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1、综合教程综合教程 1 Unit 8 CareerInterview Dos PART 1Do express yourself clearly with a strong voice. Do pay close attention to your personal appearance; dress to your advantage. Do make concrete goals in planning for your career. Do offer a firm handshake. Interview Dos PART 2Do look the interviewer in the

2、eye (but dont stare him or her down). Do fill out applications neatly and completely. Do have as much knowledge about the industry, employer, and position as possible. Do take criticism gracefully. Do equip yourself with a strong knowledge of the company. Do have prepared questions about the employe

3、r and position. Interview Dos PART 3Do display a sense of humor. Do display self-confidence. Do remember the interviewers name and use it during the interview. Do take time to think before answering difficult or unexpected questions. Do take an extra copy of your resume with you to the interview. In

4、terview DONTs PART 3Dont be overbearing, overaggressive. Dont show a lack of interest or enthusiasm. Dont expect too much too soon - be open to the idea of starting at the bottom and working your way up. Dont make excuses for unfavorable factors on your record. Interview DONTs PART 2Dont condemn pas

5、t employers or institutions of education; keep comments positive. Dont display a marked dislike for schoolwork. Dont be indecisive. Dont display intolerance or prejudice. Dont be late to the interview. Dont contradict yourself in responses. Interview DONTs PART 3Dont take notes during the interview

6、- jot down your notes immediately after the interview. Dont forget: YOU control the content of the interview. Dont glorify your past experiences - getting into a job for which you are under qualified is not recommended. Dont smoke, chew gum, etc. even if offered or if the interviewer does so. Popula

7、r skills that employers want PART 1Effective communication: They want employees who speak, write, and listen effectively, organize their thoughts logically, and explain everything clearly.Computer and technical literacy: Almost all jobs now require an understanding, ranging from basic to advanced, o

8、f computer software, word processing, e-mail, and Internet navigation.Problem-solving/Creativity: Employers always want people who can get them out of a pickle. Problem-solving ability can aid you with reaching a resolution. Employers need the assurance that you can conquer job challenges by thinkin

9、g critically and creatively.Popular skills that employers want PART 2Interpersonal abilities: Relationship-building and relationship-management are high priorities with many employers. These skills confirm that a candidate can relate well to others, both co-workers and customers.Teamwork skills: The

10、 ability to work well with others while pursuing a common goal is a long-running favorite of employers. But so is the ability to work with minor supervision.Diversity sensitivity: In todays world, cultural sensitivity and ability to build rapport with others in a multicultural environment is highly

11、valued by employers.Popular skills that employers want PART 3Planning and organizing: Workplace life requires prioritizing and organizing information. Employers value people who, metaphorically(比喻), dig a well before theyre thirsty.Leadership and management: Leadership consists of a strong sense of

12、self, confidence, and a comprehensive knowledge of company goals. Personal Qualities That Employers WantAdaptability and flexibility: Nearly half of employers in a recent survey gave a high rating to “openness to new ideas and concepts.” They also like candidates who can work independently or as par

13、t of a team, changing gears when required, whether multitasking or adapting working hours and locations.Professionalism and work ethic: Employers seek productive workers with positive work ethics who stick with challenges until they meet them.Positive attitude and energy: The last to be picked and p

14、romoted are candidates who show gloomy(阴沉) outlooks and emotional immaturity. Exhibit a sunny outlook and energetic, organized behavior.Structure in Text A Bill Nancy Finance Accounting Cutting corners on subjectsMulti-taskerAvoiding leadership opportunitiesA great leaderDifficult to show skills and

15、 qualitiesAble to show her skills and qualitiesTop lessons in collegePublic speakingInteresting presentationWriting Help you to get a job or promotionTeamwork Motivating team members, working in a team, leading a teamDealing with multiple tasks and projectsManage time effectivelyAssessing a situatio

16、nGathering information, identify key issueUnit 8 CareerPart CPart BPart ALead inTextExercisePhoneticsGrammarFunctions and NotionsWritingWorkshopUnit 8 CareerLead inTextExerciseTask 2Task 1Task 3Part ALead inPart A Lead inTask 1 Study the pictures and discuss the questions below in small groups. Use

17、the words given below if necessary.1. Do you make plans every day? Why or why not?2. Do you think “Crazy English” is helpful in improving your English speaking?3. How do you understand the word “team”?Cues: clear idea, surprises, other choices, changesCues: shout, easier, start speaking, work hardCu

18、es: acronym (首字母缩写词首字母缩写词), achieve, work together, common goalPart A Lead inTask 1 Study the pictures and discuss the questions below in small groups. Use the words given below if necessary.1. Do you make plans every day? Why or why not?2. Do you think “Crazy English” is helpful in improving your E

19、nglish speaking?a. Yes, because that gives me a clear idea of what I should do next. I dont like surprises.b. No, because a plan may stop me from making other choices. I like changes.a. Yes, after shouting together with other people, I feel its easier to speak out in English.b. It may help you to st

20、art speaking, but you still need to work hard on vocabulary and grammar.Part A Lead inTask 1 Study the pictures and discuss the questions below in small groups. Use the words given below if necessary.3. How do you understand the word “team”?a. As an interesting acronym (首字母缩写词首字母缩写词), it means “Toge

