollution and save wat

174、er.the pollution and save water.AsAssoonsoonasastotostopstop第第8课时 Modules 79 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测句型句型再现再现6 6看一看你是否记得这个故事!看一看你是否记得这个故事! _ _ _ you remember the _ _ _ you remember the story! story! 7 7她看到它钻进地面上的一个大兔子洞里。她看到它钻进地面上的一个大兔子洞里。 She _ it _ down a large rabbit She _ i

175、t _ down a large rabbit hole in the ground. hole in the ground. 8 8很明显阿恩威克需要更多的学校、公共汽车和医院。很明显阿恩威克需要更多的学校、公共汽车和医院。 _ _ _ _ Arnwick_ _ _ _ Arnwick needs more schools, buses and hospitals. needs more schools, buses and hospitals. ToToseeseeififsawsawgogo第第8课时 Modules 79 八年级上册八年级上册 ItItisisclearcleartha

176、tthat课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测交际交际用语用语1.1.You look pale. Are you all right?You look pale. Are you all right? Im OK, but I saw an accident.Im OK, but I saw an accident.2.2.The boy fell off his bike.The boy fell off his bike. Thats too bad.Thats too bad.3 3Anything elseAnything else?/What e

177、lse/What else? 4.4.There are over 131.4 million births a year There are over 131.4 million births a year in the world.in the world. I cant believe it!I cant believe it!5.5.May I speak to Lucy?May I speak to Lucy? Hang on a minuteHang on a minute! 第第8课时 Modules 79 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当

178、堂效果检测当堂效果检测第第8课时 Modules 79 八年级上册八年级上册 语法语法结构结构1. 1. 过去进行时态过去进行时态 详见详见P87P87,语法互动语法互动( (八八)2. 2. 冠词和数词冠词和数词 详见详见P73P73,语法互动语法互动( (二二) );P79P79,语法互动语法互动( (四四)话题话题写作写作安全问题篇安全问题篇 详见详见P119P119,话题写作(九),话题写作(九) 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测词词 汇汇 点点 睛睛1 twice1 twiceadv. adv. 两次;两倍两次;两倍【点拨】【点拨】 twice

179、twice作副词,意为作副词,意为“两次;两倍两次;两倍”。once or once or twicetwice意为意为“偶尔;一两次偶尔;一两次”。She pointed it once or twice. She pointed it once or twice. 这一点她指出了一两次。这一点她指出了一两次。【拓展】【拓展】 (1) (1) 除了除了onceonce“一次一次”和和twicetwice“两次两次”以外,表以外,表示次数用示次数用“数词数词timestimes”的结构。如:的结构。如:Remember to take Remember to take the medicine

180、 three times a day. the medicine three times a day. 记得每天吃三次药。记得每天吃三次药。(2) (2) 对表示频率的副词提问时用对表示频率的副词提问时用how oftenhow often。中考考点聚焦第第8课时 Modules 79 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测典型例题典型例题 (1)It is a good habit to brush your teeth at least (1)It is a good habit to brush your teeth at leas

181、t _(_(两次两次) a day. ) a day. (2)(2)【20162016淮安淮安】_ do you go to the Buddy _ do you go to the Buddy Club in your school?Club in your school?Twice a month.Twice a month.A AHow farHow farB BHow long How long C CHow soon DHow soon DHow oftenHow often第第8课时 Modules 79 八年级上册八年级上册 D D 解析解析 考查特殊疑问词组的用法。根据答语考查

182、特殊疑问词组的用法。根据答语“一个月两次。一个月两次。”可知,上句是询问频率。故选可知,上句是询问频率。故选D D。课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测twicetwice 2 pay attention to 2 pay attention to 注意,留心,集中注意力于注意,留心,集中注意力于【点拨】【点拨】 pay attention topay attention to中的中的toto为介词,后面常接名词、为介词,后面常接名词、代词、动名词或从句作宾语。代词、动名词或从句作宾语。Pay attention to what you are doing.

183、Pay attention to what you are doing.集中注意力于你正在做的事。集中注意力于你正在做的事。【拓展】【拓展】 含有介词含有介词toto的短语:的短语:look forward tolook forward to期待期待give ones life to give ones life to 献身于献身于preferprefertoto比起比起更喜欢更喜欢be/get used tobe/get used to习惯于习惯于第第8课时 Modules 79 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测典型例题典型例题

184、(1)(1)【20182018原创原创】When you are studying abroad, you When you are studying abroad, you should _ local customs. Or youll get into should _ local customs. Or youll get into trouble.trouble.A Amake a messmake a messB Bleave out leave out C Cpull together Dpull together Dpay attention topay attention t

185、o(2)(2)【20182018原创原创】Pay attention to _(keep) away Pay attention to _(keep) away from those dangerous places. Accidents may happen to from those dangerous places. Accidents may happen to you. you. D第第8课时 Modules 79 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测keepingkeeping 3 take off 3 take off起飞

186、,脱下起飞,脱下【点拨】【点拨】 take offtake off意为意为“起飞起飞”时,与时,与land(land(降落降落) )相对;相对;意为意为“脱下脱下”时,与时,与put on(put on(穿上穿上) )相对。相对。The plane will take off in an hour.The plane will take off in an hour.飞机将在一个小时后起飞。飞机将在一个小时后起飞。【拓展】【拓展】 由由offoff构成的常用搭配:构成的常用搭配:put offput off推迟推迟turn offturn off关闭关闭get offget off下车下车gi

