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1、.Unit 2 Grammar(语法)语法)Future Passive voice(一般将来时的被动语态)(一般将来时的被动语态) Step1 课前小测:课前小测:1.1.比赛比赛2.2.魔术魔术3.3.志愿者志愿者4.4.体育场体育场5.5.取代取代6.6.罚款罚款compete magicvolunteerstadiumreplacefine1.1.参加参加2.2.代表代表3.3.也;还也;还4.4.主管主管5.5.陆续的陆续的6.6.每四年每四年take part in stand for as wellin chargeone after anotherevery four year

2、sStep2 Learning goals 1.Grasp the basic structures of The Future Passive Voice. 2.How to change the structure between the two voices.1.Nobody will be allowed to enter the stadium without a ticket.2.Children wont be allowed to make a noise, If they do, they will be taken away from the stadium.3. No s

3、moking will be allowed, if you are discovered, you will be fined. Rules for the audience (观观众)众) Summary(问题(问题1) 一般将来时被动语态的构成一般将来时被动语态的构成1:1.肯定式:肯定式: will + be done2.否定式:否定式: will not + be done3.疑问式:疑问式: will +主语主语+be done仔细观察下面这个句子:仔细观察下面这个句子:1.Some old buildings are going to be put down. 总结总结:be g

4、oing to be done be going to do The 2012 Olympics will be held in London. The 2012 Olympics is going to be held in London. 1. 20121. 2012年奥运会将在伦敦举行。年奥运会将在伦敦举行。A new stadium will be built in London.A new stadium is going to be built in London.A翻译:伦敦将建造新的体育场。翻译:伦敦将建造新的体育场。They will finish the work in t

5、en days.in ten days.主语主语宾语宾语The work主语主语will be finished(by them)宾语宾语2.一般将来时主动语态变成被动语态的方法一般将来时主动语态变成被动语态的方法. 主动语态变被动之歌主动语态变被动之歌被动语态强调宾被动语态强调宾, be后加上过去分。后加上过去分。 be要随着主语变,人称时态要弄准。要随着主语变,人称时态要弄准。原来宾语作主语,原来宾语作主语, 原来主语原来主语by来引。来引。Change them into another form:Her fans will forgive Zhang Nala if she knows

6、 her mistake.1.Zhang Nala will be forgiven by her fans if she knows her mistake.XiaoShenYang will not replace Zhao Benshan.Zhao Benshan will not be replaced by XiaoShenYang.step3. Attention!1.在书面表达中一些需要用被动语态的在书面表达中一些需要用被动语态的句子同学们一定注意不要用主动。句子同学们一定注意不要用主动。 翻译:迁西将建成一条高速公路。翻译:迁西将建成一条高速公路。 Qianxi will bu

7、ild a new highway.A new highway will be built in Qianxi.2.使用一般将来时的被动语态时,同学们一定不要使用一般将来时的被动语态时,同学们一定不要遗漏被动式中的遗漏被动式中的be 。 1. A Long-distance running in winter will held in our school . A Long-distance running in winter will be held in our school .2. (改错)改错)Is this bridge going to completed before the e

8、nd of this year? Is this bridge going to be completed before the end of this year? 1.The snow disaster in Hebei and Shanxi _ (defeat) underthe governments help. 2.It is said that a very beautiful park _ (build) along the Luanhe River in the coming years.3.We hope the gold medal in the 110m-hurdle-ra

9、ce _(get) back in 2012 .will be defeated1.Fill in the blanks.will be builtwill be gotten2.高考真题演练高考真题演练: Multiple choice 1. No decision _ about any future appointment until all the candidates have been interviewed. (2008北京北京) A. will be made B. is made C. is being made D. has been made2. The discover

10、y of gold in Australia will lead thousands to believe that a fortune _. (2010全国全国I) A. is made B. would make C. will be made D. has made a piece of cake! step4.Imagination workSome pictures will be given to you ,you can make sentences using the Future Passive Voice if necessary.his daughterYaoMings

11、daughter will be taught to play basketball as soon as she can walk.teachmagicloveLiuQians magic will be loved by more people.more peoplereplaceWill teachers be replaced by robots in the future?step5. writingSuppose you have a chance to be our headmaster . Write down something about what plans will b

12、e made to make our school better. Three or four sentences will be Ok! Summary(课堂小结)(课堂小结)1. 一般将来时被动语态的构成:一般将来时被动语态的构成: 1.shall/will be done 2. be going to be done2.一般将来时主动语态变成被动语态的方法。一般将来时主动语态变成被动语态的方法。3.使用一般将来时的被动语态时,应注意的使用一般将来时的被动语态时,应注意的两点。两点。Homework1. Revise the grammar.2. Find out the Future Passive voice sentences in the reading part .3. Do the exercises on the papers .



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