21、ther, Everyone Achieves More”.b. A team is a group of people that work together toward a common goal.Part A Lead inTask 2 Listen to the following short dialogues and fill in the blanks.Dialogue 1A: Hey, I youve been murmuring here for some time.B: Yeah. Im for my English speech in class tomorrow. I

22、cant remember the words.A: Take it easy. Dont be .B: How can I not! I just cant stand still before an .A: Take a deep before going on the stage.B: Does it work? But how can I remember the whole speech?A: Practice! You gotta it out loud, and feel it with your heart.B: OK. Ill try. Hope it works. Than

23、ks.notice preparingnervousaudiencebreathreadPart A Lead inTask 2 Listen to the following short dialogues and fill in the blanks.Dialogue 2A: Whats wrong with you, Bruce? Lately you often in class.B: Er . about that . you know, I didnt mean to, but Im just .A: ? You shouldve slept enough at night.B:

24、How I wish I could! But Ive got to work at night in a bar.A: You need to your studies and your part-time job properly.B: I know, but how?A: Well, you may start from . It will help you manage your time.B: Sounds reasonable. Thank you.sleepworn outWhats upbalancemaking plans Task 3 Discuss the followi

25、ng questions. 1.Do you prefer working on projects alone or in a team?2.What skills do you think we should develop in college?Part A Lead inCues: ideas, efficient, clearer thinking, problem-solving abilityCues: public speaking, communication, time management Task 3 Discuss the following questions. 1.

26、Do you prefer working on projects alone or in a team?2.What skills do you think we should develop in college?Part A Lead ina. I prefer working in a team, because more ideas come up with more people around and work can be done faster.Public speaking, leadership, coordination, communication, team work

27、, time management, writing, etc.b. I prefer working alone, because I can think more clearly on my own, and I think it can help improve my problem- solving ability.Part ATextDifferent College Experiences andDifferent Job Opportunities Bill, a recent graduate still on the job market looking to find hi

28、s first job with a finance degree, admitted recently that he already regretted that he did not put more of an effort into his college education. Part ATextHe admits cutting corners on projects and avoided leadership opportunities. While he graduated with decent grades, he finds it difficult showing

29、employers he really does have the skills and qualities they seek.Part AText An accounting major, Nancy in many ways is the opposite of Bill. She was a great leader and multitasker. Through her college experience, she was able to show that she has the skills and qualities employers seek. Lets look at

30、 the top lessons students should learn in college that will make them attractive to employers.Part AText One of the best classes you can take in college is a public speaking class. Too many students avoid making presentations while in college, and yet most will need to do so on the job. Get in the h

31、abit of feeling comfortable speaking before a group. Look for opportunities in college to learn how to put on an interesting presentation and further improve it with audio-visuals.Part AText Writing well is one of those skills that will benefit you for the rest of your life. Learning how to write an

32、d not just to write, but also the process of writing is a skill that will help you get jobs and get promoted into better jobs.Part AText Some students prefer working alone on projects. The best students learn how to motivate their other team members. The reality of the workplace is that employers us

33、e all sorts of teams and these employers seek to hire college graduates who have experience working in and leading teams.Part AText Ever notice that some of the busiest students are also among some of the best students? The ability to deal with multiple tasks and projects with multiple deadlines is

34、a top skill employers seek, thus one of the most important self-improvement activities you can undertake in college is learning how to manage your time effectively.Part AText Employers want new hires who can assess a situation, seek multiple perspectives, gather more information if necessary, and id

35、entify key issues that need to be solved. You need to know how to find and evaluate the most up-to-date information. No place is better than college for teaching you these skills because various research tasks are central to the curriculum at most colleges and universities.Part AText The good skills

36、 and habits you develop in college can go a long way to not only improving your grades and personal satisfaction in college, but also providing a big edge over other job-seekers who have not developed some of these key skills and qualities. (455 words)Part AText Translation不同的大学经历与不同的就业机会不同的大学经历与不同的

37、就业机会 比尔刚毕业不久,依然拿着金融学的文凭在就业市场奔波,希望能找到第一份工作。最近他承认自己已后悔当初没有把更多的精力放到大学学习上, .Part AText Translation 还说自己喜欢简单了事,躲过担任团队领导的机会, 尽管他毕业时的各科成绩相当不错,可他发现很难向雇主们展示他的确具备他们所需要的技能和素质。Part AText Translation 而会计专业的南茜则在很多方面都与比尔相反。她曾是一个优秀的领导者,身兼多职。大学里的经历使她能够展示雇主们想要的技能和素质。 让我们来看看大学生在校应该接受的顶级课程吧,这些课程能让他们对雇主产生吸引力。Part AText

38、Translation 其中一门最好的课程就是公众演讲课。太多的学生在大学时避开做演讲,然而大多数在工作中却需要这样做。所以,要习惯在众人面前轻松自如地讲话。要寻找机会学习如何使报告生动有趣,并应用视听设备为其增色。Part AText Translation 文笔好也是一种能使你余生受益的技能。学习如何写作不只是写作,还有写作的过程也能助你求职并晋升到更好的职位。Part AText Translation 有些学生比较喜欢独立做项目。而最优秀的学生会学着如何激励其他团队成员。其实,工作单位的老板们会运用各种团队,因此他们想要招聘有团队工作经验或担任过团队领导的大学毕业生。Part ATex