187、ve offgive off发出发出( (光、热、气味等光、热、气味等) ) set offset off出发出发keep offkeep off避免;不接近避免;不接近 be offbe off离开离开go off (go off (闹钟闹钟) )响;停电;离开;爆炸响;停电;离开;爆炸pay offpay off付清付清seeseeoffoff送行送行 show offshow off炫耀炫耀第第8课时 Modules 79 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测中考典例中考典例 【20172017武汉武汉】My elder brot

188、her _ my wet sports My elder brother _ my wet sports shoes and made me sit by the fire.shoes and made me sit by the fire.A Atook offtook off B Bkicked off kicked off C Ccarried out carried out D Dput output outA第第8课时 Modules 79 八年级上册八年级上册 解析解析 考查动词短语辨析。考查动词短语辨析。take offtake off意为意为“脱下脱下”;kick kick o

189、ffoff意为意为“使开始使开始”;carry outcarry out意为意为“实行实行”;put output out意意为为“熄灭熄灭”。根据空格后面宾语。根据空格后面宾语“my wet sports shoesmy wet sports shoes”可知答案。故选可知答案。故选A A。 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测 4 worse4 worseadj. adj. 更糟的;更坏的更糟的;更坏的 adv. adv. 更糟;更严重更糟;更严重【点拨】【点拨】 worseworse作形容词,是作形容词,是badbad和和illill的比较级,意为的比

190、较级,意为“更更糟的;更坏的糟的;更坏的”;worseworse作副词,是作副词,是badlybadly的比较级。的比较级。Im afraid his health is getting worse than before. Im afraid his health is getting worse than before. 恐怕他的健康状况比以前更糟。恐怕他的健康状况比以前更糟。To make matters worse, he refused to say sorry. To make matters worse, he refused to say sorry. 更糟的是他拒不道歉。更糟

191、的是他拒不道歉。第第8课时 Modules 79 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测【拓展】【拓展】 (1) worse(1) worse的反义词为的反义词为betterbetter,意为,意为“更好更好”。(2) worse(2) worse的最高级为的最高级为worstworst,意为,意为“最糟的,最坏的,最严最糟的,最坏的,最严重的;最坏,最糟重的;最坏,最糟”。A第第8课时 Modules 79 八年级上册八年级上册 解析解析 考查形容词比较等级。句意:这次考试我做得不是考查形容词比较等级。句意:这次考试我做得不是很好。不幸

192、的是,他做得很好。不幸的是,他做得_。分析句意可知,是。分析句意可知,是“我我”和和“他他”进行比较,故用比较级;由进行比较,故用比较级;由“unluckilyunluckily”可可判断出,判断出,“他他”比比“我我”做得更差。故选做得更差。故选A A。 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测中考典例中考典例 【20162016江西江西】I didnt do very well in this exam. I didnt do very well in this exam. Unluckily, he did it _Unluckily, he did it

193、 _A AworseworseB BbadlybadlyC Cbetter Dbetter Dworstworst巧巧 辨辨 异异 同同1 1 sleep, sleepy, asleepsleep, sleepy, asleep与与sleepingsleeping第第8课时 Modules 79 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测词条词条词性词性意义及用法意义及用法sleepsleep动词,动词,名词名词意为意为“睡觉,睡眠睡觉,睡眠”,常用短语:,常用短语:have have a sleep; go to sleepa sleep;

194、 go to sleep。sleepysleepy形容词形容词意为意为“困倦的困倦的”,可用作定语或表语。,可用作定语或表语。asleepasleep形容词形容词意为意为“睡着的睡着的”,作表语、宾语补足语,作表语、宾语补足语,指状态。常用短语:指状态。常用短语:fall asleepfall asleep,意为,意为“入睡入睡”。sleepingsleeping形容词;形容词;sleepsleep的现在分词的现在分词动名词动名词意为意为“睡着的;供睡觉用的睡着的;供睡觉用的”,作形容,作形容词时前置词时前置与与be be 动词连用,意为动词连用,意为“正在睡觉正在睡觉”。My mother

195、had a good sleep last night.My mother had a good sleep last night.My mother slept well last night.My mother slept well last night.我妈妈昨晚睡得很好。我妈妈昨晚睡得很好。I felt sleepy all day. I felt sleepy all day. 我整天犯困。我整天犯困。 She was so tired that she fell asleep in class. She was so tired that she fell asleep in cl

196、ass. 她太累了,以至于在课堂上睡着了。她太累了,以至于在课堂上睡着了。 There is a sleeping boy under the tree. There is a sleeping boy under the tree. 树下有一个男孩正在睡觉。树下有一个男孩正在睡觉。第第8课时 Modules 79 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测典型例题典型例题 【20182018原创原创】用用sleepsleep的适当形式填空的适当形式填空(1)(1)Tim, dont make noise here. Your little

197、sister Tim, dont make noise here. Your little sister is _is _ Mum, Im sorry. I wont.Mum, Im sorry. I wont.(2)Li Xin(2)Li Xin likes to stay up late, so he always feels likes to stay up late, so he always feels _ in class. _ in class. (3)If you go to see lions, tigers or foxes at the (3)If you go to s

198、ee lions, tigers or foxes at the Night Safari in the daytime, theyll probably be Night Safari in the daytime, theyll probably be _(4) At the weekend some of my friends and I will go (4) At the weekend some of my friends and I will go to the mall and buy _ bags for camping.to the mall and buy _ bags

199、for camping.(5) We need at least eight hours _ every day (5) We need at least eight hours _ every day in order to keep healthy.in order to keep healthy.第第8课时 Modules 79 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测sleepingsleepingsleepingsleepingsleepysleepyasleepasleepasleepasleep 2 2 in timein t

