1、音标音标音标音标 认识音标认识音标认识音标认识音标 元音音标元音音标元音音标元音音标 辅音音标辅音音标辅音音标辅音音标国国际音音标(International Phonetic Alphabet) 犹如我犹如我们得得汉语拼音,是拼音,是认字字识字的工字的工具。国具。国际音音标由国由国际语音音协会制定,会制定,它它标出了英出了英语语音用到的音用到的4848个音素,个音素,并且每个符号只并且每个符号只对应一个音素。一个音素。 元音元音(vowel) 共有20个,包括单元音12和双元音8。单元音: I: : : u: I D u e 双元音: eI aI I u au I e u 辅音(conson
2、ant) 共有28个,包括清辅音、浊辅音等。p t k f z t ts tr 清b d g v s 3d3 dz dr 浊r h m n l w j 其他五大发音秘诀1.长元音,要拉长,至少2秒钟;2.短元音,短促有力,收小腹;3.双元音,滑动饱满,嘴咧开,达到2秒钟;4.咬舌音,要咬舌;5.连读和略读。三最法练习As clearly as possibleAs loudly as possibleAs quickly as possible 最清晰 最大声 最快速一口气训练法一口气重复最多的遍数!天才就是重复次数最多的人i: 穿穿针引引线长衣音衣音pleasePlease speak En
3、glish with me. 元音元音 I I 短衣音短衣音Its not difficult to speak English.difficulti: and I I两只小蜜蜂呀 bi: bi: bi: b b b i: i: i:b i: bi:两只小粉猪呀两只小粉猪呀 pI Ig g pI Ig g pI Ig gp p p I I I I I I p I I pI Ig g 90度大嘴音度大嘴音 practicePractice makes perfect.e小开口小开口45度音度音everythingEverything is ready.: 卷舌音卷舌音重度卷舌音perfectHe
4、 speaks perfect English.轻度卷舌音rememberRemember to call your mother. 短短鹅音音togetherAmerica and China should always work together.: 大嘴啊音大嘴啊音charmingYou have a charming smile. 短啊音短啊音wonderfulMy mother is a wonderful teacher. :长嗷音长嗷音alwaysAlways say “please” and “thank you”.DbotherSorry to bother you.u: 长
5、乌音foodWhats your favorite food?My favorite is noodles. u 短乌音短乌音shouldYou should read as many books as passible.mistakeDont be afraid of making mistakes. eI I 嘴角咧到耳朵上嘴角咧到耳朵上 aI I 大嘴阿姨音大嘴阿姨音ChinaIs this your first time in China. I I 唇型由圆唇变为扁唇。enjoyI really enjoyed talking to you. Bye. u 舀水音舀水音hopeI ho
6、pe to see you again soon. au 鬼哭狼嚎音鬼哭狼嚎音outstandingYoure an outstanding teacher. I I 短衣卷舌音短衣卷舌音clearIts very impotant to have clear pronunciation. e 咧嘴卷舌音咧嘴卷舌音careWe should all care about the environment.u 短乌卷舌音短乌卷舌音sureIm sure you will enjoy it. 辅音p 气破双唇音impossibleNothing is impossible.b发浊音,振动声带发浊音,
7、振动声带.believeBelieve in yourself.t发清音,舌尖轻抵上齿龈,发清音,舌尖轻抵上齿龈,气流从中突出。气流从中突出。timeDon t waste time.d 发浊音,舌位同发浊音,舌位同t,但,但需振动声带。需振动声带。decide Let me know what you decide.k 发清音,嘴微张开,舌后部向发清音,嘴微张开,舌后部向软腭抬起,气流轻轻冲出。软腭抬起,气流轻轻冲出。keepKeep up the good work.g 发浊音,舌位同发浊音,舌位同k,但,但需振动声带。需振动声带。governmentOur government does
8、 a great job.f 咬唇音咬唇音feelI feel a little sick today.vleavewhen are you leaving? 咬舌音咬舌音babaththroomroomIneedtousetheIneedtousethebabaththroom.room. weatherAre you used to the weather here?s嘴微嘴微张,牙,牙齿稍稍分开,舌尖稍稍分开,舌尖轻抵上抵上齿龈,类似似汉语中的中的“思思”音。音。nervousDont be nervous about speaking English.z舌尖微触上舌尖微触上齿龈,用力将
9、气流冲出,短促,用力将气流冲出,短促,有力,震有力,震动声声带。businessDo you do a lot of business in China? r舌前部向上卷起至口腔上部,但不触舌前部向上卷起至口腔上部,但不触及,气流通及,气流通过口腔,口腔,发出声音出声音 terrificYou look terrific today. 老老“师”音音specialThis is a special local dish.3 射射“日日”音音pleapleas sureureItsapleaItsapleas suretobehereuretobeheretoday.today.ts 舌端贴住齿
10、龈,堵住气流;舌尖舌端贴住齿龈,堵住气流;舌尖略微下降略微下降.气流随之泄出;发音时,声气流随之泄出;发音时,声带不震动。带不震动。lots I have lots of friends from all over the world.dz舌端贴住齿龈,堵住气流,舌舌端贴住齿龈,堵住气流,舌尖略微下降,气流随之泄出;发音时,尖略微下降,气流随之泄出;发音时,声带震动。声带震动。wordsWords cant express how thankful I am.tr 邮邮“戳戳”音音troubleI dont want to trouble you.dr 课课“桌桌”音音drinkWhat wo
11、uld you like to drink?t 吃吃 changeChina is changing every day.d3 “知知”识识languageEnglish is an international language.h “喝喝”水音水音h helpelpLetmeLetmeh helpyou.elpyou.l舌尖轻触上齿龈,气流从舌面两舌尖轻触上齿龈,气流从舌面两侧送出侧送出. 1.blue 2.love 3.left 4. 5.flower 6.spell 7. hill 8. tell 9.help 10.till 1.Like father like son. 有其父必有其
12、子 2.Live and learn. 学无止境m双唇闭拢,气流从鼻腔送出。双唇闭拢,气流从鼻腔送出。 I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice-cream.n舌尖紧贴上齿龈,气流从鼻腔送舌尖紧贴上齿龈,气流从鼻腔送出出.numberCan you give me your telephone number? 舌后部向上抬起顶住软腭,气流舌后部向上抬起顶住软腭,气流从鼻腔送出。从鼻腔送出。 1.pink pik 2.drink drik 3.bring bri 4.thank k 5.English igliThe evening is still young.暮色初临 w 我,我,我我,我,我 w welcomeelcomeYoureYourew welcometojoinus.elcometojoinus.j 嘢,爷爷嘢,爷爷 yesterdayI arrived yesterday morning.