39、t Translation 不知你是否注意到,其实最忙碌的学生当中往往存在着最优秀的学生?老板们最看中的技能是同时应付时限不同的多个任务和项目。因此,在大学里,你能参与的最重要的自我提升活动之一就是学习如何有效地管理时间。Part AText Translation 雇主们希望新员工能审时度势,能多角度思考问题,能搜集更多所需信息,能确定需要解决的关键问题。你要懂得如何找到并评估最新信息。大学是教你这些技能的最好场所,因为各种不同的研究项目是多数大学的核心课程。Part AText Translation 在大学里培养的技能和好习惯不仅能够提高课程分数和个人满足感,还可以让你比其他不具备这些重

40、要技能和素质的求职者更胜一筹。 financefinancea. money, banking, money managemente.g. The candidate of this position must have a competent knowledge of international finance. 这个职位的候选人必须对国际金融有充分的了解。 New York is the concentrate of commerce and finance. 纽约是商业和金融中心的缩影。 Part BText Language Points breadthbreadthn. a wide

41、 range (of knowledge, interest, etc.)e.g. He was surprised at her breadth of reading. 他对她的博览群书感到惊讶。 The curriculum needs breadth and balance. 课程设置应该内容广泛而且均衡。Part BText Language Points qualifiedqualifieda. having passed the exams or completed the training that are necessary in order to do a particula

42、r job; having the experience to do a particular jobe.g. She is extremely well qualified for the job. 她完全胜任这项工作。 This is a vessel qualified for use at sea. 这是一艘可以出海航行的船。Part BText Language Points . that probably would not have been an option . that probably would not have been an option had you not t

43、aken time to get your degreehad you not taken time to get your degree . that probably would not have been an option if you had not taken time to get your degree Part BText Language Pointsoptionoptionn. something that you can choose to have or do; the freedom to choose what you doe.g. As I see it, we

44、 have two options. 据我看,我们有两种选择。 Students have the option of studying abroad in their second year. 学生在二年级时可以选择出国学习。 Every voter should exercise his option. 每个投票人应履行自己的选择权。Part BText Language Points ensureensurev. to make sure that something happens or is definitee.g. The book ensured his success. 这本书

45、确保了他的成功。 Please ensure that all lights are switched off. 请务必将所有灯都关掉。 His industry and ability will ensure his success. 他的勤奋与才能是他获得成功的保证。Part BText Language PointsTask 2Task 3Task 4Task 5Task 6Task 7Task 1Part AExercises Part AExercisesTask 1 Read the text again and answer the following questions.1.W

46、hat does Bill regret?2.How is Nancy different from Bill?3.Why is it necessary for college students to take a public-speaking class?He regrets not having made enough efforts on college education and having avoided leadership opportunities.Nancy was a great leader and multitasker in college, and thus

47、could show employers the skills and qualities she has.Because most students need to make presentations on the job. Part AExercisesTask 1 Read the text again and answer the following questions.4.What is the top skill employers seek?5.Name a skill mentioned in paragraph 8.The ability to deal with mult

48、iple tasks and projects with multiple deadlines.The skill to find and evaluate the most up-to-date information.Task 2 Identify the key words or main ideas of the following paragraphsPart AExercisesParagraph 4:_ skillParagraph 5:_ skillParagraph 6:_ skillParagraph 7:_ skillpublic speakingwritingteam

49、workingtime managingPart AExercisesTask 3 Fill in the puzzle spaces with the words from Text A according to the explanations given below.Across3. subjects included in a course of study or taught at a particular school, college, etc.4. to make yourself responsible for something and start doing it7. t

50、o cause to want to do something9. the state or position of being a leader10.To recognize somebody/somethingDown1. A particular attitude towards something; a way of thinking about something2. satisfactory; quite good5. Having or involving many individuals, items or types6. to find out or form an idea

51、 of the amount or value of (somebody/something)8. to determine the importance, size, value of something1.perspective 2. decent3.curriculum 4. undertake5.multiple 6. evaluate7.motivate 8. access9. leadership 10. identifyPart AExercises1. Dont _ people by their clothes.2. I cannot _ this signature.3.

52、She has a great _ on marriage.4. I will _ the responsibility for you.5. He got a _ entry visa.Task 4 Complete the following sentences with the words from Task 3. Change the word forms if necessary.evaluate identifyperspectiveundertakemultiplePart AExercises6. How do you _ a team to succeed?7. Effort

53、s are made to _ the value of the project.8. He earns a _ living.9. He shows quality of _.10. Athletics is part of our university _.Task 4 Complete the following sentences with the words from Task 3. Change the word forms if necessary. motivate assess decentleadershipcurriculumPart AExercises1. As a

54、_ center, London attracts many world-famous banks.2.The stronger the _ is, the more quickly a person will learn a foreign language.3. I lost my _ card when I was on my holiday in Hainan last week.4.The reform on course _ may give students more freedom in learning.5. An _ will be invited to assess th