200、ime与与on timeon time第第8课时 Modules 79 八年级上册八年级上册 in timein time意为意为“及时及时”,表示动作在规定时间内完成或比,表示动作在规定时间内完成或比规定的时间提早完成。规定的时间提早完成。on timeon time强调强调“准时,按时准时,按时”,相当于,相当于at the right timeat the right time。课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测The film will be showed on time. Can you arrive at the The film will b

201、e showed on time. Can you arrive at the cinema in time? cinema in time? 电影将准时开演,你能及时赶到电影院吗?电影将准时开演,你能及时赶到电影院吗?典型例题典型例题We are going to begin our meeting at 8We are going to begin our meeting at 8:00. Please be 00. Please be here _. Dont be late. here _. Dont be late. A Aat times at times B Bin timein

202、 timeC Con time Don time Dfrom time to time from time to time 第第8课时 Modules 79 八年级上册八年级上册 C C课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测 解析解析 考查短语辨析。句意:我们打算在考查短语辨析。句意:我们打算在8 8点钟开会。请点钟开会。请_到达这里。不要迟到。到达这里。不要迟到。at times at times 有时;有时;in time in time 及时;及时;on time on time 准时;准时;from time to time from time to

203、time 不时,偶尔。不时,偶尔。根据后句根据后句“不要迟到不要迟到”,此句应表示,此句应表示“按时到达这里按时到达这里”。故选故选C C。3 think about, think over3 think about, think over与与think ofthink of第第8课时 Modules 79 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测think about think about 考虑,回想;对考虑,回想;对有意见有意见think overthink over 仔细考虑仔细考虑think ofthink of考虑;有考虑;有想

204、法;想起;对想法;想起;对有意见有意见Dont worry. Sit down and try to think about it. Dont worry. Sit down and try to think about it. Think over every aspect and Im sure you will think of Think over every aspect and Im sure you will think of a good way to solve the problem.a good way to solve the problem.别担忧,坐下来好好想想这件

205、事。别担忧,坐下来好好想想这件事。 仔细考虑它的方方面面,仔细考虑它的方方面面,我确信你会想出一个解决问题的好办法。我确信你会想出一个解决问题的好办法。典型例题典型例题The decision is very important for me. Let me The decision is very important for me. Let me _ it _ before I decide. _ it _ before I decide. A Athink; ofthink; ofB Bthink; for think; for C Cthink; over Dthink; over Dt

206、hink; aboutthink; about第第8课时 Modules 79 八年级上册八年级上册 C C课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测4 while, 4 while, whenwhen与与asas引导从句引导从句 词条词条 从句中的谓语动词的特点从句中的谓语动词的特点 主从句动作的关系主从句动作的关系whilewhile 从句动词必须是延续性的,从句动词必须是延续性的,且常用进行时。且常用进行时。 主从句动作同时发生。主从句动作同时发生。whenwhen 从句动词可以是延续性的,从句动词可以是延续性的,也可以是短暂性的。也可以是短暂性的。 主从句

207、动作同时发生或主从句动作同时发生或一先一后发生。一先一后发生。as as 从句动词必须是延续性的。从句动词必须是延续性的。主从句的动作同时发生。主从句的动作同时发生。第第8课时 Modules 79 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测Please do not talk so loud while/when others are Please do not talk so loud while/when others are working.working.当别人在工作的时候,请不要大声说话。当别人在工作的时候,请不要大声说话。My

208、son was cooking dinner when I got home.My son was cooking dinner when I got home.当我到当我到家时,我儿子正在做饭。家时,我儿子正在做饭。He sang as he went along.He sang as he went along.他边走边唱。他边走边唱。 第第8课时 Modules 79 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测第第8课时 Modules 79 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测

209、典型例题典型例题 用用as, whenas, when或或whilewhile填空填空(1)(1)Mike, what were your parents doing at 8Mike, what were your parents doing at 8:00 00 last night?last night?My mother was reading _ my father was My mother was reading _ my father was playing computer games.playing computer games.(2)I was very excited

210、_ I heard the news (2)I was very excited _ I heard the news that the highthat the high speed rail would be built from speed rail would be built from Guangzhou to XiamenGuangzhou to Xiamen. .(3)_ the time went on, the tree we planted (3)_ the time went on, the tree we planted last year is getting hig

211、her and higher.last year is getting higher and higher.As As whilewhilewhenwhen 1 1 “And what is a book forAnd what is a book for,” thought Alice, thought Alice, “without pictures or conversationswithout pictures or conversations?”“没有插图也没有对话的书有什么用?没有插图也没有对话的书有什么用?”爱丽丝想爱丽丝想。【点拨【点拨】 “WhatWhatforfor?”意为

212、意为“有什么用?有什么用?”,用来,用来询问目的或功能。询问目的或功能。WhatWhatforfor?WhyWhy?“WhatWhatforfor”侧重询问目的,常用动词不定式或侧重询问目的,常用动词不定式或forfor短语回短语回答答;“WhyWhy?”侧重询问原因,常用侧重询问原因,常用becausebecause来回答来回答。句句 型型 透透 视视第8课时 Modules 79 八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测What are you sitting on the eggs for?What are you sitting on the

213、 eggs for?你坐在鸡蛋上面做什么你坐在鸡蛋上面做什么?Im sitting on them to hatch the chicks. Im sitting on them to hatch the chicks. 我坐在它们上面为了孵小鸡我坐在它们上面为了孵小鸡。What did you do that What did you do that forfor?WhyWhy did you do that? did you do that?你为什么那样做你为什么那样做?第第8课时 Modules 79 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂

