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1、Unit 1How can we become good learners?人教版单元小测一、单项选择。一、单项选择。(20分分)( )1.My cousin Mary was born _ a singing voice. Afrom Bin Cwith Dat( )2.(邢邢台台市市宁宁晋晋县县东东城城实实验验中中学学2018届届九九年年级级上上学学期期期期末末考考试试)More and more young people want to achieve success _ working on their own.Aby Bwith Cin DonCA( )3.Alan, you can

2、t go out to play _ you clean your room.Aif Bbecause Csince Dunless( )4.Cindy, you learn physics so well. Whats your _?Doing a lot of exercises.Asecret BknowledgeCexpression DabilityDA( )5.If we dont use money _, well have a difficult time.Ahappily Beasily Cloudly Dwisely( )6.It will take a lot of ti

3、me, so you must be _, young man.Aquiet Bpatient Ccreative Dactive( )7.Sorry, what did you say? I didnt hear. Would you mind _ it?Aconnecting Breviewing Ccopying DrepeatingDBD( )8.There is much snow in the yard. _ going out to make a snowman?AWhat about BWhy notCWould you like DCould you please( )9.D

4、avid finds _ difficult to communicate with his parents.Aone Bit Cthis DthatAB( )10.Peter is afraid _ English in class because his pronunciation isnt good.Aspeaking BspeakCto speak Dto speakingC二、完形填空。二、完形填空。(20分分)Memorizing class notes is a good way to learn English. But what is the _11_ way for you

5、 to memorize class notes? The _12_ is difficult to answer, because different people learn in different ways and there are really too many ways. It also has _13_ to do with the material (材材料料) to be memorized. I _14_ a very good way to memorize class notes before. I typed (打打字字) the whole terms hand-

6、 -written notes into a computer. _15_ it took a lot of time, it was a good way. It made me _16_ the material again. This way of memorizing class notes could also make me feel _17_, because it was an easy way. I just needed to start at the beginning of my notes and type to the end.There are many othe

7、r good ways to memorize class notes._18_, you can underline the important parts of your notes using different colored pens. When you _19_ the notes, you will pay more attention to these parts. You can _20_ make an outline (概概要要) of your notes, and then you will have a better understanding of each le

8、sson.( )11.A.newest Bcheapest Csafest Dbest( )12.A.problem Bquestion Cphone Dpattern( )13.A.something Bsomebody Cnothing Dnobody( )14.A.needed Bforgot Chated Dused( )15.A.Because BAlthough CUntil DUnlessDBADB( )16.A.worry about Btalk about Cthink about Dcare about( )17.A.nervous Blucky Crelaxed Dbor

9、ed( )18.A.For example BSo far CAll in all DIn the end( )19.A.report Breview Creturn Dreceive( )20.A.again Balready Calways Dalso CC ABD三、阅读理解。三、阅读理解。(15分分)I often hear some students say English is difficult,and it gives them a headache.So they cant learn it well.But English is very easy for me.Im go

10、od at it.Im very glad to tell you something about how I study English.First,I think an interest in English is very important.When I was in Grade Seven,we had a new subjectEnglish.It was fresh for me.I was interested in it,so I worked hard at it.Soon we had an English exam and I got a very good mark.

11、How happy I was!After that,I learned English harder and harder.Our English teacher often teaches us English songs. The songs sound nice.I often think how interesting English is!Second,I think English is a foreign language.I should learn it well in the following ways:Listen to the teacher carefully,s

12、peak bravely,read aloud and have a good vocabulary.Then practice again and again,never be tired.Besides this,I often read English stories,jokes and easy novels.From these I know English is not only interesting,but also useful.They help me understand a lot of things.So to do more reading is an import

13、ant way to learn English well.From these words,I hope every student can learn English well.( )21.Why do some students often “have a headache”?ABecause they are easy to catch a cold.BBecause its often very cold.CBecause they think English is easy.DBecause they think English is hard.D( )22.The writer

14、tells us that we should be _ in English if we want to learn it well.Agood BinterestedCinteresting DstrictB( )23.The sentence “I got a very good mark.” means _AI got a good wayBI had a good ideaCI did badly in the examDI did well in the examD( )24.The writer thinks English is interesting because _AEn

15、glish is full of storiesBEnglish is full of jokesChis teacher often teaches them nice English songsDof nothingC( )25.Which of the following is NOT the way the writer studies in?ASpeaking bravely.BWriting to foreign friends.CReading aloud.DDoing more reading.B四、任务型阅读。四、任务型阅读。(15分分)I started listening

16、 to the stories in English about different peoples lives in order to improve my English listening.At first, I downloaded in my iPad very short stories. They were about one or two minutes long. But I quickly became bored of the same old topics and speakers. Then someone told me that there were free a

17、udio(音音频频)books. I was surprised because I knew that it was still difficult for me to listen to long passages. However, at that moment I suddenly realized that not so long ago I had read several wonderful stories by Somerset Maugham in Russian. And it would be a great idea to try listening to them i

18、n English. So, as I knew the ideas of those stories by listening. I have been listening to Maughams works for one week every day while walking to college. I like these clever stories. In my opinion, it is a very useful way to improve my listening.The more you listen, the more easily you will give En

19、glish reports. The only way to study something is to do it. So if you want to develop listening, you have to listen to the things in English as much as possible.26、27题题完完成成句句子子;28题题简简略略回回答答问问题题;29题题找找出出并并写写下下全全文文的的主主题题句句;30题题将文中画将文中画线线句子句子译译成成汉语汉语。26 The writer improved his/her English listening by

20、_27I had read several wonderful stories _ Somerset Maugham in Russian.28How long were the audio stories downloaded in the writers iPad?_.listening to storiesbyThey were about one or two minutes long.29_30_If you want to develop listening, you have to listen to the things in English as much as possib

21、le.你听得越多你听得越多,你做英语报告将会越容易。你做英语报告将会越容易。五、词语运用。五、词语运用。(20分分)Last year my English class was difficult. First of all, 31._ wasnt easy for me to understand the teacher when she talked. To begin with, she spoke too 32. _(quick), and I couldnt understand every word. Later on, I realized that it doesnt matt

22、er if you dont understand every word. I was also 33._ to speak in class, because I thought my classmates might laugh at me. itquicklyafraidI couldnt always make complete(完完整整的的) sentences, 34._. Then I started to watch English- -language TV. It 35. _ (help) a lot. I think that doing lots of listenin

23、g practice is one of the 36._ of becoming a good language learner. I 37. _ (discover) English grammar was also difficult. So I decided to take lots of grammar 38. _(note) in every class. Then I started to write my own sentences by 39. _(use) the grammar I was learning. It was amazing how much this w

24、orked. Now I am enjoying 40. _ (learn) English and I got an “A” this term.eitherhelpedsecretsdiscoverednotesusinglearning六、连词成句。六、连词成句。(10分分)41doing, I, it, kept, haveI have kept doing it42are, what, useful, habits, learningWhat learning habits are useful/What are useful learning habits?43will, sure, make great progress, Im, youIm sure you will make great progress44she, review notes, me, every day, told, toShe told me to review notes every day45the ability, is, to, everyone, learn, with, bornIs everyone born with the ability to learn?



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