55、e value of the house if necessary.Task 5 Complete the sentences using derivatives (派生词) of the words in the box. Change the word forms if necessary.financialmotivationidentificationevaluationassessorPart AExercises1. Mr. Smith is our leader. He is making a speech.2. I met Tom in the street. Tom is a

56、 friend of my sisters.3. I had a pleasant talk with Mr. James. He is my English teacher.Task 6 Rewrite the following sentences after the models. Mr. Smith, our leader, is making a speech.I met Tom, a friend of my sisters, in the street.I had a pleasant talk with Mr. James, my English teacher.Part AE

57、xercisesTask 6 Rewrite the following sentences after the models. 1.He considered talking so much no good.2.He soon made why he had come so early clear.3. They kept quiet that he was dead.He considered it no good talking so much. He soon made it clear why he had come so early.They kept it quiet that

58、he was dead.Task 7 Translate the following sentences into English, paying attention to the highlighted parts.Part AExercises1.他匆匆忙忙地他匆匆忙忙地抄近路抄近路回家。回家。 (cut corners)2. 2. 他更有经验他更有经验, , 因而比他人因而比他人更有优势更有优势。(have an edge over)3.最终,他最终,他承认承认犯了错误。犯了错误。 (admit doing)4.小小的好意,对有些人会小小的好意,对有些人会起很大作起很大作用用。(go a

59、 long way)5.他每天都有大量电子邮件要他每天都有大量电子邮件要处理处理。(deal with)1.He cut corners going home in a hurry.2.He has an edge over the others because he is more experienced.3.He finally admitted making a mistake.4.A little kindness will go a long way with some people.5.He has a large number of emails to deal with eve

60、ry day.Task 1Task 2Part BLead inPart BLead inTask 1 Listen to the recording, and complete the following passage. Many students dont know exactly what they want to do when they (1)_ school. Most people do, however, have a few (2)_ ideas. If youre unsure of what your career goals are, the first thing

61、to do is to simply (3)_ some time thinking about it. First write down everything that you think you might be interested in doing. Once youve had a (4)_ of all the things you think you might like to do upon graduation, the next step is to (5)_ them by preference. If you dont know enough about a job t

62、o sort it by preference, then sort it by interest level.leavegeneralspendlistsortPart BLead inTask 1 Listen to the recording, and complete the following passage. If youre considering something big like (6)_ between two entire industries, then consider doing an (7)_ in that industry to see if you lik

63、e it. Paid internships are great, but dont be too (8)_ of unpaid internships if thats whats required to get your foot in the door. Whether it (9)_ to a paid job later, or turns you away, it will be well (10)_ your time.choosinginternshipafraidleadsworthTask 2 Discuss the following questions with you

64、r partner about preparing for your career at college.Part BLead in 1.How can college students prepare for their career at college?2.What is your career plan?Cues: enrich their knowledge, broaden their horizon, take summer jobs, take internships, participate in extracurricular activitiesCues: start m

65、y own company, work as an assistant, general managerTask 2 Discuss the following questions with your partner about preparing for your career at college.Part BLead in 1.How can college students prepare for their career at college?2.What is your career plan?a. College students should enrich their know

66、ledge and broaden their horizon through a broad range of experiences.a. I want to start my own company upon graduation.b. College students should take summer jobs, take internships and participate in extracurricular activities.b. I want to work as an assistant to the general manager of an internatio

67、nal company.Part BText Prepare for Your Career at College College is about many things, from learning about specific subjects and the world in general, to increasing your breadth through a broad range of new and different experiences. But for almost everybody, college is, at its core, mainly concern

68、ed with one thing: preparing you for a career.Part BText “Prepare” is a qualified word. College in no way makes you an expert in any field. Only experience will do that. But what college can do is make you qualified to begin to gain that experience. It gives you the necessary skills to start on a jo

69、urney that probably would not have been an option had you not taken time to get your degree.Part BText But the degree alone is not enough to ensure that such a journey will begin any time soon. What you need, in addition to a diploma (along with the knowledge and skills it embodies), is a plan. With

70、out a plan, youre leaving your fate up to chance, which means you could end up anywhere. Part BTextThere are over-qualified, under-employed college grads waiting tables in every city in the country, especially during tough economic times. But even during tough times, there are also grads from every

71、college and university who end up on excellent career paths, immediately upon leaving school. Part BText What is the difference between the two? Talent? Connections? Luck? Yes, sometimes. But there is one thing that makes it different between those who let life happen to them and those who take acti

72、ve control over their own careers, lives, and destinies. To get where you want to go, you must make some decisions, and then make a plan.Part BText A student without a post-college plan is much less likely to get off to an early start than a student with a plan. Indeed, freshman year is not too earl

73、y to be thinking about your first job out of school. This is because college affords many opportunities to increase your chances of getting a great job. Opportunities include summer jobs, internships, extracurricular activities, and even the specific courses you take. Part BText Planning is not only

74、 important for increasing your odds of getting any job, but its also important for getting the right job. So start preparing your career now. (374 words)大学生如何为将来的职业做准备大学生如何为将来的职业做准备 上大学有很多好处,你可以学习各种学科知识,认识世界,也可以通过各种全新的、广泛的经历来增长见识。然而,对几乎所有人而言,大学最关键之处在于它使你为将来的职业做好准备。Part BText Translation “准备”一词恰当地描述了