214、效果检测典型例题典型例题 What are you always staying up so late these days What are you always staying up so late these days for?for?_ (prepare) for my final exam._ (prepare) for my final exam.To prepare To prepare 2 2 It was too dark for her to see anything. It was too dark for her to see anything.天太黑了,她什么也看不见

215、。天太黑了,她什么也看不见。【点拨】【点拨】 “tootooadj.adj.to do sthto do sth. .”意为意为“( (对某人来说对某人来说) )太太而不能做某事而不能做某事”。该结构可以与。该结构可以与“notnotenough enough toto”及及“sosothatthat”的否定结构互换。的否定结构互换。His brother is too young to join the army.His brother is too young to join the army.His brother isnt old enough to join the army.His

216、 brother isnt old enough to join the army.His brother is so young that he cant join the His brother is so young that he cant join the army.army.他弟弟太小,不能参军。他弟弟太小,不能参军。第第8课时 Modules 79 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测【拓展】【拓展】 (1)(1)该句型中若主语是事物,可用介词该句型中若主语是事物,可用介词forfor引出引出动作的执行者,即动作的执行者,

217、即“sth. is toosth. is toofor sbfor sb. to do. to do”。The shoes are too small for me to wear.The shoes are too small for me to wear.这双鞋太小,我穿不了。这双鞋太小,我穿不了。(2)(2)当当tootoo前面含有否定意义的词或前面含有否定意义的词或onlyonly时,或时,或tootoo后的形后的形容词表示情感时,容词表示情感时,tootoototo结构表达肯定意义。结构表达肯定意义。第第8课时 Modules 79 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考

218、考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测典型例题典型例题 (1)(1)【20182018原创原创】The iPhoneThe iPhone 8 is _ expensive 8 is _ expensive for me _ buy.for me _ buy.A Aso; thatso; thatB Bsuch; thatsuch; thatC Ceither; or Deither; or Dtoo; totoo; to(2)(2)【20182018原创原创】He is so young that he cant look He is so young that he cant look

219、 after himself.(after himself.(改为同义句改为同义句) )He is _ _ _ look after himself.He is _ _ _ look after himself.He isnt _ _ _ look after He isnt _ _ _ look after himself. himself. to to tootooyoungyoungtotooldoldenoughenoughD D3 3 So lets do everything we can to stop the So lets do everything we can to st

220、op the pollution and save water.pollution and save water.所以让我们尽我们所能来阻止污染,节约水资源。所以让我们尽我们所能来阻止污染,节约水资源。【点拨】【点拨】 该句中的该句中的“to stop the pollution and save to stop the pollution and save waterwater”是不定式短语作目的状语,句中的是不定式短语作目的状语,句中的we canwe can是一个前面是一个前面省略了关系代词省略了关系代词thatthat,后面省略了谓语动词,后面省略了谓语动词dodo的定语从句,的定语从

221、句,修饰先行词修饰先行词everythingeverything。We should do everything we can to protect the We should do everything we can to protect the environment.environment.我们应该尽我们所能去保护环境。我们应该尽我们所能去保护环境。第第8课时 Modules 79 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测典型例题典型例题 【20182018原创原创】Jenny, you should practice as ofte

222、n Jenny, you should practice as often as you can_(winas you can_(win) the piano competition.) the piano competition.to win to win .根据句意及汉语提示完成单词根据句意及汉语提示完成单词1. We should come up with a good way to _(1. We should come up with a good way to _(解解决决)the problem.)the problem.2 2I didnt hear the bell beca

223、use it was too I didnt hear the bell because it was too _(_(吵闹的吵闹的) in the room.) in the room.3 3Dont _(Dont _(扔扔)food to the animals in the zoo.)food to the animals in the zoo.4 4【20172017南京】南京】These kinds of plants _(These kinds of plants _(生长生长) in the northern part of our country.) in the northe

224、rn part of our country.5 5【20172017青岛】青岛】The exam is very important to us, The exam is very important to us, so we must take it _ (so we must take it _ (严肃地严肃地) )当堂效果检测第第8课时 Modules 79 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测seriously seriously solvesolvenoisynoisythrowthrowgrowgrow第第8课时 Modu

225、les 79 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测.用方框内所给单词的正确形式填空用方框内所给单词的正确形式填空1 1We should thank the man who always does what he We should thank the man who always does what he can _ us.can _ us.2 2They were having a meeting when the lights They were having a meeting when the lights _ off._ o

226、ff.3 3The boy _ off his bike and hurt himself The boy _ off his bike and hurt himself badly.badly.4 4The girl sings _ she goes to school.The girl sings _ she goes to school.5 5You should pay attention to _ the traffic You should pay attention to _ the traffic rules.rules.helphelptaketakefivefive clo

227、seclose noisenoisefallfallgogo suddensuddenfollowfollowasasfollowing following to helpto helpwentwentfellfellasas第第8课时 Modules 79 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测6 6After _ off his wet shoes, he sat by the After _ off his wet shoes, he sat by the fire.fire.7 7Our school is going to ho

228、ld the _ Culture Our school is going to hold the _ Culture Festival.Festival.8 8Because of the continued loss, the factory _ Because of the continued loss, the factory _ down in the end.down in the end.9 9The teacher is very angry because the boy is too The teacher is very angry because the boy is t

229、oo active and _ in class.active and _ in class.1010Earthquakes always happen _Earthquakes always happen _, so it is so it is difficult to know when they come.difficult to know when they come.helphelptaketakefivefive closeclose noisenoisefallfallgogo suddensuddenfollowfollowasassuddenly suddenly taki

230、ngtakingfifthfifthclosedclosednoisynoisy.句型转换句型转换1 1Its so dangerous that you mustnt play football Its so dangerous that you mustnt play football on the road.(on the road.(改为同义句改为同义句) )Its _ dangerous for you _ play Its _ dangerous for you _ play football on the road.football on the road.2 2You shou

231、ldnt ride so fast.(You shouldnt ride so fast.(改为祈使句改为祈使句) )_ _ so fast._ _ so fast.3 3China is a developing country.ItChina is a developing country.It has the largest has the largest population in the world.(population in the world.(合并为一句合并为一句) )China is a developing country _ the largest China is a

232、 developing country _ the largest population in the world.population in the world.第第8课时 Modules 79 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测tootoototoDontDontrideridewithwith4 4OverOver_ _fiftyfifty babies are born every day in the city.( babies are born every day in the city.(对对画线部分提问画线部分提问)

233、)_ _ babies are born every day in the _ _ babies are born every day in the city?city?5 5Lucy was reading a story book when her mother came Lucy was reading a story book when her mother came in.(in.(改为一般疑问句改为一般疑问句) )_ Lucy _ a story book when her mother _ Lucy _ a story book when her mother came in?c

234、ame in?第第8课时 Modules 79 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测reading reading HowHowmanymanyWasWas新课标(新课标(WYWY)Modules 10Modules 101212 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反前自学反馈课前自学反前自学反馈当堂效果当堂效果检测当堂效果当堂效果检测中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦类别类别课标考点要求课标考点要求词汇词汇拓展拓展1.cloud_ 1.cloud_ adj.adj.2.thick2.thick_ (_ (反义词反义词) )3

235、.terrible_ 3.terrible_ adv.adv.4.toy4.toy_ (_ (复数复数) )5.tradition5.tradition_ _ adj.adj.6.serious6.serious_ _ adv.adv.7.medical7.medical_ _ n.n.8.may/perhaps8.may/perhaps_ (_ (同义词同义词) )9.harm9.harm_adj.adj._( (形容词的反义词形容词的反义词) ) terriblyterriblythinthintoystoysseriouslyseriouslytraditionaltraditional

236、cloudycloudyprobablyprobablymedicinemedicine课前自学反馈第第9课时 Modules 1012 八年级上册八年级上册 harmfulharmful课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测harmlesharmless s类别类别课标考点要求课标考点要求词汇词汇拓展拓展10. power10. power_ _ adj.adj.11. surprising_ 11. surprising_ v.v.12. break12. break_ _ adj.adj.13. help13. help_ _ adj. adj. _ _

237、 ( (形容词的反义词形容词的反义词) )14. sun14. sun_ _ adj.adj.15. keep15. keep_ (_ (过去式过去式) )16. gentleman16. gentleman_ (_ (复数复数) )1717drop_(drop_(过去式过去式) )1818present_npresent_n( (同义词同义词) )1919ice_ adj. ice_ adj. droppeddroppedsurprisesurprisepowerfulpowerfulhelpfulhelpfulbrokenbrokensunnysunnygentlemengentlemen

238、keptkept第第9课时 Modules 1012 八年级上册八年级上册 gift gift icyicy课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测helplesshelpless短语短语归纳归纳1.1.快点快点_2.2.有时;间或有时;间或_3 3. .一副国际象棋一副国际象棋 _ _4 4. .电子游戏电子游戏 _ _5 5. .例如例如_6 6. .首次;初次首次;初次_7 7. .急救急救_8 8. .在在的底部的底部_9 9. .抬起;提起抬起;提起_1010. .确保;确认确保;确认_from time to timefrom time to tim

239、efor examplefor examplefor the first timefor the first timefirst aidfirst aidat the bottom ofat the bottom ofcome oncome onvideo gamevideo gamea chess seta chess set第第9课时 Modules 1012 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测lift uplift upmake suremake sure短语短语归纳归纳1111. .不和不和接触接触_1 12 2. .用用覆盖

240、覆盖 _ _1 13 3. .给给拍照拍照_1 14 4. .总之总之_1515保持冷静保持冷静 _ _ 1616互相;彼此互相;彼此 _1717与与相比较相比较 _ _ 1818全年全年 _ _ 1919查明查明 _ _ 20.20.做某事有困难做某事有困难_keep clear ofkeep clear ofcovercoverwithwithtake photos oftake photos ofin shortin short第第9课时 Modules 1012 八年级上册八年级上册 each other each other compared to compared to all y

241、ear round all year round find out find out keep calm keep calm 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测have trouble (in) doing sthhave trouble (in) doing sth. . 句型句型再现再现1.1.温度是多少?温度是多少?零下八度到零下二度!零下八度到零下二度! _ _ _ _ _? Its _ minus eight _ minus Its _ minus eight _ minus two degrees!two degrees! 2 2在春节那个月期

242、间你最好不要理发。在春节那个月期间你最好不要理发。 And youd _ _ _your And youd _ _ _your hair cut during the Spring Festival month. hair cut during the Spring Festival month. Whats Whats thethebetterbettertemperature temperature notnothavehave第第9课时 Modules 1012 八年级上册八年级上册 andandbetween between 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测