75、大学的作用。大学不可能让你成为某一领域的专家。只有经验才能做到这一点。大学能做的,是让你具备开始获取这种经验的资格。它给予你踏上一段征程所需的技能,不上大学,这段征程就无从谈起。Part BText Translation 然而,仅有大学学位还无法保证你可以随时开始这一漫漫征程。你需要的,除了这一纸文凭(以及它所代表的知识与技能)外,还有“规划”。没有规划就等于将自己的命运交由机会决定,这意味着你的人生将漫无目的。Part BText Translation 世界各地都有大学毕业生大材小用,到饭店当服务员,经济不景气的时候更是如此。但即使经济不景气,各大学院校仍有毕业生一离开学校就走上了极佳的

76、职业道路。Part BText Translation 这两类学生有何不同?才华不同?关系网络不同?运气不同?有时确实如此。但两者之间定有一点不同,那就是前者任凭命运安排,后者则积极掌控自己的职业、生活与命运。要达成一定的目标,你必须做一些决定,然后制定规划。Part BText Translation 与没有职业规划的学生相比,那些有职业规划的学生有可能更早开启自己的职业道路。大学一年级就开始思考毕业后的第一份工作,并不过早。这是因为,大学提供了许多机会帮助你毕业后获得一份好工作。这些机会包括:暑期工、实习、课外活动,甚至你上的课程。Part BText Translation 规划不但有助

77、于你找到一份工作,而且有助于你找到一份适合自己的工作。所以,现在就开始为你的职业做准备吧!Part BText Language Points specificspecifica. connected with one particular thing onlye.g. The money was collected for a specific purpose. 这笔钱是为一个特殊用途而收的。 Feathers are a feature specific to birds. 羽毛是鸟类特有的特征。Part BText Language Points breadthbreadthn. a w

78、ide range (of knowledge, interest, etc.)e.g. He was surprised at her breadth of reading. 他对她的博览群书感到惊讶。 The curriculum needs breadth and balance. 课程设置应该内容广泛而且均衡。Part BText Language Points qualifiedqualifieda. having passed the exams or completed the training that are necessary in order to do a partic

79、ular job; having the experience to do a particular jobe.g. She is extremely well qualified for the job. 她完全胜任这项工作。 This is a vessel qualified for use at sea. 这是一艘可以出海航行的船。Part BText Language Points . that probably would not have been an option . that probably would not have been an option had you no

80、t taken time to get your degreehad you not taken time to get your degree . that probably would not have been an option if you had not taken time to get your degree Part BText Language Pointsoptionoptionn. something that you can choose to have or do; the freedom to choose what you doe.g. As I see it,

81、 we have two options. 据我看,我们有两种选择。 Students have the option of studying abroad in their second year. 学生在二年级时可以选择出国学习。 Every voter should exercise his option. 每个投票人应履行自己的选择权。Part BText Language Points ensureensurev. to make sure that something happens or is definitee.g. The book ensured his success.

82、这本书确保了他的成功。 Please ensure that all lights are switched off. 请务必将所有灯都关掉。 His industry and ability will ensure his success. 他的勤奋与才能是他获得成功的保证。Part BText Language Pointsembodyembodyv. to express or represent an idea or a qualitye.g. This politician embodied the hopes of black youth. 这位政治家代表了黑人青年的希望。 We

83、should embody principles in actions. 我们应当用行动来体现原则。Part BText Language Points end upend up to find yourself in a place or situation that you did not intend or expect to be in e.g. If you go on like this youll end up in prison. 如果你继续这样,早晚得进监狱。 At first they hated each other, but they ended up getting

84、married. 他们起初相互仇恨,但后来却成了夫妻。Part BText Language Points under-employedunder-employeda. not having enough work to do; not having work that makes full use of your skills and abilitiese.g. Migrants are likely to be poor and under-employed. 移民很可能穷困而且未充分就业。 Able people are kept under-employed. 有能力的人都被大材小用。

85、Part BText Language Points wait tableswait tables to work serving food to people in a restaurante.g. It is tiring to wait tables. 在饭店当服务生很辛苦。 In my restaurant, a waiter has to wait at least 10 tables. 我的餐馆里一个侍者至少要照顾10张桌子。Part BText Language Points destinydestinyn. what happens to sb. or what will ha

86、ppen to them in the future, especially things that they cannot changed or avoidede.g. He wants to be in control of his own destiny. 他想要掌握自己的命运。 We should put our own destiny in our own hands. 我们应该掌握自己的命运。Part BText Language Points internshipinternshipn. the position of an interne.g. He got an intern

87、ship at a television station. 他获得了一个在电视台实习的机会。 I am in Beijing for doing my internship. 我是来北京实习的。Part BText Language Pointsextracurricularextracurriculara. not part of the usual course of work or studies at a school or collegee.g. Shes involved in many extracurricular activities. 她参加了许多课外活动。 Childre

88、n should take part in some extracurricular athletics. 孩子应该参加一些课外体育运动。Part BText Language Points oddsoddsn. the degree to which something is likely to happen e.g. The odds are very much in our favor. 我方胜算的几率很大。 The odds are that shell win. 她有可能会赢。 The odds are 10 to 1 against your winning. 你十之八九要输。Pa