243、当堂效果检测句型句型再现再现3 3. . 下午茶不仅仅是一种饮料,还是下午四点左下午茶不仅仅是一种饮料,还是下午四点左 右的一顿简餐。右的一顿简餐。 Afternoon tea is _ _ a drinkAfternoon tea is _ _ a drink _ a light meal at _ 4 pm._ a light meal at _ 4 pm.4 4贝蒂,这个建议太好了,你都可以当医生了!贝蒂,这个建议太好了,你都可以当医生了! Thats _ good advice _ you Thats _ good advice _ you could be a doctor, Bet

244、ty!could be a doctor, Betty!notnotjustjustbutbutaroundaroundsuchsuchthatthat第第9课时 Modules 1012 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测句型句型再现再现5. 5. 远离窗户和大件的家具远离窗户和大件的家具。 _ _ _ _ _ windows and heavy windows and heavy furniture.furniture.6 6但是他很可能听你说话或者和你说话有困难。但是他很可能听你说话或者和你说话有困难。 But he could

245、 _ _ _ you or But he could _ _ _ you or speaking to you. speaking to you. StayStayawayawayfromfrom第第9课时 Modules 1012 八年级上册八年级上册 have have trouble trouble hearing hearing 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测交际交际用语用语1.1.Were going to the park to skate.Were going to the park to skate.Are you jokingAre

246、you joking?Its really cold today.Its really cold today.2 2I dont like showers or windy weather.I dont like showers or windy weather.Me neither.Me neither.3 3Happy birthday.HeresHappy birthday.Heres your gift. your gift.Oh, you remembered! What a surpriseOh, you remembered! What a surprise! 4.You can

247、t be serious!4.You cant be serious!5 5You mustnt break anything on that day.ItsYou mustnt break anything on that day.Its bad luck!bad luck!6 6Come on, better get going! Come on, better get going! 7 7In short, follow what you learn in school. In short, follow what you learn in school. 第第9课时 Modules 1

248、012 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测语语法法结构结构1. 1. 情态动词情态动词must, can, could, needmust, can, could, need等的用法等的用法 详详见见P91P91,语法互动,语法互动( (九九)2. 2. 祈使句祈使句 详见详见P97P97,语法互动,语法互动( (十三十三) ) 第第9课时 Modules 1012 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测 1 1 warn warnv v警告;告诫警告;告诫【点拨】【点拨】 wa

249、rnwarn的常见用法如下:的常见用法如下:词词 汇汇 点点 睛睛中考考点聚焦第第9课时 Modules 1012 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测I warned you of the danger, didnt I?I warned you of the danger, didnt I?我提醒过你有危险,不是吗?我提醒过你有危险,不是吗?The doctor warned him not to smoke.The doctor warned him not to smoke.医生警告他不要吸烟。医生警告他不要吸烟。They wa

250、rned him against swimmingThey warned him against swimmingin the river.in the river.他们警告他不要在河里游泳。他们警告他不要在河里游泳。The weather station warned that a storm was coming.The weather station warned that a storm was coming.气气象台预报暴风雨即将来临。象台预报暴风雨即将来临。第第9课时 Modules 1012 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效

251、果检测典型例题典型例题The teachers always warn the students not The teachers always warn the students not _(cheat) in the exam. _(cheat) in the exam. to cheat to cheat 2surprise2surprisev v使使( (某人某人) )吃惊吃惊 n n惊奇;意外之事惊奇;意外之事【点拨】【点拨】 (1) surprise(1) surprise意为意为“惊奇惊奇”时,为不可数名词,常时,为不可数名词,常用短语:用短语:in surprisein sur

252、prise意为意为“惊讶地惊讶地”;to ones surpriseto ones surprise意意为为“令某人惊讶的是令某人惊讶的是”。surprisesurprise意为意为“意外之事意外之事”时,为可时,为可数名词。数名词。I have a surprise for you! I have a surprise for you! 我要告诉你一件意想不到的事!我要告诉你一件意想不到的事!To our surprise, she passed the exam last Monday. To our surprise, she passed the exam last Monday. 令

253、我令我们感到惊讶的是,她上周一通过了考试。们感到惊讶的是,她上周一通过了考试。(2) surprise(2) surprise作及物动词,意为作及物动词,意为“使使( (某人某人) )吃惊吃惊”。第第9课时 Modules 1012 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测【拓展】【拓展】 surprisesurprise的形容词为的形容词为surprisingsurprising和和surprisedsurprised,前,前者用来指物,意为者用来指物,意为“令人感到惊讶的令人感到惊讶的”,后者指人的情感,后者指人的情感,意为意为“感到惊

254、奇的感到惊奇的”。We are surprised at his surprising success. We are surprised at his surprising success. 我们对他惊人的成功感到惊讶。我们对他惊人的成功感到惊讶。第第9课时 Modules 1012 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测典型例题典型例题 My parents felt _ when they heard the My parents felt _ when they heard the _ news that I got the fi

255、rst place in the _ news that I got the first place in the match.match.A Asurprised; surprisingsurprised; surprisingB Bsurprised; surprisedsurprised; surprisedC Csurprising; surprised Dsurprising; surprised Dsurprising; surprising; surprisingsurprisingA3 compared 3 compared toto与与相比较相比较 【点拨【点拨】 (1)co

256、mpared with(1)compared with与与compared to compared to 在句中作状语,在句中作状语,可以互换。可以互换。Compared with/to last year, he has made great progress Compared with/to last year, he has made great progress in English. in English. 和去年比较,他在英语方面取得了很大进步。和去年比较,他在英语方面取得了很大进步。(2)compare(2)comparewithwith把把和和比较比较( (常表示同类相比,比常