89、rt BText Language PointsTask 1Task 2Part BExercisesTask 1 Choose the best answer for each question according to Text B.1.According to Text B, all of the following are benefits of college EXCEPT_. A. increasing your breadth and horizon B. making you an expert in any field C. learning about specific s

90、ubjects D. learning about the worldPart BExercisesTask 1 Choose the best answer for each question according to Text B.2.What does “under-employed” in paragraph 3 mean? A. Being fired by employers. B. Being hired by employers. C. Being employed in positions under somebody. D. Being employed without m

91、aking full use of ones abilities.Part BExercisesTask 1 Choose the best answer for each question according to Text B.3.What is the difference between under-employed college grads and those who end up on excellent career paths upon leaving school?A.Their talent is different.B.The former let life happe

92、n to them while the latter make good career plans at college.C.They have different connections.D.The latter are luckier than the former.Part BExercisesTask 2 Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) according to Text B.1.College is at its core mainly connected with preparing

93、 you for a career.( ) 2.College can make you an expert in any field.( ) 3.A college degree is enough to ensure that your career journey will begin anytime.( ) 4.Summer jobs and internships can increase your chances of getting a great job.( ) 5.Planning can only increase your odds of getting a job.(

94、) Part BExercisesTask 2Task 1Task 3Part C Phonetics Lateral Consonants & Semi VowelsLateral Consonants & Semi VowelsLateral Consonants & Semi Vowels 边辅音(lateral consonant)为l。半元音(semi vowel)则包括w和j。 舌边辅音l: 清晰舌边音l是英语音标中两个舌边音中的一个,它出现在字首或元音前,发音时声带振动。这个音有点儿像汉语中的“乐”,但只发出前面的辅音部分即可,例如: little, list, plane, t

95、alent, only等。 含糊舌边音l出现在元音后, 发音时舌端紧贴上齿龈,舌前下陷,舌后上抬,舌面形成凹形,气流在此发出共鸣的声音,此时舌身和唇形略为紧张,声音含糊,例如: pool, fool, pull, full, special等。Part C Phonetics Lateral Consonants & Semi VowelsLateral Consonants & Semi Vowels 半元音w是双唇软颚滑动音。舌后部向软颚抬起,形成发元音u:时的状态,双唇呈圆形突出,气流从抬起的后舌与软腭之间的间隙通过,产生摩擦,声带振动。 半元间j是舌前硬颚滑动音。舌前部抬向硬颚,近似发

96、高紧元音i:的舌位,展唇,气流从抬起的舌身与硬颚之间通过,产生摩擦,声带振动。j只出现在元音前,从不出现在辅音前,也不出现在词尾。Part C Phonetics Lateral Consonants & Semi VowelsTask 1 Listen to the following six sentences and circle the word you hear.1. A. line B. lateC. lightD. nine2. A. noteB. nutC. laughD. light3. A. wineB. mineC. windD. mind4. A. wayB. weig

97、htC. vain D. went5. A. fewB. newC. furiousD. fuse6. A. you B. year C. usual D. usePart C Phonetics Lateral Consonants & Semi VowelsTask 2 Listen and practice the sentences you hear. 1. When will the weather get warm?2. Wash the west wall with warm water.3. With a lot of peoples help I finished trave

98、lling around the world.4. They built a hall at the foot of the hill.5. You are one year older.6. I bought a beautiful suit yesterday.Part C Phonetics Lateral Consonants & Semi VowelsPart C Phonetics Task 3 Read, listen and improve. A poemI want to be a farmer, I will make steel and iron.I will grow

99、rice, wheat and cotton. I want to be a soldier,I want to be a worker, I will defend the nation.Lateral Consonants & Semi VowelsPart C Phonetics Task 3 Read, listen and improve. Two tongue twisters Whether the weather be fine or whether the weather be not. Whether the weather be cold or whether the w

100、eather be hot. Well weather the weather whether we like it or not. There is no need to light a night light on a night like tonight. For a bright night light is just like a slight light. Lateral Consonants & Semi VowelsTask 1Task 2Part CGrammar 英语基本句型英语基本句型英语基本句型英语基本句型英语基本句型英语基本句型一、英语基本句型种类 英语中的基本句型有

101、五种,掌握这五种基本句型是使用英语进行沟通的基础,也是进一步掌握英语中形形色色的并列句和复合句的基础。英语句型的核心结构本质上是“主语+ 谓语结构”的形式,主语一般都是由名词、代词、从句等充当,谓语结构一般都是以动词为核心而构成的,因为不同动词的语法特点、表达意义不同,因此就衍生出不同的谓语结构。Part CGrammar 英语基本句型英语基本句型句型句型注意的问题注意的问题主语+ 系动词+ 表语 This idea sounds great.系动词包括: be, appear, seem, look, feel, sound, smell, taste, become, get, go, t

102、urn, remain, keep 等。主语+ 动词 The child smiled.此句型后面可以接状语,表示地点、方式、目的、原因、时间等。主语+ 动词+ 宾语 He wrote this book.如果宾语为非谓语动词形式,在admit, delay, mind, appreciate, miss, avoid, enjoy, complete, practice, finish, quit 等动词后必须加ing 形式作为其宾语。主语+ 动词+ 宾语+ 宾语 She told me this story.直接宾语是指物的宾语,间接宾语是指人的宾语,注意有些动词后面的直接宾语和间接宾语换

103、位时要加介词。Part CGrammar 英语基本句型英语基本句型Part CGrammar 英语基本句型英语基本句型句型句型注意的问题注意的问题主语+ 动词+ 宾语+ 宾语补足语 His joke made us laugh.如果宾语为非谓语动词形式,在admit, delay, mind, appreciate, miss, avoid, enjoy, complete, practice, finish, quit 等动词后必须加ing 形式作为其宾语。二、二、 常见英语基本句型的使用错误常见英语基本句型的使用错误He explained me the difficult point o

104、f grammar. (explained me 应改为explained to me)对于后面加双宾语的动词,有些只能用于“动词+ 第一宾语+to + 第二宾语”结构中,如: explain, announce, describe, deliver, mention, report, say, suggest 等。The new jacket cost over fifty yuan to me. (cost over fifty yuan to me 应 改 为 cost me over fifty yuan)对于后面加双宾语的动词,有些只能用于“动词+ 第一宾语+ 第二宾语”结构中,如:

105、 ask, charge, cost, envy, forgive, save, strike 等。Part CGrammar 英语基本句型英语基本句型二、二、 常见英语基本句型的使用错误常见英语基本句型的使用错误People are complaining the crowded traffic.(complaining应改为complaining about)不及物动词后面接宾语时需接介词构成介宾短语。I left my mobile phone. (left my mobile phone 后应加介词短语,如at home)某些单宾语及物动词必须接介词短语等状语,否则语意不通。We ad

106、vice him to find a new job. (advice 应改为advise)名词不能充当谓语动词。Some people were standing in the street were watching the performance. (were watching 应改为watching)在出现两个以上动词时要注意它们在句子中扮演的角色,以免出现谓语冗余的情况。Task 1 Choose the correct word to complete each sentence. 1. I am sorry to have kept you _ . A. to wait B. w

107、ait C. waited D. waiting2.He will make your dream _ . A. come true B. comes true C. coming true D. to come true3. He found his mobile phone _ . A. steal B. being stealing C. stolen D. to steal4.He told _ home. A. us not to go B. we not go C. us not go D. us to not goPart CGrammar 英语基本句型英语基本句型Task 1

108、Choose the correct word to complete each sentence. 5. “Cant you read?” Rose said _ to the notice. A. angrily pointingB. and point angrily C. angrily pointedD. and angrily pointing6. My father often asks me _ early. A. get upB. to get up C. got upD. getting up7. He expects _ the work before the Sprin

109、g Festival. A. us finishingB. us to finish C. finishingD. finishPart CGrammar 英语基本句型英语基本句型Task 1 Choose the correct word to complete each sentence. 8. They will _ Shanghai at 9 p.m. tomorrow. A. arrive B. reach C. get D. go9. _in the morning is good for ones health. A. Do exercise B. Does exercise C

110、. Doing exercise D. Being done exercise10. Duncan is a good boy in the family, honest, diligent and _. A. works very hard B. hard-working C. hard works D. he also worksPart CGrammar 英语基本句型英语基本句型Task 2 Each sentence has four underlined words or phrases. Identify the one underlined word or phrase that

111、 must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct and try to correct it. 1. Victors father bought a new lap-top to him last Sunday. A B C D2. My brother enjoys to play football with his friends in the afternoon. A B C D3.If work hard, we will surely make a good living in this new city. A B C

112、D 4.There were altogether 10 boy students were late for the maths class yesterday. A B C D5. The drivers carefulness has contributed to save the passengers lives. A B C DPart CGrammar 英语基本句型英语基本句型we work hardfor himplayingwho weresavingPart C Functions and NotionsTask 1Task 2 Intentions and PlansPar

113、t C Functions and NotionsIntentions and PlansThe following are some common expressions for intentions and plans. Questions about plans or intentionsWhat are you going/hoping/intending/aiming to do for the vacation?What do you hope/plan/intend/aim/mean to do?What do you think youll do .?Replies about

114、 ones plans or intentionsIm going/hoping/intending/aiming to .I plan/intend/aim to .Id like to .I feel like doing .Part C Functions and NotionsTask 1 Listen to the recordings and fill in the blanks with what you hear.Dialogue 1A: What _ for the coming vacation, Joe?B: Well, I am _ doing a part-time

115、job.A: What kind of part-time job do you aim to do?B: I _ find a part-time job in a supermarket.A: Why in a supermarket?B: You know, I am learning _ and I want to know more about sales.A: But the part-time job in the supermarket is very busy and tiring. Do you think you can learn something?B: At lea

116、st I can get some _ .are your plans thinking of want to marketingwork and social experiencePart C Functions and NotionsTask 1 Listen to the recordings and fill in the blanks with what you hear.Dialogue 2A: _ after graduation?B: Ill find a job first. _?A: Im _ my study, hopefully in our department.B:

117、 So you want to have _ after you graduate.A: Perhaps, but Im not sure if I can get a good job after another three years of study.B: You will. People say, “More knowledge more money”, or “Higher degree higher salary”.A: But I also hear people say “More experience more money”.B: It is hard to say whic