257、表示同类相比,比较较) );comparecomparetoto把把比作比作( (常表示异类相比,比喻常表示异类相比,比喻) )Dont compare yourself with others. Dont compare yourself with others. 不要把自己和别人相比。不要把自己和别人相比。Children are often compared to flowers. Children are often compared to flowers. 孩子们常被比喻成花朵。孩子们常被比喻成花朵。第第9课时 Modules 1012 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈

258、中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测典型例题典型例题【20182018原创原创】用用withwith或或toto填空填空(1)You shouldnt always compare your son _ the (1)You shouldnt always compare your son _ the best student at shoolbest student at shool. .(2)Many children enjoy comparing our country _ (2)Many children enjoy comparing our country _ our

259、 mother.our mother.with第第9课时 Modules 1012 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测to4 neither4 neitheradv.(adv.(某人或某事物某人或某事物) ) 也不也不【点拨】【点拨】 neitherneither用作副词,意为用作副词,意为“也不也不”,表示前面否定的,表示前面否定的内容也适用于另一个人或物。内容也适用于另一个人或物。I dont like this dress. I dont like this dress. 我不喜欢这件连衣裙。我不喜欢这件连衣裙。Me neith

260、er. Me neither. 我也不喜欢。我也不喜欢。第第9课时 Modules 1012 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测【拓展】【拓展】 (1) neither(1) neither用作形容词,表示用作形容词,表示“两者都不两者都不”,置于,置于单数名词前。单数名词前。Neither answer is correct. Neither answer is correct. 两个答案都不对。两个答案都不对。(2) neither(2) neither用作代词,表示用作代词,表示“两者都不两者都不”。He answered ne

261、ither of the letters. He answered neither of the letters. 他两封信都没有回。他两封信都没有回。(3) neither(3) neither用作连词,常用短语用作连词,常用短语neitherneithernornor,表示,表示“既既不不也不也不”。Neither he nor I have been to England. Neither he nor I have been to England. 他和我都没有去过英国。他和我都没有去过英国。第第9课时 Modules 1012 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚

262、焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测中考典例中考典例 (1)(1)【20172017青岛青岛】Can I come today or tomorrow?Can I come today or tomorrow?_ is OK. Im busy today and tomorrow._ is OK. Im busy today and tomorrow.A AEitherEitherB BNeitherNeitherC CEachEachD DNoneNone第第9课时 Modules 1012 八年级上册八年级上册 B B 【解析】【解析】B B。考查不定代词词义辨析。考查不定代词词义辨析。

263、eithereither意为意为“两者中任两者中任何一个何一个”;neitherneither意为意为“两者都不两者都不”;eacheach意为意为“三者或三三者或三者以上中任意一个者以上中任意一个”;nonenone意为意为“三者或三者以上都不三者或三者以上都不”。根。根据据“Im busy today and tomorrow.Im busy today and tomorrow.”可知,回答应是对两者可知,回答应是对两者的否定。故选的否定。故选B B。课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测(2)2016(2)2016黄冈黄冈My parents are

264、crazy about Running Man. My parents are crazy about Running Man. How about your parents?How about your parents?_my dad _my mom likes it. But they _my dad _my mom likes it. But they prefer Ode to Joy (prefer Ode to Joy (欢乐颂欢乐颂) )A ANot only; but alsoNot only; but alsoB BBoth; andBoth; andC CEither; o

265、r DEither; or DNeither; norNeither; nor第第9课时 Modules 1012 八年级上册八年级上册 D D 【解析】【解析】(2)D(2)D考查不定代词的固定搭配。考查不定代词的固定搭配。not onlynot onlybut but alsoalso意为意为“不但不但而且而且”;bothbothandand意为意为“两者两者都都”;eithereitheroror意为意为“要么要么要么要么”;neitherneithernornor意为意为“既不既不也不也不”。根据。根据“But they But they prefer Ode of Joy.prefe

266、r Ode of Joy.”可知,回答应是对两者的否定。故选可知,回答应是对两者的否定。故选D D。课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测巧巧 辨辨 异异 同同 acceptaccept与与receivereceive第第9课时 Modules 1012 八年级上册八年级上册 acceptaccept意为意为“接受接受”,指主观上接受。,指主观上接受。 receivereceive意为意为“接收接收”,强调客观上接到或收,强调客观上接到或收到,但主观上不一定接受。到,但主观上不一定接受。 I I received received an an invitati

267、on invitation to to the the party party yesterday, yesterday, but but I I refused refused to to accept accept it. it. 昨昨天天我我收收到到了了参参加加聚聚会会的的请请帖,但我拒绝接受邀请。帖,但我拒绝接受邀请。课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测典型例题典型例题【20182018原创原创】用用acceptaccept或或receivereceive的适当形式填空的适当形式填空(1)I havent _ her letter for half

268、a month.(1)I havent _ her letter for half a month.(2)Mary _ a basketball on her birthday, but (2)Mary _ a basketball on her birthday, but she didnt _ it.she didnt _ it.第第9课时 Modules 1012 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测acceptacceptreceivedreceivedreceivedreceived1 1 But he could have

269、trouble hearing you or speaking But he could have trouble hearing you or speaking to you.to you.但他在听你说话或跟你说话方面可能会有困难。但他在听你说话或跟你说话方面可能会有困难。【点拨【点拨】 have trouble/difficulty (in) doing sthhave trouble/difficulty (in) doing sth. .意为意为“做某事有困难做某事有困难”。I have some trouble (in) learning mathsI have some troub

270、le (in) learning maths. .我在学习数学方面有一些困难。我在学习数学方面有一些困难。【一言辨异】【一言辨异】 troubletrouble还可作动词。还可作动词。Dont trouble troubleDont trouble trouble till trouble troubles you. till trouble troubles you.麻烦没找你,你别自找麻烦。麻烦没找你,你别自找麻烦。句句 型型 透透 视视第第9课时 Modules 1012 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测典型例题典型例题【20

271、182018原创原创】当你在交朋友方面有困难时,你可以向父母求当你在交朋友方面有困难时,你可以向父母求助。助。You could ask your parents_ help when you have You could ask your parents_ help when you have trouble in _ friends. trouble in _ friends. 第第9课时 Modules 1012 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测makingmakingforfor【拓展【拓展】第第9课时 Modules 10

272、12 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测词条词条词性词性用法用法suchsuch形容词,修饰名词形容词,修饰名词(1)such(1)sucha/ana/anadj.adj.可数名词单数可数名词单数( (thatthat从从句句) )(2)such(2)suchadj.adj.可数名可数名词复数词复数/ /不可数名词不可数名词( (thatthat从句从句) )soso副词,修饰形容词或副词,修饰形容词或副词原形副词原形(1)so(1)soadj./adv. (adj./adv. (thatthat从句从句) )(2)so(2)soad

273、j.adj.a/ana/an可可数名词单数数名词单数( (thatthat从句从句) ) I have never heard such an interesting story.I have never heard such an interesting story.我从未听过这么有趣的故事。我从未听过这么有趣的故事。Theyre such interesting stories that I want to Theyre such interesting stories that I want to read them a second time.read them a second ti

274、me.它们是如此有趣的故事,以它们是如此有趣的故事,以至于我想再读一遍。至于我想再读一遍。【注意】【注意】 当名词前有当名词前有many, much, fewmany, much, few或或littlelittle等修饰等修饰词时,其前必须用词时,其前必须用soso而不用而不用suchsuch。I havent seen so much money in my life.I havent seen so much money in my life.我一生中从没见过这么多钱。我一生中从没见过这么多钱。 第第9课时 Modules 1012 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点

275、聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测典型例题典型例题 用用sosothatthat或或suchsuchthatthat填空填空(1)Tom is _ lovely _ all the people (1)Tom is _ lovely _ all the people around him like him.around him like him.(2)It is _ an interesting story _ I (2)It is _ an interesting story _ I read it once again.read it once again.第第9课时 Modules

276、 1012 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测thatthatsosothatthatsuchsuch.根据句意及汉语提示完成单词根据句意及汉语提示完成单词1 1Our happy _(Our happy _(经历经历) in Beijing made us ) in Beijing made us excited.excited.2 2This morning I had some _(This morning I had some _(三明治三明治) and ) and milk for breakfast.milk for br

277、eakfast.3 3You remembered my birthday.WhatYou remembered my birthday.What a _( a _(惊喜惊喜)!)!4.4.【20172017宿迁宿迁】Drivers should drive more slowly on Drivers should drive more slowly on _(_(有雨的有雨的) days.) days.5 5【20172017烟台烟台】Can you _(Can you _(想象想象) what the ) what the future will be like?future will

278、be like?当堂效果检测第第9课时 Modules 1012 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测experiencesexperiencessandwichessandwichessurprisesurpriserainyrainyimagineimagine.用括号中所给词的适当形式填空用括号中所给词的适当形式填空1 1Playing computer games too much is Playing computer games too much is _(harm) to you._(harm) to you.2 2The

279、y have trouble _(work) the mathsThey have trouble _(work) the maths problem out.problem out.3 3It is a good idea to travel around on a It is a good idea to travel around on a _(cloud) day._(cloud) day.4 4Our teacher often warns the girls not Our teacher often warns the girls not _(walk) home alone a

280、fter school._(walk) home alone after school.5 5Sam was _ (surprise) at how quickly his Sam was _ (surprise) at how quickly his mother agreed to buy him a new bike. mother agreed to buy him a new bike. 第第9课时 Modules 1012 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测surprisedsurprisedharmfulharmfulw

281、orkingworkingcloudycloudyto walkto walk.根据汉语意思完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子( (每空一词每空一词) )1. 1. 首先,查明他怎么了。首先,查明他怎么了。First of all, _ _ _ wrong _ First of all, _ _ _ wrong _ him.him.2 2但是他有可能在听你说话或者和你说话方面有困难。但是他有可能在听你说话或者和你说话方面有困难。But he could _ _But he could _ _ _ you or _ you or speaking to you.speaking to you.3. 3

282、. 这个建议非常好,你都可以当医生了。这个建议非常好,你都可以当医生了。Thats _ good advice _ you could be a doctor.Thats _ good advice _ you could be a doctor.4 4家长经常提醒孩子过交通拥挤的马路的危险。家长经常提醒孩子过交通拥挤的马路的危险。Parents often _ children _ _ _ Parents often _ children _ _ _ crossing busy streets.crossing busy streets.5 5和北京的天气相比,这里很热。和北京的天气相比,这

283、里很热。_ _ the weather in Beijing, its very hot _ _ the weather in Beijing, its very hot here.here.第第9课时 Modules 1012 八年级上册八年级上册 课前自学反馈课前自学反馈中考考点聚焦中考考点聚焦当堂效果检测当堂效果检测Compared to/withCompared to/withfind out whatsfind out whatswithwithhave trouble/difficulty hearinghave trouble/difficulty hearingsuchsuchthatthatwarnwarnthe danger ofthe danger of



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