118、h one is true. I want to get experience first.What do you plan to doWhat about yougoing to continuea high salaryTask 2 Make a conversation according to the following situation, using expressions for intentions and plans.Part C Functions and NotionsYou and your friend talk about the plans and intenti

119、ons after you leave school. One of you wants to be a teacher in a university or college.A sample has been given for your reference.Task 2 Make a conversation according to the following situation, using expressions for intentions and plans.Part C Functions and NotionsSample:A: What are you hoping to

120、do after you graduate?B: Im intending to become a teacher in a university or college.A: Good idea. But I think it is very difficult to be a teacher in a university.B: Yes, so I plan to continue my study and get a higher degree.A: Thats for sure. You have to have a higher degree to be a college teach

121、er.B: What do you think you will do after you graduate?A: I want to find a job in a company. I want to get work experience first.B: That is a good idea.Task 2Task 1Task 3Part C WritingCause and EffectAdvertisement Part C WritingWriting for General Purposes: Developing Paragraphs by Cause and EffectB

122、efore doing the exercises, read the guidelines to writing skills in the following box, as this may be of some help to you.Writing Strategy Cause-effect analysis is an important skill to develop a paragraph, for we always have to figure out causes of things and analyse their effects. It is not easy t

123、o explain clearly and logically a phenomenon and the reasons or causes behind it, for very often an effect may have several causes and a cause may have many effects. And we must not take it for granted that event A causes event B simply because event A happens before event B. Writing for General Pur

124、poses: Developing Paragraphs by Cause and EffectSo before we start to write, we must think carefully and work out a list of causes and effects, and find out the logical relationship between them. In other words, we must explain clearly what really brings about a particular result. In a paragraph dev

125、eloped by cause and effect, we often ask “why” first and then give the reasons or causes. We can also do the opposite: state the reasons or causes first and then point out their effects. Sometimes in a paragraph, words like why or reason are not used, but the cause-effect relationship is clearly imp

126、lied in the content.Part C WritingTask 1 Read Text A again and study the following information. Put before each sentence C for a statement of CAUSE or E for a statement of EFFECT._1. Bill regrets that he did not put more of an effort into his college education._2. Bill finds it difficult showing emp

127、loyers he really does have the skills and qualities they seek._3. Nancy was a great leader and multitasker._4. Nancy was able to show that she has the skills and qualities employers seek._5. Students should get in the habit of feeling comfortable speaking before a group._6. Most graduates will need

128、to make presentations on the job.Part C WritingECCEECTask 1 Read Text A again and study the following information. Put before each sentence C for a statement of CAUSE or E for a statement of EFFECT._7. Writing is one of the top lessons students should learn in college._8. Learning how to write is a

129、skill that will help students get jobs and get promoted into better jobs._9. One of the most important self-improvement activities students can undertake in college is learning how to manage their time effectively._10. The ability to deal with multiple tasks and projects with multiple deadlines is a

130、 top skill employers seek.Part C WritingECCEPart C WritingTask 2 Text A centers on how college graduates can prepare for the job market. Now write a paragraph about how you can get ready for your future career. You may focus on one of the skills you need to develop. Remember to use cause-effect writ

131、ing method to show your point of view.A sample has been written for your reference. Part C WritingA sample has been written for your reference. Helping each other can be important in finding a job, because people can exchange ideas and information about jobs and prospective employers. Working as a t

132、eam means having a common goal where everyone can focus on the successful achievement of the planned target. That applies as much in a team sporting event as it does in a business enterprise. Without teamwork, people will proceed along their own paths and possibly waste a lot of energy and expense b

133、y duplicating work done by others.Part C Writing A sample has been written for your reference. When people get together as a team effort, each member knows what part they play in the overall planning and they also know they have the support of their fellow members of the team. Getting along with oth

134、ers is essential for good teamwork and members have to show tolerance toward one another. A good team of people will display positive and open-minded attitudes to ideas. In brainstorming for the best solutions to achieve the teams goals, every idea thrown into the ring needs to be considered.Part C

135、WritingWords and Phrases Used for Discussing Cause and EffectPart C WritingWriting for Specific Purposes: Advertisement Task 3 Look at the advertisement below. Put the following information in the order they are written in the advertisement.2413Part C WritingNow suppose you want to find someone to t

136、each you computer. Write an advertisement. Use the checklist below to check your message.Part C Workshop I BackgroundFor most college students, they need to start preparing themselves for future jobs as soon as they enter college. Such preparation involves skills for job interviews.Roleplay a Job In

137、terview II TaskRoleplay a job interview acting as the interviewee and the interviewer.Part C WorkshopIII ProcessStep 1: Form small teams with 5-6 people for each team.Step 2: Each team is classified into two smaller groups, the interviewer group and the interviewee group. The interviewer group membe

138、rs should prepare 3-5 questions, such as: What is your major in college? Which position are you applying for? What do you think of your future daily work if you get the job? . The interviewee group members should also prepare answers for the questions listed above.Part C WorkshopIII ProcessStep 3: Interview simulation. The group member should play roles as interviewers and interviewees, alternately.



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